How To Catch A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 3)

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How To Catch A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 3) Page 17

by Linda Verji

  Ten was absolutely right. There was nothing they could do, not without risking their freedom. Maybe that was the only way…

  It was almost as if the other woman could read Sin’s mind because the moment she started to mull over that thought, Ten said, “No.”


  “No.” Ten shook her head vehemently. “You can’t come clean to him.”

  “It’s the only way to make sure that Claire’s plan flops.”

  “I know you have feelings for this guy… but are you mad? Have you lost your damn mind?” Ten folded her arms over her chest and glared at her friend. “No. No way.”

  “I think coming clean is the best option.” Sin offered, “Think about it. Maybe Worth will appreciate the heads-up and let me go without any consequences.”

  “So we’re supposed to place all our hopes on his good will?” Ten rolled her eyes. “Girl, miss me with that bullshit. Hell no!”

  “Well, I’m doing it.”

  Ten blinked, then blinked again. “Wha… what?”

  “I’m doing it,” Sin insisted stubbornly. “I’ll come clean tomorrow.”

  Her friend glared at her. “I said no.”

  “I’m still doing it!”

  “So what I have to say doesn’t even matter to you anymore?” Hurt shone in Ten’s gaze. “We’re supposed to be partners here.”

  “I know but…” Remorse swept through Sin. Her friend had been with her through thick and thin and it felt wrong to go against her wishes but she had to do this. “I’m sorry, Ten. I can’t just leave without at least letting him know the kind of danger he’s in. I promise I won’t get you involved.”

  Ten glared at Sin for quite a while before she kissed her teeth and shot to her feet. “Fine! Do what you want?”

  With that she strode out of the living room and headed to her bedroom. The door slammed loudly behind her. Sin stayed a while in the living room before guilt drove her to follow her friend.

  She knocked lightly on the door before turning the doorknob. “Teeen?”

  Ten was by her closet, pulling out her hanged clothes and tossing them on the bed.

  Immediate panic bubbled within Sin. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” Ten snapped. “I’m going back home.”


  “If you want to stupidly walk yourself to the slaughterhouse-” Ten yanked more clothes from her closet. “-then I’d rather not be here to watch you.”

  Sin wanted to beg her friend to stay, but she knew that it would be wrong. It was already unfair that she’d dragged Ten all the way here on the strength of a story she hadn’t even verified. To expect the woman to stick with her while she put them both in danger would be just plain selfish. No, it was better for Ten to go home. If Sin was going down, then she preferred to go down alone.

  Silently, Sin backed out of the room then closed the door.

  THE NEXT MORNING, Sin walked into the living room to the sight of Ten’s suitcase in the living room. It was obvious that this was Ten’s passive aggressive way of letting her know that she was really leaving today. Sin wanted to knock on her friend’s door to bid her goodbye and to let her know that she appreciated everything she’d done for her up until this point, but she didn’t. Why? She was afraid that if she saw Ten she might end up begging her to stay. Her heart heavy, Sin left the house.

  As she took the stairs down, the knot that had started in her belly the previous night further tightened. Would she really tell Worth what was going on? Yes, that was the right thing to do. How would he react? Would he be angry? Would he hate her? Of course he would. A lump built up in her throat.

  Still, if that was the worst that came out of her confession then she could live with it. But what if he called the cops on her? Would she be okay with being handcuffed in front of him? With seeing the disgust in his expression as the cops hauled her out? The thought was enough to make her want to go back upstairs. However, she forced her feet to keep moving. Whatever happened, she’d deal with it. It was the price of living a life of deception.

  When she emerged from their building, she found a silver BMW parked out front. The tinted, front passenger window soundlessly slid downwards to reveal Claire in the driver’s seat. Sin’s eyes widened in surprised. It wasn’t strange to find out that Claire knew where she lived (she was the one who’d found the apartment anyway). What was surprising was that Claire was here. The woman had made a point of making sure no one even knew they were connected. Why was she here where Sin’s neighbors could see her?

  “Hey!” Claire leaned across the seat. “Get in.”

  After everything she’d heard the previous day, Sin wanted to flounce off, but her curiosity won. What other lies would Claire tell her today? Sin opened the passenger door and got into the car.

  “I thought you wanted secrecy,” Sin said as soon as she was settled in. “What are you doing here?”

  Claire ignored the question. Rolling up the windows so they were shielded from human eyes, the brunette ordered curtly, “Seatbelt!”

  As soon as Sin did as ordered, Claire started the car and soon they were off. The drive was silent. Claire’s full attention seemed to be on the road. Meanwhile Sin just watched her, wondering how such a normal looking woman could be so cold and conniving. She had to give it to the woman though; Claire had done what no one else had. She’d conned Sin!

  Their first meeting in Miami was probably not an accident. Claire had deliberately approached Sin, which meant that she knew about Sin and her history long before she decided to use her. Most people would’ve directly asked Sin to help them out. This woman was smart enough to lure Sin into offering her services herself, which had made it even harder for Sin to pick up that she was being conned.

  Yup! She was smart. Evil, yes. But smart.

  “How’s your relationship with Worth going,” Claire asked without turning her attention away from the road.

  “It’s going!” Sin barely kept from curling her upper lip in a sneer. Just thinking of how much this lady had used her was enough to make her blood boil. God! She wanted to slap the taste out of the woman’s mouth.

  “Is it?” Claire asked. Though she didn’t raise her voice, there was an odd tightness to her tone that made Sin stiffen.

  “What does that mean?” Sin watched the woman with narrowed eyes.

  Claire didn’t say anything at first. She just slowed down then brought the car to a stop. Sin looked around, realizing that they were quite a distance away from both her apartment and W Sport.

  She confronted Claire. “Why are we stopping?”

  Claire turned to glare at her. “I asked you a question. How’s your relationship with Worth going?”

  “And I answered it,” Sin retorted. “It’s going!”

  “It’s going,” the brunette mimicked rudely then laughed. Even though her lips made chortling sounds and her upper body shook, there was no amusement in her eyes. “You must think you’re so clever.”

  Sin frowned. “What are you on about?”

  “You think I don’t know that you’re about to betray me?”

  Sin was so surprised by the woman’s words that she stared at her in silence for quite a while before she found her voice. “What would make you think that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know-” Anger glittering in her eyes, Claire offered, “-because I’m not an idiot like you.”

  Normally, the insult would’ve left Sin seething, but she was too shocked right now. Claire’s bet was too close to the mark. It was almost like she was reading Sin’s thoughts.

  Claire chuckled. “I bet you’ve decided to come clean-”

  Sin was too surprised to stammer anything other than, “Wha-what?”

  “-But that would be a mistake. A big mistake!” Claire reached for her phone and swiped through it with fast strokes of her fingers. “You know why?”

  Sin didn’t have the time to answer the question because right then Claire found the file she was
searching her phone for. Then she pressed play, and Sin’s own voice came back to haunt her.

  “So I need to get him to marry me then transfer his shares to me.” Sin’s voice echoed in the car. “After that I can transfer them to you.”

  “You’re crazy.” Claire’s shaky breath could be heard even in the recording. “This is a bad idea… quit.”

  …And on the recording went. Though the words were theirs, the recording had been edited. It sounded like Sin was trying to force Claire to con Worth, while Claire was trying to stop her.

  Sin’s breath whooshed from her parted lips as her shocked eyes met Claire’s. “What the hell is that?”

  “A recording of our conversation.” The brunette offered her a ‘duh’ look.

  “That’s not how the conversation went,” Sin protested. “You’ve edited it.”

  “Have I? Prove it,” Claire retorted with a smirk before her expression turned threatening. “If you come clean to Worth, this recording will go straight to the cops. With your record, I bet you’ll be in jail before the day’s out.”

  Sin couldn’t believe that she was being blackmailed. Then again, this was Claire. She shouldn’t have been surprised. However, this did complicate matters. Sin had left the house this morning believing that all she’d have to deal with was Worth’s wrath. She’d forgotten all about Claire and how the woman might retaliate. Still, Sin knew what she had to and the recording wouldn’t stop her.

  “Whatever!” Sin shrugged. “Send it to them.”

  Claire’s jaw dropped. “What?”

  Obviously, she’d expected more fear out of Sin. Sin guffawed. “Be my guest. Send the recording to the cops. I don’t care.”

  “You don’t care?” Claire stared at her like she was crazy. “But you’ll be arrested.”

  “And so will you.” Sin smirked. “Or have you forgotten that you’re the one who provided me with housing plus the recommendation to work with Worth? You’ve left a trail wide enough to show everyone that you and I were partners.”

  Claire stared at Sin in wide-eyed shock as if she couldn’t believe that she was fighting back. Well, she didn’t know Sin! Judging by how Claire kept swallowing, it was obvious she was turning her brain cells over to figure out how to reel Sin back in. When she spoke it was another threat. “I’ll say you blackmailed me.”

  “For all this time? And you never once went to the cops?” Sin watched the woman with amusement. “Like they’ll believe you.”

  “Well… well… I’ll say you threatened to kill my son,” Claire said.

  Boy, she was really reaching, wasn’t she?

  Sin folded her arms over her chest and sat back in the seat. “Okay, go tell them that. Tell them how you - a high society woman who’s probably received many threats – were so scared of threats by a woman with no access to your son that rather than go straight to the police, you decided to work with her and con your brother-in-law.” Sin guffawed. “I think you’ve watched too many movies. Cops aren’t as dumb as TV makes them out to be. They won’t believe that crap!”

  Claire’s eyes glittered with wild rage as she demanded, “So you’re okay with going to jail?”

  Sin didn’t say anything but the look she gave Claire was answer enough.

  “What about your little sidekick?” Claire arched her eyebrows. “Is Ten okay with this plan for yours?”

  Sin’s blood stopped cold and her body stiffened. “How do you know about Ten?”

  The two women had never met. As far as Claire was concerned, Sin was doing this all on her own.

  “I know everything about you. Including the fact that on the day we met, you and Ten were robbing guests of the Atlantis Hotel. I’ll bet the cops will be glad to hear that.” Claire’s smile was as gleeful as it was wicked. “Hopefully, Ten is just as excited to go to jail as you are.”

  The mention of Ten was enough to knock the air out of Sin and her heart began to pound. Though she was ready to fall on her own sword, she didn’t plan to stab Ten too.

  “Ah, I got your attention, didn’t I?” Claire’s face hardened and her tone grew wintery cold. “Now, this is what’s going to happen. You’ll fulfill your end of our deal. Seduce Worth and get me my shares.”

  “And if I don’t?” Sin gritted between her teeth.

  “Don’t make me drag your friend into this mess,” the brunette threatened. “I hear that unlike you she’s never been in jail. Will you be the one who sends her there?”

  Sin wanted to tell the woman to go to hell. But she couldn’t – not when Ten’s freedom was also at risk. So she just stayed silent.

  “I’m glad we understand each other.” Claire clicked on a button and the car-doors opened. She turned to Sin. “Get out!”

  More than a little shaken, Sin got out of the car. Smirking, Claire waved at her then sped off.


  Talk about being between a rock and hard place. Sin was looking at two equally despicable choices; either betray Ten or sell out Worth. She sat at her desk hours later mulling over her dilemma. Even though she still hadn’t figured out where to go from here, she’d be damned if she fell neatly into Claire’s plans. If there was one thing Sin was sure of, it was her ability to claw her way out of any trap.

  Ring. Ring. Ring. The sound of the phone cut into her thoughts.

  She picked it up. “Yes, Mr. Ransom?”

  “Are you done with the expanded agenda for next week’s workshop?”

  “Neil just sent it in,” Sin said. “I’m going through it right now.”

  “Okay, finish up then print out a copy and come with it to my office.”

  “Okay.” Sin rushed to complete the ordered task. Within twenty minutes, she knocked on Worth’s door with a hard copy of the agenda in hand.

  “Come in,” Worth called out.

  When she walked in, she found him seated on the couch going through several documents with a pen. There was just something about a working man that turned her on. Maybe it was the way his shirt sleeves were folded up to reveal his veined forearms. Maybe it was the way he’d loosened his tie and opened up the button at his collar to reveal his tanned throat. Maybe it was the way his hair was ruffled, as if he’d been running his fingers through it while thinking. Either way, an odd heat shot through her.

  Nope, she immediately gave herself a mental slap. Stop.

  Her quest to seduce Worth was over and done with. Last night, she’d decided that she was going to do everything in her power to extinguish whatever feelings she had for the man. No good could come out of those feeling.

  He sat up at her entrance. “Do you have it?”

  “Yes.” She circled the coffee table until she was next to him then held out the document.

  Worth took the document and as he did so, his fingers brushed against her. Sin wasn’t sure if the contact was deliberate but the electric shock that swept through her was real enough. Startled, she took a step away as her wide gaze rose to clash with Worth’s.

  Worth frowned as if he found her reaction odd. And she couldn’t blame him, after all, if it was any other day, she would’ve enjoyed his touch. But not today. Not when she’d decided that she wouldn’t get further entangled with him. Fortunately, Worth didn’t confront her over her reaction.

  He lowered his gaze to the document. For a while he just read through it then asked, “Isn’t seven days too long for the training program?”

  “I asked Neil about it,” Sin said, “and he says that the manual they’ve prepared would need around seven days to complete.”

  “But he’s set some activities even for Sunday,” Worth protested. “Who’s going to come here on Sunday? Tell him to re-edit this and find a way to reduce the number of days the participants have to come in. Five would be ideal, but if he has to, he can have half of Saturday.”

  “All right.” Sin jotted down the instructions in her notebook.

  “I don’t see any practical activities,” Worth said while thumbing through the document.

/>   “I think it’s on Day Four.”

  “Ah.” He flipped the pages to the day she’d pointed out.

  The document was long enough that it took him quite some time to go through. Meanwhile, Sin just stood there, pen in hand, taking notes about his recommendations. Soon her heels began to bite into her feet and she shifted uncomfortably.

  Without looking up from what he was reading, Worth suggested, “Why don’t you just take a seat?”

  “No… no…,” Sin protested. “I’m fine with standing.”

  “Take a seat, Sin,” Worth said. “I won’t bite you.”

  So she did, but she sat down as far from him as she could, which wasn’t very far since they were on the same couch. Their proximity was enough to start butterflies fluttering in her belly. She was seated with her back so straight and stiff, it was a wonder her spine didn’t break from the pressure.

  Worth, on the other hand, seemed completely unaffected by their proximity. He kept asking her questions and giving her instructions. At one point, he scooted closer to discuss one of the items in the document. Immediately, her breath caught in her throat and her heart started pounding.

  “Tell them to expand on this.” Worth leaned closer to Sin to show her what he was talking about until his shoulders were practically brushing against hers. “We’ve heard enough issues with repeat refund-offenders that our people need to know how to spot and deal with them.”

  “O-” Sin swallowed to clear her suddenly tight throat. “Okay.”

  Worth went on, “Do they have a section on damaged but legitimate refunds…”

  How could he be so calm when she felt like every cell in her body was humming and vibrating towards him? It took everything in her to keep from trembling while she took notes and answered his questions. By the time he reached the final page of the document, she was ready to get out of there.

  “Tell Neil that the program needs to be more interactive.” Worth flipped the document closed. “I don’t want a repeat of January. Instead of spoon-feeding the staff, get them to suggest ways to improve their interaction with customers.”

  “Okay.” Sin jotted down his suggestions quickly before looking up. “What about…”


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