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by Carly Smesh

  They were subdued on their drive back to the hotel, mulling over what Captain Silverman had said and the enormity of the task ahead.

  Over dinner that night they discussed the problem of finding favourable ambush points. "I think we should start looking as far forward as our troops have reached. My thinking is, if as what Silverman says regarding Rommel is right, then it makes sense to explore the forward areas whilst we have the chance," Shaun murmured.

  He looked around the table seeing them all nod.

  "We'll start sending out patrols when we get back," Ted replied, "they will only need a driver and navigator to go with you."

  "At the same time we can look out for suitable base positions," Bobby added.

  Chapter 19

  When they returned to the Oasis Ted informed the men of the impending patrols, knowing they would start preparing the trucks.

  The four Officers joined him in the operations tent and went over the large scale map. Based on the current position of the forward troops, they began to subdivide likely positions to reconnoitre. Each being given a section of road.

  Three days later they set off.

  Tim and Bill's trucks dropped out to cover the stretch between Mersa Matruh and Sidi Barrani. Bobby and Shaun carried on until Bobby dropped out to cover Buq Buq and Sidi Barrani. Shaun had selected the stretch between Buq Buq and Sollum.

  In between this distance was the Halfaya Pass were the Germans had inflicted a terrible price on the British tanks, the area was littered with their burnt out remains.

  The road climbed steeply upwards to reach the top of the escarpment. A natural choke point Shaun realised, no wonder the men who fought here had called it Hellfire Pass. The Allies had bypassed it leaving the German and Italian defenders isolated.

  Shaun told Titch to turn round and head back to Buq Buq, "Not much point in going any further until Halfaya is taken. We'll see if Bobby has come up with anything."

  They found Bobby's truck pulled off the road, the men making a brew. With cries of "Good on yer mate," Titch and Prof dug out their mugs.

  Bobby's driver handed Shaun a mug of tea, which he thanked him for.

  He explained about Halfaya still being held by the enemy, adding, "What about you, found anything?"

  Bobby shook his head, "This is a flat coastal plain, a few sand mounds, but the main problem is the escarpment, it's nearly 200 feet straight up. If we attack here we would be bottled up by the escarpment with nowhere to retreat." We've driven along it to see if there's any natural path up it. But nothing that could take a truck."

  "Okay Bobby, we'll go and see if Tim or Bill as found anything."

  As it was getting late they decided to camp there for the night.

  The next morning they slipped in behind a convoy making its way back to Alex or Cairo, as trucks going to the front passed in the other lane. It must be a logistical nightmare trying to keep Crusader supplied, Shaun thought. He wiped the sand goggles with the Shernaghs scarf tied across his face, the dust from the convoy and exhaust fumes making it uncomfortable.

  After four hours the convoy slowed has it started to climb up from the coastal plain, zigzagging round the bends that took the road up to the plateau. At the top Shaun pulled off the road and Bobby joined him.

  "This would make a good ambush point," he said to Bobby. Bobby nodded agreeing.

  They consulted the maps, "If we head due South after an attack, there's the outcrop we could hole up in." He referred to the Hills that rose over 500 feet from the desert plain. "It's about 200 miles from the attack point, but well away from any of the camel routes."

  Prof checked the sun compass, then made a note off the milometer before giving Titch the heading to follow with the tank compass. They made good time, the terrain was mainly flat with sparse vegetation here and there. They crossed the railway line and headed further south. After four hours they could see the hills in the distance shrouded by a heat haze.

  "There's truck tracks boss, Tim and Bill must be there." Titch shouted above the roar of the engine.

  "If you can make them out, follow them," Shaun replied.

  After another hour of travel, they pulled up behind the trucks of Tim and Bill, tucked up between two buttresses of a rock formation.

  Bill met them with a smile, "I see great minds think alike. We are just making a brew up, care to join us?"

  The men climbed down stiffly from the trucks, glad to be free from the constant jarring of the trucks passage over the desert.

  "We arrived yesterday," Bill said "we scouted all along our patch, but the only good spot we found was where the road climbs up from the coastal plain."

  Shaun nodded, "We did the same, and you're right about the spot. Bobby had no luck, the escarpment ruled that out. And Halfaya is still in enemy hands."

  Prof came over to them, "Its 178 miles from the top of the rift Boss to here."

  "If we attack there, we would have to cover that distance at night, to get here." Shaun explained. He let that sink in with the three Officers before continuing. "It's doable, but it would be close to dawn by the time we arrive. My only concern is, we spotted your tracks, so it follows that the enemy could also."

  They discussed the problem as they ate sausage sandwiches washed down with tea.

  They stayed overnight and set off back to the Oasis the next morning. It took two days to return.

  The news that greeted them was Tobruk had been relieved. The weary Australian garrison had been shipped back to Cairo and South Africans had taken over the garrison duties.

  After taking a shower and changing the cloths he had worn over the last eight days Shaun reported to Ted.

  After explaining what they had discovered. Shaun sat back in his chair as Ted told him of development at the Oasis. "Captain Silverman has informed me that the American trucks have arrived. We need to send six drivers to Cairo to collect them, and the 50 calibre machine guns and ammunition. They'll leave tomorrow in the three tonner. Oh, and you have some mail to collect, it's in the post tent.

  He carried the two large biscuit tins and two letters back to his tent. The letters were from Sharon, it seemed she knew he had been out on patrol. She was busy at work, it seemed that a leak had occurred giving vital information to the Axis forces and her department were trying to find the source. She missed him and thought of him often. Ending by saying she loved him.

  The biscuit tins were from Aunt Vicky. Inside were tins of fruit, butter, cheese, condensed milk, sugar and coffee. She had managed to pack 600 Gold Leaf cigarettes in there boxes of 25, also a bottle of Dimple Haig malt whiskey. He read the letter that was in one of them. Everything was fine at the Crater, the beef prices had risen and they were shipping 50 head a month to Mombasa. Sultar and Yasmin sent there love. They had, had problems with poachers crossing the river after elephant tusks. N'debi son was now working at the game reserve as a guide. Aunt Jill and Uncle Martin were fit and well and sent their love, with the advice to keep his head down. She ended by saying for him to take care and be safe. He lay back on his cot feeling slightly homesick, and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 20

  The American trucks arrived three days later, four driven by the drivers of the patrols. Titch was over the moon about them. "They are brilliant Boss," he enthused, "we were doing 50mph on the road back without any effort, and the four wheel drive climbed sand dunes with no problem at all."

  Shaun looked at the little trucks, painted in American olive green, it could seat four. The windscreen would have to go he realised, the glass could reflect light. The patrol gathered around it whilst Titch recounted its capabilities. "Well the first thing is to paint it," Shaun murmured.

  "I'll have to see about fixing a mount for the 50 and the Vickers K," Jack added."

  "They are in the back of the three tonner along with four, three-inch mortars and their shells." Titch chimed in.

  For three days the men worked on the Jeeps, as they were now called. At the end of which, they bore little r
esemblance to the vehicles that had first arrived. They had been painted a sand colour and the windscreens were removed. Just behind the driver and passenger seats were mounts that supported the 50 calibre machine gun, whilst mounts were placed in front of the passenger seats of each machine that held the twin Vickers Ks. Brackets had been made to house two Jerry cans at the back of them and straps were placed over the bonnets to hold their bedrolls and camouflage nets. Provisions had been made for placing the P8 tank compasses in front of the driver seats. The sand mats were rolled up and strapped to the sides. Tire pressure was reduced to give better grip in the sand. The final modification was the adding of a water condensers at the front, near the radiators.

  Titch approached Shaun one morning, "Boss, I've been thinking about leaving track marks that could be seen. If we rigged up something like mud flaps at the back of the rear wheels that drag they may obscure the tracks. Of cause they'll produce a lot of dust but if we are using them at night it won't matter." Shaun gave his permission for him to work on his idea.

  Two days later he saw the results of Titch's invention. The mud guards were built from a sand matt, a piece of metal rod was attached to the base. When not in use it could be clipped up under the Jeep. When released it dragged along the ground obscuring the tire tracks. Others were made and fitted to the other three jeeps.

  Over the next two weeks, the patrols went out creating caches of petrol, water, ammunition and provisions. They took the Jeeps out with them to see how they performed.

  The trucks had all logged over 2000 miles during this period.

  Ted informed them when they returned from the last patrol, "I think a week's leave is in order, don't you?" he asked the weary men. The smiles on their faces made the announcement worthwhile.

  The leave meant they would celebrate Christmas in Cairo. Bobby booked the rooms at the Nile Palace again and Ted let them have the Ford.

  From the Oasis to Cairo was only a four hour run.

  The first thing Shaun did upon entering his room was to ring Sharon. He listened has she announced herself, "Hello, would you be interested in having dinner with a love-sick Kenyon?"

  There was a gasp at the other end of the line, "Shaun, is that you? Where are you speaking from? And yes, I would love to have dinner with a love-sick Kenyon."

  He quickly explained about the leave and where he was staying. They arranged to meet in the bar of the hotel at eight.

  He selected a table in the corner of the bar away from the crowd, and ordered a vodka and tonic.

  Chapter 21

  She arrived at 7.55 PM, she was anxiously scanning around the room, and when she saw him, her face lit up with a beautiful smile as he made his way towards her.

  She was carrying a small bag along with her handbag. He took if from her and led her by the arm back to the table.

  He ordered her a drink and then sat back to look at her. She was wearing a white shirt blouse with a black skirt, her hair was brushed back, hanging behind her neck. She had applied a little makeup which made her look stunning.

  Shaun smiled "Did you change at work?" He said indicating the bag on the floor.

  She shook her head, "No, it's an overnight bag," she hesitated, "I thought I'd stay here tonight with you."

  He looked at her seeing the sparkle in her eyes. "Are you sure about it?" he mumbled his mouth suddenly dry.

  She reached across the table, taking his hand in hers, "Only if you want me too. Do you?"

  He nodded not daring to use his voice.

  He finally took control of his emotions, "Are you hungry?" he stammered.

  She was looking deep into his eyes, "Yes, but not for food." She finished her drink then picked up his room key which was laying on the table. "I'll see you up there," she whispered, collecting her bags.

  He lit a cigarette after she was gone drawing the smoke deep into his lungs. A shiver of excitement passed through his body.

  The door wasn't locked, he dropped the catch and hung the 'do not disturb' sign on the handle before locking it. The room was in darkness but the curtains were not drawn and the moon light shone down upon the bed.

  He quickly undressed, sliding in under the sheet. He could feel the heat of her body already. He lay on his side looking down on her. She had the sheet pulled up to her chin, her dark brown eyes sparkling in the moon light.

  He lowered his head and gently kissed her, feeling the tip of her tongue on his lips. He extended his and they joined. Her arms came up around his neck pressing their lips together harder. The sheet had ridden down revealing her breasts. They were rounded and small with the nipples standing erect. He cupped one, his thumb rotating around the nipple. Sharon gave a low groan at his touch.

  They began to explore each other's body with lips and fingers. When they joined it was with a need and urgency that overwhelmed both of them.

  He awoke and stretched out, a smile appeared on his face as he remembered. He could hear her humming in the bathroom as he slipped into his shorts. Picking up the telephone, he phoned reception for tea and toast for two. He was putting the receiver down when she emerged from the bathroom wearing a thin cotton dressing gown.

  "Good morning," she said brightly, coming over and kissing him. He held her, his hands feeling the firmness of her bottom. She looked into his eyes, "Did you sleep well?"

  He muttered something as he kissed her neck. Sharon groaned as he slid the dressing gown from her shoulders and his lips fastened on to her nipple.

  "Shaun, you ordered room service... they'll be here soon," she managed to murmur. He reluctantly lifted his head and nodded, moving into the bathroom for a shower.

  When he emerged she was sat drinking tea at the table, a slice of toast was on her plate. She was sat with her legs crossed, the dressing gown had opened revealing her long, slim legs.

  He had a towel wrapped around his waist has he approached her. "Shall I pour out your tea?" She asked, then saw the look in his eyes. "Oh, not ready for it yet," she said breathlessly has she stood.

  He pulled the tie of the dressing gown, exposing her naked body as he took her into his arms. The dressing gown fluttered to the floor as his lips traversed her neck. He felt her hands pull at the towel, and that too fell to the floor. His hands were back on her bottom, pulling her against his body as she undulated against him. They moved to the bed and fell on to it.


  He laid on his back, his heart pounding and sweat glistened on his forehead. Sharon looked down on him with an impish smile on her face, "Is my love starved Kenyon sated now?" she whispered.

  He looked up and weakly nodded as she walked towards the bathroom. When he regained his breath he followed.

  He watched her as they dressed, "You don't wear a bra?" he murmured.

  She shook her head, "I don't need to. But one day someone will invent a bra that a women can wear comfortably," she chuckled. "Shaun, I have today free but tomorrow I have to go to Tobruk, I'll be gone for about three days. We need to interrogate some German Officers about where they are getting their information from."

  His face fell, "But you'll be back for Christmas Day I hope?"

  "Yes darling, I'll have 24 hours before reporting back for duty."

  "Great, we are having a Christmas dinner for all the patrols here in the hotel. It's booked in for five in the afternoon."

  They decided to go shopping for gifts for his patrol. They walked through the bazar glancing in the shops. "What would you like for Christmas?" He asked her.

  "I already have it," she murmured hugging his arm. He bought various things for the lads, before stopping for a coffee in a small café.

  Shaun glanced at his watch, it was almost five pm, realising they had not eaten all day.

  "How about we have a steak at your restaurant tonight?"

  She nodded, "but I'll need to go home and change."

  He hailed a taxi and put her in it, after agreeing to meet her at the hotel at seven pm.

  He retraced his footsteps back to a
shop where he had seen her looking at a fine, white lace shawl, and bought it.

  The doorbell rang at 7.05 pm. He threw it open and stopped. She had changed into a scarlet sheath dress with a halter neck cut daringly low in the neck line. Her hair was brushed into a rope that hung over her left shoulder. She had applied makeup to her eyes and wore a lipstick that matched her dress.

  "Are you going to let me in?" She asked in an amused voice.

  "Err, yes of course," he stammered moving out of the way.

  "I take it I pass inspection," she chuckled as she made her way into the room, placing her overnight bag on the ottoman.

  "Sharon, you look absolutely stunning," he mumbled.

  She laughed "I thought I might, going by your condition." He glanced down at the bulge in his slacks suddenly feeling ashamed." He moved to the bed, picking up the shawl then put it around her shoulders.

  "Shaun," she gasped, "this is the one I was looking at."

  He smiled "It looks lovely on you darling."

  She put her arms around his neck and kissed him, he could smell her perfume as he pulled her closer to him. She groaned, "Later darling, I'm starving." Reluctantly he moved away, she rummaged in her handbag and produced a handkerchief which she used to wipe the lipstick off his lips before going into the bathroom.

  In the taxi he could feel the heat from her thighs, she was holding his hand and when she looked at him she would scratch his palm, sending his senses reeling.

  After dinner, as they danced her body was pressed close to him, knowing the condition he was in.

  "Miss Silverman, you realise you are not going to get much sleep tonight," he whispered.

  She gave a throaty chuckle "I'm relying on it."

  In the taxi going back to the hotel he kissed her, his hand cupping her breast, feeling her erect nipple.

  In the lift they kissed Sharon pushing her body hard against him, as she groaned in frustration.

  By the time he had his room door open he had already started to undo her dress. Inside, he peeled off his clothes watching has she wiggled out of the dress, leaving her in a small red pair of panties.


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