BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 37

by BWWM Club


  Janet was restless at work. For the last few weeks, Marco had been acting like the perfect gentleman. They’d gone out quite a few times, like last evening. It had been an incredible evening. She had spent a restless night. Now she was having a restless day.

  Bess had noticed, obviously, because by four, she was given an ultimatum.

  “Janet, I’ve called Noelle and Nita. They’ll meet us at Legacy at six thirty. I am going to go to your place with you after work and use my emergency party dress there. We’re going to get dolled up, we’re going to go out, and you’re going to tell us what’s going on.”

  Janet gaped. She had been hoping that Marco would call. She had spent most of the day hoping that she could find an excuse to call him and lure him out to her house.

  “I do not want any argument, missy. The plan has been made, and that’s that.”

  Bess whirled on her heels and stalked back off to her desk.

  Well, thought Janet wryly, apparently she wasn’t seeing Marco that evening because she had been neglecting her friends. It was probably time to come clean and tell them what was going on, anyway. She did owe them that.

  Besides, she couldn’t help but look forward to how Nita would react to all of this. Nita and she hadn’t been really close friends until after Marco had left. So Nita had known a different side of Marco, thanks to family connections. Nita knew that Janet and Marco had dated, but she didn’t know how intensely Janet had fallen for him. It was about time to tell her the truth. Now that Marco was back in her life, it was only fair for her girl friends to know.

  Well, they were going to get a real story, thought Janet as she sat back with a smile. Somehow, the thought of unquestioning camaraderie made quite a few of those butterflies in her tummy subside. It would be fun.

  Finally, Janet managed to get some work done. It looked like she would have to work later than usual, she thought. She had some catching up to do. But Bess had other ideas.

  “It’s 5:30. You’re shutting down right now, Janet. We have fifteen minutes to get to your place, half an hour to get ready, and another fifteen to get to Legacy.”

  “But this document…”

  “Can just wait till tomorrow because you don’t have any urgent deadlines. I checked. You’re out of excuses, Janet. Up!”

  Bess could sure be bossy when she wanted to be, thought Janet, biting back a grin. She looked like an annoyed kitten, really. She was adorable.

  “Fine, I concede defeat. Gracefully,” said Janet, getting up. She was chivied out all the way to her car by Bess, who really seemed to be taking this intervention seriously. Bess even followed her all the way home, never overtaking her once. Janet was in great humor by the time they reached.

  “Right, I’m not going to make a break for it. Cross my heart and hope to die,” Janet promised.

  “Of course you won’t, because I’ve got my eye on you. You’ve been avoiding me. You’ve been trying not to talk to me. You’ve been ducking Nita’s calls. Even Noelle has been evasive, so I think you’ve talked to Noelle, but not enough. She sounded worried.”

  Janet bit her lip. She was lucky to have such wonderful friends and she had worried them. That wasn’t right.

  “I’m sorry, Bess,” she said, contrite.

  Bess smiled. She had never quite got the concept of sternness, thought Janet. She was just a lovely person, inside and out.

  Noelle could be a hardass, but she had a good heart. Nita would stab somebody in the back if she was convinced they deserved it. Nita had excellent judgment, so they would probably deserve it. Janet would make the plan to get rid of the body. But Bess would light a candle for even the most deserving of baddies every day. And make sure they got extra fries for dinner, too, probably, thought Janet with a grin.

  Getting into the spirit of things, they gave each other five-minute fruit facials and decided to take the time to do their hair, too. By the time they were done, Janet thought she had never looked better. Bess had a magic hand with makeup and hair.

  “Really, if I hadn’t been able to go to college, I would’ve gone to beauty school and got certified,” said Bess.

  “You would probably have your own salon by now. Maybe a chain of them. Be rich,” teased Janet.

  “I find too much money scary, to be honest. It’s difficult to know what to do, isn’t it? And you will never be sure if people like you or want something from you. Your real friends would hesitate to ask you for a favor in case it’s taking advantage of you. I’d find it easier to borrow a hundred off a friend of similar means than a really rich one. The rich one will wonder if I’m a moocher.”

  Janet’s eyes widened. It was easy to think of Bess as just a soft, pretty, cheerful young woman. There was real wisdom in her when she decided to show it.

  For a moment, she wondered if Marco had had to deal with that, too. Did he know who his real friends were? Did he wonder if he could ever trust anybody? That just seemed sad to Janet. She had always known her friends were people who loved her and wanted the best for her. Like Bess.

  “So, we’re taking a cab because we’re definitely not going to be wise tonight,” Bess declared.

  Janet went along with it. Bess was obviously getting a kick out of being in charge. Why ruin her fun?

  “And we’ll all come back here and crash. It’ll be like a pajama party!”

  Janet wondered if it was time to step in and put her foot down.

  “It’s going to be so much fun, Janet! I’ve never been to a slumber party. I wasn’t very popular in school. I was chubby and had braces and no confidence. Everybody picked on me.”

  Well, there was absolutely no way Janet could say no now, was there?!

  “If anybody picks on you now, they’ll have to deal with me. Or maybe Noelle. Or Nita. I wouldn’t take either of them on.”

  Bess laughed.

  “We’ve really got each other’s backs, haven’t we?”

  Janet smiled and hugged her tiny friend.

  By the time they got to Legacy – on time, because Bess was always on time – Janet had perked up. This was definitely what she needed.

  They settled into a neat little cabin and ordered a pitcher of martinis. They were going to do this thing right. Noelle had texted that she and Nita would be there soon, too. Nobody was driving. They were going to have fun.

  “So, are you going to tell me now, or will you wait till Noelle and Nita get here?”

  The flashing lights of the disco balls made Bess’s hair turn pink. The plush leather seats were low and comfortable, designed to keep you there. Music wasn’t loud, but it would be in a couple of hours. Conversation would have to be over by then.

  “Why don’t I wait?”

  The words were barely out of her mouth when they showed up. Once everybody was settled in, Bess leaned forward.

  “Right. Now, dish,” she ordered.

  Janet met Noelle’s eyes and raised an eyebrow at the new, forceful Bess.

  “Well, when I said the other day that I’d never been in love, I wasn’t being completely honest,” confessed Janet.

  There was an expectant pause.

  “When I was sixteen, I dated Marco Graziani for a couple of months.”

  Janet saw Nita’s eyes widen at the mention of the name.

  “I knew him. Oh, he was a handsome one. Charming, to go with it. And he had this whole misunderstood angst thing going, too.”

  “Well, I didn’t just date him. I was completely in love with him. He didn’t tell me that he was going to Florence. He just called me from the airport and said he was off, and he didn’t know when he would be back. He said he would call me again and he did. Once, from Florence. There was nothing after that. I was heartbroken.”

  Bess was wild with indignation.

  “What a bastard! How could he do that!”

  Nita was a bit more reasonable.

  “I can see how that must have made you want to cut his balls off, but he must’ve been, what, seventeen? I’d h
ate to be judged by what I did when I was seventeen. Not to say that he wasn’t a bastard, he was. Might not mean that he is now. Probably regrets it, like I regret most of the stupid shit I did when I was seventeen.”

  That wasn’t quite how she had expected Nita to react, Janet had to admit. She should probably have been a lawyer. But she wanted to get it all out.

  “A couple of weeks ago, I had a meeting with a rep from a brand named Prezioso. Homemade Italian desserts, in beautiful packaging, perfect for gifts of all kinds. I went in as if it was a routine meeting. You know, the kind where all you get from it is a meeting with somebody a bit higher up the ladder.”

  Nita’s eyes were widening as she saw where the story was headed.

  “Well, imagine my surprise when in walked Marco Graziani.”

  Bess gasped.

  “Oh, my God, you must’ve been shocked!”

  Janet laughed.

  “Shocked doesn’t even begin to cover it.”

  “I bet you held it together, though,” interjected Nita.

  “I think I did, but barely. I didn’t know whether to pretend I hadn’t recognized him or slap him, or, I don’t know, kiss him, because he still looked handsome as sin.”

  Bess was entranced.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  Noelle nudged Bess.

  “It’s not a fairy tale, princess.”

  Bess pouted.

  “But he came back for her!”

  “He came back to blindside me with something for which I was not prepared at all. He then leveraged his company and the deal to get me to agree to have dinner with him.”

  “The rat,” said Noelle, decisively.

  “And then we went out for dinner again, and I slept with him,” finished Janet.

  Noelle spat the martini she had just sipped back into her glass.

  “You what?”

  “Last night. I said I’d go out on a date with him. When he came to pick me up, we, well, we kind of ripped each other’s clothes off and had sex.”

  “Wow,” breathed Bess, again.


  “Literally. I had to sew his buttons back on before we could go out to dinner.”

  “But what about him being a bastard?” asked Nita.

  “He was a bastard then. I don’t really know if he’s a bastard now, but he’s hot as hell and I want him. He wants me. I’m not sixteen anymore. I’m not going to fall in love with him again.”

  Noelle looked skeptical at that declaration, but Janet didn’t notice.

  “We’ve been dating for a couple of weeks, that’s all. So we’re just adults, having fun together. No strings attached,” finished Janet.

  There was complete silence from all of them for a minute.

  “Well, that’s a good thing, because he just walked in and he’s got a golden-skinned bombshell on his arm there.”

  Janet froze.

  She willed herself not to turn around and look. But it felt as if she had lost control of her body because she swiveled and got an eyeful of the bombshell.

  Nita hadn’t exaggerated. Even in the flashing colors, Janet could see that the woman had beautiful skin that shone like it was dusted with gold. Her dark hair was loose and curled flirtatiously around her shoulders. Her eyes were large and dark. The face was perfect – it had the beauty of a Madonna by an artist whose hands were guided by God. But that smile was open seduction. The way she looked up into Marco’s eyes said that he could have whatever he wanted of her. She was tall, curvy in all the right places, with a tiny waist and long legs.

  Even before betrayal, even before jealousy, Janet felt envy blast through her. With a huge effort, she steeled herself.

  Hadn’t she just said that they were adults having fun? So he hadn’t meant any of the things he had whispered to her the last time they were together. So what? She could handle it. She had known they had made no promises to each other.

  She hadn’t wanted to make any promises, Janet reminded herself. So if Marco wanted to amuse himself with gorgeous women, he was perfectly free to do so. As, she told herself viciously, he liked it.

  Hadn’t she told herself, over and over again, that there was no point getting involved? That she would guard her heart?

  If she had done a good job of it, she wouldn’t be feeling like she’d been punched in the gut and stabbed in the back at the same damn time.

  Closing her eyes, Janet took a deep breath and, with a huge effort of will, turned to her friends.

  “Like I said, no strings attached,” said Janet.

  Noelle was silent for a minute. But if that’s how Janet wanted to play it, then that’s how they would play it.

  “Right, we need another pitcher right here, and we need it right now,” she declared, flagging a waiter down.

  Janet threw herself into the night with a vengeance.

  “This is going to be practice for our Nita’s hen night. That is going to be a night of such epic proportions that we’re going to build up to it. Our last girls’ night out was a start. This will be a step up from that. The hen night will be the grand finale.”

  Nita grinned.

  “After the grand finale, I’m booking us all spa days. We’ll need that to be upright for the real main event. You know, my wedding,” she said, pointedly.

  “Right! It’s all going to be so much fun!” bubbled Bess.


  Marco had chosen Legacy deliberately. He knew that they would have exactly half an hour to talk before the music got loud. He also knew that everybody there would be completely discreet. He knew, because he had bought the place a few days ago, and was making a few changes, including to privacy policies.

  He sat across the table for two from Maria, though it was clear that she expected him to sit closer to her.

  Maria looked stunning. She always did, thought Marco. He had always felt guilty about how things had ended between the two of them. He had made a promise to her and broken it. He hadn’t been able to love her the way she had needed. The way she had loved him, as she had whispered to him over and over again.

  Marco wondered if he would ever get over that guilt. So if Maria needed his help, he would give that to her.

  Life would probably have been a lot simpler if he could have returned Maria’s feelings, thought Marco. He wouldn’t have come looking for Janet, at least. Maria was far less complicated. If Maria was mad at you, you could buy her flowers and something that sparkles, and she would forgive you.

  Janet would need explanations and would probably stuff anything that sparkles down his throat if he tried to buy her forgiveness.

  “Maria, what’s wrong?”

  He wanted to get to the point quickly.

  “I… I just needed to see you, Marco. I missed you. I still miss you.”

  Maria placed a tentative hand on his.

  “I thought, perhaps, time apart would help you see that we’re meant to be together. I waited five months, Marco. Then I heard that you were here. I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to come and see you.”

  This was worse than Marco had thought. He had already broken up with her once. That had been difficult. Now would he have to hurt her all over again?

  “Maria… You know that there’s nothing between us anymore. There can’t be.”

  Maria’s eyes shimmered with tears.

  “Marco, please, please don’t say that…”

  He closed his hand over hers.

  “Maria, I will always care about you. You know I will. But you shouldn’t have followed me here. I wouldn’t have agreed to meet you if I’d known that this was what you were hoping for. Or maybe I would have, but I would have told you that I won’t change my mind before meeting you.”

  A delicate tear rolled down Maria’s face. Unable to help himself, he reached over to brush it off. She turned her face into his hand and kissed it.

  Marco could feel the heat of her perfect lips, but he felt nothing in his heart. Even if there was a part of his body that respond
ed to it, it was nothing compared to the inferno that Janet could ignite in him with a simple look.

  “Marco, please, Marco, you can’t turn me down!”

  Her voice had taken a slightly hysterical note. Uneasy, Marco looked around, to see if he would have to get her out of there.

  “Marco, please, you don’t understand. I have to marry you. I have to! That’s how it’s supposed to be!”

  This time, the theatricality struck him. His eyes hardened and turned almost into stone.

  “What are you talking about, Maria? I don’t think that was disappointed love I heard in your voice. I heard fear. What are you afraid of?”

  Her eyes darted nervously.

  “What? No, Marco, there’s nothing like that…”

  He gripped her hand, tighter than he might have.

  “You will tell me the truth, Maria, and you will tell me the truth right now.”

  Chapter 8

  As Marco watched, Maria’s eyes grew wide, and tears shimmered in them again. Her lips trembled. But he was unmoving.

  She had been using him. He could see that now, when the guilt had been wiped clear. He couldn’t believe it had taken him so long to see it. He had long since got used to having users in his life. But he had never thought Maria was one of them.

  He had been blind.

  Maria’s eyes became flat. Her tears dried up as if by magic.

  She sat back and pulled her hand out of his grip.

  “Well, Marco, if you really want the truth… I’m broke. My trust fund came to me when I was twenty-one. I’m twenty-six now, and the trust fund is gone. I’d borrowed quite a bit of money, with you as my unofficial surety. Nobody had a problem with lending me money. I was your fiancé. Now I need to pay it back.”

  She looked away, her face hard. She could’ve turned on the tears and played on his sympathies, but she had seen Marco when his face turned hard like that. It wouldn’t have worked.

  Marco sat back, and made a decision.

  “How much do you need?”

  “Three and a half million, give or take.”

  “I’ll have three and a half million wired to you tomorrow morning. But if I ever see you again, Maria, you will regret it. If I’m at a party and you happen to come in, walk right back out. If you’re at a restaurant, having a meal, and I walk in, you will go right back out again and find a different place to eat. If I’m in a supermarket and you see me, you will find another supermarket where you can shop. Do I make myself clear?”


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