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HazardsDare Page 27

by Frances Stockton

Seeing his face in the small window was wonderful. Yet she wished she could touch him for real. “Hi, baby. What did Ryan say about your ankle?”

  “He confirmed what we knew, a strain,” Avery told him. “Everything is okay with your apartment?”

  “It’s the same as when I left. Anna saw me drive up and immediately invited me in for coffee.”

  “How are the twins? Bet those little girls run circles around their daddy,” Avery said.

  “They’re crawling, that’s for sure. Who knew babies could move that fast?” There was wistfulness in Hazard’s tone that made her take note.

  “Did you play with them?”

  “Sure, they’re cute. I suspect when they’re older, Kyran’s going to have his hands full keeping the boys away.”

  “No doubt he’ll enlist Phalen and my brother to help bar the doors.”

  “I’ll help too. No way am I going to allow some boy to hurt either of those girls.”

  “I think they have time, Hazard. They’re like six months old by now. But it’s nice to know they’ve a linebacker in their corner. No one’s going to mess with you.”

  “It made me start thinking about talking to my doctor,” Hazard admitted. “That is, if you’re interested in the outcome.”

  “I’m more than interested,” she answered.

  “How angry was Alex when you saw him?”

  “Not as upset as I thought he’d be, but he was going easy on me on account of my ankle.” She went on to tell him about the golf cart-like transport Alexander and Ryan had arranged and how nice it’d been to be taken care of by her older brother and boss.

  “He left me a few messages. I returned them and am waiting for a response now that you’re home. How was your flight?”

  “Unremarkable. Did you get Sawyer’s email about John Redman?”

  Hazard nodded. “Sure did. I was surprised to read about the time in jail and probation. Drugs can lead people down a road they never intended to go.”

  “Let’s hope he maintains the counseling. John and his boyfriend were on my flight, Hazard.”

  With that, Hazard sat up straight, the heat of his glare reaching across the Wi-Fi connection. “What the hell?”

  “Apparently, they were on their way to Louisville, Kentucky. Logan was a stopover,” Avery explained. “I was reading and the next thing I knew there he was, talking to me.”

  Hazard glared again, harsher this time. “What did he say?”

  “He apologized for his behavior when we’d met. What bothered me the most was that he called me Ms. Grant. I never told him my first or last name. He could have overheard me talking to Jaxon, but I don’t recall him being near me at that point.”

  “I don’t like it, Avery.”

  “Maybe he recognized me because of my dad or Alexander when we met at the Truth or Dare Club. My family is well known and I’d been on local news shows and papers.”

  “Still don’t like it. I’m going to talk to your brother, see if he knows anything about John Redman from when he played baseball.”

  “Brilliant minds think alike,” Avery said. “I was going to do that later. Remember though, according to Sawyer’s email, John never made it out of the minors.”

  There was a knock on the door. It was harder than Doc’s. “Avery, can I come in?” her brother requested.

  “Hang on a second,” she replied. “Hazard, can we talk when I’m home?”

  “You bet. I’ll text to let you know when to be online. I want to know what Alex thinks about Redman.”

  “He’s out of our lives now,” she commented. “Maybe we should just let it go. Considering what Sawyer found, it might be time for Redman to establish himself in his hometown again.”

  “If you don’t talk to Alex, I will.”

  “Okay, point taken. I’ll talk to him. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Avery. Follow Ryan’s orders, you hear?”

  “I will.” She ended the video call and powered down the iPad. “Okay, Alexander, I’m ready.”

  Alexander came in looking more at ease than he’d been at the airport, because he’d shed his perfectly fitting coat and took off his tie. “You spoke to Ryan about the X-rays?”

  “Yes. I’m relieved to know that you weren’t seriously injured. Do you mind telling me how it happened?”

  “I slipped on a snowy driveway,” she answered, going on tell him about dinner at Jaxon Wynter’s and the various friends she’d made in Dare.

  “You liked Dare,” Alexander stated.

  “I loved it and the friends I gained. It’s a great town. You should visit sometime.”

  “I’ll talk to Doc and see if we can’t make a reservation. Now tell me about Osbourne.”

  “You know enough.”

  “No, I don’t. How did this happen?”

  “This? If you mean a relationship, I’d have to say by accident. Neither of us intended to find love. It just happened. To be honest, we noticed each other when you and Dad were in the hospital. All the football players were there and he stood out to me. I’ve had a crush on him for ages.”

  “And you’re okay with the fact that Hazard’s known to date a lot of women, at the same time?”

  “I know everything I need to know about him. What he did or who he dated before me doesn’t matter. Did you know he was divorced and his ex-wife did a number on him?”

  “I knew. His ex is a bitch. I’m going to have to trust your instincts here, Avery. Just know that if he steps out of line, he’ll answer to me and my husband.”

  “And Phalen and Kyran too?”

  “That goes without saying. I had a lecture planned out, you know that?”

  “I figured as much.”

  “But I can see that you’re confident when you talk about Hazard. Whenever you spoke of Timothy, it was always with a sense of sadness and reservation. Not once did I think you were in love with him.”

  “Breaking free of Timothy and moving here after Dad recovered opened my eyes to what I was missing in life. I went to Dare to claim something for myself. I didn’t expect to fall in love with Hazard. I told everyone when I moved here that men were off my radar, remember?”

  Alexander came over and found a chair to sit in. “I remember. If things are fine with Hazard, why do I get the feeling that something’s wrong? You clearly miss your boyfriend, that’s understandable. But you’re distracted. At the airport, you were spooked.”

  “You have the right to know. The first night I was there, I met someone who flirted with me rather awkwardly, yet there was an arrogance about him that set my teeth on edge. I sensed John Redman’s interest was faked and Hazard picked up on it.”

  Alexander froze. The horrified look on his face set her back in her armchair.


  “Sonofabitch…John Redman…you’re sure?”

  “Yes. Hazard sent him away. The next day, I caught him staring at me while Hazard and I were on a balcony talking. He gave me the heebie-jeebies.”

  “Crazy as it sounds, I think Morgan was right when she got one of her feelings and implored me to warn you. She called later and said she was sure you were safe with Hazard. Did anything else happen with Redman?”

  “Nothing inappropriate. Hazard talked to Chief of Police Sawyer Hamilton, who investigated the guy. Turns out he’s from Kentucky and has a record. But he’s served his time and is off probation.”

  “Hamilton did his homework.”

  “He’s former FBI,” Avery said. “Alexander, how do you know John Redman? He was a baseball player.”

  Alexander stood up, started to pace, but caught himself. “He was my first client.”

  “What? There’s something else.”

  “And we were lovers, once, only once. It was a disastrous decision on my part to even become attracted to him, but it happened. He wasn’t ready to come out about being gay and panicked. The next day, he fired me as his agent.”

  “You’re lucky you got away from him when you did. Sawyer sent Hazard a
nd I an email saying John Redman served time in jail for his part in an illegal pornography ring that extorted their victims.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me,” Alexander remarked. “After we parted ways, he blew out his knee and got involved in drugs and internet porn to support his habit.”

  “I’m so sorry, Alexander. Why didn’t you tell me about him a long time ago? You could have shared anything with me.”

  “I’d only represented him for a short time. I wasn’t about to let a spoiled brat of a former client ruin my chances at a career that had nothing to do with Dad’s influence. Being a sports agent was my decision, you understand?”

  “I do. You weren’t interested in politics the way Dad was. I applaud you for your success, Alexander.”

  “About five years ago, John was so desperate that he’d contacted me in the hopes that I’d save his career.”

  “Obviously you turned him down.”

  “He was too caught up in drugs and self-destruction for me to help. I did recommend addiction counseling. Tell me everything your friend Sawyer found out about Redman, everything.”

  “You can read Sawyer’s email from earlier. I have to say that after the balcony incident, John and his boyfriend left Dare. I’m pretty sure Sawyer suggested that they leave.”

  “Promise me you didn’t give him any information about yourself.”

  “I didn’t even give him my name when I met him at the Truth or Dare Club, but at the airport today, he called me Ms. Grant. My guess is that he recognized me because everyone says I’m the female version of you.”

  “Redman didn’t threaten you or hurt you in anyway?”

  “I was with Hazard and his friends most of the time. I didn’t see John again until I was at the airport. Believe it or not, he was going home to Kentucky. The sentence he served was in Virginia.”

  This time Alexander paced, which was unusual. “Can I read that email?”

  Avery pointed to her cellphone. “Sure.”

  Helping himself to her phone, he scrolled through her emails until he read the one Sawyer had sent to her. “I’m turning this over to Phalen and having him get in touch with Hamilton. I don’t like knowing that Redman spoke to you at all, much less that he made you uncomfortable.”

  “We could be making a mountain out of a molehill. I’m former US Senator Grant’s daughter. A lot of people would recognize my face, especially if they’re from our home state.”

  “You have a good sense about people. You knew something was off with him.”

  “He didn’t commit a crime. When he spoke with me earlier today, he tried to explain his actions at the club as a means to make his boyfriend jealous. His boyfriend’s a baseball player who’d been suspended for steroid use.”

  “Redman is a convincing liar, Avery. It wouldn’t surprise me to discover that he was more involved with the porn company he was working for than he led authorities to believe.”

  “Maybe, but he served his sentence and is a free man. We can’t assume anything just because someone’s a little odd.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Alexander’s remark convinced Avery that her older brother was going to follow through with bringing Phalen into the situation.

  Great, now she’d have to deal with two big brothers and a brother-in-law who could put the fear of Jesus in just about any man if they wanted to.

  Add in the fact that Phalen would bring in Ethan because his brother was a cop and Taran because he was a lawyer and soon enough she’d have all three Maddoxes in her court. Not a bad place to be, come to think of it.

  What pissed her off the most about John Redman wasn’t the weird vibe she picked up on in Dare. It was the fact that after suffering abuse at the hands of a former lover, Alexander had taken a chance on love and John crushed it.

  Thankfully, he had Ryan now. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t see the way the brightness within her brother’s blue eyes had darkened at the mention of John Redman.

  She’d love to see the confident sports agent return, to witness the take-charge businessman Alexander in action. She knew exactly how to see it happen.

  “Hey, Alexander, do you think Ryan would agree to open up the pub at the castle for guests to watch the Griffins’ playoff game Saturday?”

  “Sure, we could arrange something. Besides, how can I turn my sister down when she asks so nicely?”

  “Great! I was supposed to fly down to Virginia, but given my ankle, it’s best if I don’t. If the Griffins win and move onto the championship, I will be there for Hazard.”

  “Tell him I’d like to sit down and talk to him man-to-man. It can wait until after football season, but as your brother, it’s my duty to make sure he means to do right by you.”

  Avery couldn’t help but smile. “Could I have a hug? I do love you, you know?”

  “I love you too, Avery. You’re an adult and capable of making your own decisions regarding who you date. Have to admit that last night I saw red and was ready to beat the tar out of Osbourne for touching my sister.”

  “What changed your mind?”


  “He talked sense into you.”

  “If there’s anyone who can do that, it’s my husband.”

  “He’s the perfect husband.”

  “Now I wouldn’t say that. No one’s perfect, but it’s fair to say he’s close. I can only try to be the man he deserves.”

  Avery watched her big brother do something he rarely did, he flushed. It was so obvious that he loved Ryan and the feelings were returned.

  Alexander came over and gave her a big hug, just as she asked. No doubt he’d have that man-to-man talk with Hazard after football season. That was okay. Hazard would handle the conversation like the hero he was.

  As it happened, Alexander left her to take care of business, meaning he was calling Phalen. Relaxing back in her lounge chair, the only thing that’d make her feel even better was if Hazard was with her.

  Until she spoke to him later, she’d follow Doc’s orders and get back to reading her book. Luckily, Ryan had brought her carryon inside when they’d arrived at the clinic and her Kindle was close at hand.

  Four hours later, and after a mini-parade of friends came to the clinic to welcome her home, Avery was able to walk through the door of her own apartment. Evelyn Stratham was the last to arrive and drove her home.

  Though her best friend’s hair was almost the same caramel-brown as Hazard’s, and it was longer and straighter than Avery’s, Eve reminded Avery of herself. They were the same height, had powerful fathers and similar interests in movies, books and men.

  The biggest difference was Eve’s preference for reading paranormal and historical novels over Avery’s love of action and medical whodunits. They shared a collection of erotica and kept that knowledge to themselves.

  “So tell me how you managed to score one of the hottest men on the planet?” Eve asked the moment they sat down and Avery elevated her foot. “Did you see the cover of SI two weeks ago?”

  “Believe it or not, with a red dress dare,” she confessed.

  “Do tell.” Eve was incredibly pretty, with soft features and a heart-shaped face.

  Avery envied her friend’s naturally straight hair, but often, Eve swept it into a prim bun, keeping few to realize how long and silky it really was.

  “After a day at the spa and getting my hair done, I went out for a night on the town. I guess you could say I flirted with Hazard and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

  “Sounds to me like the dress worked.”

  “I didn’t know that it would. Morgan texted earlier that day and insisted my future resided at the Truth or Dare Club. How she knew where I was going or intended, I don’t know. At least I had my safety net.”

  “I tell you what, if you hadn’t contacted us when you did, Sam Riley would have fired up Ethan, Taran and Phalen and gotten them on the first plane to Nevada.”

  “And my big brother and Ryan would’ve been there too.”

  “When Morgan gets one of her feelings, no one second-guesses her, least of all her husband and your brother. To tell you the truth, I’m pretty sure Remy would have boarded that flight.”

  “Is there any news to report regarding Remy?” Avery asked.

  Looking wistful and longing for something she hadn’t obtained, Eve sighed. “Sometimes he looks at me the way I imagine a knight in shining armor would just before he whisks his fair maiden to safety. Other times, he looks like he wants to fuck me.”

  “Evelyn Stratham, what language!”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. If that’s the case, why isn’t he doing something about it?”

  “That’s the thing. I don’t know. Maybe he thinks I’m too boring, or too good of a friend to admit that he wants to have sex with me.”

  “You are not boring. I think he does want you, but Morgan claims he’s bisexual. If that’s the case, he’s trying to do the right thing and avoid hurting you.”

  “If he stopped running and paid attention, he might even learn that I’ve had fantasies about us…and someone else.”

  “Triad fantasies?”

  “Yes.” Prim and proper Evelyn blushed redder than a candy apple. “I think it’s the Ransom Hunter books. As often as I’ve read them, the sex scenes involving multiple partners, namely two men and one woman make me want to experience it with Remy.”

  “You know, I met someone in Dare who wants to meet the two of you.”

  “Really, who, curious minds want to know?”

  “His name’s Jaxon Wynter. He’s a stud, no doubt, and a Dom. Jaxon is the metrosexual version of a Maddox brother. He’s also intrigued by the paranormal and ghosts. His house is haunted. You’d love that.”

  “Remy wants to do an investigation of Dare, Nevada, to expand the show beyond New England television markets. Do you think it’s possible?”

  “Jaxon’s one of the town founders. I’ll get you in contact with him. Hazard told me that Jax is interested in discussing an investigation. Apparently, he knew that you two tried to fly out there a few months ago and were delayed.”

  “Being stuck at the airport was a pain in the butt,” Eve commented. “The drive home with Remy was amazing. He was kind and considerate and a complete gentleman, even when we stopped at a motel for the night.”


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