BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 11

by BWWM Club

  “Penny for your thoughts, Davis?” she asked.


  “You have been acting weird all night. Is everything okay?” Carla asked as she stood in front of Athena. “Are you feeling alright?”

  Athena took a long deep breath and forced out a smile.

  “I am just a little tired. That’s all. I’m just waiting to go home.”

  Carla raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “I have never seen you like this, sweetie. Maybe you should just take an early exit and go put your feet up. Is Evgeni here? Maybe he can take you.”

  Athena shook her head again.

  “I’m fine Carla. I have never left my event before it was over and today will not be the first time.” She sipped on the energy drink she had in her hand. “Besides, I have this. I’ll be okay.”

  Carla gave her a long hard look before she shook her head.

  “Athena, I probably know you better than anyone here and …” she started before Athena shook her head, forcing a smile again.

  “I’m fine, Carla. I promise,” she said.

  Carla gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “Well, remember to eat something. And I hope this is your last can of these damn energy drinks,” she said. “Too much and your heart might explode.”

  Athena frowned.

  “Really?” she asked in a concerned voice.

  “Well, I’m not sure but there is a reason why you are only supposed to have a couple of cans a day and I know for a fact that this is your second one today. So pace yourself, okay?” Carla said before she walked away leaving Athena standing there sipping on her drink.

  “Jeez, Cromwell. Have some dignity,” she thought as she watched Isaac practically dry humping the dancer. “Maybe I did overlook a whole lot of things. And all because of ten fucking grand”

  She was still looking at him when Evgeni walked up to her.

  “You alright?” he asked in a low voice.

  “I’m fine and it would be really great if everyone would stop asking me that,” she snapped. Evgeni looked at her as she took a long deep breath. “I’m sorry…this is just all too hard for me.”

  “I understand,” he said as he held her. “But it’s almost over. I promise.”

  “What does that even mean?” Athena asked as she looked at him. “What do you mean it’s almost over? It’s not like he is going to suddenly disappear.”

  Evgeni touched the side of her face and smiled.

  “Trust me, baby, it will all be alright,” he said before he walked away. Her lips parted slightly as she looked at him. She wanted to call him but she just couldn’t because even if she did, she could not think of what she was going to tell him anyway.


  Evgeni made his way to the ballroom walking straight to Isaac. His heart was pounding hard as he approached him.

  “Markovic, I didn’t think I would see you here,” Isaac said, still dancing.

  “Well, I wasn’t planning on coming but Athena was coming here so I definitely had to come,” Evgeni said.

  “So, I gather from the way you are looking at me that you have your mind set on doing business,” Isaac pointed out and Evgeni nodded.

  “I have what you want right here,” he said. Isaac looked at him and then at the woman tugging on his arm. “I just want to end all this.”

  “But I already have plans with this lady here, Markovic,” Isaac said.

  “Please, Cromwell. The sooner we end this, the better it will be,” Evgeni said as the three of them began walking out of the ballroom.

  “Right now, I want to take this lady back to my penthouse before I come back to clear things with the sultan,” Isaac said.

  “GoCreative has suites on hold right here at The Ritz if you want a room so bad,” Evgeni said. By this time, they were standing outside waiting for the valet to bring his car around.

  “I want to just leave and…” Isaac turned around as his sedan drove up. “Let’s do this tomorrow. First thing in the morning.”

  Evgeni shook his head but he barely had enough time to respond before Isaac and the woman climbed in leaving him standing there alone like the idiot he felt. Isaac’s sedan had just driven off when he turned around and began walking back into the hotel. He had barely taken two steps when he suddenly felt a force pushing him off balance. He turned around and gasped when he saw a car on fire. Isaac’s car to be precise.


  Tino like the ex-military man he was, worked fast getting his boss, Athena and Carla out of the hotel but they still had to wait to talk to the police. After what seemed like forever, Tino drove the three back to Evgeni’s. When they got there, Tino showed Carla to the guest room leaving a fuming Athena looking at Evgeni.

  “So this was your plan all along?” she asked in an annoyed whisper.

  “What are you talking about?” Evgeni asked, confused.

  “You said that it would all be over. That after tonight Cromwell wouldn’t be a problem and then his car mysteriously goes up in flames.” She was still whispering.

  “Athena…I didn’t do this,” Evgeni said and she rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah whatever. I want to go back to my place. Right now!” she yelled just as Tino walked back into the room.

  “Senor Markovic, Carla is settled but if you still need me…” he started as Athena walked past him to the bedroom.

  “Nothing, Tino…just…nothing.” Evgeni shook his head. “Thank you. I’ll lock up.”

  “I’ll be in the den if you need me,” Tino said before he walked away.

  Evgeni set the alarm and walked to the bedroom where she was looking through the closet.

  “I need a suitcase…I can give it back later,” she said as she rummaged through the closet. “Where the fuck do you keep your suitcases?”

  Evgeni could hear the emotion in her voice. He could tell that she was crying without even looking at her. He slipped an arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder.

  “Let go of me,” she said in a small scared voice.

  “Baby, you need to believe me. This wasn’t me,” he said. “I told you, I was going to give up Markovic Oil. For you.”

  She turned around and shook her head.

  “Too much has happened tonight. You told me about your family and the mafia and you had an ex-Israeli soldier following me all day and suddenly your sworn enemy’s car blows up on his way home?” She sighed. “This is all too coincidental.”

  “You told me you trusted me,” he said as he held her waist. His grip was tight, not too tight to hurt her but tight enough to make sure she wouldn’t suddenly pull away.

  “I did,” she said.

  “What about now? Did that trust just…disappear?” he asked and she shrugged. He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out some folded documents before he handed them to her.

  “What are these?” she asked.

  “Signed documents that I was going to hand over to Isaac tonight,” he said. “But he was more set on getting laid so I thought I would do it tomorrow.”

  She unfolded the documents and looked at them page after page as she shook her head. She sighed and then gasped before she sunk to the floor. He got on the floor with her as she dropped the papers to the floor.

  “I wouldn’t follow in my father’s footsteps. I am not my father’s son,” he whispered as he held her face in his hands. “I would go to war for you but this time, I didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a whisper. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. He wiped off her tears using his thumbs and kissed her softly. “So, it’s over?”

  He shook his head.

  “I’m not sure…but for now, it’s over,” he said. He didn’t want to lie to her. Not anymore.

  He kissed her softly and then pulled away. He then kissed her cheek and then her neck.

  “I love you so much,” he said in a soft voice. “God knows, I love the fuck out of you.”

  She was now looking into his eyes. She
closed her eyes as he lowered his head to kiss her again. She brought her hand up and held the back of his neck pulling him closer as he pressed his lips to hers. She was moaning into his mouth as he ran his hands hungrily all over her body. She pulled away and loosened his tie before she pushed his jacket off his shoulders. She then held the two opposite sides of his shirt and pulled it apart sending the buttons flying all over the floor.

  “Athena,” Evgeni whispered in surprise.

  “I want you,” she said in a low voice.

  “Not like this,” he said.

  She pulled down her side zipper and pulled the dress down exposing her bra covered breasts to him.

  “Then how?” she asked.

  “You are upset,” he said and she shook his head.

  “I know what I want.” She was looking into his eyes as she unhooked her bra letting her breasts fall free. “And I want you.”

  He looked down at her breasts and almost immediately, he could feel his hard cock pressing against his boxer shorts. Until now, he did not realize just how strong the hold she had over him was. He got on his knees and pulled her so that she did the same before he leaned in and kissed her deeply. He filled his hand with her breast and she exhaled into his mouth. Her nipple was already hard against his hand and he loved the way she felt in his hand, on his lips and against his body.

  He took both of his hands in his and got up, making her do the same. He gently ran his hands down the sides of her body gently brushing against her breasts as he did so. He then pushed her dress down leaving her in nothing but her panties. She had her arms around his neck as he slowly got her down on the bed before he pulled her panties off. His heart was pounding as he caressed her thighs. On the one hand he wanted to just drop his pants and bury himself in her but on the other hand, he also wanted to taste her. To eat her out until she screamed his name.

  He lowered his head and began kissing her soft inside thigh. He was slowly working his way down to her core, getting dangerously close to her already moist center. She was moaning and arching her back, obviously begging for him to end her torture. The way he was kissing her, licking her, everything he was doing to her made her want more and more of him. She held on to the covers and bit her lower lip as he began kissing her pussy softly. He was moving his mouth on her mound the very same way he had kissed her mouth just moments earlier. She let out a gasp when she felt him thrust his tongue into her pussy tasting her salty depths. She loved the way he was using his tongue to fuck her. She didn’t even think it was possible for him to go that deep with just his tongue. He had his thumb pressed on her clit rubbing the already hard bean making her shiver feverishly.

  She could feel herself draining into his mouth but that was not incentive enough for him to stop. He went on sucking and licking her out until she couldn’t take it any longer. He pulled away and he pulled himself up to kiss her lips. She could taste herself on his lips.

  “Now I do you,” she said in a soft voice as she flipped him over getting him under her. She traced her lips down his neck and then down his chest before she pulled his pants and boxers off. She did not trace her lips down his thigh like he had done with her. She just went straight for the kill, taking his entire length into her mouth. Evgeni let out a loud gasp and then raised his head to look at her as she bobbed her head on his crotch. She was moaning as she took his length deeper and deeper…harder.

  “Baby, if you keep this up, there won’t be anything left for you,” he moaned.

  She pulled away from her and brought herself up.

  “Ride me,” he said in a whisper as he looked up at her. She straddled him and guided his cock into her pussy. She winced lightly as she felt his large cock invading her wetness. She moaned and threw her head back as she slid down his cock to his base. She looked down at him as she began to slowly raise her hips up and down, sliding his cock in and out of her. He had his eyes closed as she ground her hips on him. He slipped an arm around her waist and began pulling her down as he thrust upwards. By this time, her moans were his momentum. He suddenly flipped them over and got himself on top of her.

  “You are mine,” he said in a low moan as he began working himself in and out of her. “All mine.”

  His strokes were getting harder and longer making her moan loudly and shiver in his arms. By the way he was going she knew that she was not going to hold up for much longer. She wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him even deeper inside her. She could feel herself convulsing in his arms as the premise of her orgasm became evident. He was grunting loudly as his thrusts got harder by the minute. He seemed to be going deeper and deeper still. So deep she wanted to scream. She clasped a hand over her mouth muffling the imminent scream that she was about to let out. She dug her nails into his back as she suddenly felt something ripping through her. His hot cum was filling her up with every pulsating feeling.

  “Oh shit…fuck, Athena!” He was now a mass of quavering flesh on top of her. She let out a loud moan as she felt his cock slipping out of her. He raised his head and looked down at her.

  “That was…amazing,” she said in an exhausted whisper.

  “You were amazing,” he said as he lay next to her.

  “So,” she started as he held her close. “What now?”

  Evgeni let out a loud sigh.

  “Honestly, I don’t know because maybe someone in Ireland will be seeking retribution,” he said. “What do you think about Cabo?”

  She looked up at him and smiled.

  “I’ve never been to Cabo,” she said.

  “Me neither,” he said. “But maybe it’s time we checked it out.”

  She smiled and kissed him softly.

  “Maybe,” she whispered.

  The End

  Her Billionaire Client

  Can she protect the man she's falling for?

  A complete story, brought to you by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club.

  Since her husband and son died in a car accident three years ago, Christina has never been the same.

  Now working at her brother-in-law's security firm, she takes each day as it comes, just content to get by.

  That is, until the firm's new client walks through the door.

  Billionaire Nathan and his son are under threat, and they need help to stay alive.

  And despite an early disagreement and Christina wanting to dislike him, she soon finds her self attracted to her new client.

  Soon the two embark on a passionate relationship, one that helps both move forward with their lives and hang ups.

  But with Nathan's issues putting both of them in mortal danger, will they survive long enough for their relationship to fully form?

  Find out in this sexy, hard hitting romance by respected author Erica A Davis.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll want your own billionaire hunk.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  The day started badly for Christina Maudsley when she turned into the parking lot outside her workplace. A large black BMW surged in from the opposite direction, appearing out of nowhere, and cut in front of her, missing her front bumper by mere inches. Putting the brakes on sharply she brought her old car to a halt and slapped the steering wheel with her fist.

  "You bastard!"

  She watched as he pulled in fast across two spaces further down the lot. Fury boiling, Christina moved her car to her usual space and climbed out, grabbing her bag. She was going to have it out with him. She was not going to end up in a twisted lump of metal again. The scars had barely gone from last time.

  Barely stopping to lock up, she charged down the sidewalk towards the driver of the BMW, who had climbed out and was locking up. From the back he was black-haired and the cut of his suit was upwards of twenty grand. Typical. A rich guy who th
ought he owned the road.

  She planted her hands on her hips and glared at his back.

  "Would you watch where you're going?"

  The driver turned and Christina faltered. Oh, my. Of all the people, the driver to cut her off had to be handsome. No one deserved to be that good-looking. The black suit, white shirt and dark blue tie all cost more than Christina's monthly salary. It fit his slim frame like a glove, not hiding the muscular contours of his body. Christina's mind momentarily wandered to the dark and dirty part in her brain, wondering what else on his body looked good. His black hair was immaculate, not a hair out of place, a natural tan with dark eyes that regarded her in surprise.

  "Excuse me?"

  Christina shoved her dirty thoughts away and gave him a dark scowl.

  "You heard me. Are you blind? You cut me off and I nearly lost control of the car."

  If she was expecting an apology she didn't get it. He merely shrugged and adjusted the sleeves on his shirt.

  "Then you should've taken more driving lessons." He said offhandedly.

  Christina's temper flared. She couldn't believe his attitude. He was acting as if she was beneath him. People saw her dark skin and her simple, tatty clothes, and assumed that she was not even worth their while.

  Then she saw something in the back of the car and her blood went cold. He didn't drive like that when...surely?

  She focused back on him.

  "Maybe you should join me. We could both learn something and you might even keep your kid alive."

  That had the desired effect. His face darkened and he approached her, standing on the sidewalk as he towered over her. At five-nine, it wasn't often men towered over Christina but he certainly did. Christina pushed aside her momentary thoughts of how good his cologne smelled and locked eyes with him.


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