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Romance Sex Stories Page 49

by Carly Smesh

  He had a chance to speak to Bobby when they came back from their leave. He told him to pick up the tents and livestock from the outcrop and erect them at a spot he showed him on the map.

  "We will meet you there on the 6th. You can then go on to the cave," he said. Bobby nodded understanding.

  Four days later they were at the cave. "Home sweet bloody home." Cookie grumbled as they climbed down from the trucks.

  Shaun had already spoken of his plans to Tim and Sargent Walker as well as Jack. They would rest up in the cave for two days, then leave on the evening of the second day. He had shown the Prof the position and knew he would select the best course to reach it.

  On the morning of the second day, they began preparing the trucks and Jeeps. Four Jerry water cans were strapped to the bonnets of the Jeeps, extra petrol cans were loaded on to the Jeeps and trucks. Ammunition and food had to be loaded, they knew they could be out for two or three weeks.

  As the sun began to set in the West, they set off.

  At times they stopped whilst the Prof checked their position with the stars. The light of a new day was appearing in the East as they neared the agreed meeting point. Jack spotted a figure waving from a dune.

  Bobby had set up the tents in a shallow depression surrounded by sand dunes. Shaun had to admit that the camp with camels and goats looked quite lifelike as they descended into the camp.

  After a much needed mug of tea, the men began to change the places of the trucks and Jeeps with Bobby and Bill's. It was decided that Bobby would set off to the cave at sunset, in the meantime he brought Shaun up to date with the happenings at the front.

  "Rommel tried to attack but we stopped him cold. We have been getting reinforcements in from Suez and now have a new commander for the 8th Army, a General Montgomery. On a more serious note, the enemy is taking precautions against our attacks. They have spotter planes following the convoys now with halftracks and armoured cars mixed in with them. I've heard that when they spot one of our patrols the spotter plane whistles up the Stuka's."

  They waved as Bobby and Bill left. After their meal, Shaun rolled out his bed having scooped out a hollow for his hip in the sand, shivering from the cold as he took off his RAF jacket and climbed into his blankets. He heard the guard changing as he drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning the seven chosen due to their eye's being brown, dressed in the Teraquas garments. The Prof, owing to the fact he spoke Arabic, was elected Chief. His garments were finer with a jewelled dagger thrust into his waistband. Their faces were darkened with cream that Tim applied, finally the turbans were put on with the tail of it going around the face so that only the eyes visible. All wore crossed bandoliers and carried a German rifle. Two were dispatched to stand guard on top of the sand dunes.

  After breakfast, Shaun gathered Tim and the Sergeants together. "I propose to take the Jeeps out today, leaving at four. The target will be outside Bardia where the road climbs up to the escarpment, we should arrive about six as the sun sets." He looked around their faces for any comments. They just smiled and nodded.

  They stopped about five-hundred yards from the road, going forward on foot to scout it. From this position they could observe about five miles of the road below them on the coastal plain, the road was empty. They waited until full darkness but nothing came into sight.

  "Perhaps Rommel has run out of trucks," Tim asked at the side of him.

  Shaun shook his head, "Or he's changed tactics."

  They returned to the Jeeps and drove along the road until they looked down on Bardia. Going forward on their feet they used their binoculars to view the small village.

  "There's trucks down there!" Jack said excitedly. Through the glasses Shaun could see troops walking around.

  "I'll bet they will move out at dawn, that way they will have air cover all day," he said.

  They returned to the Jeeps. "Assuming that they have a spotter aircraft to watch over them," Shaun surmised, "it will no doubt check the route before they set out. They would spot us right away. We'll have to let this one pass, but the next time we come out we need to carry camouflage nets."

  They nodded, "Okay, let's return to camp."


  Over the next week they refined their tactics, arriving at an ambush point in the early hours they would camouflage the Jeeps a mile or so from either a town or village. Once the spotter plane had passed they would attack. By the time the spotter plane was aware of the attack they would be long gone. Any vehicle with a radio antenna was destroyed first.

  On the ninth day the lookout warned of two halftracks heading their way. The dried camel dung fire was lit as the men gathered their weapons and hid in the tents, except for the ones in costume.

  Shaun had the Cartwright .303 alongside Sammy with his SMLE. "If they start, shoot the radio operator and then the one on the MG34," he murmured, "I'll take the other gunner and the Officer." Sammy nodded.

  The halftracks came to a halt 200 yards away, an Officer and an enlisted soldier got out and approached the camp. The Prof had gone forward and stopped ten feet from them. Shaun watched anxiously as they began to talk, sweat braking out on his forehead. After about ten minutes the enlisted man rushed back to one of the halftracks, returning with something he gave to Prof.

  He waved to them has they moved off heading southwest. When he entered the tent he handed the object to Cookie. "German Liverwurst sausage, should fry up quite well," he chuckled.

  It seemed the Officer had wanted to know if they had seen any vehicles, finding out they hadn't, he cheered up when the Prof had said they had seen dust clouds to the south west four hours ago.

  "It's getting a little too hot around here," Shaun told Tim, "we'll have to strike camp tonight and move further east.

  They dropped the tents just before sunset, and travelled through the darkness, finding a likely spot alongside some rock outcroppings. The tents were quickly erected and the livestock inflated as the trucks and Jeeps were put undercover.

  Shaun consulted with Tim, "We've got enough water for around a week's supply, and then we will have to go back to the cave."

  Tim nodded "In some ways, I'll be glad to get under cover again."

  Shaun could see the strain of the missions appearing in Tim's eyes, all of the men were showing the strain of living this cloak and dagger lifestyle, himself included. Shaun knew this was when mistakes could happen, mistakes that could cost them their lives.

  They carried out three raids from their new location, noticing that the convoys were getting smaller and comprised now of captured British Bedford trucks as well as Italian transport.

  On their forth attack their luck ran out.

  Titch had just removed the camouflage net, when the snarl of a MG34 opened up on them from behind. Shaun grabbed his MP40 and bailed out of the side of the Jeep. Titch had dropped down drawing his pistol, but Jack had swung the 50 around almost falling into the front seats as he returned fire on something. Shaun snake crawled to some boulders raising his head. Two German halftracks and a light armoured car were behind them. As he watched, the armoured car burst into flames from Jacks 50calibre fire. At the same time Tim's Jeep, four-hundred yards away, opened up with its Vickers Ks and the 50 calibre racking the sides of the halftracks. The gunner on one was almost cut in two by a .50 bullet. In seconds it was all over. The two halftracks had smoke pouring out of them and bodies draped over the sides. Titch retrieved his MP40, and with Shaun at his side, checked them. When they returned to the Jeep they found Jack leaning against the mount of the gun, blood flowing down his arm and face.

  They laid him down whilst Shaun applied wound bandages to his arm and face.

  Jack muttered, "You best get out of here boss, the spotter plane will be back." Shaun nodded, they got him into the back of the Jeep and followed Tim back to the camp.

  Back at the camp Cookie examined Jack after removing the dressings. He came over to Shaun.

  "The bullet went straight through but tore up his ar
m muscle. He's lost a lot of blood but I think he'll pull through. Unfortunately, he's not going to be much good to you now. The face wound is a bullet graze, half an inch closer and he'd be dead. The biggest worry, Boss, is if infection sets in."

  Shaun had to make a decision, to continue the fight or get Jack back to the Oasis. He knew that it was only through Jack firing on the armoured car that had saved their lives. He looked around the men. They appeared shaken by the encounter, he knew he was. He called Tim over and his Sargent. "If we go back to the Oasis, have we enough water for the trip?"

  Sargent Walker spoke up, "If we leave the tents and livestock behind to lighten the trucks and ration the existing water we could."

  Tim nodded, "We could bury the tents along with the dummies and pick them up on another trip."

  Shaun nodded, "It's settled then, we leave tonight."

  The bedrolls were made into a mattress for Jack in the back of the truck, Cookie was told to give him any water he needed.

  Titch tried to reduce the amount of jolting the truck made has they made their way back. A field ambulance was waiting as they drew up at the Oasis alerted by Sammy's signal to base. Jack was quickly transferred to it. After watching the ambulance depart Shaun and Tim followed Ted into the command tent.

  Chapter 28

  Ted poured out a drink for them as they sat down. Shaun told him of the encounter with the enemy ending by saying, "I want you to put Jack in for an award, he saved our necks for us out there."

  Ted nodded, "Speaking of awards, Z patrol is mentioned in dispatches. Bobby, Bill and Tim are awarded DSC's and you, Shaun, a DSO for the aircraft raid."

  Shaun looked at Tim and smiled, "We would rather have leave."

  Ted laughed, "You'll get that after Bobby and Bill get back. You'll all be going to Cairo to get them."

  Shaun later went to collect his mail. There were three tins from Aunt Vicky and four letters from Sharon. He laid back on his cot and began to read them. At some point he fell asleep, a deep relaxing black sleep.

  He awoke feeling the chill of evening, the sun was setting. He grabbed his wash bag and towel and headed to the showers. Later in the mess tent, eating spam fritters chips and beans, he told Cookie there was some tinned food from home for him to pick up.

  Over the next week the men worked on the trucks and Jeeps, giving them a much needed service. The guns were removed, stripped and cleaned. Tyres were replaced and springs checked. A washing line was strung between two of the palm trees holding their cleaned clothing.

  The Prof had developed his photographs and delivered them to Shaun in an envelope. "She's a beautiful girl, Boss," was his only comment. Shaun realised some were a little daring as he gazed at them. Her long, slender legs that merged into her thighs and hips. The flatness of her stomach. Her small but rounded breasts. Her long, slender neck with the heart-shaped face above. The way her eyes were looking into the camera with an impish smile on her face. Shaun was filled with longing for her, seeing Sharon in the red two-piece excited him.

  Bobby and Bill returned two days later. In the command tent with Ted, Shaun and Tim present, he gave his report.

  "We have destroyed 147 trucks and three tankers A lot of the trucks were British and Italian, some were only 30cwt's. I get the feeling they are running out of transports. We came across a tanker and three trucks parked by the side of the road. It just didn't look right. On closer examination, we noticed that the tanker wasn't sitting down on its springs, and I realised it was empty. The three trucks had rolled up part of the canvas cover. Then we saw they had three MG34's mounted in each of them. The crafty bastards were a set up for any one attacking. Well they won't be using them again."

  Bobby moved to the map, "We raided from Barce to Bomba, but towards the end of our time we noticed fewer convoys coming through."

  Ted nodded, "The reason for that is their using Tobruk to shorten their supply line." Ted told them about the medals and upcoming leave, "The Brigadier will be conducting the ceremony at Command Headquarters, so you have three days to get cleaned up and have your haircut."

  Shaun used the spare Jeep to drive over to the hospital to see Jack, finding him eventually, sat out in the garden. He handed Jack a small bag, "There's cigarettes and a bottle of scotch in there."

  Jack smiled, "Thanks Boss, I've been gasping for a cig."

  Shaun smiled, opening his cigarette case and letting Jack take one. He took one himself and lit them both. He told Jack about the award ceremony and what Bobby had said about their patrol, and that Rommel was using Tobruk for his supplies.

  Jack replied saying that he would be returning to the Oasis the next day, and hoped to be there to see the ceremony. When Shaun left, he was relieved to see Jack looking much better.

  As Ted would be using the Ford, the four Officers used the spare Jeep to drive into Cairo. The desk boys rushed down to collect their valises from the Jeep as they drew up outside the Nile Palace. But when they went to book in at reception, they found the hotel was full and the only rooms available were doubles. They would have to share.

  As Shaun signed in, the receptionist seeing his name, informed him there was a message for him and handed over an envelope.

  On opening it he found a key and a short note, 'Don't book in. love S'.

  Shaun grinned at Bobby, Iit's your lucky day. I'm taking the Jeep, I'll bring it back tonight." With that he grabbed his valise and rushed out of the hotel, leaving a mystified Bobby behind.

  The flat looked the same except for fresh flowers in pots. He took the valise through to the bedroom and removed his jacket. Back in the lounge he poured out a vodka, adding tonic and ice to it he settled down to wait.

  He was on his forth cigarette when he heard the lift, and then footsteps hurrying up the hall. The door opened and there she was, dressed in naval whites. She stopped and looked at him, her eyes bright with suppressed tears. She removed her hat and undid the bun at the back of her head, shaking her hair out, allowing it to fall free. Still looking at him she began to undo her blouse, as he undid his shirt. She reached behind her to unfasten her skirt letting it fall to the floor, leaving her in small cotton panties.

  Shaun swallowed hard, his throat felt constricted as he gazed at her body. He took her in his arms kissing her hungrily, their tongues searching each other's mouths. A small groan escaped her lips as he picked her up and carried her through to the bedroom.

  She looked at him as he recovered, sweat glistened on his forehead as his chest rose and fell. Her nipples felt sore from his attentions as did her thighs, but somehow that didn't matter now that she had him here. She bent over him giving him a kiss on his nose, "Hello," she whispered.

  He smiled, "Hello, that was nice welcome, I take it you've missed me," he said chuckling.

  She stuck her tongue out at him, "I think, going by what we just did, we both missed each other."

  He nodded, pulling her over on to her back, "I'm about to miss you a lot more," he murmured.


  She was in the kitchen making sandwiches, only a cotton dressing gown covering her nakedness.

  "How is everything on the home front?" He asked her.

  "Dad's been made a Commodore. It seems they are listening to him now after warning them of Rommel s plans. Also we found where the leak was coming from. The US military adviser had been using a code, the Black code to report back to his headquarters on the situation out here. He was devastated when we told him the code had been compromised by a spy in his own department. We managed to give the Axis quite a lot of misinformation before we changed the code. At the moment, we are the flavour of the month, with the Americans due to itShaun nodded, "I'm getting a gong tomorrow along with Bobby, Bill and Tim."

  She smiled at him, "I know, Dad pushed it through."

  "There's not much you don't know is there?" He said.

  "Well I do take an interest in the Z patrol," she replied, "but for purely personal reasons."

  They decided to eat at the hotel as
he had to return the Jeep.

  "I'm surprised you don't own a car," Shaun said as he helped her into the Jeep.

  "But I do, it's a little Morris 8, unfortunately it refuses to start, the man from the garage says it's not worth repairing. Shame, because I loved that little car." Sharon replied sadly.

  "I'll ask Titch to have a look at it, he's in Cairo on leave too."

  Over diner with the other three Officers and their girls, they discussed the arrangements for the award ceremony the following day. It appeared that the girls would be there to see it, and attend the reception after it. Shaun arranged with Bobby that he would be at the hotel at nine so they could all go together in the Jeep.

  Later in bed Sharon kissed him, "Don't make a habit of winning medals darling."

  He smiled returning the kiss, "If they give me leave to see you, then it's worth winning them."

  Z Patrol formed up on edge of the parade ground. Ted in front, with Shaun leading Sue patrol, followed by Bobby's then Bill's, and finally Tim's. In the centre of the parade ground they reformed into a single line, with the Officers who were to receive awards taking three paces forward.

  There were other men receiving awards that day. They lined up with the Officers, a band began to play and the ceremony got underway.

  Later at the reception Shaun managed to single Titch out, introducing Sharon to him. "Titch, Second Officer Silverman has a Morris 8 that the garage says can't be repaired. It won't start, could you look it over for her please?" Just then, Ted called him over to speak to the Brigadier. He left leaving Sharon in conversation with Titch.

  He found Commodore Silverman with the Brigadier. "Ah, Captain Ramage, the Commodore here was saying you may be able to help in a little matter we have a problem with." Shaun looked blank.

  "I'm afraid Captain Ramage has not been acquainted with what the problem is." Silverman explained to the Brigadier. Chapter 29

  In Silverman's office, with Bobby, Bill and Tim present, he outlined what the little problem was.


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