Everything He Risks

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by Thalia Frost

  Everything He Risks

  (Bookkeeper for the Billionaire #4)

  by Thalia Frost

  Copyright: 2012

  Editor: Em Petrova

  Cover Artist: Sexybookcovers.com

  “I'm fine. Quit worrying.” Rock Weldon waved a hand at me feebly, the look in his eyes fierce.

  “You just got shot. Of course I'm worried.”

  He grimaced. “I know. I guess I'll have to actually use bodyguards now. I'm not a fan of that.”

  I perched in a chair near the bed, afraid to go closer. It wouldn't do to have someone walk in on me half on top of my billionaire boss—even if we'd already spent a lot of our time alone that way.

  “Fan or not, yeah. Can we just go back to California where bullets aren't flying, at least not that I know of?” I glanced nervously toward the door, half expecting an assassin to walk through it any minute.

  “Hell, no. Too much to do, and this is the place to do it.” Rock ground the words out and flinched.

  “Are you in tons of pain?” I gripped the edge of the chair, wishing I could kiss him, smooth the sweaty hair back from his forehead.

  “Not really. The drugs are helping with that. It's just when I move my arm.” He sighed. “I think I'll be out of here in the morning, though. I hope to God, anyway. And then we're on with the original plan.”

  The man is out of his mind. Nothing seems to stop him, not even bullets.

  “Okay, if you say so, boss.” I winked, still so relieved that he was okay. I'd spent an hour in terror. His face had been so white when he'd passed out on the way to the hospital.

  “We will be. I mean it.”

  A knock sounded on the door, and I flinched.

  “It's okay, Lacey. There's a guard out there, you know. It's probably just the doctor coming to give me the final verdict for the night.” Rock smiled at me, and the expression went all the way to my toes.

  “I know.” I glanced at my watch. Exhaustion made my shoulders feel heavy. Between jetlag and the man I wanted more than anything in the world being shot, I was reeling.

  “Nothing is going to happen to you. I swear it. When he's done, I want you to go back to the villa and rest.” Rock's voice was laced with steel, as I'd heard it so many times before. “Come in.”

  The doctor obliged. “Mr. Weldon.”


  “I'm Dr. Vittorini. You've had a close call and lost a lot of blood. We want to keep you here overnight, but if all looks well, we'll let you out some time tomorrow.”

  “Good. I have things to do.” Rock didn't smile.

  “I understand, but your healing is my primary concern. The bullet went a bit deeper than a graze into your shoulder. It's out, but you did lose a lot of blood, and you need to be monitored. I also don't want you to overdo it once you get out of the hospital.” The doctor frowned.

  “I won't.” Rock gave him a tight smile.

  “I'm glad to hear it. The police are here to speak with you now.” The doctor turned and left the room without another word.

  “Great. Just what I wanted to do...talk to the polizia tonight.” Rock sighed and closed his eyes.

  “I can try to run them off.”

  He shook his head. “No, best to get it over with.”

  Curiosity rose inside of me. What is he going to tell them? Does he want them to know what's going on?

  My stomach roiled with nervousness.

  “I hate to say it, Lacey, but you need to go. They won't like me talking with you here.”

  I rose, my legs shaky. “What are you going to tell them?” I bit my lip, hoping I hadn't crossed a line by asking. Rock could be mercurial, and though he'd let me into his world, I wasn't sure how far he wanted to go with that trust.

  “Nothing. That it was random.” He stared at me.

  “Are you serious?” My voice grew shrill.

  “Shh. They're coming. I need to handle this my way. I'm not involving police unless and until I have to. It's always worked for me before, Lacey. I don't leave important matters to other people.”

  “I see.”

  “I'll be home tomorrow some time. Wait for me there. For now, you'll find your bodyguard, George, waiting outside for you. Luigi will take you back to the villa. Please stay put there for tonight. I need to be sure you're safe.” His gaze burned into mine. “Oh, and Lacey?”

  “Yeah?” I hovered near his bed.

  “Sorry I didn't get to see how you liked the vibrating panties.”

  I flushed to my feet and squirmed. “Did you lose the remote?”

  “The nurse has it. She had no idea what it was. It's with my personal effects. I'll hang on to it and test it out later.” He gave me a wicked wink.

  I swallowed hard, wanting to touch him. The door creaked open.

  “Um, okay. Bye.” I don't know if I kept the tremor from my voice. Instead of crying, I pivoted away in what I hoped was a professional move.

  The polizzia strode in, two hard-faced men. They threw a question toward Rock.

  “She's leaving. Ms. Pate is my bookkeeper and assistant.” I froze and turned around slowly to face them. They stood over Rock, but he wasn't diminished at all by them. He still looked fierce, even with a gunshot wound.

  One of the men cast a derisive glance in my direction and rattled off more questions.

  “Not tonight.” Rock's voice left no room for argument, not even from the law of the city. “Lacey.”

  My name on his lips stopped me. “Yes, Mr. Weldon?” I went for a neutral tone.

  “These gentlemen will be by to question you in the morning at the villa.” He pursed his lips, and I knew what was expected of me.

  “I'll be there.” I gave him a slow nod.

  Your secret is safe with me. I just hope it doesn't get us killed.

  * * * *

  I made it back to the villa without incident. My bodyguard George was a huge hulk of an Italian man. He sat in the front seat with Luigi. I sighed and worried the whole way there, despite the lights and beauty of Venice by night. The canal shimmered under the moon, and the thought of the ride I was supposed to take with Rock on it made my heart ache.

  “There will be time. Please God. Let there be.” I let tears flow now that Rock wasn't there to see. I felt I had to be strong with him, but for a few moments after he'd been shot, I wasn't sure if he would live or die. I'd never been in such a black place mentally.

  “Because I'm in love with him,” I whispered as I climbed the stairs to my bedroom. All was quiet in the house, and trays waited for me on a bedside table.

  In spite of my worry and fear, I dove into the steaming pasta with clams, tart salad, and warm buttered garlic bread. When had I last felt so cared for?

  My thoughts turned to the caller who had warned me about Rock. Who was it? Could the person have been the same who had shot Rock?

  I shivered as I undressed in the warmth of the evening and slid between silken sheets. Exhaustion claimed me despite my head spinning with longing for Rock.

  Please come back to me tomorrow...

  * * * *

  I awoke in the dead of night, unsure about why. Everything flooded back to me. George slept downstairs, and the house was alarmed.

  “Rock,” I whispered, his name like a prayer.

  Then I realized what had woken me. A shadow shifted from the corner, and I started to scream.

  “I wouldn't do that if I were you,” a distorted voice said. A lithe figure came toward me, and I pushed back a yelp at the hideous Satan mask he wore.

  “Get out now.” I pulled the sheet around me.

  “I don't think so.”

  “How did you get in here?”

  The man laughed, and the sound sent a chill through me. “You don'
t need to know that, Ms. Pate. All you need to remember is that if you go through with whatever plan your beloved Rock has for you, you're going to die.”

  “I'm not afraid of you.” I forced courage into my words.

  “You should be.” The masked figure tipped his head and walked a step closer. Fear sizzled through my veins as I spotted a knife in his hands.

  “Did you shoot Rock?”

  The man laughed softly. “I don't need to. Rock Weldon is hated by many, Ms. Pate. You just don't know that yet, obviously. He's not a good man.”

  The words coiled inside me like a snake, ready to strike.

  “I don't believe you.”

  He shrugged. “Your choice.” He paused. “Call me Lucifer if you please.”

  I gaped at him.

  “I insist.” The words were harsh.

  “Okay. Lucifer.” I closed my eyes, wishing the nightmare would end.

  “I do see what he likes about you, Ms. Pate.” His voice wound around me, sinuous and ugly.

  I said nothing as he came closer. I knew he was raking me with his gaze.

  “I'll come back and spend some more time with you later...if you force the issue.”

  “Leave now.”

  “As you wish. Don't forget our chat.”

  Before I could say anything else, the man who called himself Lucifer bolted toward the window and shimmied out.

  I sat for a beat, stunned and unsure what to do. Recovering my senses, I grabbed my purse from the floor and rifled through it. When I found my cell phone, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Then I growled at my stupidity. Rock wouldn't be picking this up now. I dialed the number anyway that he'd included in the folder I'd reviewed last night.

  “This is Mr. Weldon's answering service.”

  I hung up without another word. That would be no help.

  Who was the man who had climbed into my window, and how had he gotten inside?

  A quick check of the window made sure it was secure before I slid between the silken sheets. I'd have to deal with it tomorrow, and at least alert the servants to be on their guard.

  Oh, Rock. Why can't you let the police deal with this?

  * * * *

  Loud knocking on the door woke me up too early. I rubbed my eyes and groaned, wanting to dive back under the covers as I thought of Rock in the hospital and Lucifer in my room the night before.

  “Who is it?” But I knew very well who it was. The police.

  Alphonse, Rock's trusted servant, spoke. “The police are here to question you, Signorina.”

  I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment, wishing Rock was there.

  But he's in the hospital, recovering from the bullet some lunatic put in his shoulder.

  “Please give me a moment. I just woke up.” I stood, tension crackling through me. Then I sprang into action, throwing on a demure sundress with cap sleeves. I perched in a chair at the table where Rock and I had sat a couple nights ago. A lump rose in my throat. “All right. I'm dressed now.”

  The same two officers I'd seen in Rock's room the night before strode in, their mouths in firm lines. I motioned for them to sit down at the table or in a chair nearby.

  “Hello, Ms. Pate.” The tall officer flashed a fake smile in my direction. “I'm Officer Lioni, and this is my partner, Officer Castrono.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  What a joke.

  “We just have a few questions. We don't want to inconvenience you, but it's very important to us to uncover the perpetrator of the crime against Mr. Weldon. We have very few shootings in our country, let alone in Venice.” Officer Lioni's frown deepened.

  “Of course. I'll help in any way I can.” I tried not to show my nervousness and put on a fake smile.

  “What happened yesterday?”

  I took a deep breath and recounted the brief story. “And then, I heard something, like a quiet ping. When I looked at Rock, blood was blossoming on his shirt.” I stopped, my stomach fluttering at the horrible memory.

  “All right. Did you see anyone suspicious in the crowd?” Officer Castrono leaned forward, his stare intent. Unlike the stereotypical version of the handsome Italian guy, Castrono's blond hair curled around the nape of his neck, and wide, hazel eyes seemed to miss nothing.

  I shrugged. “Honestly, no. People were running and shouting once it happened.” I wrung my hands, feeling helpless to give him anything he could use.

  “I see. Ms. Pate, how long have you been, er, employed with Mr. Weldon?” Officer Lioni had a glint in his eye that I didn't like.

  “Almost a week.” My voice was hard, and I didn't care. “He hired me because he needed a bookkeeper before he went to Venice.” I ad-libbed the explanation.

  “Ah, right.” The man gave me a slow smile I didn't like. “In that short time, Ms. Pate, did Rock Weldon confide in you about any enemies he might have had?”

  I shook my head. “Absolutely not.”

  “All right. Did you notice anyone reacting to him harshly?”

  “No. I haven't known him long enough to.” I clasped my hands in my lap, my nerves on edge.

  What do they know or suspect about Rock?

  The thought of telling them about Lucifer, the man who'd come through the window, flitted through my head.

  No way. Rock would want to handle it or have his people do that. And he will.

  Even though he was lying in a hospital bed, I still trusted that he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

  But maybe I'm a fool.

  “Ms. Pate?” Officer Lioni leaned closer.

  “Sorry. I'm just...overwhelmed.” I put a hand to my forehead, hoping my ruse would work. I'd been totally lost in thought about things I didn't want him to know.

  “Of course you are.” He and his partner stood. “If you think of anything else, let me know. Here's my card.” Lioni handed it to me, and I nodded.

  “I will.”

  “Oh, and Ms. Pate?” Castrono halted at the door, turning.


  “Be careful. Rock Weldon has many enemies. Most deservedly.” Without another word, he and his partner exited.

  I sat down heavily. “Wow.” My hands were really shaking.

  The detective doesn't like him, most deservedly.

  I sighed and stood, pacing. Was the Rock I knew the real one? Doubts flooded my mind.

  “It's too late. I'm already in love with him.” I squared my shoulders and gazed into the standing mirror in one corner. “And I'm going to see him through this. I know he's a good man. I just know he is. In my gut.” I smiled at myself, feeling a bit better in spite of my nerves.

  I shimmied out of the hastily-chosen sundress and changed into lacy black lingerie and a matching pantsuit that showed just the right amount of cleavage. Then I spent some time in front of the mirror. I had never considered myself vain, but putting on makeup could be very soothing. On my second coat of mascara, Rock's voice cut through the room.

  “I'm home, Lacey.”

  I sucked in a breath, lust and relief flooding through me in nearly equal measure. “I'm coming.” I ran to the door and threw it open.

  He stood there, leaning against the jamb, clothing askew. A bandage on his arm showed clearly through his shirt. His face moved in shadowed planes, his lips a thin white line.

  “You should be in bed.”

  He winked. “I have every plan to be. The doctor told me to rest up. I said I would but that we were still getting engaged tonight in a very public way.”

  I led him in to the room, wanting to kiss him all over. “Lie down. Let's talk.”

  He did as I asked, and my heart squeezed as he unfolded on the bed with a sigh as weary as a young child's after a tough day. “Can you help me with my shirt?”

  “My pleasure,” I whispered, swallowing hard. I was wet, and this man was totally vulnerable and weak.

  He makes me crazy.

  I sat beside him and helped him sit up again.

  He moaned as I worked the s
hirt over his head. “I need buttons from here on out only.”

  “For sure.” I smiled as the shirt came off, showing his sculpted chest. I threw the top aside and ran my fingers down his pecs. “Thank God you're all right.” My voice shook with emotion, and I didn't try to hide it.

  “It wasn't my time, but I'm going to find out what bastard did this.” Rock frowned, catching my hand in his right one, the side that was undamaged.

  His gaze held mine, and I couldn't breathe for a moment.

  “This is all my fault, Lacey. I'm so sorry about all of this.” His words were a caress.

  “Don't beat yourself up. You just got shot.”

  “Look at me. Why did you do that...flick your eyes away?”

  My God. How can he read me so well? Part of being a CEO of a company maybe.

  “I don't know how to say it.”

  “What? Tell me now. I need to know what's going on. It's important. Someone's trying to kill me. Has anyone hurt you?” His grip on my wrist tightened, and I winced.


  He brushed my hair behind my ear. “Good. So what is it?”

  I made a decision then and there not to tell him about the phone call. I trusted him, but something held me back. I needed that little secret to myself, just in case all of this fell through and Rock wasn't the man I thought he was.

  “Lacey? Tell me.”

  I moved to unzip his pants, and he inhaled sharply. “Just getting you undressed and comfortable like you asked. Do you want to go to your bedroom, or are you going to stay here with me while you nap?” I batted my eyelashes at him.

  “Here is fine. Spill it.” His gaze on me never wavered.

  “Okay. Don't get mad that I didn't tell anyone till now.” I took a deep breath, still unable to meet his eyes.

  “I can't promise that if it's something that will hurt you...or us. I have a quick temper with some things. My father's legacy.” His mouth tightened.

  What did he do to you?

  I helped him stand as his pants slid to the floor. Just the sight of him in black briefs that hugged all the right places made my mouth dry.

  It's not right to take advantage of a wounded man.

  “Sit down first.”

  He did so with a long sigh and a wince. “I'm sitting.” Rock raised an eyebrow, and I wanted to jump him.


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