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HazardsDare Page 14

by Frances Stockton

  Previously, the missionary position had seemed so basic and uninspiring. Her experience with Timothy had caused her to accept a mundane sex life. Even her mom told her that sex wasn’t the earthshattering experience showcased in books or movies.

  Hazard made sex exciting no matter the position, although there was more on her bucket list of positions. Right here and now, she didn’t care about the list. All she wanted was his kiss and his cock.

  Giving her the kiss she desired most, Hazard’s tongue slipped into her mouth, entwining around hers even as he aligned their bodies, connecting them with one long, slow thrust.

  “This is what I missed. No dildo is as good as you.”

  “Neither was the hand job I had to give myself in the shower to cool off. I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than getting back here and fucking you.”

  “Then do it, big guy. Fuck me hard and make no excuses.”

  “If you say so, my lady,” he granted.

  Thrusting twice, he withdrew, causing her to grumble until he hefted her legs up over his shoulders, bringing her ass right up off the bed. Having to cup her butt cheeks in his gigantic hands to hold her steady, he entered her swiftly and to the hilt.

  Loving it, Avery did her part, squeezing her inner muscles and thrusting back with as much force as possible. Hazard drove into her, determined to show her his strength without causing a moment of panic or pain.

  “Stroke your clit, baby,” he suggested. “Stroke it as I would, don’t hold back.”

  It only took a second to follow his lead, and oh, how exciting it was to rub and stroke her clitoris in unison with his penetrating thrusts. There was no mercy, just sex at its most basic.

  Hazard gritted his teeth. His muscles were taut with steel-like strength. He was superhuman, a lover unlike anyone she’d ever know, ever wanted to know.

  Continuing to circle her clit with her index finger, Avery chased the delicious need building inside her, ultimately coming apart as waves crashed and lifted her up again. With her the entire time, Hazard thrust deeply and held very still, whispering how good it felt to come while his cock throbbed within her core.

  Avery drifted back to reality with a kiss that was every bit as lovely as the first they’d shared and promised not to be the last.

  “I love when we come together,” Hazard admitted between kisses.

  “I love it too. Thank you for the wakeup call. I could get used to you as my alarm clock.”

  “What would you like to do until we go to dinner? I thought we’d go to a place down the block that specializes in fondue. It’s not all about cheese.”

  “I’d love that. There’s a fondue restaurant in Natick, Massachusetts, that I’ve been to with Evelyn and Samantha. The dessert course alone is a feast for the senses. What time’s dinner?”

  “I made reservations for us at eight. I have a set at the club at ten. We can try to catch Gabriel’s late show and return to our room afterward.”

  “Ladies at the spa gave glowing recommendations about Mr. Krystiyan and that tickets to the show here in Dare are hard to come by. But they had to be exaggerating on how many women visit here just to see him when they’d stand a better chance at getting tickets for his Vegas gig.”

  “The Vegas show is grander, but they weren’t wrong. Gabriel is rarely seen without a woman on his arm, sometimes three or four. As soon as he heads back to Vegas, the ladies disappear for parts unknown.”

  “I bet. I’ve seen magazines dubbing him one of the sexiest men alive and read somewhere that he’d like to become an actor. Creating successful illusions requires showmanship, so he’d probably be great as a movie star.”

  “His show is different, I’ll grant you that. Gabriel and I didn’t grow up together the way Jaxon and I did, but I’m glad he’s a friend. He barely had two dollars in his pocket when he began apprenticing at a magic shop and became a male dancer to keep from living out of his car.”

  “No way! Seriously, Gabriel was a stripper?”

  “He needed an income that would allow him to stay and make it in Vegas, where magicians abound. Ended up creating and choreographing a headlining show that featured magic for the all-male revue company he’d joined. The ladies loved it, though some assumed he was gay because of the dancing.”

  “Why is it that people assume a man who takes his clothes off and can dance is gay? He did what he had to do to make it.”

  “In Gabriel’s case, he started stripping at a gay club. That’s where he met Jaxon, who easily recognized Gabriel wasn’t gay and encouraged him to go to clubs for women.”

  “Interesting, I got the impression that Jaxon’s as much into women as he is in men.”

  “He’s openly, proudly bisexual. Why?”

  “I’m curious. He’s quite handsome, almost angelic, and yet there’s something undeniably intriguing and sexy about him too. At a guess, I’d say he’s incredibly skilled in the bedroom and has a complicated sex life.”

  Hazard frowned at her then, making her wonder what she said. “Are you jealous, Hazard? I don’t want to go jump in bed with Jaxon.”

  “A little,” he admitted. “I don’t want to lose you now, even if it’s to my best friend. I’ve had bad experiences with infidelity.”

  Smiling, Avery reached over and touched Hazard’s face. “I promised to be honest with you, Hazard. I’ve no wish to have sex with anyone but you. Can you promise the same fidelity? If it’s too soon to ask for it, that’s too bad. I’m not a pushover.”

  “The only woman I’ll be looking at for a long time is you, baby,” he said, giving her a kiss that made her heart dance with delight and love. “The one thing I never saw you as was a pushover.”

  Already extremely aware that she’d gone beyond having a crush on her favorite linebacker, Avery didn’t let herself say anything out loud.

  If she voiced her love, she could chase him off. Hazard wanted her to be his girlfriend. He’d said nothing about love. Pushing him or cornering him would only result in a broken heart.

  Hoping to let him know she was sincere when it came to fidelity, she kissed him, putting her heart and soul into it.

  Something changed in Avery as they kissed. Hazard wasn’t really sure what happened, but when she sighed, he gathered her to him and let her end the kiss when she was ready.

  Several minutes went by before she drew back and looked into his eyes, offering him a soft smile. The angle of lighting in the room reflected upon her beautiful face.

  Wanting her to feel more at ease with the rapid change in their relationship, he touched his lips to her forehead, then withdrew from her to discard his bright yellow condom.

  Seeing his dick covered in neon yellow struck him as funny. He laughed; fortunately, she’d cast her eyes down at the spent latex and giggled warmly. Glad she wasn’t offended, he put the condom in the trash and turned back to Avery.

  “What’s the deal with the colorful condoms, Avery? Your friends couldn’t just go buy Trojans. They had to buy colors and flavors along with bells and whistles? Neon yellow made my dick look like a great big banana.”

  “If I said banana pudding is my favorite dessert, would that mean anything?” she asked, relaxing in his arms.

  “I love banana pudding and anything sweet. My mom used to be a baker. I was born and raised on bakery goods.”

  “No wonder you’re so big! Is she still making delicious treats?”

  “Unfortunately, my mother’s plan of opening her own bakery never came to be and she ended up a travel agent. She still lives and works in Nevada.”

  “Why didn’t you go see her?”

  “It’d be difficult. My mom, Maris, is currently traveling with her latest husband,” he admitted, tensing a little.

  “Your parents are divorced?”


  “I’m sorry, Hazard. Divorce hits children hard.”

  “It’s all right. I’m over it.” Even as he said it, he knew he still struggled with memories of the fighting and the sto
ny silences that were often more frightening than the shouting matches.

  When they were shouting, they were home. To a kid, hearing his parents’ voices should be reassuring. For Hazard, he’d wait long into the night to hear doors slam or a car peel away in the middle of the night or return before the bus picked him up for school.

  “Hazard, tell me about your dad,” Avery said.

  “His name is Garth and he lives in Wyoming. In his youth, he was a promising baseball star bound for the majors. Ultimately, he found most of his success as a pitching coach in the minor leagues. He’s now the manager of a minor league team in his home state.”

  “Were your parents married when they were young?”

  “Yes. I’m afraid a taxing minor league baseball schedule was brutal on their relationship.”

  “Your poor mother, she must have been terribly lonely.”

  “She found ways to keep herself busy,” he said, remembering how often strange men would visit or take his mom to the movies.

  Avery pursed her lips and scowled. “Hazard, are you aware of the distress in your voice when you mention your parents? You love them, don’t you?”

  “I do, Avery. I’m sorry if I sound bitter. They divorced when I was only fourteen. It still hurts.”

  “Don’t apologize. Divorce is tough, especially on children. Do you have brothers and sisters?”

  “Two brothers and a sister, Eric, Chloe and Jacob’s the youngest.”

  “You see them much?”

  “When I can, certainly,” he answered. “Chloe’s son is autistic. He’s a great kid and I’ve tried to learn as much as I can about it and created a scholarship fund for autistic children and children with learning challenges such as ADD or dyslexia to receive the education they need to succeed.”

  “That’s wonderful. You’ll have to let me know more about the charity and if I can contribute in any way. I love children. You must too.”

  Hazard panicked a little. Now would be the time to tell her he couldn’t have children because of what he’d done to please the woman he’d thought he’d live the rest of his life with.

  “Kids are great,” he said.

  “I’m sensing an amendment to that statement. You’d be a great dad.”

  “I don’t know about that, baby. As much as I love my siblings’ kids, I’ve never wanted children of my own.”

  “Why, Hazard?”

  “Despite having four children, my parents’ marriage was volatile and not one to follow as an example. They’d been young and in love and irresponsible. I was conceived on the night of their prom and both of them had to sacrifice their careers to raise me.”

  “Wait, slow down,” Avery insisted. “That’s not your fault. Tell me you know that.”

  “I know it now. As far back as I can remember, they didn’t temper their voices when they argued. My mom resented the loss of her freedom. My dad sacrificed his playing career and took a job that kept him on the road so that we had food on the table and a roof over our heads.”

  “I’m sure they loved you. The resentment they felt was for each other, not at you.”

  “I guess that’s why I tried so hard with Marianne. I did love her, Avery. But I made some foolish decisions during our engagement based on fear of failing rather than love.”

  “Will you tell me what they entail?” She sat up, propping herself back against the headboard to listen.

  “When Marianne and I got engaged, we decided that we didn’t want children. Having a vasectomy seemed like the safest option. Her mother had difficult pregnancies and two miscarriages, weight problems soon followed. Marianne didn’t want that to happen to her. She had dreams of being a model.”

  “Oh no, I’ve got to tell you that I do not like your ex-wife one bit. She pressured you into getting the surgery, didn’t she?”

  “I didn’t know it at the time, but yes. I didn’t want any child of mine to grow up believing his or her parents didn’t love them unconditionally and I wanted Marianne to be free to pursue her ambitions. Pretty pathetic of me, I guess. If my teammates knew, they’d laugh.”

  “No,” she bit out harshly, glaring a little. “If your teammates are friends, they’d know you are human.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “No, honey, I’m not mad. You did what you’d thought was right for the woman you loved. I respect you. I could slap her silly, but that wouldn’t erase what she did. She betrayed you horribly. Someday, I hope you’ll tell me exactly how, although I can guess.”

  “Sometime real soon, I will,” he agreed.

  “I’m sorry about your mom and dad. I know it sounds weird, but I understand what you went through as a child.”

  It was his turn to scowl and prop himself against the headboard. “Mind if I ask how?”

  “For much of my childhood, my parents’ marriage was a sham. They’d been groomed by their families to become a politician and his supportive wife. There was even talk of Dad running for President. But then the pressure and national spotlight would have exposed my dad’s mistresses.”

  “No shit,” Hazard muttered, stunned. “It must have been rough to know your father betrayed your mother like that.”

  “It was awful. To my father, infidelity was the norm. His father had mistresses. His grandfather did before that. He taught the lesson to Alex, who fortunately didn’t marry for all the wrong reasons. My father was raised to believe wives were to be treated as the mothers of their children, mistresses were for sex.”

  “How is it your mom stayed with your dad through all that?”

  “Crazily enough, they are close…now. It certainly wasn’t the case before my sister Charlotte was born. My mom, who usually kept quiet about his extramarital affairs, had enough when she learned he’d tucked his latest mistress away in her own little house.”

  “Good for her,” he said, silently cheering Mrs. Grant on. “My mother cheated on my father, Avery. I can relate to what you’d been through. Hell, the amount of time my father was away, I’m pretty certain he did too. I’d just never witnessed it firsthand.”

  “It took my mom going so far as moving out and drawing up legal separation papers before my dad realized he’d better clean up his act or he would have lost her. They were separated when she learned she was pregnant again. She didn’t want to keep silent anymore and told my dad that if he went to counseling, she’d consider moving home.”

  “I like your mom, Avery.”

  “She’s much stronger than she’s given credit for. My dad did everything she asked, devoting himself to being a good husband and father first, a senator second.”

  “What happened?”

  “They fell in love. Surprised the hell out of all of us, my brother didn’t even realize it until Dad was hospitalized.”

  “I’m glad they’re happy. My parents tried to stay together through the rough times. They really did.”

  Avery reached out and touched his hair, gently combing it with her fingers.

  “I’m terribly sorry your marriage didn’t work out, Hazard. I’m sorry about your mom and dad. If I could time travel, I’d go back to the time when you were a child and hold you in my arms to let you know that you weren’t alone in your pain.”

  “That’s sweet of you, baby,” he replied, appreciating her support.

  “Admittedly, I’m not feeling as sweet toward your ex-wife. She betrayed your trust in the most horrible way. Once trust is broken, it’s difficult, not insurmountable, but difficult to repair the damage.”

  “Marianne wasn’t the only one who made mistakes when we got married. I went into it for all the wrong reasons. In the end, love wasn’t enough. It’s a mistake I’ll never duplicate.”

  “Do you think you’d ever try marriage again?”

  “I honestly can’t answer that yet, Avery.” Not that long ago, his answer would have been no fucking way. In the last couple of months, something inside him had shifted.

  He no longer resented Marianne. He stopped hiding behind orgie
s and wild no-commitment one-night stands and started talking more and more to his coaches and teammates, recognizing what worked in their marriages and seeing where he’d been at fault in his failures as a husband.

  “Do we have a future?” she asked, looking a little sad, and he immediately sought to reassure her.

  “Yes, I just don’t know what the future holds. If I did, it’d be like reading the end of a book before the first chapter. I’d rather write our story with you, taking the good and the bad, hopefully having a lot of great sex and everything in between.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “Did I mention the part about having a lot of sex in each chapter?”

  “I’d like nothing more. You really believe there’s a chance for us, despite what I said at the bar about being fuck buddies.”

  “You’re my lover now, Avery. There is a mighty big chance,” he answered with all his heart. Raising his hand to place it over hers, he stopped her in mid-comb and clutched her hand in his. “We’ll have to figure out the logistics of how it’ll all work, but we have to be open to all possibilities.”

  “You don’t mean an open relationship. Tell me you don’t or we’re done.”

  “Never, but I’m aware that this week has become a sex fantasy bucket list for you. You talked about the list when you were falling asleep in the middle of the night. If one of those things on your list is a three-way, tell me now. Be honest, baby.”

  “Honestly, I’ve fantasized about it. Yes, it’s on my list. Eve and Samantha and I have all gone out and talked about it, read about, even watched porn together.”

  “Now see, that’s a turn-on. Don’t misunderstand, but the idea of three gorgeous women talking sex fantasies and three-ways is extremely sexy.”

  “Have you slept with three women at once?”

  “Yes, sometimes other couples joined us.” If he wanted honesty from Avery, he had to return the same.

  “Like, how does that even work?”

  “It’s difficult to explain and I’m too old and banged up to consider it again. Multiple partners happened a long time ago. I guess they were my way of rebelling after my divorce.”


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