BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 34

by BWWM Club

  Sighing, she shrugged into her robe and did the difficult thing. She called Noelle.

  “Janet! Finally. I was beginning to wonder if Marco had kidnapped you or something. I was this close to calling Interpol, girl!”

  Janet laughed.

  “Fat lot of good that would’ve done.”

  It was nice to hear Noelle’s voice. No matter what, she would be unflinchingly loyal to Janet.

  “So how was it?”

  “It was surprisingly nice. We talked, cleared the air. We’ve decided not to be angry with each other anymore. Well, not that he had any reason to be angry with me. But I decided to forgive him.”


  Well, that was Noelle. She did call it like she saw it, and she was usually right on the money.

  Janet laughed.

  “All right, it wasn’t quite as clear cut as all that. But we really did find some peace, and decided to put some of the stuff behind us. Then he followed me home to make sure I got back safely.”

  “And what happened after you got back safely?”

  Trust Noelle to find just the spot. Janet had been hoping to just ignore it glibly.

  “Well… We might have kissed good night.”

  There was complete silence.

  “You kissed him?”

  “Yeah, I think I did.”

  “Janet, it’s not the kind of thing you can really be mistaken about.”

  “Fine, I kissed him,” snapped Janet, and braced for the lecture.

  There was another long spell of silence. Janet had to bite her tongue to keep from apologizing. She had nothing to apologize for, she reminded herself.

  “Well, how was it?”

  Janet sat down on her bed and laughed. She laughed and laughed till she was dangerously close to hysteria.

  “Oh, Noelle, trust you! Just trust you to say the right thing. It was... Well, let’s just say my eyes kind of rolled to the back of my head and I haven’t quite found them yet.”

  “Well, if you had to kiss him, at least it was good,” said Noelle, philosophically.

  “Noelle… I’m going out with him tonight.”

  “Janet, are you sure that’s a good idea? Really sure? I just want you to be really sure.”

  “No, I’m not. But I know that I really want to. For now, that’s going to have to be enough.”

  They chatted a while longer and hung up. Janet knew that Noelle was worried. But she’d been telling the complete truth. She really wanted to. So she would.

  Janet nearly called in sick at work. Nearly, but it felt like admitting some kind of defeat. But she was late, which she never was for work, and Bess noticed that she was extremely grumpy. Even Bess’s effortless friendliness couldn’t shake Janet out of her current funk.

  What was she even thinking, Janet wondered. She had thought, all the way back then, that she had known what Marco wanted. She had thought that it was her. She had found that a bit fantastic, in the fantasy-couldn’t-possibly-be-true kind of way, but she had trusted.

  But from what he had told her the night before, it was obvious that she had loved him a lot more than Marco had loved her. It had been puppy love for Marco, if he could’ve forgotten her so quickly. But it hadn’t been for her. It had been more. Even back then, she had known that.

  So Janet knew that she was setting herself up for what could be another fall. Still, she had to trust that she had grown up enough to not let herself have genuine feelings for him again. She could want him, and that could be that. She was an adult and she'd had sex before. She'd had sex with men without giving them any ammo whatsoever that could break her heart.

  She could want him without loving him.

  With a jolt, looking at a spreadsheet and not noticing a single thing on it, she realized that she had long since decided that she was going to have sex with him. She had decided that sometime during their time together the night before. She had seen his hands playing with the stem of the wine glass and she had decided that she wanted his hands on her. Now that she thought about it, she could remember it perfectly.

  So, thought Janet, she would at least make sure that she knocked his socks off.

  See you tonight. We’ll be eating at Leonardo’s, at eight.

  She texted Marco, knowing that he would agree.

  I’ll pick you up.

  Janet read the reply and shrugged. Why not?

  I’ll be ready by 7.30.

  Marco replied immediately.

  Wear something sexy.

  Well, was that how he wanted to play it?

  Take your own advice.

  Janet grinned. That would make him sit up, she knew.

  Marco read that and laughed. Yes, his woman was more than a match for him. Now he just needed to convince her that she was his woman.

  Janet drove home carefully after work. She had to make a conscious effort not to break the speed limit.

  As she walked in, she did a cursory check of her home. Yes, everything was perfect for company. Now she had to make herself perfect for his company.

  Knock his socks off, she murmured to herself, as she opened her wardrobe and checked for the perfect outfit. She decided on a really little red dress that had a deep V-neck that showed off her cleavage, a nipped in waist, and a short, snug skirt that hugged her hips. She knew her ass looked absolutely fantastic in it.

  She took a long bath, and let her hands run over her body sensually. She knew Marco’s hands would be on her that night. Knowing it, she slipped her diaphragm inside her. She dressed carefully, and made sure that her makeup was perfect. When the bell rang, she felt those butterflies kicking in again.

  Knowing it was Marco, she slipped her fire engine red heels on and walked to the door. Taking a deep breath, she opened it.

  “Wow,” he whispered.

  Janet couldn’t speak. He was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful, desirable woman he had ever seen. He was looking at her as if she was the only woman in the world for him.

  Without a word, he stepped in and kicked the door shut behind him. Janet took a step backwards, instinctively. Marco paused, his eyes on hers.

  “I want you, Janet. I need you now.”

  Those words were enough to break down whatever defenses Janet had left. Willingly, she walked into his arms, sure that she could shield her heart.

  What hit them was an inferno of desire that threatened to overwhelm them completely. His arms were around her, and his hands, oh, those large, rough hands were moving all over her body. His hands cupped her ass and pulled her flush against him as he looked into her eyes. She could feel his desire. She could feel him hard against her. She could feel his hips moving, slightly, as if he needed to be inside her.

  “Marco,” she whispered.

  His lips were on hers, possessive, demanding, urging her lips to part and give more. She felt it all rise again, and trembled as his tongue probed, seeking entry. On a moan, her lips parted. Her face tilted, giving him more access, more contact. His lips were devouring her in greedy kisses that felt as if something long caged had been let loose.

  “Marco, I need you.”

  Those words were enough to drive Marco over the edge. He had Janet pressed up against the wall, pushing his body against hers. His hands were cupping her breasts over her dress, finding her hard nipples. He rubbed her nipples until they stood up proudly against his hand.

  Impatient, he bent his head to suck on her nipples over the fabric of the dress.

  Janet tugged the zip of her dress down and pushed it down her hips. She stood there, in front of him, wearing a red lace bra and matching panties that didn’t quite conceal anything.

  “You are so sexy,” said Marco, and his hands were on her again. He whispered heated things to her as his mouth explored her ear. He placed wet kisses down her neck, making her tremble. She felt his hand undoing her bra. Her breasts spilled out, and he filled his hands with her large breasts with their dark brown nipples, so ready for his attention.

en he lowered his mouth to her breasts and started sucking on them, his tongue playing with them, Janet’s hands were in Marco’s hair, pressing his face closer.

  “Bed, now,” she demanded.

  But they didn’t make it to the bed. She tugged his jacket off. Her fingers fought to undo his shirt buttons, but they were too impatient. She tugged, ripping it open, scattering buttons everywhere. With a growl of triumph, her hands and mouth were on his chest. Her teeth closed on his nipples, tugging lightly before licking them, making him moan.

  Frantic now, she undid his pants and pulled them down. She had never known how much she had wanted this. He was so hard, his manhood erect and throbbing for her. With a sigh, she kneeled and took his hard member in her mouth, using her tongue to kiss and lick, to tease and taunt. His hands were in her hair, his hips were thrusting, as she sucked him, licked him, taking him almost over the edge with just her lips and her tongue.

  “Janet, oh God, that feels so good,” moaned Marco.

  He wouldn’t be able to take it much more. He needed to give. He needed to give her pleasure.

  He pulled away from her and pushed her down right there on the floor. He kissed her body, from her neck, down her belly, trailing soft kisses down her thighs, making her whimper and moan. He ripped her panties off in one smooth move that thrilled Janet.

  He could almost taste her as he kissed his way up her inner thighs, making her legs quiver. When he finally buried his face between her legs, kissing and licking her hard nub of flesh that demanded more and more, kissing those sweet lips, he thought he had found heaven. He took her up, and he felt her muscles clench.

  “I’m… I’m going to come, Marco!”

  Janet felt her pleasure build and rise as he licked her hot, wet center. She felt his fingers slip inside her, and she felt herself tumble over that cliff, gasping his name over and over again.

  As she lay there, wet, hot, limp, ready for him, he moved over her and braced, poised, over her.

  “Look at me, Janet. Look at me!”

  Janet’s eyes were on his as he pushed his hard, throbbing manhood deep inside her wet heat, burying himself to the hilt inside her.

  Marco wanted to go slow. He wanted to be gentle. But he had been dreaming of this for too long for restraint.

  He covered her lips with his, and she tasted herself on his lips. Her hips bucks, urging him to move.

  All control was lost as he thrust into her, over and over again, reaching deep inside her as she felt her orgasm build again. Janet locked her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside of her with every thrust of his body.

  She felt his skin get dewy and slick as his eyes glazed. Her hips pumped to his rhythm, and finally, finally, she felt all that pleasure explode in a shatter climax.

  Marco felt her clench and grip at his cock and thrust deep inside her once more. His body shuddered and jerked, over and over again, as he emptied himself inside her.

  Chapter 5

  Janet felt time slow down. She could swear that she could feel the seconds passing. She thought she might actually have caught a little glimpse of heaven.

  But now, Marco was beginning to get a bit heavy. He wasn’t a small man by any stretch of the imagination.

  “Marco,” she gasped, but this time it wasn’t in pleasure.

  “Can’t move,” he mumbled against her neck.

  “You’d better move or my knee is going to connect with the family jewels,” warned Janet.

  That made him roll over pretty quickly.

  “You wouldn’t do that,” said Marco.

  Janet gave him a wide grin.

  “If it’s a choice between breathing and that, oh yes I would,” she assured him.

  Marco grinned, quick and lethal as a viper.

  “You’ve changed.”

  Janet looked at him steadily.

  “It’s been eleven years, Marco. I expect we’ve both changed quite a bit.”

  “We never did that eleven years ago. I might have talked you into eloping if we had.”

  Marco didn’t sound as if he was completely joking. Marco really thought there was a good chance he might have.

  That had been incredible. It had been the most passionate, intense sex of his life. He had felt it all the way to his soul. Even more stirring, when he had felt her shatter in pleasure, pleasure he had given her, he had found something far more fulfilling than his own climax. It had been perfect. He was almost overcome by a need to ask Janet if it had been that perfect for her, too. But for once, he felt insecure. He wanted this woman. He was growing to need her too much. He couldn’t take the risk of having her say no to him.

  He needed her to fall in love with him, realized Marco. He refused to consider if he were in love with her. He could deal with her after he had got her in love with him and ready to be with him.

  “Well, I might as well massage your ego and tell you that that was probably in the top five of the list of the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.”

  At Janet’s words, Marco felt ugly jealousy whip through him. The thought of Janet with any other man couldn’t be tolerated. It couldn’t happen. He couldn’t handle it. Once she was in love with him, she wouldn’t want another man. He would keep her so satisfied that she would never think of another man.

  She had been in love with him once. He could make her fall for him again. He was older, smarter and wiser now. He knew how to handle women now. Janet would be his. He would not even consider another possibility.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Janet was looking at him, a puzzled expression on her face.

  The sex had been incredible. She would think about it later, because if she thought about it now, she would jump Marco again. She didn’t want to think about everything it had made her feel. She would stick to the physical and she would focus on the pleasure. She wouldn’t think of how her heart had soared and cried when Marco had been deep inside of her.

  So she lightened the mood.

  “To think I spent so much time looking good and now I’ll have to do it all over again,” said Janet, with a comic expression of dismay on her face.

  Marco looked at her inquiringly.

  “Well, I can’t exactly go out looking like this. I bet my makeup is smeared, my hair is a mess and I need to find new underwear.”

  Marco grinned.

  “We can’t go out, so it doesn’t matter,” he pointed out.

  “I made reservations. Of course we can go out,” said Janet.

  “You should have thought of that before you ripped off all my buttons.”

  “I did?”

  Janet looked around.

  “Well, maybe I was a bit impatient,” she admitted.

  “Maybe? You ripped my shirt off!”

  “You ripped my underwear off. It’s my favorite pair, too.”

  “I’ll buy you more if you’ll promise to wear them for me,” said Marco with a distinct gleam in his eyes.

  “Oh no you don’t,” said Janet and got up. She walked to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Walking to the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and set to work cleaning all that ruined makeup off.

  She did look a bit like a panda.

  She pulled on a summer dress with a light, floral pattern that always made her look cheerful. She did a light layer of makeup.

  There was really no point spending so much time on it after she’d got what she’d spent so much time on makeup for anyway, she thought philosophically. Pulling her curls back in a casual ponytail, she walked out to find Marco sitting in his pants, sipping wine he had found in her fridge.

  “Thought I might as well make myself comfortable,” he told her cheerfully.

  She just sent a suspicious look at him and started picking up buttons. Marco watched her with interest.

  “So, you have a really lovely home, Janet. It’s not the kind of place I would’ve seen you in. I always pictured you in a little cottage with cheerful shutters and a little garden. Maybe an herb garde
n, too. That would really suit you.”

  Janet let him talk. She found all the buttons and picked up his shirt. Walking to a drawer, she got a sewing kit out and sat down on her favorite chair, threading the needle.

  Marco was absolutely delighted. Janet was sewing buttons on for him. If that wasn’t love, he didn’t know what was. A woman didn’t mend shirts for a man unless she had feelings for him.

  Or, thought Marco, unless she needed to get him dressed and decent to get out of the house. But that would mean that she didn’t trust herself around him, and that was victory enough for a first real date.

  She looked lovely, he thought, as she started sewing buttons on competently. Her fingers were quick and deft. She looked pretty in her dress. She didn’t look unbearably sexy as she had in the red dress, of course. She looked younger and sweeter. But Marco found that didn’t make any difference to how he felt about her. He wanted her now, just as much as he had wanted her when she opened the door and he saw her looking like a goddess tempting him to sin.

  He sure had sinned, thought Marco. It had been worth it.

  “So determined to get me out of your home, Janet?” asked Marco.

  Janet didn’t deign to reply.

  She was an adequate seamstress, but she didn’t like sewing. She had a tendency to prick herself if she didn’t pay complete attention to what she was doing. Looking at Marco, sitting on her couch, drinking wine, shamelessly shirtless, was guaranteed distraction.

  She had known what the boy she had loved looked like, of course. But he had filled out, thought Janet, and felt lust curling inside her again like smoke. He had a slim but extremely well-toned body, and she just wanted to bite him everywhere. She could feel herself getting wet again.


  “Ouch, damn it!”

  Before she knew it, Marco was standing by her side. Her hand was in his hand. Was he going to… Oh, dear Lord. He had put her finger in his mouth and was sucking it. She felt it all the way through to her toenails as he sucked on her pricked finger, a look of concern on his face.

  Janet wanted to…

  She yanked her hand out of his mouth and walked briskly to the kitchen, grateful that her wobbly legs could keep her upright, and stuck her finger under the tap.


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