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by Carly Smesh

  "Do you have a plough and seed?" David asked


  "We have what you see, but we will make a home there one way or another." He replied grimly.

  David looked at him seeing the determination in his face and made a decision.

  "Paul, I hope you don't mind me calling you that has we are neighbours. I'm going to give you the things you need to start your new life. When you have your farm making a profit you can pay me back then."

  Van Smit looked confused at David "I don't understand what you mean" he stuttered.

  David laughed, "You shall see my friend."

  Three days later three heavy wagons drawn by mules left the crater, along with a Jersey bull and three cows. The horses Paul and Willie had arrived with, tied to the back off a wagon.

  Paul now rode a fine stallion and Willie a mare.

  Six off the Gurkhas went with them along with six Matabele's.

  The night before they left, Paul and David had sat out on the stoop smoking and drinking scotch.

  "David" Paul had asked "why are you doing all off this for us, we were your enemies."

  David smiled "Paul the Boers were never my enemies. You were in a war, were for the ordinary soldier, the rules are clear, kill or be killed. The rights and wrongs off the war don't matter, only survival.

  N'debi, who will be going with you to help build your farm, was once your enemy. The Boers drove them, the Matabele from their land and took their cattle. But he doesn't hate the Boers. He said you won and they lost, has simple has that.

  The Gurkhas who will go with you once fought the British and lost.

  But because of their fighting ability and devotion to duty they now fight on the side off Britain.

  You see Paul it is not the colour off a man's skin or his beliefs, but the man himself, which you must respect. Give them that respect and you have a friend for life."

  "But why are you helping my son and I David?"

  "I'm giving you a chance to start over, to create a new life for the two off you, has someone once gave me that chance.

  I don't expect you to forgive the British for what they did to you only that not all British people are like that. You have to judge the man, not the people."

  They were gone for over five weeks before two off the wagons appeared on the track leading up to the house with the Gurkhas mounted behind.

  Rham and N'debi climbed the steps to the stoop and stood before him.

  "So how did it go" David asked them.

  Rham smiled "the house is built and the ground cleared. The Sahib and his son worked from daylight to sunset breaking the ground to plant the seed.

  We built paddocks for the cattle, horses and mules, also a chicken run sahib."

  "Thank you both you have done well" David replied.

  "The sahib's farm is less than a mile from the river. We warned him about slavers, and told him about the battles we had fought with them. He was interested in the Pass and how you had guarded it Sahib" Rham added.

  David just smiled and nodded.

  The following year Victoria Yasmin Ramage was born on the 24th May, Queen Victoria's birthday. Three months later Jill gave birth to twins, David and Susan Fletcher.

  They all travelled to Nairobi, to the new church for the christening, David and Susan being the godmother and father to the twins, and Martin and Jill being godmother and father for Victoria.

  David had ridden over on Zeus, to see how Paul and his son were making out on the farm.

  They were prospering; David found natives were now helping them.

  "I used your idea with the Matabele, giving them a parcel of land in return for their help. I'm growing coffee and flax, which are good cash markets; I'm producing cheese and butter, which sells well.

  I've err met a woman in town and she has agreed to marry me. She's a good woman, farm stock. She came out from Holland with her husband, but he died off the fervour five years ago."

  David smiled, "that's wonderful news Paul, and we'll give you four more Jerseys has a wedding present."

  He stayed the night with them travelling back to the Crater the next day.

  Chapter 41

  The years rolled by and the Creator prospered, Nairobi grew larger with new settlers coming from all parts of Europe to find a new life in Africa.

  Susan had been asking him to take the family back home to England so she could show the children to her parents, but he always found an excuse to put it off.

  Finally in late 1911 he took Susan and the children to England to see their Grandparents.

  After an initial stay with them he travelled back to London so Susan could see her old Professor and catch up on medical developments, whilst he travelled on to Birmingham to see Henry and Peter.

  Sat in Henry's study he was brought up to date with developments in Europe.

  "Europe is rearming David. The Kiser has begun building a fleet to challenge the size off the Royal Navy. Their armaments factories are churning out guns, big guns, and the army has been trebled. The French have followed suite, but has usual Britain is lagging behind.

  Europe is a tinder box where a spark will set it off."

  Peter took up the story, "If it comes to war it could be on a scale never before imagined, fought with weapons never before used on such a mass scale. They have machine guns that fire 600 rounds a minute. And the British Army increases its cavalry size, the idiots.

  They've developed chemical weapons in the form off gas that can be delivered by artillery. It would make the Boer War look like a picnic party."

  David sat and digested this alarming news before commenting. "German East Africa is only sixty miles from the Crater. Would they dare attack us there?"

  "David" Henry replied "if war comes it will be on a worldwide stage."

  "Then it's only prudent that I prepare for it, to defend my home." David replied.

  Before he left for London he placed an order for three Vickers machine guns, three Mortars and 400 various mortar bomb configurations. Ten .303 rifles and 250,000 rounds of ammunition, he left instructions with them to include anything else they thought would be off help.

  On his way back on the train he remembered what Peter had said about it being a mechanised war if it came. The internal combustion engine was being used now in increasing numbers. He had seen evidence off this in the streets of London and Birmingham.

  When he reached the Ascot Hotel he found a message waiting for him. A Colonel Keeling hoped he would dine with him, the following night at his club in the Strand; an address had been attached to the message.

  David smiled, it would be good to catch up with Robert again, but he was perplexed has to how he known he had been in England.

  He was conducted by an ex-military Serjeant into the smoking room off the Officers Club. The room was filled off paintings off long ago battles that hung from the dark oak panels that surrounded the room. Leather armchairs were spread around, were men were drinking, some in uniform.

  Robert rose from an armchair a wide smile on his face with his hand extended.

  "David, it's wonderful to see you again looking fit and healthy."

  Robert passed over an order for drinks to a hovering waiter, before settling back into his seat again.

  After replying to the state off the family and home, David asked the question that had troubled him.

  "How on earth did you know we were in England," he asked.

  Robert smiled, "these are troubled times we live in David; any one entering the country is reported from immigration control. The names are checked against a register. It so happened that I noticed a Mr and Mrs Ramage and family arriving from East Africa. I hope you will forgive me but I contacted Henry in Birmingham with instructions to inform me if you purchased any armaments. That's why you got the message."

  David looked alarmed, "I've not broken any laws by that have I," he asked.

  Robert smiled, "oh course not, the reason was to find out if you took the warnings off war serio

  "Well I'm not sure if I do or not, but it seemed only prudent to be prepared for the worst," David replied.

  Robert relaxed visibly, "David that's exactly the reply I had hoped from you. I'm afraid there will be a war eventually, perhaps not this year but in a year or two, all the signs are there but some in the War Office have blinkers on and refuse to see what is before them.

  I'm head off a department that is looking at safe guarding our overseas interests, directly reporting to the Foreign Office.

  Now what I'm about to say is top secret. Those areas of the globe that back on to German territory will be exposed in the event off a war breaking out.

  The German standing army far exceeds our own. If war does break out the main battlefield will be Europe, and we will need every man to defend England.

  To some extent East Africa will be on its own. What troops that can be sent, will go to the Cape to resist an attack from German West Africa." Robert paused to let what he had said sink in.

  "If East Africa is to be defended, then it will be up to the East Africans to defend it. We can supply arms and ammunition but not manpower at the moment. What is needed is a territorial army to be raised and trained."

  David thought hard on what Robert had said before replying.

  "You may get a hundred, perhaps a hundred and fifty men who could fight. But bear in mind most are farmers with their own businesses to run."

  Robert nodded his head, "Yes I'm aware off that but what about the professional hunters, they know the land and can shoot."

  "Perhaps fifty or sixty, not many to defend against an army," David acknowledged.

  "How would you conduct a war like that with those men?" Robert asked.

  David smiled, "well no set piece battles that's for sure. It would have to be hit and run, disrupt their supply lines. Only attack when you can be sure off winning." He said grimly.

  "In other words," Robert said "adopt Boer commando tactics."

  David nodded.

  "David I'm empowered to offer you the commission off Colonel in the British Army reporting directly to me alone. You would have a free hand to organise and train the men to your own standards. Further you could also have 300 Ghurkhas from Kana in your command."

  David looked astonished at Robert, "I don't understand Ghurkhas from Kana?"

  Robert chuckled, "The Prince was in England four months ago to escort his daughter back from university; she'd been at Oxford. I had occasion to speak to him whilst he was in London. He agreed with me regarding the state off things in Europe, and when I mentioned how venerable East Africa would be in the event off war, he himself suggested that the 1st Khana Rifles would serve, so long has it was under your command."

  David looked at Robert in a new light regarding his manipulations.

  "I would be in sole command. What weapons would I be given and how many?"

  Robert grew serious "you would only be answerable to me. As it would be hit and run, machine guns, and mortars, say eight Vickers Machine guns, and ten mortars with a thousand mortar shells to begin with. Two hundred .303 Lee Enfield Mark 1 rifles, there the same basically has the ones you have, and half a million rounds of ammunition."

  David nodded, "The Ghurkhas how many and when?"

  "I think it would be best if you went to Kana and recruited them yourself. From what the Prince said, they all would come, but only to serve under you."

  "Pay and conditions for those who take part to be the same for all," David demanded.

  Robert nodded "plus overseas allowances."

  "Very well Robert I accept but only for so long has hostilities last."

  Robert face cleared and he smiled, "agreed, you have formally been a member of the British Army for the last week. I sort off knew you would accept," he said ruefully, "you can pick up your uniform from Masons they'll make it for you. I took the liberty of cancelling your order with Henry," said with a broad smile on his face

  When he told Susan that night, he could see the news upset her but she put on a brave face and accepted it.

  "I'll have to go to Kana and see the Prince and organise passage for the volunteers. Will you be all right if I go," he asked.

  Susan nodded "oh course darling, I'll see you when you get back to the Crater."

  The next few days were hectic for David, with further meetings with Robert and sorting out his uniform. On the fifth day he sailed for Karachi.

  Chapter 42

  He was shown into the Prince's presence where he found Turin standing beside him.

  Turin saluted him smartly with a wide smile on his face. The Prince was still lean but had a few grey hairs in his hair and beard that had not been there before.

  The Prince gave him a hug, "my son it has been too long," he murmured.

  After telling about Susan and the children and that his daughter now bore Yasmin's name he got down to business.

  Turin insisted that he could have 300 Ghurkhas if he wanted them. But David said he didn't have enough salted horses for that number, adding, 'I have horses for a hundred, but the men must be volunteers' he insisted.

  He agreed to ride out to the fort the following day and approach the men himself.

  Over dinner that night with the royal family he learnt with sadness that the Horse Master had died two years ago. He told the Prince off Kahn's death and how he had saved him from the leopard, and that he now rode Zeus, Kahn and Sulkie's son.

  Before he retired for the night the Prince presented him with a pair of ivory handled 1911 .45 Colt Automatic pistols. Explaining they fired eight bullets from a magazine.

  'They were presented to me by an American Congress Man. But I have no use of such weapons."

  The entire regiment was drawn up on the parade ground when David arrived at the fort. He entered the officer's room finding Hagar and Sultar along with others he didn't recognise. They all came to attention and saluted him. His throat constricted with emotion at this gesture.

  Turin took over "the Colonel Sahib has need off a hundred fighting men, but they must be volunteers he has insisted, so we will address the regiment to find out who."

  Before he could leave the room Sultar way laid him, "Colonel Sahib you will need a good second in command. Please except me for that post." He said earnestly.

  "Sultar you're married." David replied.

  "With respect Colonel Sahib so are you."

  "I will have to speak with the Prince and Princess Yasmin about it first before deciding," David answered defensively.

  Outside on the rostrum Turin out lined David's request for volunteers. Then David spoke saying that they would be facing superior numbers and that men were likely to die.

  Turin said for those who would like to go take one step forward.

  The entire regiment stepped forward has one man. David's eyes smarted with emotion at this.

  Back in the office he said to Turin for him to select the men, suggesting that priority be given to unmarried men.

  Turin smiled seeing the expression on David's face, "what did you expect from them, you are a legion in this regiment."

  "I'm telling you now Turin, you are not going, the regiment needs you too much." David said forcefully.

  He went on to say the men chosen men would need to bring their saddles, but not their rifles. They would be provided later.

  Back at the Palace he was surprised when Princess Yasmin came into the room where he was talking to the Prince.

  "David" she began, "Sultar says he wants to go with you."

  David hesitated before replying, "Princess I told him he was married and had to consider you."

  "But you have Susan and the children to consider too," she replied.

  He frowned confused, "I don't understand what you are saying," he murmured.

  "I'm saying my husband is a Ghurkha, he was born to fight, and you need an experienced leader to help you. So you must let him go, further has a dutiful wife and prospective mother, I shall accompany him."

id looked startled looking at the Prince and Princess, "the Crater is no place for a royal princess," he stuttered.

  The Princess's eyes grew angry, "I have just completed three years at Oxford sharing a flat, before that I worked in the hospital here in Kana. Do you think so little of me that I need to live in luxury to be happy David? Beside which I now hold a medical degree and can help Susan in the hospital."

  David looked appealingly at the Prince, who merely shook his head and laughed, "Don't look at me for help, she's made up her mind to go" he said grinning.

  "Further" the Princess said "in future you will address me has Yasmin, not Princess, agreed."

  David nodded weakly has she left.

  "Who wears the trousers in that family I wonder," he said to a grinning Prince.

  David left two days later to return to Mombasa, leaving Sultar in charge of bringing the others over.

  Once back in Nairobi he wasted no time in gathering the professional hunters together and explaining what was happening in Europe and the fears off an approaching war, and the consequences to East Africa.

  He went on to explain the lack of support in manpower in the event of war. He let the outcries and arguments die before adding that it was going to be a case off helping themselves.

  "I intend to raise a commando, and train them to be an effective fighting force, so that we can fight back if we are invaded by German East Africa."

  He went on to explain about weapons, and pay and conditions, ending by saying, "I'd like you to think about it. But remember if you do join up then you have to obey orders just like any other soldiers. Talk about it amongst your selves, you know where I am if you decide to enlist."

  When he got back to the crater he informed Rham about the hundred Ghurkhas who would be coming and who would need accommodation, leaving it up to him to start the building off a barracks for them. Next he spoke to Patar concerning the horses finding they currently had a hundred and twenty horses that had been salted.

  The following day the builders from Nairobi arrived to start building a house for Sultar and Yasmin.


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