Captive (The Phantom Series Book 1)

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Captive (The Phantom Series Book 1) Page 16

by Jenny Lynn

  “I never meant to hurt you Seth. I hope you know that.”

  “I know,” he nodded. “I’m not so naive to think I would be the only man interested in you. I had hoped you felt the same way, but if you don’t, it’s not something I was going to force.”

  I reached across the table and touched his arm.

  “I do care about you, honestly. I just… needed something different.”

  “You really can’t tell me anything about this guy?”

  I shook my head. “I’d love to, honestly, I have no one to talk to about this. But I made a promise.” It was more than a promise, I reminded myself. My signature was scrawled onto paperwork too.

  “You’re not involved in anything dangerous are you Ella?”

  He was watching me closely and it took everything in me to keep my face emotionless and still. “No,” I lied. “I’m okay, I promise. Look, let’s talk about something else.”

  “Okay,” Seth agreed. “Now that you’re back at the paper what are you focusing on?”

  I laughed. “Unless crime in Vegas disappeared while I was away, I’m sure I’ll have a lot to work on. I started outlining a few articles earlier today, and there’s an event tomorrow that Harry sent me an email about. Some glitzy gala for the LVPD.”

  “Sounds like something for the society pages, not our crime reporter. No offense.”

  “None taken,” I shrugged. “That’s what I told Harry, but apparently they requested to have me attend personally. Must be the coverage I’ve given to LVPD donations lately. So I need to figure out what to wear. It’s in a ballroom at a mansion, and it’s supposed to be pretty formal.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find something, you could wear a sack and still be the most beautiful woman in the room.” I looked away, my cheeks flushing at the compliment and Seth sighed. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t say things like that anymore.”

  “It’s okay, really. It may feel a bit weird now but we were friends before and we’ll stay friends. I care about you too much to lose you from my life.”

  “I feel the same way Ella.”

  The waitress dropped off our food and drinks, then we dug in. The burger was perfect, with a fluffy bun and juicy meat. After running around all day I was starving, and this was really hitting the spot. It was nice being out with Seth, talking about work, something so normal after a weekend that was anything but normal. I wished I could tell Seth everything, but I knew that Beckett’s secret was now mine to keep too. Like Beckett, my life was starting to take on two parts. On one side there were moments like today, catching up with a friend and chatting about life. Then there was the other side, filled with an intensity that made my legs shake and my heart beat quicker. A world where Beckett pulled me in, held me there, and I was his.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  Today I played the part of Beckett Carter, powerful businessman. I went to the office and settled in behind my desk, going through the motions. The entire time I had one thing in the back of my mind, the plan I had put together after hours of focus on Sunday. This was my chance to catch Marco Venetti off guard, my chance to finally close this painful chapter in my life and lay the ghosts of my past to rest. Meeting after meeting, document after document I signed, I could feel the clock ticking down to the time I would finally act.

  When I left the office I went straight home. After a shower I went to my closet and dressed in my freshly pressed tuxedo, fastening platinum cufflinks and sliding into my shoes. I checked my reflection in the full length mirror, I was ready. What wasn’t outwardly apparent was that in the sole of my shoe was a lock picking set, that my bowtie pulled apart to a thin wire that would be perfect for ending the life of Marco Venetti and I had two of my Phantom masks hidden in the lining of my jacket. One for me, and one for the distraction I had planned.

  I would have to go in with no guns this time, no outwardly visible weapons. I would never get past security and arouse suspicion. I was going to need to rely on my body as the ultimate weapon, and anything around me I could find inside. I was going to need to be fast and ruthless. If I hesitated, if I made one wrong move, it would be over. For the Phantom and for Beckett Carter.

  I headed to the elevator, down to the garage where I got behind the wheel of my red Aston Martin. With a roar, I smoothly navigated out onto the streets where the sun had set, the neon lights shining bright in a city where it was never dark. Past crowds and casinos, attractions and businesses, I drove down the streets out of the inner city limits to the Venetti mansion where the event was being held. As I drove up through the iron gates there was a valet waiting. I stepped out and handed him my keys, he nodded at me and handed over a ticket then got into my car and drove away to park it along with the others.

  I walked towards the massive double doors, looking over the sprawling mansion and all the property it took up. There were tall windows on every floor, side doors, multiple entrances. It was a fortress, there was no denying it, but I could make use of the many ways in and out if I needed to. That’s what I preferred about my penthouse. There was one way in, one way out. I had my space but also my privacy. This was over the top extravagant, and I knew exactly the kinds of activities Marco Venetti was involved in to pay for it.

  Inside the doors were two security guards. They held up a hand for me to stop, then patted me down.

  “Your name?” a man with a clipboard asked.

  “Beckett Carter,” I answered smoothly.

  He nodded. “Mister Carter, welcome. Apologies for the inconvenience, we need to take precautions. I’m sure you understand.”

  “I do,” I told him, smoothing my suit.

  “Enjoy your evening Mr. Carter.”

  I walked past, a woman in a black dress was circulating with a tray of champagne. There was a large stairway leading up to the next floor, security stood there guarding the way up. It seems the main floor had been reserved for the gala, upstairs was off limits for the guests. Which meant that was where I wanted to get Marco alone and away from prying eyes. Picking up a champagne flute I headed inside the main ballroom, stopping once in a while to shake someone’s hand who recognized me.

  While I seemed to be mingling in the room, engaging in small chat while the four piece band played on a stage in the corner, I was really buying time. Soon I would need to put my plan into action, I just needed to wait for my moment.

  “Beckett Carter, I’m glad you accepted my invitation!” A heavy hand fell on my shoulder. When I turned, it took all the strength inside me to keep calm.

  “Marco Venetti, I was more than happy to attend.”

  “Anything for our boys in blue, right? I was very impressed when I read about your recent donation. I didn’t know you had an interest in our justice system.”

  My hand twitched at my side. I wanted to reach out, squeeze my fingers around his fat throat here and now. I wanted to end his life and be done with it. But there were so many people around, so much security. It was not the time.

  “I do,” I assured him. “Without law it would just be chaos. Every action needs to have repercussions.”

  He nodded, watching me closely. “I read in the Review-Journal that you made the donation to honor the anniversary of your parents death.”

  “Their murder,” I corrected him. “Yes, I thought it was appropriate.”

  “Such a sad event,” he shook his head. “They would be proud of you I’m sure.”

  “Thank you.”

  I kept my hands firmly at my side, trying to keep my breathing even. Hearing the man responsible for their deaths make small talk about it with me was almost too much to bear. But I needed to remind myself over and over again that his time would come, and soon.

  “Well enjoy the party my boy,” his hand landed on my arm again. “I see someone I need to say a quick word to. Excuse me.”

  I stepped aside and Marco wandered off, followed by one of his guards. He walked to the woman I recognized as his wife, his fourth actually, who was in conver
sation with a couple. He joined her and said something that caused the group to erupt into laughter.

  I snatched another flute of champagne off a passing tray and raised it to my lips, then froze. I looked through the crowd, not sure if I was dreaming. I made my way past people, getting closer, until there was no mistaking it.

  “Ella? What are you doing here?”

  She looked breathtaking. She was wearing a long gold gown that skimmed her body, her hair swept up exposing her neck and a pair of chandelier earrings. I let my eyes travel over the length of her, then back up to her face. She looked just as surprised to see me.

  “Beckett? I’m here for the paper. What are you doing here? Wait…” she glanced past my shoulder to Marco and her eyes widened. “No. Beckett, no. You can’t,” she dropped her voice and grabbed onto my arm.

  “You need to leave,” I told her as I wrapped my arm around her waist and headed for the doors. She twisted out of my grip.

  “I’m not leaving, I have a job to do.”

  I stood in front of her, my eyes drilling into hers.

  “So do I.”

  Her eyes glistened, both of us standing firm as people moved around us. A rock in the centre of a flowing stream. She sighed, her small shoulders dropping.

  “There’s nothing I’m going to be able to say to change your mind, is there Beckett?”

  I shook my head slowly. I would give Ella anything, anything she asked. But I could not give her this. It was too important to me. There was no way I would be able to back down when I have come so far.

  “So what do we do now?” she asked, her voice sounding so small. I pulled her against me, my arm around her waist and my other hand catching her hand in mind.

  “I guess for now, we dance,” I mumbled into her ear.

  She rested her body against mine and we moved in time to the music. It felt so good to hold her, it felt so right. In that moment I wished I could just be Beckett Carter. That I could be the man she deserved, that I could give her a normal relationship and treat her like the goddess she was. But that wasn’t possible, not until I knew that Marco Venetti had paid for what he had done. Maybe then, I would be able to let go of the past and Ella could be my future.

  We moved together in slow circles, our bodies familiar with one another. I reveled in the softness of her skin, in the scent of her perfume and the soft wisps of her hair. In the distance, by the staircase, something caught my eye. The guard who was standing there was relieved by another, he walked around the side and started to move away. I followed him with my eyes then looked down to Ella.

  “Excuse me,” I told her as I stepped back. “I need to do something.”

  Fear flashed in her eyes and she gripped my arm tighter.

  “Please don’t,” she pleaded. I leaned forward and put my lips beside her ear keeping my voice low.

  “I’ll be okay Ella, and if something happens I need to say something to you. I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” I pressed a quick kiss against her neck then walked away, leaving her standing in the ballroom as other couples danced and mingled in the room. Tonight would either be my doom or salvation, and if my life ended trying to do what was right, Ella deserved to know. She had come into my life like a brilliant shooting star, setting the sky on fire. She accepted me for who I am, something I never thought was possible. She embraced my darker urges and submitted to me, finding her own pleasure in surrender. If I died tonight, I would die knowing that I had finally found something worth living for other than revenge.

  I walked steadily around the corner to the bathrooms where the guard had gone. This was all part of my plan, and it had to happen now. Inside the bathroom I strolled past the urinals. We were alone in the room, it was perfect. I walked forward and stumbled, bumping against his back while he stood to piss.

  “Hey buddy, watch it!” he whipped his head around and glared at me. I lifted my hands.

  “Sorry, my mistake. A bit too much champagne,” I grinned.

  He stared at me, then finished his business and pulled up his fly. He skipped the sink, not even bothering to wash his hands. I watched after him as he walked away, out the door. There was a corner of something dark poking out his back pocket clearly visible. A mask, the same mask as the Phantom. The mask that I had just planted on him, that the other guards were sure to notice. It was just a matter of time.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  How was it possible to feel suddenly so alone in a room full of people? I pulled in a shaky breath, not realizing I had been holding it after Beckett walked away. After he told me that he loved me. He was gone from sight now, doing who knows what, and I couldn’t reach him. I couldn’t even look him in the eyes and tell him that I was falling in love with him too.

  “Ella James?”

  I turned my head and saw two burly men standing beside me.

  “You’re Ella James, the reporter, right?”

  I nodded.

  “Marco Venetti is ready for his interview now. Follow me.”

  The men guided me past the well-dressed guests and the swirling laughter of the party, out of the ballroom and towards a staircase where another man was standing guard. He stepped aside and I followed the men up the stairs, glancing behind me but I didn’t see Beckett again. I would need to focus on my job now, the one that I had been sent here to do. I couldn’t show that I was uneasy or else they might figure out that something was happening, and that would be dangerous for Beckett.

  I walked down a long red-carpeted hallway, past closed doors and framed artwork towards a door that was left open. Marco Venetti was seated behind a large wooden desk, talking on the phone. When he looked up and saw me approach, he wrapped up his phone call and smiled at me.

  “Ella James, please, have a seat,” he gestured to the chair across from his desk. I glanced at the man to my right and Marco snapped his fingers. “You can leave us now,” he commanded. The men left the room and closed the door behind them.

  “Sorry for all the security and formality,” Marco spread his hands and sat back down. “You don’t become a powerful man without making a few enemies.”

  “You have a lovely home,” I said, trying to make small talk. I placed my clutch in the centre of my lap.

  “I’m glad you could attend our gala, I had so been looking forward to meeting you.”

  “You were?” I asked.

  “Of course! You’ve given a lot of coverage to the LVPD recently, so I thought you would be interested in this gala for an article.”

  I slipped out a small notepad and pen, nodding.

  “I’m happy to write a piece about this. Can you tell me why you chose to host this event Mr. Venetti?”

  “Las Vegas is my home, it’s where I conduct my business. It’s where I made my fortune, and where I’m raising my family. I think it’s only right to invest back into a city that has been so good to me over the years.”

  I jotted down notes, feeling Marco’s eyes traveling over me. It made me uncomfortable but I kept my composure.

  “If I understand, you made a bulk of your fortune in the gambling industry.”

  “Which is perfectly legal in Nevada,” Marco added.

  “Of course,” I smiled at him sweetly. “Just want to make sure I have all the details correct. Do you have an idea how much you’ve raised with the gala this evening?”

  He rubbed his chin, staring at me like a shark. “I’m still waiting for final numbers from the silent auction, but it should be in excess of one million dollars.”

  “That’s an impressive amount,” I said as I took notes. “I’m sure that will go a long way in funding the police service. I noticed the police chief downstairs, as well as the mayor?”

  He nodded, still watching me with an intimidating impression. I couldn’t wait to get this over with and leave.

  “They’re personal friends of mine,” Marco told me. “I like to think of myself as one of the pillars of this city. You see Ella, a city needs structure. It nee
ds a certain kind of leadership to keep a sort of order to the world, to keep people in line.”

  There was a knock at the door that made me jump in my seat. One of the men outside walked in and headed for Marco, whispering something in his ear. Whatever he said made Marco’s face redden and his eyes flash with fury.

  “You found it on him, in his pocket?” he asked. The man nodded. Marco loosened the collar at his throat, glancing at me then back at the man. “You know where to take him. Wait for me there, I won’t be too much longer.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The man walked past me, closing the door behind him.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Marco said, standing and walking around his desk. “Something has come up that needs my attention.”

  “Of course. Well, I think I have everything I need, so I won’t take any more of your time Mr. Venetti.”

  He cocked his head. “Are you sure Ella? You don’t have anything else to ask me?”

  I shook my head and started to walk towards the door, but he blocked my path. The nervousness I had been feeling started to bloom into panic.

  “I’m disappointed,” Marco shook his head. “Our city’s best crime reporter, who has been sniffing around my businesses and causing trouble doesn’t have the guts to ask me about any of it?”

  I took a step back, my eyes darting around the room, wondering if I could rush past him and get out the door. He took a step closer to me.

  “You’ve been a constant pain in my ass Ella, do you realize that? With your articles, and your little investigations. Looking for the missing piece to link me to the criminal activities which, let’s be fair, I fucking run vice in this city. Don’t think I don’t know about that. Why did you think you were invited here tonight? You stupid girl.”

  He reached forward and I slapped his hand away.

  “Don’t you dare touch me!” I shouted, backing up until I hit the desk. “People know I’m here. You can’t hurt me.” He chuckled.


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