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by Carly Smesh

  Once the pyre was lit, he and the Prince walked back leaving the men to their ways of mourning.

  Ashar Kahn was standing on rails looking at the horse herd when they joined him.

  "There's some of my bloodstock that's was stolen last year amongst them my Prince" he said climbing down, "A son and daughter of Swift, run's with them"

  They walked back into the Fort passing the five heavily laden wagons.

  "Your guards will help drive the horses back to the city Sir. Could I ask that you look into the problem off accommodation for the families living in the city Sir?"

  "I shall ensure that the families of the Khana Rifles are well looked after David" he replied.

  Hanga had laid on some food for them when they returned to quarters.

  The Prince looked around the room and chuckled, "It seems the commander of my troops does not have much in way of home comforts."

  "I'm sorry Sir but Hanga my batman has only been able to acquire these things from others or bought from the stalls in the city."

  "Are, that accounts for the spring sticking out of the seat in this armchair," he replied laughing.

  Hanga had just appeared carrying a tray of titbits.

  "Hanga" the Prince said, "I would like you to come to the Palace and ask for my servant Peshawar, he will know of your coming. You may select what you will to furnish Colonel Sahib's quarters more fitting for his rank."

  "Thank you you're Royal Highness, it is only fitting that a fine English gentleman like the Colonel Sahib should be more comfortable."

  David waved has the Prince and Ashar Kahn set off back to the city flanked by two Riflemen, the rest of the detail ringing the herd of horses.

  He had heard nothing from the Pass and had to assume things were still quite up there, never the less he was anxious to return.

  He had spoken to Subedar Major Para about teaching writing to the men, and discovered that one of his Lance Naik's had served has a clerk in the 2nd Gurkha Rifles. Para said he would arrange for him to give lessons to the men in the mess hall.

  He was in Subedar Hagar's office three days later, going over stock reports, when Subedar Sultar arrived. He wanted to know what provisions he would have to take up to the Pass.

  Hagar started to reel off the things he would need, adding that the troop would need to draw two heavy blankets, long johns, shirts has well socks to go over their own.. "The blankets in use up there would need to come back and be washed, they would be smelling a little ripe by now" he added chuckling.

  David said to take more lamp oil has the days were growing shorter, also more oats for the horses, to offset the cold.

  David had noticed that both Hagar and Para now wore a pistol holster on their belts. They had taken them from the weapons brought back to the Fort.

  On impulse he took the armoury key and had Sultar follow him.

  Inside the armoury, he found were the pistols had been stored most were in a sad state, but he found two Smith and Wesson Russian revolvers. So named because that had been ordered for the Russian Army, they had a distinctive finger grip below the trigger guard. He handed one to Sultar along with thirty rounds of .44 bullets. He found the holsters for them and gave one to Sultar.

  "You may has well ware one, if for no other reason that your men will know you are an officer" he said grinning.

  Sultar thanked him, but said if the enemy got too close he would prefer to use his kukri.

  David took the other pistol, holster and ammunition to give too Turin when he got back.

  He had been taking each horse in turn for a long ride each day, each time extending the distance they galloped. By now they responded to either knee pressure or sound.

  He only had to press a knee for the horse to go that way. It almost seemed to David that they wanted to show him how clever they were.

  Two days before Sultar was due to relieve Turin, a rider from the Pass rode in.

  Reporting to David he said Subedar Turin requested that more lamp oil be brought by the relief Troop has they were burning an oil lamp all night in the Cleft.

  It seems that they suspected Afghan scouts had been trying to view what was behind the Cleft but by placing an oil lamp twenty yards inside the Cleft had deterred them.

  They had also found a way up to the top of the cliff on the other side off the valley, and were making a hut from boulders to house the guards. Subedar Turin also requested if another telescope could be found for this positions use.

  David told the Rifleman to report to Subedar Sultar and repeat what he had told him.

  Subedar Major Para was with him has the man gave the report, and said after he had gone, they could have the Fort's telescope. He would ask Hagar to get another when he went to the city. David said for him to ask Peshawar at the Palace for one.

  Sultar joined Para and Hagar for offices call the next day. The main topic was the forth-coming change over at the Pass.

  I've provided Subedar Sultar with two out door oil lamps, there better than the indoor ones and give off more light. I'm also giving him all the oil I currently hold in stock, eight gallons in one gallon cans. I shall be leaving for the city tomorrow hopefully to get more. He's also been given the Forts telescope; I shall inquire at the Palace to see if I can get a replacement.

  David turned to Sultar and asked if there was anything else he needed. He replied no, but wondered if his troop could be issued with their ammunition and belts, has well has their cloths and bedding. All so there rations, oats and oil cans and lamps so to know how many pack horses he would need and how best to load them.

  Hagar said if he assembled his troop they could start immediately after this meeting.

  David warned Hanga that Subedar Hagar was leaving for the city the next day, and would be visiting the Palace if he wanted to go with him.

  Also he would be leaving for the Pass on Kahn and to leave his cloths out for it, along with his blanket roll.

  David checked to see his hipflask was full has was, his cheroot case before packing them in his saddlebags along with his telescope.

  He intended to shave that night, so has to save time in the morning. Knowing they would leave at first light.

  He checked his cartridge belt and rifle before replacing it in its scabbard; he knew Hanga would have fixed the saddle holster back on with the pistol in it.

  Chapter 16

  David waited on Kahn has Subedar Sultar gave the men waiting alongside their horses the order to mount. They trotted out of the Fort has the first rays of sunlight broke over the far away mountains. David pushed the troop hard wanting to arrive has soon as possible while sunlight lit the valley floor.

  They arrived just before eleven; Tiger troop already had their horses saddled outside of the brush wood fence.

  They had their uniforms on but with an Afghan blanket wrapped around them.

  Turin told the Cobra troop to go into the blockhouse where they would find their fur clothing on the bunks.

  David and Sultar followed him in. Turin indicated to Sultar, which was his bunk with Turin's furs upon it. Has they changed into the furs Turin brought them up to date.

  It seemed the Afghans were preparing for some move against them, but were trying to discover what they were up against. The cleft has so far deterred them, but Turin thought their next move might be to either launch an attack from the top of the valley walls or send men along the top to look down on them.

  The men had managed to cut a path to the cliff top opposite the blockhouse and secure a good defence position. Unfortunately there was no handy cave to provide shelter.

  So they had built a shelter of sorts from boulders, but they had been unable to fill in the gaps with mud due to it freezing. They had solved the problem by tearing up spare Afghan blankets and blocking them with those.

  There was also a problem with the water pots freezing over night; they had to put hot coals around them to prevent this.

  While Sultar started to organise his troop David brought Turin up t
o date with the Palace, saying the men had five day leave, and he ten days. If they decided to go to the city they would find a billet in the Palace, but to warn the men not to discuss anything about the Fort, or rifles with any one.

  He watched has Turin led his men out taking the packhorses with them. Then watched has men burdened with rifles, blanket rolls, rations and firewood started to climb the paths to the top.

  He went to check up on Kahn finding him with two blankets over him, has were all the other horses, satisfied he was all right. He returned to the Cleft two riflemen were already on guard, and he noticed that the outdoor oil lamps had been set into the niches of the wall to prevent them being shot out by any Afghans.

  Sultar was consulting with his Havildar and two Naik's obviously setting up guard schedules he thought.

  Inside the blockhouse he found his saddlebags and bed role on his bunk. The rifle scabbard was propped up against the wall and his saddle underneath his bed.

  He smiled one of Tiger troop must have unsaddled Kahn he thought.

  He removed his saddlebags while he unrolled his bedroll, placing the groundsheet under the bed.

  Some of the rifle men not on duty were doing a similar thing, noticing a large kettle on top of the stove, that glow a dull red.

  He picked up his saddlebags, removing a cheroot, then put them at the top of the bunk, his pillows.

  He lit the cheroot drawing in the smoke and relaxed. He would keep a low profile allowing Sultar to organise his command, without his commanding officer breathing down his neck.

  He wondered if he would climb up to the two look out points to check himself, knowing that is what he would do.

  It was over an hour later Sultar entered the blockhouse, and went straight to the stove warming his hands. The fur hats flaps were down round his ears, and the scarf was up over his face. He turned seeing David laid on his bunk.

  "It's cold up there on the lookout posts isn't it" David said smiling.

  "Yes Colonel Sahib, bitterly cold" he replied, wondering how he had known he had been up there.

  David sat up on the bunk; "I shall go up there too tomorrow. How are the men fixed for blankets?"

  They have five for each man; the Tigers have made stoves out of the oil tins, which they place around the cave and hut to spread the heat out. The man on lookout also has a blanket to wrap around him.

  David asked "Do you think the Afghans would try come along the crest at night time?"

  "They would be mad to do so Colonel Sahib, the ground is treacherous and all so icy."

  Someone brought him a mug of tea, but he refused it "I must check the guards at the Cleft."

  "Drink your tea Subedar I shall check them," David ordered him.

  He went out, the light was almost gone. The guards stood either side of the cleft entrance, with their rifles slung on their shoulders. When they recognised him the came to the present. "Stand easy men" David ordered "anything to report?"

  "No Colonel Sahib, but I think we should light the oil lamps now" one of the men said.

  David looked down the cleft dark shadows were forming in it. "Yes I think you are right Rifleman"

  He watched while one lit the lamps, noticing the other had un-slung his rifle to cover him. The light from the lamp lit up either side of the Cleft. No one could pass it without being seen.

  "Listen hard men, the lives of your comrades, are in your hands. Also remember, if the Afghans are out there they will be listening too. Should they appear then shoot right away. It doesn't matter if you hit them or not, the main thing is that we have warning."

  "Very well Colonel Sahib" they replied.

  He returned to the blockhouse and told Sultar that the lamps were lit, and what he had warned them about.

  Sultar thank him, food was served early, so the men could get some sleep. It had been a long day for them.

  During the night David heard men shuffling out to relieve the guards, and then the relieved guards coming in to the blockhouse.

  He was woken with a mug of tea; he swung his legs out from beneath the blankets, feeling the shock of cold air, even though the stove was a bright red.

  He cradled the mug in his hands for the warmth, and drank quickly before it went cold.

  Once he was wearing his fur boots and coat, he began to feel a little more comfortable

  He pulled down the flaps of his hat, and putting on his gloves went outside.

  The men were engaged in various tasks, a rider was returning from the well at the entrance off the Pass, with water skins draped over another horse. He watched has the kitchen detail poured the water into a pot on the fire. The other skin was taken down to the horse lines. Then David saw the men tending fires around the water pots, and realised they had frozen up.

  Sultar came over to him, seeing him looking at the water pots.

  "Subedar Turin advised us to keep our water bottles filled in the blockhouse, so there would be water in the morning for tea Colonel Sahib" he murmured.

  David nodded; he went on to say that a four-man detail had ridden out, leading horses to collect firewood from outside off the Pass.

  David knew that the troop, required a great deal off wood to keep the fires going.

  "I'm going up to see the lookouts positions, is there anything they need".

  "Perhaps some firewood Colonel Sahib"

  "Have the men make up a bundle, which I can put on my back. I'm going to collect my rifle".

  In the blockhouse he slipped his ammunition belt over his shoulder. Then retrieved his hipflask and telescope from the saddlebag, slipping them into his pocket. Finally putting his rifle over his shoulders.

  Outside the firewood was ready for him, this too went over his back.

  It took over half an hour struggling with his load to climb the steep path up to the new lookout post, buffeted with the freezing cold wind.

  At the top the wind was even fiercer.

  The hut was built against on outcrop that offered a degree of protection from the cold wind.

  He un-slung the wood and rifle from his back, then crouched to enter it, pushing aside the blanket that served has a door.

  The two Riflemen inside started to rise, but he indicated for them to stay has they were.

  There was not sufficient headroom to stand, so he sat down on the spare bed.

  They had three small fires in old oil tins burning placed around the small chamber.

  Smoke escaping from a small hole in the roof kept it reasonably free of it.

  David looked around, and saw the tin can with a coiled cord attached to it, and smiled to himself.

  The men had thanked him for the firewood, and asked if he would like some tea.

  He smiled and nodded, and then his eyes were drawn, to some black rocks that had been used in the building.

  He asked one of them if he could dislodge a piece that protruded out from it.

  The man frowned but drew his kukri and pried apiece off.

  David put it in one of the fire tins and watched, after a few minutes it began to burn.

  He had been right it was coal.

  The riflemen look in amazement.

  "We must look for the black rocks" he told them.

  They went outside and began to look around the area. Then one of the men cried out he had found them.

  It was behind the buttress, a coal seam almost three foot wide thrust up to the surface.

  He told the men to collect the pieces that had broken off, while he entered the hut.

  He wrote a message in the notebook.

  'Send four men up with bars and hammers. With a long rope and 2 packhorse panniers.'

  Putting the message in the tin he lowered it over the edge.

  Someone jerked the cord to say it had been received, and he pulled it back up again.

  While he waited for the men to arrive, the guard was changed. He chuckled to himself, has one of them explained to the man coming off guard that the Colonel Sahib had found rocks that burnt.
br />   He went foreword to the lookout position. The lookout was laid on slopping slab with a palliasse under him and a blanket over him.

  David could see with his telescope that there was only about 500 yards that could be seen along this rim, before outcrops masked the view. But the opposite rim was clear for about a mile, with a clear view of the road below in the valley.

  He heard excited talking coming from the hut area, and returned to find the men had arrived.

  He quickly explained what he wanted them to do, showing them the seam, stressing that it was only the black rocks that were to be removed.

  When a pannier had been filled he told the men to lower it down to the valley.

  "When you have lowered twelve panniers you may return back down again, but leave the panniers, rope and tool here"

  He collected his rifle and set of back himself.

  On the valley floor quite a large pile of coal was growing. Sultar came over to him a perplexed look on his face.

  David picked up a piece of coal and walked to the cook fire with Sultar following.

  He threw it in, and then watched Sultar's face when it ignited.

  "It burns Colonel Sahib" he gasped.

  "Yes, it's called coal, it burns slowly and gives out more heat than wood" David explained.

  Sultar gave orders for the coal to be brought over to the blockhouse and piled up.

  David explained to him they would still need to use wood to start a fire, has coal needed a lot of heat to start it burning.

  "I will send men up to the other lookout with a pannier and rope. So they can draw up the rocks for the fires up there."

  Pleased with the discovery David sat down on his bunk, has a rifleman brought him a belated breakfast.

  Sultar's troop soon settled into a routine. Guards coming down from the crests reported snow flurries occurring during the nights.

  David was beginning to think the Afghans had decided to ignore them, when on the fifth day, a message came down from the buttress crest.


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