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by Carly Smesh

  He awoke to the smell of bacon frying. "Be about ten minutes Boss, there's tea ready in the pot," Cookie said with a wide smile.

  After eating a huge breakfast, Cookie trimmed his beard and hair before Shaun set out for the showers and a shave.

  With a fresh set of clothing on him Shaun began to feel more human again. Bobby and Stanley came over to him by the truck.

  "So did you have a nice time?" Bobby asked with a wry smile.

  "It was interesting." Shaun replied. "So what have you lot been up too?"

  "The problem with the Kibbutz's has been resolved." Stanley replied.

  "Thirty four Arabs are now actively looking for virgins," Bobby chuckled. "And we found out who the SS Officer is in charge. Otto Krunz, formally of the 8thWaffen SS regiment.

  He's a wanted war criminal for the massacre of Polish and Russian civilians as well as American soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge. That's the offences that we know about, god knows what else the bastard was responsible for."

  "How did you find that out?" Shaun asked.

  There was an Egyptian Captain in charge of the men around the Kibbutz's. One of the lads was related to one of the girls who was killed. He took him to one side and sort off...asked him. He seemed quite willing to talk," Bobby said rolling his eyes.

  "Proff is on his why, he's expected in two weeks and oh you have two letters from home," Cookie chimed in.

  Shaun nodded, Stanley I have three rolls of film that need developing into 8 by10 photographs, can you arrange that?" Shaun murmured.

  "I'll get them to Ari Silverman, he'll know what to do," Stanley replied.

  When Bobby and Cookie drifted away, Stanley asked him how he had gotten on with Sol.

  "It was hard work at first, but one day he was cleaning his rifle and I commentated on it, so he told me the story behind it. After some gentle probing I got the rest of his story. I was deeply impressed on what he has had to endure in his life."

  Stanley chuckled, "He rarely speaks about it, I happened to say to him one day that at least the Gestapo and SS had received a cleaner death than those who went to the gas chambers. He just gave a grim smile and said they didn't, he shot them in the stomach or groin."

  Shaun knew with that sort of wound they would have been in agony before death released them.

  Shaun took the letters and sat in the cab of the truck to read them.

  The first letter from Sharron written in the Z code said how much she missed him and that David was missing his daddy. She went on to say everything at home was fine and that Proff and Ken had finished training the recruits and were now getting the .Jeeps ready for transport. The letter was written in a light hearted manner that masked her obvious concern for him.

  The second opened by saying they were going to have a baby. Shaun's eyes misted with happiness at the news. She explained how she had felt unwell and Jasmine had examined her when she returned to the Crater. The rest of the letter was on how she was preparing the house for the new arrival.

  * * *

  The next day Shaun began to put his plan into action, he asked Stanley to start preparing a catch of water, food and weapons at the spot he and Sol had used by the second gorge. Bobby was instructed to start training the men in the use of the M40 bazooka and select ten teams who showed the best promise.

  Sol was tasked in selecting the best eight men with a rifle and train them in the art of sniping. Cookie was to train a group in making sticky bombs and Molotov Cocktails.

  Shaun had explained to Stanley that they would need mortar shells but not the launchers, explaining that they would be dropped down from the top of the gorge.

  The days passed and every one was used in in the preparation for the war they all knew was coming. Shaun spent hours examining the maps and consulting his note book, adding comments to it.

  Two weeks later Stanley and some of the men left in the Bedford to pick up Proff and the remainder of the Jeeps.

  Whilst he was away Ari Silverman arrived with the photographs. After their welcome he said to Shaun, "I've heard the news from Sharron, congratulations," he said with abroad smile.

  He then went on to say about the development with United Nations regarding the Mandate. We have stockpiled weapons in Czechoslovakia ready to be shipped here as soon as the British blockade is removed. The UN National Assembly is due to vote in May, so the British Mandate ends on May 15 they should be out by then," Ari explained.

  "So we can expect the Egyptians to invade after the vote, assuming it goes your way," Shaun replied.

  Ari nodded sadly, "The problem is Shaun we have to keep the road open to Jerusalem, and most of our forces are involved with that task, we can spare you little help here".

  "Well," Shaun began, "The threat to the Kibbutz's has been neutralised by Bobby and Stanley's team. The men we sent to guard them have returned now that the men from Palmach have relieved them.

  "Stanley has gone to pick up Proff and the remaining eight trainees, as well as the five Jeeps. With the six we have here it will make eleven Jeeps in all. With the eight trainees that will be arriving, our strength including Bobby, Cookie, Proff and myself will come to ninety."

  Ari looked worried, "Will that be enough do you think?" He asked.

  "I think so Ari, I have the bones of a plan, when Stanley and Proff arrive back we will have a council of war and start to flesh it out. The only problem I foresee is the Egyptian Airforce, their Spitfires could course a problem."

  "We have purchased some Czechoslovakian Avia S-199 fighters, they are similar to the Messerschmitt ME-109, perhaps not as good. But we have some ex-Jewish RAF trained pilots and they are good. If you think you will need them, I can make arrangements to have a few on standby for you."

  "That's great news Ari, and would solve a major problem for us."

  Shaun left Ari to get some sleep after his long journey, and moved down the ravine to see how the training was doing.

  Thirteen days later Proff arrived with the remainder of the Jeeps, the eight trainees and Ken.

  Shaun was amazed to see him, "What the hell are you doing here?" Was his opening remark.

  Ken laughed "Don't blame Proff I insisted on coming, I've helped train these lads. There is no way I wasn't not going to be here for the fight."

  After reassuring Shaun that his wife was in full agreement with his decision, they all made their way to the truck where Cookie broke out the Whiskey.

  Later Proff handed over some letters and photographs of Sharron and David and the other members of his family. Shaun went to bed that night feeling happy and contented.

  While the Bedford was being unloading of the ammunition it had collected from the Iona Star, Shaun called for a council of war at the command post.

  Shaun had prepared trestle tables on which the photographs had been laid. Bobby, Cookie, Proff, Ken, Stanley and Sol were all in attendance.

  He opened the proceedings by recounting what Ari Silverman had said regarding the UN and the impending vote and the likely date for it to be passed. He let the muttering die down before continuing.

  "So gentlemen we have a little over three weeks in which to prepare. I think our best chance of stopping an invading column from Egypt will be here at the second pass.

  "I say that because I'm sure the Egyptians will be expecting us to try to stop them at the last pass before the road opens up to more open country. Sol and I did a thorough reconnaissance of the second pass and last one.

  But how the battle will play out will depend upon how the enemy attacks. Will he use one column, and if so how long will it be. Or will he use two or even three? Our tactics will depend on knowing that.

  I'm hoping that Krunz will use the tried and tested method he is use too, the blitzkrieg. In which case he will go for an out and out attack using speed and his tanks to smash through.

  So the prime reason I have called this meeting is to find your thinking on how to proceed?"

  The men started looking intently at the photographs
and asking Shaun were certain ones were taken in relationship to the pass.

  Shaun stepped back after a while and let then argue amongst themselves.

  After a few hours of debate Shaun summarised their findings.

  "If Krunz adopts the blitzkrieg approach then it will follow his using mechanised infantry in front of the column. If they hit something they can't contain he will bring up his tanks. The question is, how many?

  So the most important thing we need is intelligence, of what they have and how they intend to use it. So Stanley we need to get updates from the men at their staging post that information need to arrive faster than our current method, which means using a radio.

  I suggest using Proff, based close to the staging post with an 11 set. Communication will have to be in Morse in order to get the range. We will be using Z Code for obvious reasons. Ken will be at our end to receive, I assume you two are up to scratch with Morse and the Z Code? Shaun said looking at them.

  They nodded with a sheepish smile.

  Shaun continued "I'll leave it up to you to arrange the details of transmission times."

  He took Proff to one side later, "I'm sending you for two reasons Proff, first, to find a place where we can insert jeeps between the first and second pass. Second Bobby has more experience in this sort of war, which I will need. I don't need to tell you how vital the information you will pass is, but I don't want any hero's, understand."

  Proff smiled, "Don't worry Shaun I'll get the job done and return."

  A Jeep was stripped of its guns and in their place extra fuel, water, rations and batteries for the radio were added. Proff set off with a driver as the sun set.

  Between them they had worked out several scenarios of how the attack could take place. The men and Jeeps would be split into two groups. Ann and Sue. Named after their old patrol trucks used in the war. Ann will consist of five jeeps and twenty men making a total of thirty five in total.

  Sue will be the same in jeeps and men. Fourteen men will be assigned to the top of the gorge. Bobby, Stanley and I will lead Ann. Proff and Cookie will lead Sue. Ken will be in charge of radios. Sol will be in charge on top of the gorge. This arrangement could change dependent on information received.

  Bobby had selected the best teams to fire the M40 Bazooka so four were assigned to Sue and six to Ann. Which meant that twelve of Bobby's men would be bazooka teams, and eight of Sue's team would be bazooka teams.

  But in all the scenarios the one overriding point was the tanks had to be eliminated. Shaun discussed this with Bobby.

  "We need to draw them out from the pass, the infantry will initially be in front but if they run into trouble, they'll call up the tanks." Shaun produced the photograph of the ground beyond the exit of the pass.

  "The ground is fairly open for about a mile beyond the exit, if we prepare positions for the bazooka teams so they can take them from the rear that should sort them out. The problem will be the infantry attacking the bazooka teams as they will be behind the tanks."

  Bobby nodded, "I'd already thought of that, we will need to make positions between the exit and the bazooka team's positions. They can have a Vickers K which we can take from each Jeep, but it leaves me three men short to have a loader in each position."

  "You can take three from the group on top of the gorge, in fact thinking about it have eight, that way you will have three men in each of the five positions. So where would you put them?"

  Whilst Bobby studded the photograph. Shaun turned to Cookie, "Your job is to bottle up the entrance to the pass once they are all in. The problem is we don't know how long the column will be, or if any tanks will be at the back of it. So to some extent you may have to develop tactics to suite the occasion. But you will need to prepare positions for your troops on the ground."

  Shaun passed over a photograph of the ground leading up to the entrance to Cookie, to study.

  "Sol your snipers have to take out the machine gunners at the fixed position at either end of the pass, as well as the MG 42 gunners on the tracked vehicles."

  Sol nodded "No problem Shaun," he murmured softly.

  "Cookie and Ken will be at either end of the pass with a truck, the twin 50cals and mortars will support your attacks. We will be stretched regarding man power".

  That night men began to prepare positions at either end of the pass under the supervision of Bobby and Stanley, as each position was completed it was carefully camouflaged and checked. It took eight nights work before it was all completed.

  Shaun found sleep difficult, his mind constantly going the arrangements picking flaws and trying to amend them in his mind. When sleep finally overcame him it was a deep black bottomless pit.

  Proff finally made contact, they had reached within three miles of the base with the Jeep and he was setting up a forward observation lookout post to monitor the Egyptians preparations.

  Bobby and Stanley showed him were they had placed their positions using the photographs and a wax pencil. Bobby had placed the bazooka pits behind rocks that protected their backs. Shaun could see that they were some seven hundred yards from the pass exit spread in a rough semicircle facing down the road. The Vickers K gun positions were placed near the side of the valley and about six hundred yards from the pass.

  Cookie had used similar positions but closer to the entrance, during the night weapons and ammunition were moved into the positions.

  Reports from Proff came in at reasonably frequent intervals, there were still ten Sherman tanks along with six SdKfz 11 halftrack troop carriers each with an MG42 mounted, one of which towed a command trailer.

  Proff had countered forty two trucks, and two large bowsers and two armoured cars. Some of the trucks had been loaded with ammunition, rations and he thought spares He had estimated between six and seven hundred troops. It made grim reading for Shaun and the rest.

  He ordered the road watch jeeps to return to base. Proff was to pick up the three men working on the Egyptian base as soon as it looked like the column was getting ready to move.

  By May 10th most of the work had been carried out.

  Tension in the camp was building to a fervours pitch, weapons were cleaned and checked the vehicles were tested and tuned, radios were checked and batteries replaced, nothing was left to chance.

  Shaun, Bobby, Ken, Stanley and Sol spent hours going over the maps and photographs and discussing scenarios of what could happen and how to counter them.

  They were as ready as they could be, it was now left to the fates.

  Chapter 51

  The day before the British Mandate expired it was announced that the State of Israel had been formed by David Ben-Gurion, it was May 14th.

  America and the USSR were the first countries to recognise it.

  That same day a message from Proff arrived, the Egyptians were preparing to move out.

  The three who had been at the Egyptian base had joined Proff. They reported that four off the trucks were loaded with jerry cans for fuel and water.

  Later Proff reported the column comprised of the six tracked troop carriers in the lead with seven tanks close behind. Behind them were thirty eight trucks some filled with troops then three tanks. Three Spitfires circled the column.

  Later in the day Proff reported a second column, made up of an armoured car in the lead with a 30mm quad anti-aircraft cannon mounted on a truck. The large fuel and water bowser trucks came behind and approximately two hundred troops marching with another 30mm truck mounted cannon, the second armoured car brought up the rear.

  Shaun let the others know, the Spitfires would be a problem he knew. The radio had been giving out information of attacks from Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, the Jews were fighting on all fronts to stem the tide of the invasions.

  He managed to contact Ari Silverman and brought him up to date with the situation with the Egyptians, "Our main problem will be the Egyptian fighters, we may need help from you with them."

  "How long will it take them to reach your positions?" Ari

  "Our best guess is that it will be eight days." Shaun replied.

  "OK, we may be able to help in a few days, leave it with me."

  As more reports came in from Proff who was now tailing the column. It appeared the main force was spread out over a mile long. When they stopped for the night, fuel and water was taken from the rear most trucks and distributed amongst the vehicles and men. Later the empty jerry cans would be loaded on to the trucks and they would return to the second column and be refilled from the bowsers, before returning to the main column.

  "It makes sense," Shaun told the others, "If the bowsers were destroyed the invasion would pettier out."

  Five days later they heard on the radio that Cairo had been bombed by the Israelis. Shaun was surprised he hadn't known that the Jews had bombers.

  The following day Proff reported that the column had no air cover.

  When Shaun addressed the others about it he told them that it seemed that the Egyptian fighters had been withdrawn to protect Cairo.

  With the two columns now separated by over twenty miles, he ordered Proff to return to base that night.

  From reports from Ari Silverman it appeared that the Israeli's were fighting on all fronts, the Jordanian Army seemed to be the most dangerous being more professional in their organisation. But the Israeli's were holding their own. Now that weapons and ammunition were reaching them from ships now that the blockade was lifted.

  Proff arrived back at the base in the early hours of the morning with the other men. All were exhausted and hungry. Proff reported that the second column no longer had the 30mm quad cannons with them.

  Shaun sent them all after a meal, to rest.

  Later that night Proff joined them for the daily briefing in the command post. He still had dark rings around his eyes but looked more refreshed.

  Shaun brought them up to date with the situation in the rest of the country, before elaborating on their own situation. Proff ventured an opinion.

  "I can't swear to it because they had scarfs around their faces due to the dust kicked up, but I'm almost certain that the first four tank commanders are Germans, due to the colour of their uniforms."


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