The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2) Page 23

by T. A. Uner

  Hradack shook his head. “No. He will not leave this stead! I forbid it!”


  Celestra searched for Mithras. He had gone missing again and she wanted to spend more time with him. While she hated being apart from Tullus for long periods of time, she found Mithras interesting and her heart pounded when the Jaguar was near.

  She had never met a Jaguar before Mithras. Celestra first didn’t believe that he was a different breed of creature than she was. Jaguars looked so much like Leopards.

  She strolled by a creek. The ice had melted from the surface as the water flowed peacefully. It calmed Celestra.

  She heard a low growl.

  Her eyes scanned the woodlands around her. It sounded like Mithras, but where was he? Maybe he had cast a spell and was hiding from her.

  She sniffed the air and picked up his scent, mixed within the smell of dried leaves, before climbing a tree. She rested on the branch and scanned the ground for any activity. She saw some foliage move. Mithras. She carefully planned her next move.

  She exhaled and leapt from her branch. She crashed into the foliage as a loud growl exploded from the bush. Mithras materialized and growled at her. She had found him.

  He eyed her and growled again. She growled and arched her back before taking off.

  Catch me if you can Mithras, she teased.

  At first there was no sign of pursuit. Then she heard him. He bounded after her. She picked up her pace. Dodging foliage left and right, she felt him on her heels while the lush green world streaked past her.

  She emerged from the woodland and found an earth causeway stretched over a shallow river. She nimbly forded it, Mithras right behind her. He caught up to her right before she had made it to the other riverbank. She twisted her head around. Mithras leaped at her and his body collided with hers. Celestra lost her footing and fell before the shallow water broke her fall. Her back impacting against the pebbled river floor. Mithras right on top of her.

  They splashed about in the cold water mirthfully. Mithras’ Vigor was impressive but hers was too and she escaped his grip before wading out of the water. After reaching the riverbank she shook herself dry as Mithras padded after her. He growled. She growled back at him and stared. His thick spotted coat was drenched and following her example he shook himself dry before approaching Celestra. He circled the Leopardess and she him before taking off into the woods. The combination of her damp fur and the cool spring air was refreshing as she shook the last remnants of fatigue from her system. Celestra heard Mithras behind her again as she penetrated deeper into the forest.

  She stopped under a large tree to catch her breath before she heard a loud screech above her. Her acute vision easily spotted a golden eagle with starry eyes watching her.


  She growled at him and dug her claws into the tree as she attempted to climb it. Mithras watched her from below and growled at her twice before resting on his haunches.

  The climb presented a challenge to Celestra. She had never climbed a tree of this height. But there was always the satisfaction of accomplishing a worthy feat, and she endeavored to complete this one. Celestra twisted her head to cast a look at the forest ground. She could still make out Mithras resting at the foot of the tree. She could see his powerful chest expand and retract as he breathed.

  Aurumax screeched again and she turned her attention towards her goal. After passing a squirrel’s nest she continued her climb. Her body slowly began to tire as she relentlessly pursued her objective to reach Aurumax, who was sitting on a branch far above her. But Celestra pressed on. She could’ve used the Fuga spell to make it to Aurumax sooner, but this way she could test her endurance, she wanted to see how she could cope at great heights.

  A raven flew past her head and squawked at her. Celestra growled back and the raven flew off. She sighed and dug her claws into the tree’s surface, feeling the dry wood between her claws. But the raven returned. This time with four others they skirted past Celestra cawing and pricking her with their talons. She growled even louder but as soon as she chased them off they returned in greater numbers. She felt some evil at work here. She found a branch and tested it under her weight. The branch slowly buckled under her weight. No. This was not the place to make her stand. When she looked up again Aurumax was gone.

  Where did he go? She thought. Moments later, a black talon sliced by her face.

  She wanted to use Furtim but her weary limbs were desiccated of Vigor. And if she did use the spell, she might not have enough Vigor to return to Mithras. She looked down at him. The detail of his spots gone he was only a dark gold spot beneath her. The ravens pressed their attack.

  What was this? She had climbed many trees and no raven had ever assailed her before.

  One raven landed on her back and pecked at her rosette-laden coat. She flexed her muscles and shook it off. Seeing their comrade detached from her, its friends returned. Now all the ravens were battering her with their beaks and talons. She had no choice.


  Instantly the protective shield formed around her. The ravens bounced off her one by one. She twisted her head around and aimed at two ravens making a dive at her head. Invado! Two green Vigor beams streaked from her eyes and vaporized the attacking ravens. The other ravens, sensing something had gone wrong, retreated.

  Aurumax appeared. He materialized behind Celestra before casting Ballista, firing off a volley of green energy projectiles at the surviving ravens. Two exploded into feathers and blood as Aurumax announced his presence. One raven attempted to make a suicide dive toward the great eagle, but Aurumax expertly dodged it and grasped its wings with his talons, before tearing off the raven’s head with his large beak. He dropped the lifeless body, and it fell to the ground, a streak of black blood and feathers trailing it.

  With the raven threat vanquished, Aurumax returned to Celestra. She growled her thanks to him but the branch she stood on cracked. Her head slammed against the hard surface of the tree and she tumbled to the ground. Aurumax, seeing this, flew after her. Celestra felt the world spinning around her as she fell. As she streaked toward the forest floor her thoughts turned to Tullus. Her head was spinning from her drop and she found herself drifting between states of unconsciousness and pain. The throbbing in her head made it difficult to focus on an Elemence spell, one that could halt her freefall. She tried casting the Impedio spell on herself to halt her drop.

  She felt something rough grab her. It plucked her from the devastating trajectory threatening to end her life. The rough surface grasped her firmly and for an instant she felt like a cub again, her mother carrying her from the nape of her neck.

  She realized what had saved her were two sturdy hands. And as her disoriented state dissipated she found herself staring into the eyes of a strange creature. Its solemn grey eyes stared at her from a face where the line of a mouth was flanked by stone cheeks. It placed Celestra on the ground then turned toward Mithras. The Jaguar nodded and the Rock Elementus lumbered off before transforming itself back into its original rock state.

  The Saxum Spell! Hradack had shown it to her once while training Tullus. She had glanced at the incantation briefly but had not been able to practice it. She padded toward Mithras and licked his face. The Jaguar emitted a proud grunt and returned the favor while Aurumax, satisfied that Celestra was out of danger, flew off in a southeasterly direction toward Hradack’s stead.

  Fourteen/ Quattuordecim

  Serpentus went looking for a woman.

  After stripping off his Serpent armor he left the rental cottage he and Afaa shared. Spikeskull had told him about a brothel in town. His new steed, Shadowstar, cantered through the small village where they found themselves. He felt naked without his armor. It had been a part of him since shortly after his rebirth as Serpentus. He never felt exposed when he wore it. Norbanus was a shell of a man compared to Serpentus.

  But he was still human. And his body still craved pleasures of the flesh. It was something that Afa
a had warned him against since it was sometimes accompanied by feelings like love and compassion. Weaknesses he would be better without. But Serpentus was not about to let his newfound powers dissipate. He would use what he had learned to teach the Leopard King a lesson. Then he would pursue his dream of conquering the Roman Empire.

  He pulled up to the brothel and an attendant tried to take Shadowstar’s reins from him. When the fearsome black horse resisted the attendant shied away from further contact. Not wishing to have his forehead shattered by Shadowstar’s front hooves.

  “I’ll hobble him,” Serpentus said before he entered the brothel.

  Inside was dark. The anteroom was empty except for a middle-aged woman with olive skin who fanned herself. This was most likely the lena who ran the establishment. Upon seeing Serpentus she sprung up from her spot like a frog and smiled at him.

  “Welcome, stranger,” she said. “Can I help you?”

  Not you of course but someone more to my liking.

  Serpentus nodded. “I’m looking for female companionship.”

  The woman giggled.

  What was so funny?

  “Did I say something humorous?” he asked.

  She laughed again. Serpentus did not like laughter, unless it was his.

  “It’s only your expression, Sir,” she replied, assuming a more professional tone. “Is there a specific type of woman you’re looking for?”

  Not really. Only someone with whom I can wet my cock. “What choices do I have?”

  “We have: Romans, Greeks, Dacians, Thracians, Africans, Easterners; some from Britannia, and a few others from other parts of the world,” she answered. “I also have some with limbs missing if you’re into that sort of thing.”

  Hardly. He liked his women with ten fingers and toes. “Bring me a young one; but not too young,” he told her. “And some wine.”

  The lena nodded and disappeared through a beaded curtain. Moments later a young girl appeared with a tray carrying a flagon of wine and a goblet. Serpentus took the flagon and downed its contents while the girl shot him a surprised look.

  “I’m quite thirsty,” he said before taking another pull. She disappeared as the lena returned.

  “Your woman and your room are ready, Sir,” she told him.

  Serpentus followed her through the beaded curtain still carrying the flagon with him. They passed a few rooms without doors where groups of men and women were fornicating. It looked amusing, perhaps he would try that sometime.

  After turning left at a junction they passed another room, this one had a door, before the lena stopped in front of another door. After opening it he found himself in a private room. Although not as ornate as some of the other brothels he had frequented in Rome, it was cool and comfortable.

  “Would you like a bath?” the lena asked.

  “No,” Serpentus replied before handing her a shiny aureus.

  She eyed the coin greedily. “I will leave you to your privacy, your female companion for the evening shall arrive shortly.”

  She bowed her head politely at Serpentus before closing the door behind her. He stretched out on a padded couch and took another pull of wine. His thoughts turned to the Erebus Demon.

  Where was Maelstrom?

  He and Afaa had revived the old Cultist base here on Capri and needed another progress report on the repairs being conducted by his new minions.

  The door opened again and a young girl appeared, dressed in a tribal dancer costume. She wore a veil which covered the lower part of her face. Serpentus grinned and watched as she danced for him. Her almond skin sparkled under the light as she moved seductively through the room. He motioned to her with his hand to come closer and she did, but not before teasing him by moving away from him.

  She may be young but she knows how to excite a man. He felt a restlessness within him and soon he felt like dancing too. He stood up and moved closer toward her. He ripped off her veil and she squealed like a frightened sow before he pinned her to the ground.

  He began licking her face and biting her ear. He had gone too long without a woman and now he was taking his frustrations out on her. He ordered her to spread her legs and she pulled up her dress. She wasn’t wearing any undergarments and he fumbled with his belt before he was able to remove his breeches. As he entered her he felt a sense of release wash over him. She was grunting and muttering words at him in her native tongue. He felt like a man again. He was whole.

  “My apologies, Lord Serpentus, but the Cultist Afaa told me I could find you here.”

  Serpentus stopped his thrusts and rolled off the girl. Floating above him was Maelstrom. The Erebus Demon’s red eyes stared at him curiously. The girl, upon seeing the demon screamed and exited the room.

  “As you can see, I am busy,” Serpentus said as he pulled on his breeches.

  Or was busy.

  Maelstrom bowed at his master. “Many apologies, my Liege,”

  “So where were you?”

  “I returned to Kaotika to inform my brothers of my success…and, to collect my title.”


  “Yes,” Maelstrom replied. “Erebus Demons are often granted titles for completing difficult missions. It is a sort of tradition amongst my people.”

  “I see,” Serpentus replied as he seated himself on the couch again. “How goes the repairs to our new base?”

  “It continues on schedule, my Liege. The worker Goblens are most efficient creatures.”

  They better be, Serpentus thought. They cost me and my teacher precious Vigor.

  “And your warship, Sea Viper, is nearly ready for sea trials. But, I bring other news as well.”

  “Is that so?” Serpentus replied before taking a gulp of wine. “It better be good news, you interrupted my fuck.”

  The Erebus Demon bowed abashedly.

  Did I embarrass him? Is it even possible to embarrass a demon?

  “I’m afraid it is not my Liege. It is about the Door.”

  Serpentus almost choked on his wine. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  I hope nothing has happened to it. My teacher is adamant about seizing it for our plans.

  “Let’s hear it, Maelstrom.”

  “I’m afraid it is in great jeopardy,” Maelstrom replied. “A potion mistress is attempting to destroy it as we speak.”

  Serpentus’ eyes widened. “How many guard it?”

  “Not many,” Maelstrom said confidently. “Between us we can easily defeat them. What are your orders?”

  “I must tell my Teacher this,” Serpentus told his servant. “You have done well Maelstrom. Perhaps you shall earn more titles in my service.”

  The Erebus Demon bowed again before they left the brothel.

  Serpentus saddled Shadowstar and rode back to the cottage, Maelstrom trailing him. His plans were slowly coming together. But first, he had a debt to repay to five friends. He would need their help if he was to build his great army.


  After his argument with Hradack, Tullus was drained, so he returned to his bedroom inside the stead to get some rest. He couldn’t focus his attention on his studies and even Celestra looked concerned. The Leopardess had returned with a few cuts and abrasions on her skin. But using the Rememdium Duo spell she had cured herself. Tullus wondered what had happened to her in the forest. His visions had returned. He could not control them, nor did they abate on their own. He kept seeing the image of the crossguard Skull. He heard laugher. Was the laughter directed at him? He did not know. He saw the blue grotto again. Shadows surrounding it. Its pristine waters glowed as shafts of sunlight reflected off of it.

  What does it mean?

  “Tullus, are you alright?”

  Tullus stood up from his bed and Celestra looked up. Hradack was standing in the doorway to Tullus’ room. Mithras by his side. Cornelia hurried into the room and sat down next to Tullus. She gave him a tray with a bowl of warm chicken broth. The troubled images took their leave, for a few moments at least.<
br />
  “The images have returned, Hradack.”

  The Leopard Master nodded. He looked at Mithras. “Mithras, please bring my map scrolls.” The Jaguar nodded before heading off to complete his assignment.

  After finishing his broth, Cornelia kissed Tullus on the cheek and left.

  “I’m beginning to really like that woman,” Tullus said after Cornelia had left.

  “Aye, she’s a special one,” Hradack replied as he settled into a rocking chair nestled in the corner of Tullus’ room. “We must learn the meaning behind these images. They are trying to warn you of something.”

  Tullus rubbed his eyes. “Yes, but what are they trying to warn me of?”

  Hradack scratched his beard. “You said you heard laughter?”

  Tullus nodded. “Yes, and a blue grotto.”

  “That blue grotto again?” Mithras returned with a pouch in his mouth. Hradack took it and pulled one of the scrolls inside it.

  “What are you looking for?” Tullus asked.

  “When I find it, I’ll tell you, my boy.” Hradack smiled and unrolled a yellowed scroll.

  “I think I’ve solved part of the mystery.” The old Paladin ambled over to Tullus’ bedside and handed him the scroll.

  Tullus examined the scroll. It was written in archaic Latin. There were some drawings of caves. Some were in color and one stood out. It looked like the Blue Grotto in his vision.

  “The scroll says this is in Capri,” Tullus said.

  “I know,” Hradack replied. “My great, great grandfather was a cartographer from the time of the earliest Roman settlement. He used to make maps of the places he traveled. I remembered that drawing when my father passed these scrolls down to me.” Hradack twisted a tuft of hair on his beard. “The Serpent Cult was rumored to have a base there, but it was destroyed in a Paladin assault.”

  Tullus shook his head dismissively. “What does that have to do with my visions?”


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