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HazardsDare Page 25

by Frances Stockton

  “You have a spa appointment.”

  “I can cancel it. I’ll call Alexander and Ryan and have one of them pick me up at the airport. Ryan’s going to question everything regarding my ankle strain and may even retake X-rays.”

  Hazard stared at her for a minute. “I want him to do that for you. You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. We can kiss goodbye at the airport. It’ll be romantic. As it is, as much as I’d love to spend the rest of what’s left of our time here together making love, sleep is about all I can muster until then.”

  “That’s okay, love. Sleep’s about all I can do right now too.” He got up and looked through her purse for her phone. “Here, go ahead and change the flight reservations if you can. We’ll see if we can leave tomorrow.”

  Avery began making calls and soon had her flight arrangements changed to leave a day early. There was a minor fee for the change, but she was able to take the same airline as Hazard was using. They’d be in the same terminal.

  “What time’s your flight again?” she asked before going through with the itinerary changes.

  “Nine,” he answered.

  “Best I can do is ten,” she said. “Is that okay?”

  “Sure. I’ll have Jax take us to the airport in my rental and return it so I can help you to your gate and make arrangements with a flight attendant to get you to your seat on the plane.”

  Avery nodded, finished making her flight arrangements and started to hand the phone to Hazard. “Call your brother, baby.”

  Avery wrinkled her nose and texted Alexander. It was early enough that he and Ryan were likely in bed. By habit, Ryan remained on call for the clinic or hospital unless he made prior arrangements with one of his nurses or an attending physician.

  Two minutes after texting Alexander, her phone went off, playing her brother’s familiar ringtone.

  “Hi, Alexander,” she greeted sweetly.

  “You broke your ankle?” Alexander questioned with little patience. She gave him the benefit of having been woken up out of a deep sleep or being interrupted during something far more intimate. “You’re coming home first thing in the morning.”

  “Slow down, Alexander, there’s no fracture. I’ve a minor, accent on minor, ankle strain. I fell. Hazard took me right to the emergency clinic.”

  “He’s with you now? It’s almost three o’clock in the morning there,” Alexander demanded, his deep voice going so low, he growled.

  “Hazard? Yes, of course,” she said. “He’s taking care of me as you wanted.”

  “That’d better mean he’s looking out for you like a bodyguard,” her brother warned. “Otherwise, he has much to answer for.”

  Getting impatient and overcome with exhaustion and pain medicine, Avery grumbled back at her brother. “Whatever Hazard and I have, it’s between us. Now stop worrying. Will you or Ryan pick me up at Logan or do I need to arrange a taxi or limo?”

  Ryan’s sleep-roughened voice came over the line. “We’ll both be there,” he assured quietly. “Alex is being difficult at the moment, but nothing I can’t calm down in a bit. You okay?”

  “For now, I’m fine. I’ve an ankle strain, nothing serious.”

  “You have the ankle elevated and iced?”

  “Yes, though the ice is due to be removed in a few minutes. Hazard’s timing it.”

  “All right,” Ryan said. “I’ll want a full report from the doctor you saw. We’ll reevaluate the injury when you come home.”

  “Is Alexander still angry at me, Ryan?”

  “He’s concerned. It was hard for him to know you’d gone to Dare on your own and he wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  “He put Hazard in charge after Morgan had one of her feelings. I’ve had the time of my life with him. He’s a good man and Alexander has nothing to worry about. Turning my ankle was my fault, not Hazard’s.”

  “Alex trusted the linebacker. Tell me I have good reason to back you on your decision to be more than friends with Osbourne, Avery.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m really tired, Ryan. If that doesn’t come across right, I’ll explain more tomorrow. Hazard and I have been with friends most of the evening and I slipped on the snowy driveway.”

  “Can I speak to him?” Ryan requested pleasantly.

  “Certainly,” she agreed, handing the phone to Hazard.

  Hazard took the phone and stood. He introduced himself, listened and replied, “You’ve my word, Ryan…I love her, yes. I’ll make sure she gets to the airport and onto the plane. Thank you.”

  He ended the call and set the phone on the closest coffee table. “Ryan said to make sure you text your flight number and arrival time.”

  “I will when we wake up. For now, I’d like to make my way to the bathroom, wash my face and get some sleep.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “That’d be appreciated,” she said, knowing she needed his assistance.

  He helped her to her feet, put his arm around her waist and acted as her crutch in getting to the bathroom. There, she asked for some privacy to clean up and use the toilet and he granted her wish, promising to return for her in ten minutes.

  He came back when she let him know she was done and carried her to bed. He’d placed a pillow at the foot of the bed, propped her ankle on it and carefully removed the ice pack and wrapped her ankle before removing her skirt and blouse, leaving her in her bra and underwear and settling the covers around her.

  “I’m sorry this is how our last night is,” she said sleepily.

  “Don’t apologize,” Hazard assured. “Get some shuteye. I’m taking my turn in the bathroom and will join you in a minute or two. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed, closing her eyes. There were things she needed to do. Packing came to mind, sex would be nice.

  But sleep came first. She didn’t even remember Hazard coming to bed. Her last conscious thought was of him trapped in a pillory as she fondled and sucked him off.

  Hazard woke her sometime later. The sun was beginning to rise outside their hotel room windows. It was time to go home.

  More depressed than worried about her injury, Avery looked up at the man she’d come to love. “Guess the fantasy vacation is over,” she said.

  “Only temporarily. Time to get you scrubbed up and ready for the airport.”

  “Did you call Jax after talking with Ryan?”

  “Called him, made arrangements and packed your suitcase.”

  Avery smiled at that. “You really are domestic, after all.”

  “I’m not promising that your garments are perfectly aligned, but they won’t be ruined or crushed, especially that red dress,” he said, giving her a playful wink.

  “My makeup and toiletries too?”

  “All neatly placed in the small suitcase you had stored under the bathroom sink. Your flatiron and hair supplies are safe and sound. The outfit you were wearing last night is going to need some serious dry cleaning.”

  “I’ll get it done when I go home. Thank you, Hazard.”

  “It’s the least I could do. How do you feel?”

  Aware of the constant ache in her ankle, she tried moving her foot as much as the bandage allowed. It wasn’t an unbearable pain, but it was enough for her to admit she’d like Ryan to take a second look when she went home.

  Vacation really was over. This was simply not the way she imagined this morning would go. Lots of sex during the night and when they woke this morning was way better than this.

  “I have a surprise, if it’ll help rouse you from that bed,” Hazard offered.

  “What surprise?” she asked, pushing herself up on her elbows.

  “I arranged to have early room service delivered. I’ve coffee, bagels and cream cheese.”

  Despite everything, food sounded great. Her tummy grumbled in desperation. “I could definitely eat.”

  “Sit up for a minute.” Hazard helped her lean back against the headboard, then placed a breakfast tray over her lap.

  He scrambled onto the bed beside her without causing the carafe to spill, poured out two mugs of black coffee, scooped in sugar and added the right amount of cream to hers and handed it to her.

  “Here you go, love,” he offered.

  “You really are a keeper.”

  “I’m glad you think so. When we talk tonight, let’s start planning how we’ll follow up our vacation.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. Are we talking Skype and cybersex too?”

  “Skype, yes,” he answered. “Cybersex, only if you’re up to it.”

  “I’m going to miss being with you for real.”

  “Me too, Avery.” As carefully as he could manage, he leaned over, kissed her softly and tapped her mug. “Drink or I’ll be tempted to find ways to fuck you that won’t cause the slightest pain.”

  Avery sipped on the excellent-tasting brew. “I’m not objecting.”

  “That’s nice to know. But it’ll take hours to do what I have in mind and we’ll both miss our flights.”

  “You’re sensible among all your other talents.”

  “I try, baby, I try.”

  He helped smear cream cheese on her cinnamon-raison bagel and tore a piece off, feeding it to her. “I can feed myself,” she said after she swallowed the still-warm toasted bagel.

  “I know. It’s nice taking care of you.” He didn’t stop tearing off pieces of bagel until she was more than halfway through eating and drinking her coffee.

  He scarfed down his own food, tossed back the coffee in a couple of big gulps and stood. “Now we really need to move.”

  Avery waited until he set the breakfast tray on the floor before she tried to get up. As she knew he would, Hazard was right there, his arm firmly around her waist, acting as the brace she needed before putting weight on her ankle.

  Since it was her left ankle that was strained, she’d be able to drive when she went home because her Honda CR-V was an automatic. It was a relief. Walking was difficult, but not impossible.

  When she went to the airport, she’d use the crutches she was sent home with. For now, they were propped up by the chaise.

  It hurt regardless of Hazard acting as her crutch, however, a few steps toward the bathroom revealed that the discomfort didn’t worsen and she could walk slowly. It was nice to have a linebacker’s steel-hard muscle supporting her, so she kept him close until she was in the bathroom.

  Hazard led her to the toilet, put down the lid and set her down to remove the bandage. “I’ll re-wrap it after you take a shower. Do you need help?”

  “Might be good if you stay close, but I don’t need to wash my hair, so it won’t take long to wash up.”

  “I’m right here.” He straightened and turned the shower on for her, adjusting the dials until only one of the showerheads was on and he deliberately aimed the water away from the door. “I kept the water lukewarm. Don’t use hot water on that ankle until Ryan declares it okay.”

  “I won’t.” Avery shed herself of her panties and bra and hobbled into the shower.

  While she lathered and rinsed, Hazard remained close. Not until she was done and dried off and her teeth were brushed did he set her back down on the commode and propped her left foot up on his thigh to gently re-wrap her ankle.

  “Swelling’s gone down some, but the bruising has begun.”

  “I noticed in the shower. Love the purplish hue,” she remarked.

  Hazard finished up and got her back to her feet. Walking was a little easier. It was better with him holding her up.

  Back in the main room, he went to a dresser and pulled out clean underwear, a bra, jeans and a sweater that he’d not packed. He even helped her dress.

  “If Alexander and Ryan could see how good you are to me, they wouldn’t be so concerned,” Avery commented.

  “They’re your family. I can handle their concern. I think I appeased Ryan when I spoke to him.”

  “He wouldn’t have let you off the hook if he thought you were a bad guy.”

  “I like him. I had the chance to talk to him at length when I was invited to the bed-and-breakfast for a week of contract discussions with Alex. He seems to genuinely love your brother.”

  “As Alexander loves him,” Avery stated.

  “How does your family feel about their marriage?”

  “My mom adores Ryan. My dad’s getting there. He accepts them as a couple, he just doesn’t necessarily agree with their marriage. I give him credit for trying and for not condemning them. My sister thinks Ryan’s a hunk, but then she also thinks Phalen Maddox and Kyran Black are too.”

  “Wonder what she’ll think of me?”

  “She will fawn all over you,” Avery answered. “You are the top-of-the-line, grade A, one hundred percent hunk of my dreams.”

  Hazard brushed out her hair and leaned down to give her the nicest kiss a woman could ask for. “I love you. Thank you for letting me into your heart, Avery Grant.”

  “It’s a pleasure, truly.” He kissed her again, this time lingering long enough to slip his tongue between her lips.

  They drew apart and finished getting ready to leave. A few minutes later, a bellhop arrived and escorted them to the lobby, where they checked out and found Jaxon Wynter waiting.

  “Ready to go?” Jax asked, taking the rental SUV’s keys from Hazard.

  “Not really, but the evil day job beckons,” Avery said teasingly.

  “Thought you liked your job,” Jax remarked.

  “I love it. Right now, it’s taking me away from Hazard.”

  “Understandable.” Jax slapped Hazard on the shoulder. “Sawyer’s still working on who might have been in the woods last night. There were no footprints, but he expected that with the snow. He went over to the rental house. There was evidence of someone staying there recently, possibly leaving last night. That might explain the headlights.”

  “That’s all we can ask for,” Hazard said.

  “Sawyer’s also going to expand his background search on John Redman. It might not turn up much, but it could give Avery some peace of mind if Redman’s history checks out.”

  “Tell him thank you,” Avery replied, relieved.

  Even though she didn’t personally feel threatened by John Redman, she couldn’t quite put her finger on why she was being cautious. She’d feel better knowing for certain that John wasn’t the boogieman in disguise.

  Jaxon led them outside and stowed their bags, as well as her crutches, while Hazard helped Avery get into the backseat. She loved that he stayed with her rather than sitting in the front and that he’d placed her leg across his lap.

  As they left Dare, her heart was heavy. She’d found the man she loved when she least expected it. She knew they’d work out the logistics of a long-distance relationship until after football season, but it would be a long couple of weeks ahead.

  While Jaxon drove, the three fell into a conversation about the ghosts that were said to haunt the town of Dare and the enigmatic bartender/town investor’s huge mountain house. Avery told him what she knew about Remington Sinclair and her friend Evelyn Stratham, hoping that he’d pave the way for the ghost hunter and Eve to explore the town.

  She was pretty confident that Jaxon wouldn’t open his mountain house to any kind of paranormal research, but he might open it up for Eve and Remy to visit as his guests. He seemed particularly interested in learning why Eve loved reading books about vampires, especially Ransom Hunter’s book series.

  Avery also asked Jaxon to check in with Taylor Anderson’s father and let her know how his procedures went. She’d only started to get to know Taylor, but already considered her a friend.

  The conversation kept her from thinking too much about being apart from Hazard. But all too soon, they were pulling into the airport. Jaxon was an excellent driver, moving in and out of traffic and finally drawing to a halt near the entrance to their airline.

  She and Hazard thanked Jaxon for his help with the rental SUV and hugged him goodbye. Hazard procured a cart for their
luggage, but remained close even though she had her crutches. Inside, they headed to the check-in counter and went through the first-class line.

  Flying first class had its privileges. It was expensive, but worth it, especially today. In a matter of minutes, Hazard procured a wheelchair for Avery, hung their carryon bags over the wheelchair handles and stowed her crutches for when she reached her gate.

  Of course, security was slow, but Avery didn’t mind. It gave her a longer time with Hazard. He’d only have a few minutes before he had to rush off to board his plane. Fortunately, their gates were in the same terminal.

  At her gate, Hazard called over the attendant working the desk, explained to the man about Avery’s injury and made sure she would be assisted down the ramp.

  Before rushing off, he knelt down before her. “You sure you’re okay with me leaving before you? I’ll scrap this flight if necessary and take the next.”

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t miss your flight. You arranged for a nice gentleman to help me and it won’t be long before I board.”

  Hazard lifted his hand, brushing her hair back from her face. “You look sad, Avery. What can I do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too.” Carefully cupping her cheek, he leaned in real close, making her feel safe. He smelled wonderfully male. “I told the attendant to make sure you had enough room to elevate your ankle. As soon as you’re seated, request some ice.”

  “You’re sweet. Don’t worry. I’ll follow doctor’s orders. I’m pretty good at the PT part.”

  “One thing before I go,” he said, turning to brush his lips against hers. “I’ll text when I land and call you later.”

  “I’ll text you as well and look forward to the call. I’m sorry the circumstances are so rushed.”

  “We can’t help how slow security was. Personally, I’d rather they be cautious than let some nutcase through.”

  Avery nodded and kissed him softly. Unbidden, tears escaped, running down her cheeks. Hazard wouldn’t have it. He wiped them away with his thumb, tucking them into his palm.


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