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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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by BWWM Club


  An hour later, Mel watched as Tristan walked across the bar, his suit jacket thrown over his shoulder and looking like a GQ model as he came towards where she stood wiping the counters.

  “There he is again,” Lisa cooed, wagging her eyebrows up and down.

  “It’s not like that, Lisa,” Mel lied. She couldn’t bear to think about what had happened an hour ago. Not that it was bad, or she even regretted it, she just didn’t trust Lisa not to blab to the boss.

  Tristan had a gleam in his eye that Mel hadn’t noticed, or he hadn’t shown, before. He looked mischievous and it was strange because he always looked so cold and detached. Mel couldn’t help but smile as she realized what the look was for, suppressing the flush that started to overtake her at the memories of his hands and mouth all over her. He exuded sex as he sat down opposite where she stood at the bar and the idea of going home with him didn’t seem so bad to Mel anymore.

  “Ready?” He asked, his eyes moving over her lips and then slightly lower, to where the rounded top of her breast poked out from the camisole.

  Mel’s body heated in remembrance of his mouth on her nipples. Her sex began to throb with need for Tristan. She wasn’t sure how she went from hating him to needing him between her legs but Mel wasn’t in any position to explore those questions right now.

  “Yeah.” She said, tossing the towel in a basket and grabbing her purse from under the bar.

  She called to Lisa and Blake that she was heading out and before either of them could come out and respond she was trailing Tristan to his limo, imagining all the ways they could recreate what happened in the back of the bar.

  Chapter 5

  Mel’s hands tingled with nerves when the limo stopped in the circular drive outside of Tristan’s house. She felt awkward, which was likely because the last time she was here Tristan was an asshole.

  Bernard walked around to her side and pulled the door open. Mel stepped out, her stomach doing somersaults. It was unreal that she was this nervous when she just had sex with him in the back room of the bar. Maybe it was because being at his home was somehow more intimate; somehow made this seem like a real ‘relationship’. Shaking the silly thought away, Mel turned and looked at Tristan who was holding a hand out to her.

  “Ready?” Tristan asked for the second time that night.

  Mel nodded, too nervous to speak. Unexpectedly Tristan took her hand and led her into the house. It was strange because he didn’t seem like a holding hands type of guy. He probably just did it to hurry her along. Once inside, Tristan led her up the large staircase and towards the master. Mel’s stomach clenched but she took a few deep breaths to calm it. She was being silly but a part of her wondered what he would want from her once in his bed. She wasn’t very experienced. The only other guy she was with was in college and he was not good in bed. Taking another deep breath Mel looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. Here went nothing.

  “The bathroom is there, if you remember.” Tristan pointed to his left. “If you’d like to shower you are more than welcome to.”

  Mel frowned. “I, uh, don’t have any clean clothes.”

  Tristan grinned and Mel’s face heated. Right. She didn’t need clothes. Setting her bag on the bedside table, Mel walked to the bathroom quickly. She closed the door and turned on the shower. The steam began to fill the room and she stood there a moment, taking a few deep breaths to clear her nerves. She began to undress, watching herself in the steamy mirror as she went. What was she worried about? Mel was never one to brag about her looks but she didn’t complain either. If Tristan wanted her in his bed, he must see something he liked. He didn’t complain in any way after their brief encounter in the bar. She was being silly. Stepping under the hot spray, Mel began to relax. A new worry, another silly one, about how much her hair would curl without her styling products, popped into her head. Mel laughed out loud at the thought. If that’s all she was worried about then maybe she would be okay.

  “Well damn, you look twice as sexy without any clothes and covered in soapy water.”

  Mel jumped, her heart pounding in her chest. “What the hell! You scared the shit out of me!”

  Tristan laughed that sexy, genuine laugh from earlier. That laugh almost made Mel want to forgive him for about giving her a heart attack. Almost.

  “I apologize. But all I could think about when I was out in the room was that you were behind the bathroom door, naked and wet. My mind did not do the image justice.”

  He moved closer and started to step in. That was when Mel realized he wasn’t wearing any clothes either. Heat and arousal flooded Mel’s body, her pussy wet but not from the shower. She ran a slick hand over her breasts and he growled, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her flush against his body. How could this one man make her feel so free with her body? She had never felt like this before, being guarded and shy about sex, probably because of the abuse she endured in foster care. Mel could barely think straight around Tristan, and he was sexy and even light when he wasn’t being an asshole.

  “Why are you making that face? Do you want me to go?” He asked, starting to release her.

  “No. Don’t. I was just thinking, that’s all.” Mel mentally kicked herself for letting her emotions play over her face. Not that she had much control over it.

  Tristan frowned a second before his face went dark with lust again. His rock hard dick was pressing into Mel’s stomach, the feel of it making her lower stomach clench deep inside. She longed for him to be inside of her, but wanted to take it a bit slower this time. Mel wasn’t the type to have sex with guys in public and she wanted another chance to make up for the quick fuck they shared in the back room at the bar. Suddenly Tristan’s hands dropped to her ass, rubbing in slow circles with the soap and water. All thoughts of slowing down disappeared and Mel writhed under his touch, the way he was caressing her made her tingle all over. She leaned into him, wanting to be as close as possible, and licked a path from his neck to his nipple and back again. Tristan growled deep in his chest at the contact, and Mel repeated the process on the other side with the same response. The water was beginning to cool and Mel didn’t care, their bodies emitting enough heat to warm them both.

  “Let’s take this in the bedroom before we freeze,” Tristan said, his voice gruff and his eyes dark with desire.

  Mel nodded as Tristan stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel. He wrapped Mel in the plush terry, and lifted her from her feet in one swift motion, carrying her to the bed. Tristan tossed her into the center, her body bouncing back up ever so slightly, before he parted the towel and lay down on top of her. His mouth covered hers so quickly that Mel barely missed his touch. He devoured her with his mouth, as if he was starving and she was his meal. Mel reciprocated, sucking on his tongue and causing another of those sexy growls to emit from his chest. Tristan pulled back a fraction of a second, and leaned over to grab something from the floor. When he sat back up he was holding a tie, the same one he had worn earlier in the day. Mel’s eyes widened, wondering what he was going to use it for.

  “Scoot up a bit on the pillows and hold your arms out over your head.” Tristan demonstrated clasping is hands and raising them over his head.

  Mel did so, her heart rate speeding up with anticipation and anxiety. He was going to tie her up with the tie and at the moment she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. Tristan leaned over her, straddling her legs. Mel fought to keep herself still, the visual of his naked body draped over hers making her want to grab him and pull him to her. Seconds later her hands were secure but not tight. She pulled at the binding, unable to loosen it but still able to move her arms a bit.

  “I want you to keep your arms over your head and don’t touch me. I’m in control tonight and you will obey my orders or pay the price.” His eyebrows rose when he said the last part and Mel shivered. What did he mean by that?

  Nodding that she agreed, Tristan covered her body with his, his legs and arms caging her as
he towered above her on all fours. Mel realized she should be afraid, but she wasn’t. If the way her pussy was throbbing was any indication, Mel was just as turned on by this as he was.

  “Keep still, Mel. I don’t want to have to punish you.” Tristan’s blue stormy eyes flashed and Mel shivered again, this time in eagerness.

  Tristan kissed her, but not the way he had before. It was a firm press of his lips against hers before he moved away from her mouth and began kissing a trail down her neck. He stopped at her nipples, taking the firm brown tip into his mouth and sucking, hard. The sensation bordered on pain, but Mel was so turned on and sensitive that it made her bow her back off of the bed, pushing her chest towards his mouth for more. Tristan moved to the other side, repeating the same motion.

  Mel was practically panting with the need to touch him, to have him inside of her. But Tristan didn’t relent there. He moved farther south still, kissing down to her naval and dipping his tongue inside. Mel couldn’t stop the bucking of her hips towards him as the motion sent a shock straight to her center. Her pussy ached for Tristan’s attention, soaking wet and throbbing with need. Mel had to force herself to keep her arms flat on the pillows. But it was difficult.

  When Tristan moved down to where Mel wanted him to be, the anticipation of what was to come made Mel’s pussy clench with arousal. Tristan touched his tongue to her center and Mel moaned, her hips lifting from the bed to meet his mouth for more. Her clit was vibrating with the need to come as he lapped at it and sucked it into his mouth. Mel couldn’t keep still for much longer and she yearned to grab his head and pull it firmly to her. But she obeyed, keeping her hands firmly on the pillow, no matter how much she wished to touch him. Tristan closed his lips around her throbbing clit, sucking it long and hard as he pushed two fingers inside of her, pumping them in and out slowly. The orgasm tore through Mel and she felt like she was flying to pieces, the waves of it lasting as long as it took for Tristan to move over her, and plunge into her as she clenched around him.

  “Ah, Mel. You’re so tight and wet.” Tristan moaned his voice deep with lust as he plunged into her again.

  Mel wrapped her legs around his hips, thrusting her pelvis to meet his rhythm. She couldn’t touch him but she could use the other parts of her body to make him enjoy this as much as she was. Tristan was large and with each thrust he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her until he was to the hilt, moving in such a way that Mel felt her orgasm begin to build again. Tristan leaned down and sucked her earlobe, causing Mel to moan with pleasure. Her senses were on overload and her whole body seemed to tingle with excitement and arousal. Never in her life had she experienced something so wonderful that it made her want to live always in this moment and never away from it. Tristan sped up, pumping into her fast and with more force, his long, hard dick slamming against her cervix. But Mel felt no pain, only pleasure as he grabbed her trussed hands and held them down as he rode her hard and fast. Mel hiked her legs higher, resting them on his shoulders and Tristan groaned, speeding up even faster, until Mel was screaming his name as she came for a second time, her body shuddering around him. Tristan’s cock lengthened and he pushed even harder still until he gave one last thrust, growling through clenched teeth as he came. Both of them stayed motionless in the positions they were in for a moment until Tristan began to slowly untie Mel, tossing the tie to the ground and collapsing on the bed next to her. He lay on his back, his eyes closed and Mel wasn’t sure what to do next. She was afraid to touch him, afraid he would reject her or turn into ‘asshole Tristan’ if she didn’t play by his rules.

  “I’ll be right back.” He stood, heading towards the bathroom and didn’t say another word.

  Mel lay motionless, her arms still held over her head. Was he hoping she would be gone when he got back? She sat up, wondering what she should do and where her clothes were when Tristan came out of the bathroom, a small washrag in his hand.

  “Lay back,” he commanded and Mel did.

  He pushed her legs apart and wiped her down, pulling the comforter over her before he walked back to the bathroom. Mel sighed with relief, unsure of what she would have done had he kicked her out. Suddenly she was so tired, and her eyes drifted shut. Within seconds she was asleep.


  Tristan peeked at Mel one last time as she slept. She was fast asleep, her silky brown hair fanned out on the pillow. His chest ached and he took a deep breath, holding it for ten counts and releasing. He wasn’t supposed to feel this way about her. He was supposed to let her go when her album was over. Releasing another breath, Tristan pulled his silk pajama pants on and stepped from the room, closing the door behind him.

  He padded down the hall, down the stairs and around the corner to his study. It was time to be alone for a while, to regroup. Cracking his neck from side to side to release tension, Tristan sat in his leather desk chair, sinking into the plush cushion. He leaned his head back on the seat and counted to ten again. It was no use; he couldn’t get her face out of his head. But it wasn’t just her face, it was everything about her. Her hair, her petite little body and how when he was inside of her he felt like she was made for him, her smell and those dark brown eyes that seemed to look right into her soul. She was beautiful, talented and kind. What the hell did she want with him?

  Running a hand over his face, his five o’clock shadow scratching over his hand, Tristan stood, walking to his side board to get a drink. He lifted a bottle of amber colored liquid, the best brandy he had ever tasted, and splashed it into a tumbler. Tossing it back, the burn in his throat momentarily clearing his head, Tristan knew he would have to resort to other measures, besides alcohol and mediation, to rid himself of the urge to be with Mel. But should he go that far? Keeping his sanity was more important than being with a woman he could fall in love with.


  Mel woke in a dark room, confused and disoriented. Where was she? It didn’t feel like she was in her bed. And it smelled like men’s cologne. Memory returned quickly, and flashbacks of Tristan and his beautiful body looming over her as plunged inside of her again and again came back with full force. Mel blushed, heat filling not only her face but flooding the area between her legs. She would never get enough of him. He was handsome, sexy and underneath that dark veneer appeared to be kind and playful. Mel wanted to see what was under his shell, help him to break down the wall he constructed around himself to reveal who he really was. But how? The better question was why? How did Tristan get so guarded? So jaded? Mel was wary of others, and didn’t open up easily; it was hard to be an open book with a dark past. But she tried for those who truly cared about her, like Blake. Tristan didn’t seem to have anyone who cared about him and Mel wondered why.

  Turning over, Mel felt the bed next to her to see if Tristan was still there. The bed was empty and the sheets cold. Frowning, she stood, searching for a light switch in the dark. Fumbling around in the dark, and hitting her shin more than once, Mel finally found a lamp on the opposite side of the bed. Clicking it on she blinked, the sudden change in light blinding her for a moment. The wall clock on the other side of the room said it was after two in the morning. Where could Tristan be at this time of night? Unable to locate her clothes but finding Tristan’s discarded dress shirt abandoned on a chair, Mel pulled it on. It was just long enough to cover what needed to be covered, so she ventured out of the room, hoping she didn’t get lost in the massive house. She slowly made her way down the long corridor until she reached the stairs. Now came the decision part. Did she search upstairs or downstairs? Feeling more confident that she wouldn’t get lost downstairs, Mel padded down the steps with care, unsure if she would run into a maid or a butler of some sort and embarrass herself by being dressed only in Tristan’s shirt.

  When she didn’t encounter another person in the semi dark house as she pushed opened the door to the kitchen, Mel got spooked. Wandering around in houses gave her the creeps and reminded her of the creepy foster family she lived with before Blake’s. Second thoughts f
lashed through her mind and while she was standing in the kitchen she contemplated going back to Tristan’s room and waiting for him there. Then her stomach growled. That was when Mel remembered that she hadn’t eaten since lunch and decided to rummage around for a snack, hoping Tristan didn’t mind. Mel opened the fridge, located a bottle of water and slammed it closed. Movement from the corner of her eye startled her and she screamed, dropping the water and spilling it everywhere.

  “What are you doing?” Tristan asked with alarm, a not too pleasant look on his face.

  Shit, she should have waited in his room. Mel was never good at reading people, but Tristan was even harder to read than most people because his emotions were always closed off. She watched him for a moment before she spoke, his bare chest rising and falling as he breathed, the large expanse covered in solid muscle. He was beautiful and Mel couldn’t take her eyes off of him.

  “I was, um, hungry. I’m sorry. I’ll clean this up.” She finally spoke, snagging several paper towels from a roll on the counter, and bending to mop it up.

  Tristan didn’t speak, but she could feel him moving closer, her back heating up as he crouched on the floor next to her.

  “Leave it. Let’s go back upstairs.” Mel turned to look at him, realizing that the shirt had ridden up to her waist as she bent to clean the floor.

  A blush crept over her face as she realized he must have had a show as soon as she bent down. The look on his face told her that was the case and he liked it. Lust was gleaming in his icy eyes and Mel felt her body begin to quicken with desire. Before she could move, he had her over his shoulder, fireman style, and was carrying her up to his room. His palm rested square on her ass, rubbing in slow circles. Heat pooled between Mel’s legs from his touch, and he couldn’t get them back to the room fast enough.


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