How To Catch A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 3)

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How To Catch A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 3) Page 14

by Linda Verji

  He hadn’t planned to have her today, and he certainly hadn’t expected to be swept away so fast and so thoroughly by desire as he had. When he’d decided to use her, he’d expected to be smug and firmly in control as he showed her who held the reins in their relationship. But what had happened today wasn’t even close to that. She’d driven him just as crazy as he’d driven her

  He turned his head slightly to watch her. Her eyes were closed, but it was obvious from her panting breaths that she was still awake. Her plump lips were parted and her lush breasts rose and fell with every deep breath. His body stirred and heated up as if she hadn’t just depleted him just moments ago.

  With a sigh, Worth turned his gaze away from her then sat up. Sin stirred at his movement, but he didn’t give her time to say anything. He stood then with long strides headed into the en-suite. After getting rid of the condom, he stood by the sink, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

  The man who stared back at him wasn’t happy. He was pensive. How could a woman who was so bad for him give him so much pleasure? How could she be capable of twisting his senses so thoroughly and so completely that all he could think about was having her?

  There was only one explanation; she was even more toxic than he’d thought. Had he bitten off more than he could chew, he wondered as he washed his face and hands then wrapped a towel around his waist. No, he quickly quashed that thought. He was quite capable of taming her, of controlling her. The only reason he’d lost control today was because he’d waited too long to satiate his lust. But from now on, he would stick to his plan.

  Yes, the ball was still in his court. Fixing his expression into one of stern dismissal, he exited the bathroom. Sin was still sprawled out on the bed. Even though her body was covered, she looked like a woman who had been well loved. Her smile when she met his gaze was deliciously lazy and sweet. His heart bumped against his ribcage but he sternly quelled its excitement.

  Leaning against the wall with one shoulder, he stared at her. “Are you waiting for me to call you a cab?”

  Sin blinked, then blinked again. “What?”

  “You’ve dropped the documents off.” He lifted one brow. “What are you still doing here?”

  “What?” The shock that swept over her features should’ve been amusing and satisfying. Instead it left him with an odd hollowness.

  Still, he forced a smirk and suggested, “If you’d like to use my shower first, you’re welcome.”

  The anger that flashed in her eyes was so intense had it been a bullet he would’ve been writhing on the floor, bleeding. She sat up on the bed and her fingers curled over one pillow. For a moment, he expected her to hit him with the pillow. But all she did was stare at him. Then she smiled.

  “No, thank you!” Her smile was colder than winter in Minnesota. “I can shower in my house.”

  He expected hurt, maybe even a tantrum or two, but all she gave him was restrained anger as she stood, tempting him with a brief view of her body, and quickly put on her clothes. All she gave him was a ‘see you at the office’ before she strutted out of his room, head held high.


  SIN COULDN’T BELIEVE that Worth had actually kicked her out after sex. Granted, the sex had been mind-blowing but even now, two days later, she still felt dirty; like she’d been used. Which was funny because usually she was the one using men. Talk about the shoe being on the other foot. What made it even worse was that when Worth got to the office, he acted like nothing had happened between them.

  “Have you sent Hoop Squad the contract?” he asked as he looked over the document she’d just handed him to sign.

  “Yes,” Sin said as she watched him.

  There was nothing strange in his question or tone. He was just being his usual self; standoffish and curt, which was the problem. This was new for her. She was the kind of woman who made men obsessive; like crack. Once you’d had a taste of her, you were hooked and couldn’t wait to get more. So why wasn’t Worth hooked?

  He should’ve pounced on her as soon as she walked into his office. Heck, even if he had just tried to kiss her, she would’ve been okay. But here he was treating her like she was just his assistant. What the hell was going on here?

  “What did they say?” Worth jolted her out of her thoughts.

  “Wh-who?” she asked, having forgotten what they were talking about.

  “Hoops.” His dark eyes were expressionless, even a little bored, as they met hers. This certainly wasn’t the look of a man whose world had been rocked by a seductress. He asked, “What did they say when you sent the contract?”

  “Dean said that it looked okay at first glance,” she responded, “but they’ll look it over then get back to us.”

  “Good.” Worth’s pen swept over the document in a larger-than-life signature before he handed the document to her. “Make sure you follow it up though. You know how they tend to procrastinate.”

  “Okay.” Sin nodded.

  Seriously, what was going on here? Had she entered some parallel universe where she’d lost her skills? How was this man functioning so normally? Hell, she was the seductress yet she couldn’t get Saturday out of her mind.

  Even now, she could still remember how it’d felt to be held in his arms, how sweet he’d tasted, how hot and horny he’d made her with his touches. She still recalled how his skilled tongue had tortured her and how it’d felt to have him inside her. Despite feeling like a whore afterwards, she knew without a doubt that if he touched her right now, she’d have a hard time saying no.

  How was he still standing?

  “Is there something else?” Worth butted into her thoughts.

  “Wha – wha – what?”

  “Is there something else?” Amusement glittering in his eyes, he added, “You’re just standing there staring at me.”

  “Oh no. No.” Mortified heat flushed up Sin’s face. “There’s nothing else.”

  Moments later, she sat at her desk, her palms pressed to her flushed cheeks. She’d never been in a situation like this before so she didn’t even know how to react. Further complicating the whole matter was the Claire thing. Since she still wasn’t sure that Worth was as bad as sold, Sin couldn’t even pull out her big guns and wrestle the situation back under her control.

  Ugh! This was so confusing.

  Worth’s behavior throughout the week was consistent. He kept acting the same; like he hadn’t just blown up her mind and body, like she was just his assistant. With Diana officially gone, they were all alone yet he never took advantage. It was both awe-inspiring and disappointing. Hadn’t the sex been good for him?

  Maybe that was the problem. Maybe it hadn’t been good for him.

  Or maybe she wasn’t as good as she thought.

  Nah! No way! Someone would’ve said something by now. Or maybe they were just protecting her feelings and had decided that her looks more than made up for her faults in bed. Maybe…

  No. No. Stop it, Sin. She gave herself a mental slap. You’re good enough.

  Look what he was doing right now. Making her doubt herself. You know what? She wasn’t the problem. He was. The man was one of those player-types who specialize in hit-and-run. One dip into the cookie jar and they’re done; on to the next woman. With Worth’s looks and money, he was quite capable of pulling it off.


  “Hey, Sin.” Carmen, who’d stopped by Sin’s desk during lunch break, waved her hand in front of Sin’s face. “Are you even listening to me?”

  “Sorry. Sorry.” Sin shook her head to unmuddle her thoughts. “I got lost for a minute there.”

  “So?” Carmen stared at Sin with expectant eyes.

  “So what?” Sin asked.

  “So will you come?” Her coworker coaxed. “It’s Friday. Let’s have a little fun. Welcome you to the family.”

  “I don’t know.” Sin frowned. “Ransom has a meeting at five so I’ll probably stay late. I won’t even have time to go and change into something more appropriate.”

>   Carmen circled Sin’s desk so she could see her better. She gave Sin a slow onceover, taking in her frilly, light pink blouse, black pencil skirt and black pumps. “Hmm… it’s not bad but it’s definitely not club-wear.” Her face suddenly brightened. “Don’t worry! My friend owns the store across the street. I can buy you something from there.”

  “No way,” Sin protested. “You don’t have-”

  “Say no more.” Carmen lifted a hand to halt Sin’s words. “I’m the one who wants you to party with me so I should be the one to treat you.” Before Sin could respond to that, Carmen added, “Besides, I know someone that really, really wants you to come.”

  “Who?” Sin asked. Would it be too much to hope that it’s Worth?

  “Emanuel.” Carmen quickly dashed those hopes. With a teasing waggle of her eyebrows, she added, “I hear you two have been spending lots of alone time together.”

  “It’s not what you think,” Sin said.

  However, before she could explain that there was nothing going on between her and Emanuel, Worth appeared.

  “Mr. Ransom.” Carmen immediately stood taller.

  “Carmen.” Worth nodded to her. His gaze turned to Sin. She could’ve sworn that she saw anger flash in there, but it flickered away so fast she wondered if she’d imagined it. When he spoke to her, his tone was as emotionless as his eyes. “Call Tessa and ask her to come over. Tell her to bring the Adidas PO.”

  “Yes, sir.” Sin nodded.

  As soon as Worth entered his office, Carmen gave Sin a final reminder of the evening’s festivities then quickly escaped to her own department.

  As expected, Worth’s meeting ran late. Worse, he stayed in the office for an hour longer to go over some documents. Eight p.m. found Sin still seated at her desk twiddling her fingers as she waited for him to leave so she could leave too.

  Is it over yet? Carmen texted.

  Got your dress.

  Everyone’s READY. It’s going to be so much fun tonight. How long do you think it will be?

  Girl, why is this taking so long? You sure he’s not doing it deliberately.

  Carmen’s texts kept coming one after another, each more frustrated than the last.

  You can go first and I’ll catch up with you guys, Sin offered.

  Carmen immediately replied. No way. One for all. All for one. We’ll wait.

  Still, it felt wrong to keep her coworkers waiting for so long. With a sigh, Sin stood and strode to Worth’s door. She knocked once then opened the door.

  Worth was at his desk, staring at his computer. His gaze turned to her. “Yes?”

  His normally neat hair, was ruffled as if he’d run his fingers through it several times. His eyes were hooded, making it seem like he was having wicked bedroom thoughts. His tie was unknotted and the top two buttons of his shirt open, exposing his strong throat. Damn it, the guy could even make tired look sexy.

  “I was wondering if I could leave.” Sin stood by the door. “I have an appointment.”

  “An appointment?” His eyebrows rose. “At this hour?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t explain further because something told her that if she said she was on her way to a nightclub, he’d keep her here longer.

  Worth watched her for a long time, so long that it got uncomfortable. There was something about the look in his dark eyes that sent instant heat bolting through her. Her throat closed up, making it harder to take a breath, her nipples pebbled and a weird aching started between her legs. It took everything in her to keep from shifting on her feet.

  He finally spoke. “Okay. Go.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “Goodnight.”

  It was only once she was out of his office that she took her first easy breath. How was he doing that? How could he make her tremble with just one look? And how come she didn’t have the same effect on him? It was as annoying as it was baffling.

  Carmen and two other girls were waiting for Sin on the ground-floor. The four ladies headed to the store Carmen had talked about. Hanging out with these girls, modeling for each other and teasing each other’s dress choices was more fun than Sin expected. It kind of reminded her of her friends back home.

  Sin settled for a white cut-out body-con dress that clung to her generous curves, sneakily showed off her tiny waist and stopped just above her knees. After pairing it with gold gladiator heels, she and her friends headed out to their night of painting Portland red.

  The men, including Emanuel, were waiting for them outside the club. After the obligatory oohs and aahs, the group headed into a magical world of strobe lights, alcohol, loud music and half-naked bodies writhing to the music. The energy and excitement in the building was infectious enough that Sin found herself grinning and swaying to the music as they strolled around, looking for somewhere to sit. Once they found a table, Carmen jauntily ordered drinks for all of them.

  Emanuel could hardly keep his eyes off Sin. He kept sidling up to her, ordering drinks for her, trying to get closer, telling her how pretty she looked and trying to get her to dance with him. Now this she was used to. Why couldn’t Worth be as attentive as Emanuel?

  Sin ended up on the dance-floor with Emanuel. Alcohol tends to bring out the other side of people, and Emanuel was no different. Drunk Emanuel was bolder. As they danced he kept blowing his hot breath into her ear and telling her how much he liked her. There they were dancing and he was telling her that he wanted to marry her and how he wanted them to have kids together. Jeez.

  He was also quite handsy. Granted the song was raunchy, but the way Emanuel kept trying to get in her space and trying to lower his hands from her waist pissed her off. Were he any other man, she would’ve slapped him back into next week where he’d obviously left his common sense. But because they were coworkers, she chose to disengage from the situation.

  She forcefully pushed him away from her. When he gave her a surprised look, she mimed. “Ladies room.”

  “Ah!” He gave her a lazy grin and thumbs-up.

  With a roll of her eyes, Sin left the dance-floor. Instead of heading to the bathroom, she headed to the doors. No, she wasn’t leaving. She just needed fresh air. As soon as she stepped outside, the crisp, cold night air smacked her right in the face. Though there was a lot of activity on the street, it was nowhere close to the booming sounds inside the night club. And it was a welcome difference.

  Sin settled on a bench a few feet away from the door, staring up at the sky and taking deep gulps of air. The stars were all out tonight. It almost looked like they were having a party of their own. Sin smiled.

  “What’s so funny?” a deep voice cut into her reverie.

  Sin quickly turned to stare up at the intruder. Her eyes immediately widened. “Worth?”


  Worth hadn’t planned to end up at this club. Hell, he’d sworn that he wouldn’t follow Sin here even after eavesdropping on her conversation with Carmen. Somehow, that oath had gotten lost in translation and he’d ended up calling Carmen to find out where they were.

  It’d taken a lot of looking for him to find her amidst all the dancing people. Imagine his annoyance when he’d finally spotted her only to find Emanuel plastered to her as they pretended to dance. What kind of bullshit was that? How could she sleep with one man on Saturday then grind against another on Friday?

  Fine, dancing didn’t count as promiscuity, and Sin didn’t seem like she was enjoying all the attention. But hey, there was no way Worth could be rational in this situation. Not when he’d felt like a leashed dog all week.

  This whole week had been horrible. It’d taken everything in him to act like sleeping with her hadn’t meant anything, like he wasn’t aching for a repeat performance. If there was such a thing as hell on earth, then this was it.

  Every time she came close to him and her intoxicating scent tickled his senses, he had to ball up his fists so his hands wouldn’t automatically reach out to drag her closer. Every time she spoke to him, he had to act like he wasn’t watching her lip
s and imagining how it would feel to seal his mouth to hers. Every time she turned or bent in front of him, he had to glance away because every inch of him wanted to close the distance between them, flip up her skirt and…

  “Worth?” Sin looked up at him, shock glimmering in the depths of her pretty, brown eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “Is there a rule that says you own this place?” Worth retorted curtly instead of saying what he really wanted to say. That he was here because of her. That he couldn’t bear the thought of her around other men, dancing with them.

  “That’s not what I meant.” Sin frowned. “It’s just surprising that you’re here and I’m here.”

  “Mmph!” Worth shrugged dismissively as he lowered his gaze to give her an up-and-down look. He frowned. “What the hell are you wearing?”

  “This?” Sin looked down at her dress. “What’s wrong with it?”

  What was wrong with her dress? One; it was too damn short. Sitting as she was, the fabric had risen to mid-thigh exposing her tanned, smooth skin to everyone. Two; it was too damn tight. He’d seen her on the dance-floor. That excuse of a dress clung to every inch of her like a second skin. Every time she danced, his eyes couldn’t help following her ass, tracing the contours. No wonder Emanuel had been slobbering all over her. How Worth had managed to keep from carrying her off on his shoulder like an enraged Neanderthal was a mystery.

  “Everything is wrong with it,” Worth answered simply.

  Sin looked down at her dress once again before shrugging. “I like it.”

  “Of course you do,” Worth mumbled angrily beneath his breath.

  He thought his voice was low enough but apparently it wasn’t because Sin immediately narrowed her eyes.

  He expected her to confront him and ask what he meant. Instead she just puffed out angrily before shooting to her feet. “I’m going back in.”

  Maybe she stood too fast. Maybe she was more tipsy than she thought. As soon as she took a step, she tripped on her own feet and started to fall forward. Worth moved fast, planting his body right in front of her and stretching out his arms. He caught her easily when her body fell into his.


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