BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 26

by BWWM Club

  Once there, he dropped her on the bed, shedding the silk pajama pants he wore that were his only garment of clothing. Mel almost gasped at the sight of him. Her previous assessment of beautiful didn’t do him justice. His thick erection curved up towards his belly button and Mel longed to touch him.

  “Take the shirt off and turn around,” Tristan ordered.

  Mel did as he asked, getting on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. She could hear Tristan moving around behind her, doing what, she didn’t know. The way he made her stay there, still, was driving her mad and she wanted to turn to him and grab him and make him take her. But she knew she wouldn’t. She understood now that she liked the games, the control he had over her. It was freeing. In a way it made her feel more in control, if that made any sense at all. Mel began to writhe uncomfortably; she was on fire with lust, needing him to touch her. From this position she couldn’t see him and it was kind of thrilling not knowing what he was going to do. The moment he touched her, Mel felt like she was going to combust with need. She writhed on the bed, pushing back onto his fingers so that he would go deeper, and fuck her harder.

  Mel had never felt so much longing for another person. With Tristan she felt like she belonged, even when he was scowling at her or looking at her coldly. That was the moment she knew, that no matter how much she second guessed this decision, she could never walk away from him. She needed him as much as he needed her.

  Chapter 6

  Mel awoke, the sun slanting through the large wooden blinds, casting a glow on the bed. She was deliciously sore almost everywhere, but especially between her legs. Tristan had kept her up all night, doing things that Mel had never done before. But she liked it and remembering them made her body flush with arousal all over again. Tristan lifted his arm from where it was resting loosely around her waist. He sat up, an unpleasant look on his face. Was he angry because he was cuddling with her? Mel shook her head and looked away from him. He was giving her mixed signals and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. It didn’t matter anyway. She had to get up and go to the studio to record more of her album. Mel stood, stretching as she went, and headed towards the bathroom. She was in desperate need of a shower.

  “I’m going to shower is that alright?” She asked Tristan at the last minute.

  He looked up at her, a look of surprise on his face, and then nodded, waving her away towards the bathroom. Mel tried to keep the neutral look on her face. His mood seemed pretty sour this morning and she wanted to steer clear of that.

  Mel flicked the shower on, stepping under the spray and jumping when she realized it hadn’t warmed up yet. A few seconds later the water was near scolding, Mel’s favorite temperature for a shower, and she stepped back under it and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to think about Tristan but that was who was on her mind. The few things she knew about him were confusing. He was sexy, handsome, powerful and great in bed, or elsewhere. But he was closed off, and hid his emotions and any indication that he might care was pulled away immediately before Mel could even start to believe he was a good person under that icy demeanor. She didn’t know what any of this meant for them in terms or a relationship, or if that was even what Tristan wanted. What she did know was that she liked him and despite all of his coldness she wanted to crack his icy surface and find the warmth beneath. Because there had to be warmth beneath it all, otherwise she was just wasting her time. Several minutes later, after washing the sweat and sex from her body, Mel shut the shower off and stepped out, realizing she forgot a towel.

  “Here,” Tristan materialized, he must have heard her turn the shower off, and thrust a towel in her face.

  “Thanks.” Mel grabbed the towel, wrapping its plushness around her after wringing her hair out.

  “I’m heading into the office. I’ll take my car and leave Bernard to take you wherever you need to go.” Tristan started to turn and that was when Mel realized he was wearing a full suit and holding a briefcase.

  “I’m going there too. I’m recording today. Do you want me to ride with you?” Mel mentally kicked herself for asking him the question. Did she really think he would say yes?

  Tristan shrugged and Mel guessed that was better than a no. She walked out of the bathroom and realized she didn’t have any clothing, only her camisole and short shorts from the night before. She couldn’t wear that to record. It was all stinky from the bar anyway.

  “Never mind. I have to run home and get a change of clothes,” she said with a sigh, wondering why she felt so disappointed.

  “That’s no problem. When you accepted my deal, I took the liberty of having my personal shopper send over a few things for you, in case this situation arose. The closet in the guest bedroom is stocked if you’d like to check it out.” He glanced at his watch as if telling her he didn’t have much time to wait.

  Mel nodded. “Thanks so much.” Then she turned and headed down the hall to the guest bedroom.

  That must be why on the first night she was here he showed her where it was. Maybe it’s supposed to be ‘her’ room and he doesn’t want her to sleep with him. Mel sighed; his mixed signals were making her crazy. The room was beautiful, and Mel didn’t get to appreciate the decorating the night she was here because of her nerves. There was a large queen bed with a white eyelet comforter and white sheets. The curtains were a pastel blue and the wall was a lighter shade of the same color. She found the closet in the far corner of the room, right next to an on suite bathroom, and opened the door. It was a large walk-in and was filled from one end to the next with beautiful clothes. Mel gasped. Tristan said ‘a few things’ like it was a dress and some pants not a whole closet full. Stepping inside, Mel fingered all of the fabrics and she could tell they were things she would never be able to afford. Why would he buy her all of these clothes?

  “Do you like them?” Tristan asked, a note of excitement and expectation in his voice. Mel relaxed a bit at the slipping away of his cold mask.

  “Tristan, these are beautiful. I don’t need all of this. I have clothes at home and I don’t think I’ll be sleeping over much.” Mel was hoping he’d contradict that but he didn’t say anything else.

  He just stood and watched her as she moved through the closet. She finally chose a white sundress and pulled it on over her bra. Going commando in a dress wasn’t fun but she didn’t have any underwear.

  “Check the drawers, Mel. As much as I want you to go commando I’m not sure that’s appropriate for work.” Tristan took her by surprise as if he read her mind.

  Mel searched the dresser drawers. They were stocked with panties in all colors and fabrics and bras that matched, all shockingly in her size. She chose a pair of lace panties that matched her skin tone and slipped them on. When she looked at Tristan he swallowed hard, the front of his suit pants bulging.

  “I don’t think we have time for that,” Mel purred, rubbing herself against him as she walked out of the room.

  Tristan grabbed her from behind before she crossed the threshold, pushing his erection into her butt. “I’m the fucking boss so we have time for whatever I feel like.”

  He turned her to face him so fast, Mel was momentarily dizzy, and his lips crashed into hers. Mel gasped, but it was muffled by his mouth. The mood swings were making her head spin. One minute he was growling and scowling the next he was undressing her and devouring her mouth.

  All thought fled when his hands began to travel up her dress, pushing her thighs apart and sinking into her wetness. Mel knew they had to leave, that she was only scheduled for two hours of recording today and if she missed it she would lose her spot. But at the moment she didn’t care, especially while Tristan’s long fingers were pushing deep inside of her. Mel moaned, and Tristan circled her clit with his thumb as he pushed his two first fingers in and out of her slowly. She could barely stand; the pleasure of his motions was so great, that she sagged against his other arm that was circled around her waist.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me.” Tristan commanded.
  Mel screamed as the orgasm tore through her, her body leaning against Tristan’s arm even more as the spasms of pleasure rolled on and Tristan continued to circle her clit and push his fingers inside of her.

  “Tristan, it’s too much.” Mel gasped, trying to free herself from him. The pleasure began to rise however, more intense this time, and Mel threw her head back and panted, biting her lip as another orgasm ripped through her already sensitive body.

  How was she going to go record like this? Her body felt like jelly, and Tristan lifted her up, laying her on the bed.

  “We have to go,” Mel protested weakly.

  “Not yet. I’m not done yet.” Tristan growled, pulling Mel’s sundress over her head and pulling down the thin scrap of lace that covered her drenched and spasming pussy.

  “Tristan, I’m not sure how much I can take.” Mel was telling the truth. Her body was exhausted and sensitive from the last back to back orgasms as well as the night before.

  Before she could utter another word of protest, Tristan had his pants undone, but was still fully clothed, and was lowering himself over her. Mel spread her legs wide to welcome him, despite her earlier objections. She wanted him, even after last night where they were together at least three times, and even with her now exhausted body. She knew she would always want him.

  “God, you’re so wet for me. I want you to come again, Mel. I want you to come while I’m inside you.” Tristan sank into her folds and Mel thrust her hips forward.

  She was sore but he felt so good inside of her. He moved slowly, his dick rubbing her sensitive clit, the pleasure and pain of it making Mel pant with need. She had never felt as alive as she did when she was with Tristan. He made her feel wanted and sexy and like she could do anything. His movements never quickened and the sweet torture of the slow drag of his hard as rock erection against her sensitive clit was almost too much to bear. From the inside, the tip of his penis rubbed her g spot and the two feelings together made her pussy begin to quiver on the verge of her third orgasm.

  Mel grabbed his ass and pulled him to her, all but begging him to speed up. But Tristan didn’t relent, instead he slowed down even more and Mel writhed with the need to come underneath of him. He was playing with her again, and she wasn’t sure if she was angry this time. It felt so good but she knew if he sped up it would feel so much better. She didn’t want it to end but at the same time she needed to come like she needed to breathe. Instead of speeding up, Tristan began to thrust in slow hard motions. Mel gasped at the new feeling of pressure that built inside of her. She opened her legs wider, and thrust her hips in time with his. The pleasure was building and after two more hard thrusts they screamed together, finding their release as one.


  Almost over a week later and Mel was at her third to last recording session. Her days and nights seemed to go in the same fashion as the first day she recorded; the first night she spent with Tristan. She’d record, she’d work at the bar, Bernard would pick her up and she and Tristan would spend the whole night together. Tristan was demanding in the bedroom but he never hurt her and she found great pleasure with him. She didn’t regret any of what they were doing, until Tristan ignored her when she was in the studio.

  Tristan couldn’t be bothered to show up to her sessions and that stung. Mel felt like he was ashamed to be seen with her, or maybe he was trying to let her know that he wasn’t too invested in them. She sighed while she tuned her guitar as the men on the other side of the glass prepared for her recording session. Only two more to go after this and her album would be done. And she would be done with Tristan and his mood swings, arrogance and dominance. If it was such a bad thing why did the idea give her a pang of loss?

  Mel shook it off and began to play, singing into the large mic that hung down in front of her. The producer and engineer made motions and talked through an intercom intermittently as Mel recorded. Today was not unlike the days before, all except the first because Tristan wasn’t there, but he never was. She knew it wasn’t a relationship, far from it, but Mel was beginning to have feelings for Tristan that she couldn’t explain. Feelings that she knew he didn’t share. Putting that out of her head she started signing again, the one thing that made her heart feel full and not so broken and empty.


  Tristan scowled while he typed, emailing his accountant wasn’t his favorite thing in the world, but he wasn’t usually this angry about it. He almost laughed aloud. The anger and frustration wasn’t at his damn accountant, it was at himself. He just couldn’t get out of the fucking house this morning without feeling Mel under him one more time, being inside of her one more time. Every morning was the same thing. When she exited that shower he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He’d brought other girls home and spent large amounts of time with them there but in the morning he was always ready to be rid of them, to have his space back and be able to breathe. But with Mel he felt differently. When she was with him he could breathe and when she wasn’t…well he didn’t want to go there at all. Tristan didn’t do feelings and none of this sat well with him.

  Running a hand over his face, Tristan sighed. It felt like they were on a timer and they were getting closer to the final buzzer. Every day she came in to record was another day closer to the end. The end of her album, the end of their deal. Something like dread filled Tristan and he shook his head, as if willing the emotion to fly out. He shouldn’t be filled with dismay about losing Mel when she was never his to begin with. They both made it clear what they wanted. She wanted her album and he wanted a temporary fuck buddy.

  Tristan rubbed the ache in the middle of his chest that carried more meaning than he liked. His eyes focused on the email he was typing and he cursed. None of it made sense. A portion of it was one of Mel’s songs that was stuck in his head. Even though he wasn’t present when she was recording he always listened to playback with the producer. Always. She was one of the most talented new musicians that he had signed recently and he wanted to market her album well. Like it deserved. Like Mel deserved.

  Cursing under his breath again at the last thought, Tristan stood; pushing back on his chair with so much force it toppled back to the floor with a bang. He cursed again, this time loudly and his secretary came into the doorway to see what was wrong. Tristan waved her off, her incessant fake concern for him rubbed him the wrong way. From anyone but Mel emotions made him bristle, like he was being stuck with multiple pins. Mel’s emotions always played on her face and no matter what she did she couldn’t contain them. Tristan found it refreshing. His business was full of fake people and Mel brought a genuine light into it.

  Tristan looked up and realized he had been pacing about the room, his thought process wandering to Mel on every occasion. This couldn’t work. He had to let her go. There was too much to lose when you loved another person and Tristan had already been there once and it nearly destroyed him. Feelings, emotions, they got you into trouble when connected to others. Tristan was an island of one and he couldn’t change that for anyone, not even Mel.


  “We’ll see you tomorrow, Mel,” Louis said, bringing her in for an awkward hug.

  Louis seemed to have a thing for her but Mel didn’t reciprocate. He was a nice enough guy, it was just, well he wasn’t Tristan. Mel waved goodbye to Rob as well and slung her guitar over her shoulder, leaning her body weight against the door to push it opened. Suddenly she was falling and she landed with an oomph on the rug outside of the recording booth.

  That door is usually so heavy, how did that happen? Mel wondered.

  Her guitar case lay under her and she rolled to the side, being careful not to show all of her business to everyone in the place and holding her skirt down. Mel pushed the guitar back in the case and tried to latch it but the latch just kept popping off. The damn latch had broken when it fell and wouldn’t stay closed.

  Damnit! Mel thought, tears burning the back of her eyes.

  Her parents had given her the guitar and t
he case. It was irreplaceable; not that she had money to replace it. Sighing, she took the guitar out of the useless case and stood, tossing it over her shoulder after hooking her arm through the strap. She couldn’t risk her guitar falling out as she traveled out to her car. That would be even more expensive to replace. Out of her peripheral vision she caught movement and turned quickly towards it, and came face to face with Tristan.

  “By the time I realized you were on the floor you were standing. I didn’t have a chance to help you up. Are you alright?” He asked, reaching his hand out to her for whatever reason. Mel was already standing.

  Mel nodded, unable to meet his eye. Why was he here? She wasn’t used to encountering Tristan as she was leaving, in fact she rarely saw him while she was there recording. Maybe he was just checking her progress, even eager to be rid of her.

  “I’m fine,” Mel answered, smoothing her skirt and top into place. “I can’t say the same for my guitar case.” She lifted it with her hand to show him where it was broken.

  Tristan made a strange face and Mel didn’t have time to interpret it before it disappeared. “I can replace it. I didn’t see you through the window when I pulled the door open.”

  Mel shook her head vehemently. “It’s alright. I don’t really need a case anyway. A couple of week’s tips should cover it.”

  The strange face again. “If you’re sure?” Mel nodded. “Alright.” Tristan sounded defeated. What did he have to be defeated about?

  Everyday Mel told herself she would call the deal off, let Tristan go so that he didn’t feel obliged to be with her when all he really wanted was sex. She told herself every night was the last night and that every morning when she walked away from him she would never look back. That was ten days ago. She wanted to protect her heart but her heart wanted to be with Tristan.

  “I have to go. I’m late for my shift at the bar again.” Mel turned on her heel and started down the hall, vowing to keep the promise to herself that she made every day. Today was the day. It had to be, because she was falling in love with him and she knew he didn’t feel the same way.


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