The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2)

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The Leopard Stratagem (Leopard King Saga Book 2) Page 37

by T. A. Uner

  A smile crept across Tullus’ face as he remembered Decimus. He took a sip from the Breath of Life and felt his limbs burn before they felt revitalized. His whole body had returned to full Vigor. He wondered what was in the Breath of Life. He would be sure to ask Hradack the next time he saw him.

  He straightened himself out and stretched out his limbs before leaving the cavern. Soon he found himself in another rocky corridor. The sound of his crunching footsteps disturbed the eerie silence.

  Why do I feel as if I am walking into a trap?

  Moments later his head started pulsing. What began as a minor ache, turned into a burning sensation, as if his head had been set afire. He fell to his knees and heard laughter. But this was not laughter coming fromaround him. It was inside his head. The voice sounded vaguely familiar.

  He didn’t need the Periculum spell to tell him that he was in danger. But he commenced his breathing techniques to stem the laughter.

  The pain shot through his head again. The laughter returned. He saw a face.


  “Welcome to my abode, Leopard King,” Serpentus said inside his head.

  It was as if the Snake Lord was in front of him.

  “Now you will know the true meaning of pain, the pain you once inflicted on me.”

  What could Serpentus mean? He had never met the Snake Lord. Quite the opposite, it was Serpentus that had tried to harm him and Celestra during his training at Hradack’s stead. Is there someone in my past I could’ve overlooked?

  “Yes,” Serpentus said, in his thoughts. “Someone you have wronged.”

  Tullus focused his thoughts on the Firmitas spell. Hradack had shown him the Fortis III scroll spell once. He focused his thoughts to purging Serpentus' presence from his mind. The Snake Lord was using some sort of strange variation of the Mentis spell on him. It was tinged with emotion. Tullus could feel Serpentus’ anger and hatred. He focused his thoughts on Firmitas and dispelled the negative emotions before they could take hold of him.

  He soon felt the effects of the Firmitas spell, keeping the skewed Mentis spell at bay.

  Tullus waited to see if Serpentus would try gaining access to his thoughts again. Nothing. Tullus wracked his brain to remember what Serpentus had told him earlier.

  He said he was wronged by me.

  He sighed and continued his trek.


  Celestra never revealed her fear. Especially to enemies. Havoc had brought two allies to help him finish her. But even outnumbered, Celestra’s will overcame her fear of death. And, if she was destined to die. She would die fighting her enemies.

  The three Serpents hovered in front of her. Three scaly bodies, six red eyes. Havoc’s two new serpents allies were violet and red. The three serpents glared at her, daring Celestra to make the first move. The Leopardess cast the Firmitas spell. She would not allow them to read her thoughts.

  “Brave Leopardess,” the violet serpent said. It sounded like a female’s voice. The voice was melodic and soothing. Celestra could not believe such an evil creature could speak so eloquently. “I am Medusa,” it continued. “An ally of Havoc and a servant of Serpentsong. You are outnumbered. Surrender and we shall make your death quick.”

  Never! Celestra thought. I do not yield to reptiles!

  “Let’s kill her,” said another voice. It was coming from the red serpent. “Wildfire always wins. Wildfire loves killing mammals.”

  Then Havoc spoke. “Stupid furball, you are outnumbered, face your imminent death.”

  The sound of hissing filled the room. It got so loud Celestra’s fought hard to block the sound. Disengaging Firmitas, she cast the Contego spell. Wildfire launched a volley of fireballs from his eyes but they were easily absorbed by Celestra’s shield.

  She cast Furtim and disappeared, then padded around them before launching herself at Medusa. The female Serpent squealed before she used her tail to swat Celestra away.

  This reptile hag is strong, Celestra thought as she landed on her haunches and cast Contego.

  Havoc whistled at Medusa and Wildfire and the three serpents attacked Celestra en masse. Red sparks exploded against her shield as the three serpents continued to batter her. She fought back with the best spells she could muster: Ballista, Invado, Compedis. But after every volley of energy beams, projectiles or shackles, the Serpents responded by counterattacking with their own offensive spells.

  Their union as a team made them stronger, faster, more dangerous. It was an alien feeling she was not used to. She always had Tullus with her. But Tullus was missing.

  She hated to run from her enemies but there was no other choice. She cast Furtim again and disappeared.

  They were tracking her. Scaly hunters determined to catch and kill her. Celestra hated to think what they would do to her if she was caught.

  Mount my head on a wall? Use my fur as a rug? Present my claws to Serpentus so he can use them as toothpicks?

  Even the thought of falling prey to these hideous creatures was revolting.

  She tried focusing her thoughts but the three serpents continued spraying the cavern with energy fire, hoping to hit her and lock onto her exact location.

  Just take me any place Fuga spell, she thought.

  When she materialized in a different locale of Capri, Celestra thought she was safe. But that was before she saw the retreating army approaching her. After recognizing them, Celestra knew she was in even more danger than before.


  “There has to be a better way to earn a living,” Sharkus said as his archers continued firing at the Skeleton Marines.

  The group of people running towards Neptune’s Fury were human. Sharkus’ men threw down a rope ladder and they climbed aboard. A young woman with turquoise eyes and honey-colored hair was the first to come on deck. She was followed by a muscular African with a bald head, an easterner and a large man with a tangled beard and long braided hair.

  “I take it you’re not here on holiday?” Sharkus asked.

  The young woman nodded. “No, we’re friends of Tullus. Caltus helped us escape and pointed us in your direction.”

  “Caltus? He’s not with you?”

  “No,” she replied. “He went to find Tullus.”

  That boy’s sense of adventure will be his death.

  A spear thrown by one of the skeletons whistled over Sharkus' head. “Time to cast off,” he said.

  Artia looked at Sharkus as if he was mad. “You’re not going to just leave Tullus and Caltus on that island?”

  “Don’t forget Celestra,” the African said.

  “Look,” Sharkus said. “I like Tullus, really I do, but he ordered me to leave after two days, with or without him. The two days are up, so we’re leaving. I’m sorry!” Sharkus barked orders to Sextus Seadog as the crew continued to prepare the ship for departure.

  Artia grabbed Sharkus’ sleeve. “You can’t leave our friends here to die.”

  Sharkus took her hand and stroked it compassionately before Tippy scurried up to him and crawled up his back. “Look, lass. There’s two ships docked on the other side of this island. One belongs to Jarkos Wolfsbane, the other to a fellow who goes by the name of Croctus Reptilius. I plan on putting my galleon as far away from those two ships as possible. For, wherever they go, trouble usually follows.”

  “There has to be a way,” Artia pleaded.

  The others circled around Sharkus. “Please captain,” Vulcan said. “Give our friends a chance to come out of that island alive.”

  Neptune’s Fury slowly pulled away from dock, her archers still behind the shielded railing, return fire with volleys of arrows. Sharkus eyed the skeletons crowding the pier.

  “Well, my father always told me that the best way to serve yourself is through service to others.” Sharkus nodded. “Alright, we’ll circle the island for one pass. But at the first sign of trouble we’re leaving.”


  Celestra had just avoided three enemies. Now, she faced an entire hoard
. Still recovering from her battle with the three serpents and fighting back hunger. She recognized Tiranus Wolfsbane, the skin-shifter from her encounter last winter. He sat on his horse and stared at her through vengeful eyes while his Wolfguard came at her. Next to him was another skin-shifter, who looked older, but shared the same facial features with Tiranus. Most likely his father.

  Then Celestra caught a glimpse of a cage being hauled in a cart by four white wolves. Her heart nearly stopped beating. She remembered the animal trader who had captured her when she was a cub, but this cage was different. She tried to think why, but turned her attention back to her predicament. Normally she could outrun the Wolfguard, but her Vigor was nearly depleted. Still, she had to get away from that cage. She could see its bars where shaped like serpents.

  It was enchanted by Serpent Eye!

  She remembered Hradack and Paullus speaking of these cages. Used during the Serpent Wars to detain Air Paladins captured in battle. Wolfsbane had brought it here to detain Tullus. She was determined not to become its next occupant.

  One of Tiranus’ men Wolfguard towards her. Trying to chase her towards the cage and herd her inside. She dodged him and ripped open the side of his face with her right front claw. Blood soaked the creature’s chestplate and it cried out in pain from its ruined face. Two more Wolfguard came at her with spears. Her reflexes betrayed her and she tired with every evasive move she made. Fighting the exhaustion that threatened to overtake her.

  She wished Tullus were here.

  Stone Ram watched as Jarkos Wolfsbane’s troops tried to capture the Leopardess while Hyena and his two pets watched from afar. They would not waste their Vigor on a fruitless task.

  Stone Ram knew he and Hyena had chosen the wrong ally. Wolfsbane was not as powerful as Serpentus. They’d been driven back by the Snake Lord’s forces and their plan to capture the Leopard King lay in tatters.

  Stone Ram needed money. He had a hungry family to feed. Perhaps if he and Hyena again could rectify their mistake. Even though Hyena was deaf and mute, the two bounty hunters could read each other’s actions. Stone Ram nodded at Hyena, who acknowledged his signal, and drew his throwing axe. Hyena’s two spotted dogs padded toward the spot where the Leopardess was trying to fend off two of Jarkos Wolfsbane’s Wolfguard. Stone Ram hurled his axe at one of the Wolfguard. The creature, stunned by the sudden attack, ducked to avoid the axe, but the weapon slammed into the helm of his companion and split its head open like a melon.

  Hyena’s arrows sprayed the rest of the Wolfguard. They dropped like dead moths as Hyena’s arrows pierced their leather armor, others began retreating.

  We’re actually going to win, thought Ram. Venus fuck me. Me and this deaf-mute bastard have caught Jarkos Wolfsbane off guard.

  “You cowardly vermin,” Jarkos Wolfsbane exclaimed to his faltering troops, who had dropped a second battle in one day. “If you don’t fight back, I’ll have you all tortured to death.”

  Stone Ram eyed Hyena. The deaf mute had climbed atop a rock and was firing arrow volleys, peppering the Wolfguard below. He held the higher ground. Wolfsbane’s troops did not.

  “You two will regret betraying us,” Wolfsbane said as he and Tiranus rode off.

  Hyena’s wild dogs had cornered the Leopardess against another rock and were trying to force her inside the empty cage which Wolfsbane’s men had left behind before withdrawing.

  Stone Ram removed his throwing axe from the split brains of the dead Wolfguard, while Hyena’s two spotted pets continued harassing the Leopardess. She resisted, taking swipes at them with her powerful front paws, they moved back just in time to avoid being sliced up.

  From his vantage point, Hyena fired arrows at the Leopardess, trying to get her into the cage. But she didn’t fall for the tactic, and swatted the arrows away as if they were insects.

  “Shit. We don’t have all day, Hyena,” Stone Ram complained.

  Hyena lowered his bow and shook his head. He was out of ideas too.

  Let’s see if this works, Ram thought. He pulled out a dried piece of beef from his belt pouch and tossed it in front of the Leopardess. She looked at it hungrily while Hyena’s pets backed off.Then she made a move for the food.

  Stone Ram nodded at Hyena, who in turn whistled at his spotted dogs. They flanked the Leopardess, who had picked up the beef in her mouth, and chased her toward the cage.

  Ram felt something pierce his back. A sharp pain flooded through him, as if a trident had skewered him. He turned around slowly and saw Hyena standing there. Stone Ram slumped to his knees. I should have never turned my back on him.

  “Why?” he asked Hyena before collapsing.

  Hyena stared at Stone Ram’s twitching body. He did not enjoy betraying his comrade but there was always the chance Ram would betray him. He could not take that chance. He wanted to hear. If they presented the Leopardess to Serpentus together, there was always the chance Ram would take the credit and downgrade him to a silent partner. He could not risk that. Quick-Kill and Slow-Death had the Leopardess backed into the cage before he slammed its door shut, locking it. He smiled. He would get what the Erebus Demon had promised him. He would hear.


  Reptilius and Sawtooth were glad to be out of the caverns. They had stumbled into a disruption inside a hidden port, where a large warship was on fire. Skeletons rushed back and forth with buckets trying to put the fire out. Reptilius stayed out of the way. He had no business here. But a fracas had caught his attention. A hoard of heavily armed skeletons were driving Jarkos Wolfsbane’s Wolfguard out of the port. With Sawtooth close behind him, Reptilius followed the two armies from a distance, careful not to give away his location. Soon after the Wolfmen had been ejected from the cavern, the skeletons returned to their posts, ignoring both Reptilius and Sawtooth.

  He saw something up ahead. Another battle. Reptilius almost avoided this one as well before something struck him as odd. He got closer and took out his eyescope.

  What he saw interested him.

  Wolfsbane’s men were now being attacked by another force. He recognized the attacking force as his competition. The ones called Stone Ram and Hyena were driving off the depleted Wolfguard. No doubt it was a surprise attack, which had caught Wolfsbane’s men off guard. After being driven back by the skeleton warriors, their spirits had been enervated. Hyena was perched on a rock overlooking Wolfbane’s men. His arrows mercilessly rained down on the retreating Wolfguard, who had pushed the cart upright to shield their retreat, spilling the empty cage onto the ground.

  Reptilius looked at Sawtooth. “Those two have gall.”

  Sawtooth grunted.

  Wolfsbane’s men had been routed. Now the two spotted wild dogs had outflanked the Leopardess and maneuvered her into the cage.

  Fortuna be damned, Reptilius thought. They have captured The Leopard King’s Incantra.

  The next few moments passed quickly as he watched Hyena’s betrayal.

  You shouldn’t have turned your back on him, Stone Ram.

  Reptilius had an idea. He put his eyescope away.

  “Stay here,” he told Sawtooth. The crocodile grunted before Reptilius headed back toward the cavern. Two skeletons stood watch near the cavern entrance.

  “I need your help,” Reptilius told the skeletons.

  “What do we look like, a pair of porters?” one of the skeletons said. Its single red eye glared at Reptilius suspiciously.

  “I’m working for the Snake Lord, Serpentus,” Reptilius said.

  The skeletons seemed uninterested.

  “Don’t you wish to serve your Lord?”

  “What do you mean?” the other skeleton said.

  Reptilius had them hooked. Skeleton Marines weren’t the smartest creatures. That’s why they had command skeletons to direct them.

  “If you help me, I will tell Serpentus and the Cultist that you helped me. You’ll both be rewarded. You might even be promoted.”

  Both skeletons looked at each other and muttered amongst them
selves. Finally they nodded to one another and turned toward Reptilius.

  “What do you want us to do?”

  Reptilius led them back to where Sawtooth was still watching Hyena.

  “I need you to help me carry that cage.” Reptilius pointed to where Hyena and his two pets were eying their prize. “If we can deliver Serpentus the Leopard King’s Leopardess, we’ll all be rich.”

  The one-eyed skeleton pointed at Hyena. “What about the bounty hunter and his two pets.”

  Reptilius shook his head. “Me and Sawtooth will take care of them. Watch.”

  Reptilius nodded at Sawtooth and swaggered toward Hyena. He took one look at Reptilius and nocked an arrow in his bow. But Reptilius was faster. He already had drawn his two hand ballistae and fired off two volleys.

  The first bolt exploded in front of Hyena and knocked him off balance. the second bolt slammed into a crag, raining rocks down on Hyena, burying him. The two spotted, wild dogs tried to dig their master out. When Reptilius approached them, with Sawtooth at his side, the spotted dogs took off, not wishing to face the same inglorious end as their master.

  Reptilius eyed the Leopardess. She growled fiercely at him and Sawtooth.

  “Remember us?” Reptilius said. “You’re not so fearsome behind that cage. And you can't cast your magic tricks inside it.” He held up his amulet to the Leopardess. “Go ahead, try.”

  The Leopardess growled again, this time louder.

  Reptilius laughed and waved the skeletons over to where he was standing. His heart beat against his chest as he imagined the riches this Leopardess would bring him. He could sell her to the highest bidder. It wasn’t the Leopard King, but she was almost as good. Perhaps he could use her as bait to catch The Leopard King. Then he would pay back the defeat he and Sawtooth had suffered.

  The skeletons arrived. “Get the cart,” Reptilius ordered. “Let us take this furry bitch to


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