The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2) Page 6

by T. A. Uner

  More plebeians.

  He forced the unpleasant image of his father from his thoughts and pushed past them. After reaching the far side of the quay, he saw a string of taverns clustered together.

  Perhaps some alcohol will raise my spirits.

  He shuffled over to one called the Jaded Serpent. When he walked through the door, he slumped down in a stool and looked over the bar. An obese bartender with hair growing from his ears stared at him and smiled, while in the background Norbanus heard a flute playing.

  “Haven’t seen you here before stranger. What type of happiness can I offer you today?”

  “Excuse me?” Norbanus said.

  “Aye, you’re definitely not from around here. I said ‘happiness.’ ‘What type of happiness can I offer you today?’ Women? Opium? Alcohol? We have it all. Take your pick, friend.”

  A woman would be nice. But right now I couldn’t afford to pay for sex with a pygmy.

  “Mead. Cold,” Norbanus replied.

  “Mead? You look too refined for that sort of drink. Perhaps wine is more to your liking. We have many fine assorted wines here and–”

  Norbanus grabbed the bartender by the front of his apron and stared into the man’s frightened eyes. “I asked for a mug of fucking mead.”

  “Alright! Alright! Mead it is,” the bartender said. Norbanus released his hold on the bartender, who quickly brought back a frosty mug of mead. “Here! This is as cold as I’ve got!” he said.

  Norbanus tossed a few bronze coins on the counter but the bartender pushed them back.

  “No payment is necessary,” he said nervously, “compliments of my establishment.”

  While Norbanus drank his mead the flute playing stopped. “He’ssss scared of you,” said a voice. It sounded like a snake hissing into his ear.

  Norbanus put his mug down and looked over toward the wall next to the bar. There sat an olive-skinned old man wearing a twisted black sheet wrapped around his head. He smiled at Norbanus. In front of the flute player sat a large woven basket. A silver snake stood still inside it and watched Norbanus intently.

  “Get back to your flute playing, Afaa,” the bartender said angrily, “I don’t pay you to talk to the customers.”

  Afaa sniggered and resumed playing his flute. The snake began to move left and right. Norbanus enjoyed watching its movements as he sipped his mead, while Afaa focused his eyes on the snake.

  “If you’ve got any sense, you’ll stay away from the snake charmer,” the bartender whispered to Norbanus. “A strange one he is. Some people around here say he used to be in some dark cult.”

  Norbanus wiped his mouth. “Then why did you hire him?”

  The bartender smiled sheepishly. “Because he’s a good musician.”

  The door to the tavern burst open and three men walked in. The largest of the three was laughing as he and his two friends planted themselves around a table. The large man, a broad-shouldered, thick-nosed mountain, slammed his fist on the table. “Onus! How about some mead for three of your best customers?”

  “Loudest customers is more like it,” Onus replied. He poured three cups of mead and shuffled off to the table.

  “That’s more like it!” The large man said as he and his two friends began to slurp down their drinks. “And keep the mead coming!”

  Norbanus stared at the three men with disgust. The large man noticed and yelled: “What are you staring at princess?” Norbanus resumed his drinking. The last thing he needed was a fight.

  The flute began to play louder. Afaa was a talented musician. Even though Norbanus was tired from his journey, the flute raised his morale. He looked at Afaa whose eyes returned his gaze. The snake charmer’s eyes looked crimson, almost red.

  “I’m pleased you like my music, Norbanussss!”A voice in his head said. It sounded like Afaa’s.

  How can this be?

  The large man at the table began to bang on the table again. “More mead, Onus!!! And tell your darkie flute player to shut up! Me and my mates are trying to talk here!!!”

  Onus shuffled off with three more mugs of mead. A worried look on his face, while Afaa continued playing his flute. Moments later the large man stood up and walked over toward Afaa.


  Afaa’s eyes shifted away from his snake as they turned toward the brute. He stopped playing and put his flute down. “My name is Afaa. Not ‘flute player,’” he said.

  “I don’t give a fuck if you’re Caligula himself. Quit your playing or I’ll stick that flute up your arse!”

  Norbanus sipped his mead. Damn! He cursed his luck. He didn’t want to get involved in the scuffle. But the large man reminded him too much of his cursed father. Loud, drunk, and bullying. Besides, he didn’t like the idea of Afaa standing alone.

  “Step away from that snake charmer, shitworm,” Norbanus said after he downed his mead and drew his sword. The large man turned around and stared at Norbanus through disbelieving eyes.

  “You talking to me princess?”

  Norbanus scowled. “I won’t ask you again.”

  The large man laughed and turned towards his friends. “Lookee here. Princess has a pair of acorns between his legs. Let’s say we cut them off and shove them down his throat! Ehhboys?”

  The bartender was protesting loudly but the large man’s two friends drew their daggers and advanced on Norbanus.

  Norbanus felt a surge of Vigor inside his body. Like the time he cut off Marta and Delfius’s head when Eliana had defied him. He saw the large man’s fist come straight at him which he easily sidestepped. Afaa hissed and said something to his snake. The creature’s eyes glowed red and it wrapped itself around the large man’s leg. Then Norbanus slashed at the large man’s friends with his sword.

  Yes! I can feel that fire within me!

  He was focused on his opponents while in the background he could hear the snake’s hissing and the large man’s curses. Norbanus advanced upon the first of the large man’s friends, a bald bull-like ruffian with a scar across his top lip, and slashed a cut across the bull’s tunic, sending him reeling backwards. Norbanus felt a blade graze the side of his arm. When he lifted it and saw blood dripping from his arm.

  Emotion! Yessss! Use it Norbanus! It shall be your ally!

  Afaa’s voice was inside his head again, stirring his emotions. Making him stronger. Feeding off his anger, Norbanus used the back of his hand to swat away the other man, a scarred, stocky runt with a thin beard and vicious eyes.

  As blood continued to drip from his wound, Norbanus moved on the fallen runt and thrust his sword through his chest. Blood welled up in runt’s mouth. Norbanus chuckled. And when he did he heard Afaa’s laughter inside his head too. Grabbing the man’s throat, Norbanus pulled the sword out of his victim’s chest. The man stared as his skewered heart was pulled from his innards before collapsing at Norbanus’s feet. He turned toward the bull who produced a dart and hurled it at him. Norbanus plucked it from the air. Despite feeling a sharp sting in his palm, he brought his sword down upon the bull’s head, splitting his skull in two as the man's brains leaked out of his ears.

  Norbanus looked at his palm. The dart had punctured his skin and he cursed as a sticky, green fluid dripped from his fingers. He wiped his hand on his tunic and turned around. The silver snake had grown and entangled the large man’s limbs, who was squirming on the ground, trying to rid himself of the creature’s hold.

  “Next time you should show some respect when addressing me!” Afaa said as he stood over him.

  Norbanus eyed the large man, whose eyes had turned white. Gasping, he reached out to Norbanus, while the snake’s tail tightened around his arm. “Heeelp! Meee!” he pleaded.

  “I believe you were going to shove my acorns into my mouth,” Norbanus said to the large man.

  Afaa Smiled in the background. Yessss!!!! Yessss!!!! Norbanussss!!!!

  The snake retracted itself from the man’s body before Norbanus sliced off a chunk of the man’s gro
in. He picked it up while blood drowned his boots in blood. “Open your mouth!!!” Norbanus ordered. The man was screaming in pain. Norbanus grabbed the man’s throat and squeezed hard before stuffing the bloody groin into the man’s mouth.

  Afaa’s snake shrank to its original size before slithering back into the basket.

  “Come! Come! Norbanussss!” Afaa said. “We must leave before the authorities arrive!”

  Norbanus watched as the large man squirmed like a maggot on the bloody floor of the tavern. The barkeep was nowhere to be seen. No doubt off to locate the local vigils. Afaa grabbed his basket and tossed his flute inside it. “Come!!!” he repeated. Norbanus sheathed his sword, grabbed his belongings and followed the Snake Charmer through the streets of Tunis. They passed rows of stalls where merchants and people stared at them. Despite his age, Afaa was spry and Norbanus remembered what the bartender had told him earlier about the snake charmer.

  Perhaps this man is the powerful ally I seek, he thought. But first he needed to get to safety.

  In the background Norbanus could hear the sounds of a whistle. No doubt the authorities had been alerted. Basket in hand, Afaa stopped and made a sharp left turn into an alley lined by two small apartment buildings. Norbanus’s pulse beat against his skin right under his jaw line as he struggled to keep up with Afaa, who dodged a beggar blocking their path. A few moments later the snake charmer had disappeared. Norbanus stopped to catch his breath.

  Godsdamn. Abandoned. Again!


  Norbanus drew his sword. His pulse slowed. He swiveled his head to the right where he saw a bony hand through a half-open door. Its fingers beckoning him to follow.

  Norbanus! Come! Yet again, Afaa’s voice was inside his head. Guiding him. Norbanus grabbed his backpack and ran to the door. He pushed it inwards and saw a set of cracked stairs leading down into a triangle of darkness which Afaa disappeared through. Norbanus felt his body shiver. How that was possible in the searing heat of the North African climate, he did not know. He closed the door and trudged down the stairs. Moments later he heard the sound of a woman yelling, “They went down this alley!”

  Norbanus quickened his pace and soon darkness enveloped him.

  Hurry! Hurry! Afaa’svoice urged him.

  Not being able to see his surroundings, Norbanus missed a step and felt his knees buckle under him. When he landed he heard a snapping sound and his ankle seared with pain.

  Clumsy! Clumsy! Norbanussss! Afaa’s voice chided him.

  Norbanus could hear noises from above as footsteps thundered above them. A cold hand wrapped around his arm and dragged him. Afaa was pulling him, basket under his other arm. Soon they descended another set of steps, before stopping in front of another door. The door creaked open and Norbanus found himself in a secluded room. Afaa and led Norbanus through a beaded door curtain.

  “My home!” the snake charmer said, “sit!”

  Norbanus dropped his backpack and slumped onto a triclinium. He studied his surroundings. It resembled a tea room his father had taken him to once when he was a boy.

  The rumble of steps grew closer, Norbanus drew his sword.

  “No need for that weapon,” Afaa said. “They will never find us.”

  The steps thundered past Afaa’s home and disappeared.

  How did they not see us?

  Afaa shuffled over toward a kitchen and placed his basket on the counter. He then began brewing something in a pot. It smelled sweet. He poured it in a cup and brought it over to Norbanus. “Here drink thissss.” Norbanus took the small cup as green fumes rose from the drink. It was a bit warm to be drinking something hot in this climate but Norbanus did not wish to insult his host.

  “What is this?”

  “Reptor. It will give you Vigor!”

  Norbanus took a sip. The hot liquid burned the inside of his mouth and warmed his chest as it eased itself into his stomach. He finished the drink and felt refreshed, despite its overly-sweet taste.

  “Now let me see that ankle.”

  Afaa’s bony hands inspected Norbanus’s leg before removing his boot and sock. A small violet bruise ringed his ankle. “Easily healable.”

  The Snake Charmer began muttering a series of incomprehensible words. He watched as Afaa rubbed his ankle and felt a chill spike through his foot before it began heating up. A few moments later the sharp pain in his ankle had dissipated.

  “How did the Vigiles not find us?” Norbanus asked as he rubbed his foot. He stood up and tested it by putting weight on it. “The door to your abode was right in their path.”

  “The Conturbo spell hassss its benefits, Norbanussss.”


  “I can teach it to you if you wish,” Afaa said. “But I would ask for a favor in return.”

  Of course, nothing in life comes without a price. “What is your price Afaa?”

  The snake charmer smiled. “We can discussss that later. But first let me show you something.” Afaa shuffled over to a desk and pulled open a drawer. Inside he retrieved a thick scroll rolled up in two sticks. He handed it to Norbanus.

  “What is this?” Norbanus asked.

  “A document of great power…open it.”

  Norbanus unrolled the scroll and stared at some strange writing written at the top of it. Underneath the writing was a strange symbol he had never seen before.

  He pointed at the symbol and Afaa smiled. “What does this symbol mean?”

  “An ancient symbol of good fortune, adopted by my old cause. “It is called a Swastika. It was once a much feared symbol to the enemies of The Five. Before the Air Paladinssss…before the setback.”

  Air Paladins? Norbanus thought. They had disappeared years ago. After Augustus defeated them in the last Stand. Not much was known about them other than that, apart from fables. But these days it was considered sacrilege to speak of anything associated with magic.

  “My tutors taught me that the Air Paladins were only a myth.”

  Afaa’s olive-skinned face scowled. “No. Unfortunately they did exist. They were unrelenting. They murdered my friendssss. Destroyed everything I held dear.”

  “I don’t know how this is going to help me learn this power you speak of.”

  “You must know some history about this power before you begin your lessons. You must trust what I say, or else you cannot succeed.”

  Norbanus scratched his head.

  “Long ago. Before the Serpent Wars, a group of five Elders broke away from the Council that governed the Air Paladinssss.” Norbanus opened his mouth to speak, but Afaa raised a bony finger. “They believed the key to a balanced existence was the union of magic with emotion. The Council did not believe this and thussss began the rift between them and The Five.”

  Afaa poured another cup of Reptor for Norbanus, who was anxious to learn more about his new friend’s past.

  The old Snake Charmer continued his tale. “But The Council of Elders sought to end their movement and persecuted The Five. Thus the Serpent Warssss began.” Norbanus watched as Afaa stood up and disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with a clay tea pot and poured two more cups of Reptor before reseating himself. “The Five created a new form of magic called Serpent Eye, the study of emotion-based conjury, the secret of my power. Once, I was a loyal servant to The Five; I was a Cultist.”

  Afaa paused and took a sip of Reptor before continuing. “After the Serpent Warssss began, I found myself thrust into a major struggle against the Air Paladinssss.”

  “I never knew this,” Norbanus said. He sipped more Reptor from his cup and was quickly developing a taste for the strange new drink.

  Afaa smiled and his grey eyes simmered with a frightful red hue. “Of course not! After The Five, or ‘The Eye’ as the Paladins called them, were destroyed, the Paladinssss sought to eliminate any evidence of The Five’s teachingssss. They sought out Cultistssss who practiced Serpent Eye and murdered them.”

  A small brown serpent slithered across a l
arge woven carpet and perched atop Afaa’s headdress. The snake charmer smiled as the serpent’s tiny pink tongue darted in and out of its mouth. “Norbanus, the key to mastering Serpent Eye is mastering your emotions and using them to gain Vigor in your life. I have sensed powerful feelings in you. You have…Gift.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will. But for now you must believe me when I say how special you are. You have been blessed with immeasurable Gift.”

  “I don’t feel blessed,” Norbanus interjected, “the past few weeks have been miserable for me. And… I haven’t felt the same.”

  Afaa’s eyes narrowed. “Hmmmm. I must have your thoughts. Will you allow me to touch your mind?”

  “I suppose,” Norbanus said, eying the old snake charmer suspiciously.

  Afaa grinned and leaned in closer to Norbanus. He extended his fingers and for the first time Norbanus saw that the old man’s nails were black, sharp. He felt Afaa’s cold fingers dance across his temple and he closed his eyes. Thoughts from his recent past surged forward. He saw himself at his desk, speaking with Centurion Decimus right before he ordered him to pursue the Leopard King. Then, the image of the tree creature along the Via Appia appeared, and he felt its tight grip as the Leopard King questioned him about Paullus Gabinius.

  “I see you have been the victim of Elemence. How cruel. Yes, Yes. Of course. It was normal of you to fear the powers of Gift. But you had no teacher to instruct you on its proper use. Then your ingestion of alcohol only made things worse. Poor boy. Poor, poor Norbanussss.”

  Norbanus opened his lips to speak, but Afaa cut him off. “You shall be my new student Norbanus. I sense great potential in you.”

  Afaa’s retracted his fingers and Norbanus opened his eyes. He had found the powerful ally he sought, and was quite pleased with himself. “Very well, Afaa, I shall follow your learnings.”


  “The first rule of sword fighting is…don’t get killed!”

  Tullus smiled at Caltus as the boy gripped Cutter and slashed a cut in the air. Tullus wondered if the boy had ever held a sword before, let alone challenged an opponent in a mock sword fight.


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