Taming the Tease

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Taming the Tease Page 32

by Golden Angel

Immediately Maria's face lit up and she clapped her hands in excitement, bouncing slightly. "Oh my god, Liam, that's amazing!" she squealed, dropping her purse as she darted across the room to hug him. Rick had to squash down the instant surge of jealousy as Maria practically sat on Liam's lap in order to wrap her arms around him. "I'm so happy for you!"

  Hugs were good, but enough was enough. Rick had moved close enough to see that Liam was getting a fantastic view of Maria's cleavage. Those were his boobs to ogle. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her up and dragged her the few steps back so that he could sit back in his previous seat, taking her with him.

  She went with him easily enough, relinquishing her hold on Liam. Practically bouncing on Rick's lap, her eyes sparkled with glee, but she gave Rick an almost apologetic look. "Are you sure you want me here? You guys can have boy time, it's not like I have far to go to get home."

  "No need," Rick said, tightening his arm around her. "We've had boy time all night."

  "Ooookay," she said, drawing out the word as she laughed at him, settling back into his arms. "Just didn't want to interrupt the sausage fest." She snuggled close. Out of the corner of his eye, Rick could see Andrew watching her behavior, almost warily but also approvingly. Probably both because of her offer, and the way she'd immediately given into Rick's wishes once they were known.

  "Olivia was busy tonight," Jared said, grinning at her. "Angel's all tied up, and Justin and Chris haven't told Jessica yet because they aren't sure she'd be able to keep her excitement from Hilary."

  Maria snickered when Jared said that Angel was all tied up, not even the hint of a blush rising in her cheeks. No surprise or worry either. His little tease had already come a long way from not knowing anything about BDSM to accepting the aspects of his friends' lives that were part of the scene. Rick stroked her back, sliding his fingers under the hem of her shirt and enjoying the way she stiffened and squirmed a bit against him. Just small movements, obviously not wanting to draw attention as the conversation shifted to when Justin and Chris might be making Jessica a similar proposal, but enough for him to know that she was getting turned on.

  So was Rick for that matter. But he controlled himself, enjoying the small touches, the teasing touches, until later when he could get her alone.


  Sunlight woke Maria and she was surprised to see that Rick was still in bed. Then again, he'd ended up having a fair amount to drink the night before. Andrew hadn't been sober enough to drive when Jared and Liam left, so the three of them had stayed up talking for a long time before Andrew had eventually passed out on the couch. Had Rick been drunk when they fell asleep? Maybe; he hadn’t had much after she’d gotten there but she knew he’d had a few before that.

  Deciding that, hung over or not, he would at least appreciate having someone else make him breakfast, she started to slip from his bed.

  Instead, a firm hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. Maria stifled a surprised shriek as she fell into his hard body, looking up into amused blue eyes.

  "And where do you think you're going?" he asked, maneuvering her so that she was pressed up against him again. She'd realized that there were certain positions that he liked her to be in, and most of them involved her being somehow draped across him.

  "I was gonna go make coffee and get some breakfast together," she said, planting a kiss on his lips. "I wanted to take care of you the way you took care of me on Saturday." She wriggled, trying to pull away, but his arms tightened around her, unyielding and unwilling to let her go.

  "Mmm, I have a way you can take care of me." His blue eyes sparkled wickedly as he took her hand and laid it on his very hard cock.

  Maria gasped and tried to yank her hand away, but his grip was too strong. Last night he'd insisted she sleep over, and they'd made out before going to sleep, but it hadn't gone any further than that. She'd assumed because Andrew was in the next room and Rick hadn't wanted his friend overhearing. Although, maybe she'd assumed that because she hadn't wanted Andrew overhearing.

  "Andrew might still be here," she hissed at him, tugging on his hand. Rick chuffed a laugh.

  "So what? I can guarantee you, he's heard and seen worse at the club."

  The reminder that Rick had been sexually active with other women at Stronghold was definitely not helping his case. Maria stiffened, pushing away the sudden hurt that she felt. Immediately, Rick let go of her hand, sensing her change in mood, and cupped her cheek with his hand, forcing her to look at him. "That’s not a good look. What just went through your head?"

  "Reminding me that Andrew's probably seen you with other women at the club is not the way to convince me to ignore the fact that he's in the next room right now," she said tartly but matter-of-factly, doing her best to keep any jealousy out of her voice.

  Rick's eyes narrowed.

  Suddenly she found herself on her back, breathless, with a large, angry, aroused male looming over her body. His hands were planted on either side of her, trapping her beneath him. Maria stared up at him with both shock and arousal. Even if she was still feeling a little pissy, that had been a seriously hot throw-down. She'd have to be dead for her body not to react to something like that.

  "I wasn't talking about me specifically," he said, just as matter-of-fact as she'd been. "I was talking about at the club in general. I scened with a fair amount of women yes, but I didn't have sex with all of them; hell, I didn't have sex with most of them. And the only woman I'm interested in right now, the only woman I've wanted a relationship with in years, is you." His eyes scanned down her body, looking over her curves, which were laid out beneath him, and she could see his expression change slightly, his anger leaking away as sexual interest reasserted itself.

  She was just as interested even if she was still feeling a little bit of jealousy. Or maybe because of it. Knowing that he hadn't been talking about Andrew watching him at the club did help a bit, but she also knew that she couldn't get too wrapped up in Rick's sexual past. It wasn't like he'd hidden the whole club - or even the sex school - stuff from her. She would just have to concentrate on being smug that he wanted to be with her, rather than jealous over brief affairs of the past.


  Something flickered in his eyes. "That's it? Just 'alright?'"

  Maria smiled sweetly up at him. "Yep. Except that you still need to get off of me because we are not having sex for the first time while Andrew's in the next room."

  The heat in his gaze flared and solidified, narrowing in on her. Maria found herself holding her breath, waiting to see what he would do. Yeah... probably shouldn't have tried ordering him around while lying in his bed. With him on top of her.


  Then he kissed her, not giving her even a moment to worry about morning breath. His body was hot and hard on top of hers, and as she reached up to push him away, he grabbed her wrists and forced them above her head, holding them down. Suddenly Maria understood the scene she'd seen in Stronghold's dungeon a little better, understood the whole forced reluctant sex thing. Not that she felt like fighting with or begging Rick to stop, but just having him take the choice away from her was so freaking hot. She knew that she could say one word at any time and everything would stop, but otherwise, he was just going to keep pushing to get what he wanted.

  Her nipples were hard, aching little buds that rubbed against the crinkled hair on his chest; her legs were spread slightly, but his were outside of hers, so that his cock rubbed against her mound rather than her slit. Maria whimpered and bumped her hips upwards, trying to get more friction as his free hand swept down her side, following the line of her curves, caressing the sides of her breast, stomach and hip as it traveled.

  Then, when his hand reached her hips, his own lifted and he slid his hand between their bodies, his fingers seeking out her wetness. Because of the way his legs had hers prisoned, she couldn't spread her thighs very much, but his finger dipped in anyway, coating itself in her growing wetness. Maria moaned agains
t his lips, arching her back underneath him, giving herself over to the sensations that were beginning to course through her. Submitting herself to him.

  Rick's finger probed, slid, teased, and she tried to press her legs open further, wriggling when he wouldn't budge and let her. After making out with him last night and the way he was touching her this morning, she was starting to feel a bit frantic with the need to cum. Her pussy pulsed eagerly as his finger circled her clit.

  When he pulled away, lifting himself off her, she blinked up in dazed confusion. Rick just grinned at her, settling onto his side and resting his hand on her stomach. She was free. He'd released her hands, taken his weight off of her... and her body throbbed with disappointment. What the hell had just happened?!

  "Okay, sweetheart," he said, as she stared up at him speechlessly. "You can go make coffee now."

  "What?!" Maria fought the urge to punch him in his smug-looking face.

  "You wanted to go make coffee and get some breakfast together. Go ahead."

  "But you... we..." Her body was tingling with need from his caresses and he was just going to stop and send her to the kitchen?

  Rick's face became more serious. "This is part of what I want, Maria. Control over your body, over your orgasms, including for punishment. I don't like that you seemed to think I would push you into sex before you're ready or that you thought I was throwing other women in your face." His hand started to caress her stomach, moving lower, and she froze, hoping that he would put his fingers back between her legs, worried about what her punishment might be. "So today, you're going to go to work, all hot and wet and ready to come, but you're not going to. You're not going to touch yourself at all. You're going to wait until tonight when you'll come back here to me and then I'll make you come. When I'm ready to."

  His voice had gone low, intimate, as his fingers caressed the very top of her slit, teasingly close to her clitoris, but not quite touching it, even when she bucked her hips. Maria whimpered. This was so wrong. She shouldn't be so turned on by his demand, but she was. The idea of going through her day, feeling like this, was kind of horrifying because of how uncomfortable she was going to be, but knowing that she was doing it for him also aroused her.

  Rick slapped the top of her pussy, his fingers just curving over to cup and punish the sensitive folds, and Maria gasped as her body shuddered. It stung, but it felt good too, the contact almost enough to make her cum. Being denied was painfully uncomfortable and she looked up at him pleadingly.

  Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. "Go make coffee, sweetheart, I'll be there in a minute."

  Chapter 20

  Glancing at the clock again, Rick wondered when Maria would show up at his door. He wondered if she'd been horny or pissed when she did so. Or maybe some delightful combination of both.

  This morning had definitely caught her off-guard, but he had seen in her eyes that the idea of waiting all day for her orgasm had also appealed to her on some level. Which appealed to him. Pleased him. Honestly, if they never did more than what they'd done together so far when it came to BDSM, he'd be just fine with that. Sure there were other things he'd like to explore, but just doing some spanking, some bondage, and having Maria let him control when and how she orgasmed was enough to satisfy the kinky needs that lay in his psyche.

  He didn't doubt that she would make it through the day, thinking of him the entire time, until she came home to him.

  The little angsty looks that she'd given him over breakfast had definitely kept her on his mind all day. She'd been downright squirmy. He was pretty sure Andrew had noticed, and been amused, but neither of them had said anything to draw attention to her agitation. Rick might have if Andrew wasn't there, but he'd already come to the conclusion that she was definitely not an exhibitionist; she liked her private things to be private. So, instead, he contented himself with small little touches to help keep her on edge.

  Now he was just waiting for her to get home. To his home, he meant. She was upstairs getting ready, which he knew because they'd been texting all day and he'd told her that he wanted to take her out to dinner. But she'd wanted to shower and change first, so he was being patient... although he was also wondering if she was making him wait on purpose. That was okay, as long as she didn't masturbate.

  Great, now he was thinking about her naked body, all wet and slick in the shower, with her hand between her legs. Maybe he'd have her play with herself for him tonight. Rick grinned wickedly. Yeah, she was so going to regret giving him so much time to think.

  He almost jumped when his phone went off to let him know that she was ready.

  They didn't go to Murphy's this time. Although Rick had really liked the food there, and also the people, he wanted to take Maria out on a real date where he paid. Somewhere that she could completely relax; because he'd noticed that at Murphy's she'd been watching how service was going. Tonight, he was determined that all of her focus was going to be on him.

  It wasn't that hard.

  They'd held hands in the car and when they'd gotten to the restaurant he'd asked for one of the corner booths. So that he could sit next to her, keep his hands on her.

  Maria's hair was gloriously curly, pulled back away from her face, but still tumbling down her back. She was dressed in a little black dress that dipped low into a loose front which hinted at showing more than it actually was, as if he waited long enough he might be lucky enough to be looking at exactly the right moment to see it completely expose her. It cinched in at her waist and hugged her hips, flaring out into a flippy little skirt just underneath her ass. The kind of dress that was designed to torture a man.

  Which meant that it was his job to torture her right back. He kept his arm around her shoulders while they looked at the menu, drawing little circles on her bare skin, watching her nipples harden under the thin fabric of her dress. Sitting next to her also meant that he got to keep peeking down the front of her dress, trying to see more skin. Instead he just got a hint of the lacy black bra that she was wearing, which was enough to give him a hard-on at their dinner table while he wondered if her panties matched. He shifted his hand down to her lower back, caressing just above the curve of her ass.

  After the server took their order, she gave Rick a dirty look.

  "Would you stop that?" she whispered, but her voice was breathy, excited, not just annoyed. She was squirming a bit in her seat. Rick grinned, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

  "No. You like it." He was starting to get more of a feel for Maria's personal kinks. No exhibitionism, but the danger of being caught did appeal to her, and being teased out in public got her going too, because she knew that she wasn't going to get her satisfaction there. While Rick kind of liked the idea of making her orgasm at the table, he knew that she wouldn't be down for that, and he was just as happy to tease and torment her, rousing her without giving her satisfaction. He splayed his hand on her lower back, his other coming down to rest on her thigh, fingers resting only a few inches below her pussy. Her quick, indrawn breath was all the validation he needed. "You like it went I touch you and get you wet, you like the idea that someone might notice - as long as no one actually does."

  Maria shivered as his hand tightened on her thigh. Rick fought the urge to slide his hand under her skirt and up her leg.

  Something clattered on their table and Maria jerked away and Rick slightly straightened, amused. Their server looked amused too, giving Rick a wink, before walking away.

  "Oh my god, that's so embarrassing," Maria muttered, reaching quickly for the bread and butter that the server had just dropped off.

  Rick chuckled, but backed off, just keeping his hand on her back. He liked touching her, even though it was just as much a sexual torment to him as it was to her. As she buttered her bread, Maria shot him a little look from underneath her eyelashes, both shy and seductive. Definitely aroused, not upset with him.

  Still, she'd said she'd wanted him to stop, so now he'd give her a little taste of that. And it might help him
keep his own rampant libido under control.


  By the time dinner was over, Maria felt ready to jump out of her skin. The day had been torture. She didn't think she'd ever been so aware of her body. Every time she'd walked, she'd felt her pants brushing against her inner thighs and pussy, every time she'd sat down, she'd felt them tighten over those same areas. Her nipples had been incredibly sensitive all day. And then Rick had spent all of dinner making her even more wet and squirmy, to the point where she almost didn't care that they were in public - she just wanted to come.

  Even worse, it just turned her on even more that she knew she wasn't going to get off until he got her off.

  Man she was one sick puppy. The physical stuff was hot, but it was the mental stuff that made her feel the most confused and the most turned on. She felt like she wasn't supposed to like this - but maybe that was part of what she liked. It wasn't forbidden to be following a man's orders or allow him control over her body, but it did have a feeling of taboo around it, like she was being somehow naughty.

  Although, when she compared her and Rick to some of the other couples at Stronghold - like Paul and Christina - she felt almost tame by comparison, so that was kind of reassuring.

  Walking back to the car, Rick had his arm wrapped around her waist, and she leaned into him, rubbing her curves against him. He looked down at her, grinning. "Little tease."

  She snorted. "Like you're one to talk."

  Conversation at dinner had been easier while they were eating, because he'd had to stop touching her. Nothing that they'd talked about had been consequential, but it had all been enjoyable. Of course, as soon as he was done eating, he'd gone right back to teasing her, caressing her with small little touches that made her feel sensitive all over her body.

  "Careful brat," he warned, patting the side of her bottom in mimicry of a spanking. Maria shivered and raised her eyebrow at him.

  "We're not in the bedroom."

  "Doesn't mean you won't pay when we get there."


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