BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 39

by BWWM Club

  “This time, I won’t let you go,” he vowed.

  “This time, I won’t let you leave,” said Janet, and he knew this was it.

  He had his second chance. He would make it count.

  Peacefully, they slid together into dreams, knowing that they would find love again when they woke up.

  The end.

  Mr Right

  When he seems oh so right...

  A complete story brought to you by Tyra Small of BWWM Club.

  After years of hard work and breaking down barriers, Courtney's life is on the right track.

  With a good job and a handsome eligible boss who's shown interest, on paper it seems both her work and love life should be wrapped up.

  There's only one problem.

  Her heart belongs to Finn, a man who screams Mr. Wrong.

  Finn dreams of being an artist, rides motorcycles and doesn’t believe in bank accounts.

  He's a spur of the moment kind of guy, and rebels against Courtney's plan everything attitude, urging her to let go once in a while.

  Yet she can't seem to get him off her mind.

  Will he turn out to be just what Courtney needs in her life?

  Or should she pursue her handsome and successful boss who in theory is more her match?

  Find out in this emotional roller-coaster of a romance story by Tyra Small of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to hot and messy sex scenes, bad language and other things your momma warned you about. ;)


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  Courtney St. James sat stiffly with her portfolio on her lap. She had arrived a conscientious thirty minutes before her interview. She was dressed to the nines. The navy blue A-line skirt hugged her curves expertly while still maintaining the air of profession. Her ivory silk button down shirt was playful yet all business. She absentmindedly smoothed her mahogany curls with her neatly manicured hand. She held the air of grace even if she didn’t fully realize her effect on people. Courtney was strikingly beautiful. Her coffee complexion was clear and smooth. Her bright smile accentuated by full double bow lips lit up any room, revealing one dimple on her left cheek. She wasn’t thin by cosmopolitan standards, she was what you would call curvaceous in all the right places. Courtney checked her watch. She still had ten minutes until her scheduled appointment. She pulled out her compact and reapplied the simple nude lipstick though she didn’t need it, the action was simply to combat her nerves.

  Absentmindedly, she fingered the bracelet style gold watch on her delicate wrist. It helped to calm her. It was a graduation present from her parents, for when she had received her MBA in business management and her bachelors in design from Fordham University two years earlier. Courtney smiled thinking about her graduation day and the smiles and tears of her proud parents. When she had been accepted, she was overjoyed despite their objections. They had wanted her to attend Randolph Macon, closer to home in Virginia and were worried because Fordham only offered partial financial aid. But Courtney had always dreamed of escaping her suburban roots of Hanover, a small town close to Richmond, for the lure of big city living, so she remained firm in her resolve to attend the school of her choice. So barely three weeks after graduating from high school and despite the costs and her parent’s objections, Courtney packed most of her belongings into two suitcases and headed for New York. It wasn’t as easy as she thought. Fordham didn’t offer Courtney boarding so for five years she lived in a rented room in a brownstone that smelled oddly of pungent sage and spicy cloves. Although her parents covered the majority of her expenses, she had worked long hours during her academic years to help foot the cost of her room, tuition and books. Courtney didn’t mind, a strong work ethic was ingrained in her, passed down from her hardworking parents, both accountants at their respective firms in Virginia. Four years later, Courtney graduated with honors and several job offers. For the past two years she was an account specialist at Van Buren and Houghton, an advertising firm in Manhattan. A job that allowed Courtney to move from her small rented room to a small one bedroom apartment in Long Island City, Queens, only a fifteen minute commute by train.

  She had been lucky to find the quaint apartment, in an old brick building that had been renovated into eight one bedroom units, tucked away in a quiet neighborhood off of 45th. In fact Courtney was heading to see another apartment when she ran into Jason Horne and Alex Day. Quite literally, her head was buried in the newspaper re-checking the address when she collided into the broad chest of the muscular Alex.

  “Whoa,” he exclaimed, steadying himself and her from falling, a stack of papers falling from his hands in the process.

  “I am so sorry,” Courtney exclaimed. She bent down to pick up the small stack of flyers that had fallen.

  Handing the haphazardly organized stack to him, a few words caught her attention. She took the first one off the pile.

  The flyer was straightforward. Sublease 4 years; one bedroom furnished apt; one bath; close to 7 train and shopping; call for catch.

  “What’s the catch?” Courtney asked.

  Suddenly, an equally handsome bearded man walked forward carrying the fattest gray cat that Courtney had ever seen.

  “She’s the catch,” the man said indicating the plump feline.

  Courtney wrinkled her nose, an enduring habit she carried over from childhood.

  “Hi. I’m Jason,” the man said holding out one hand. “This is my partner Alex,” he said nodding towards the flyer guy.

  “The cat is the catch?” Courtney asked slightly confused.

  Jason and Alex explained that Alex had been offered the opportunity to spearhead his law firm’s UK office for the next three years. Since Jason was a freelance photographer, he was able to work anywhere. There was one catch however. Prada. They explained that Prada Cat’oure as it were, would find the move difficult. So Jason and Alex was looking for a tenant that would sublease their apartment, cat included. Three hours, a plate of the best lasagna she had ever eaten, some intense negotiations along with a list of strict dietary requirements for Prada, Courtney was now the new tenant of a cozy one bedroom apartment and the foster parent to Prada.

  Courtney was snapped out of her reminiscing by her name being called.

  “Ms. St. James. They will see you now,” the gorgeous brunette receptionist said directing her towards the double glass doors to her right. Courtney cleared her throat and walked through the doors her head held high.

  The first thought she had when she entered the spacious office was oh my god. Before her, his hand extended in welcome, was the most gorgeous Nubian man she had ever laid eyes on. He was about fifty, the gray at his temples giving away his age, tall, about six two hovering over Courtney’s small five two frame, even with heels on. His broad shoulders tapered into a trim waist and powerful legs. Courtney forced herself to look away from the most incredible chocolate eyes and into the face of this Adonis, although that didn’t exactly help when he smiled with those perfect pearly whites and a jawline that belonged on billboards. She had to shake her head to concentrate. The woman was no-nonsense, an austere silver blonde bob and icy blue eyes to match. She was in her late thirties and would be considered beautiful if she didn’t have resting bitch face syndrome. Courtney wouldn’t let her demeanor shake her. An hour and a successful interview later, Courtney exited the Dunham building with a bounce in her step. She had what her friends called an insane lucky streak. So it was no surprise when Dunham, Kline, Cortland and Foster, Architects LLC called her a few hours later offering her the position of personal assistant to Jeanie Hutchins, the project manager of the Foster Team, reporting directly to Darren Foster, Mr. Adonis himself. She readily accepted.

  “I got the job!” Courtney screamed into her phone. “Let’s celebrate.”
r />   “Yes! I knew you would,” her best friend Kim screamed back. “Let’s go to the Blue Café! First round on me.”

  Courtney smirked into the phone thinking of her best friend Kim. Since arriving in New York Courtney had found one of the truest and best friends in her former classmate Kim Francis. The two couldn’t be more different although they clicked instantly. While Courtney was shy and reserved around new people, Kim was talkative and outgoing, the life of the party. Kim loved getting into heated discussions about politics, religion and anything else worth debating. Courtney preferred quiet corners and private conversations while Kim was in the center of the room commanding all eyes on her. Courtney majored in design and Kim in business at Fordham and while Kim was no nonsense when it came to her career, it was in stark contrast when it came to her free time once she clocked out. While Courtney longed for the structure of a firm like Dunham, Kline, Cortland & Foster, Kim was the junior assistant at a successful media and management firm that had a long list of unconventional and well known clients. They represented everyone from singers and musicians, authors, designers and even reality stars. It introduced Kim to a wide range of people and she liked her lovers just as eccentric and free spirited. Courtney’s luck ran out when it came to men however. She had not been on a date in the past eleven months. The last being a disastrous blind date with one of Kim’s musician associates. The guy was full of himself and spent most of the time flirting with the waitress. Quality black men it seemed, were hard to find in New York.

  A few hours later Courtney, dressed down in a white I Love NY tank top, artfully ripped blue jeans and heels stood in front of their favorite bar waiting for her friend. She still had to tiptoe to hug her when she arrived a few minutes later. Kim was statuesque, nearly five seven, a bohemian goddess with high cheekbones and a complexion the color of smooth buttery pound cake. She was a very attractive woman, with almond shaped light brown eyes, freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose and a pouty mouth. She was thick and carried it well, with wide hips, a round derriere and ample breasts. Her hair was neatly dreadlocked, almost to her waist when she occasionally let them down, though at the moment it was in an elegant up do, the ends a bright golden honey. She wore a simple emerald green dress that complemented her complexion, with a plunging neckline that accentuated her assets and showed off her many tattoos.

  “To your new job,” Kim said clinking their glasses together.

  “To my gorgeous new boss,” Courtney replied.

  “Court,” Kim said warningly, “we’ve talked about your attraction to unavailable men.”

  “I know, I know. But I can enjoy the scenery can’t I?” Courtney teased.

  “I’m enjoying the scenery right here,” Kim said nodding her head towards two handsome men who looked like they were unwinding from a long day at the office.

  “Hey my best friend landed her dream job,” Kim yelled across the room. “Come have shots with us.”

  Courtney briefly protested…

  “Ugh,” Courtney said opening one eye. Prada stared back.

  “What do you want fur ball?” she asked.

  She knew exactly what Prada wanted. Her highness required her breakfast. It was the only time the diva cared to interact. She looked at the clock. Seven am.

  “It’s Saturday,” she protested. “Can’t you let me sleep in for just one weekend?” Courtney asked scooping Prada up and headed towards the kitchen. Prada taken care of, Courtney took three aspirin for her headache and washed it down with orange juice right from the carton. No way was she doing anything today. Looked like it would be a day of nursing her hangover and watching television.

  Courtney hopped in the shower and let the hot water soothe her aching muscles. She wasn’t sure how long she stayed in but eventually the water got cool. She dried off, lathered her body with cocoa butter lotion and threw on a pair of old jean shorts and a Bob Marley t-shirt. She gathered her curls into a ponytail and headed for the couch.

  Thirty minutes later, she was awoken by a loud crash. At first she thought it was the television but it was followed by another bang coming from directly above her. Startled, she instinctively jumped to her feet. She could hear shuffling above her. This surprised her because Mrs. Kelly in the apartment directly above hers was usually quiet. She briefly wondered if she should go check on her, but a sharp pain hit her between her eyes. Her head pounding, she made her way to the bathroom and splashed water on her face. She used the faucet to take two more aspirin. Swearing off drinking with Kim for the hundredth time she flopped back onto the couch, surfing through Netflix for something to watch. She settled on a rom-com she had been wanting to see when she was interrupted by loud music coming from upstairs. She couldn’t tell what was playing, but by the way her walls were shaking she doubted Mrs. Kelly was playing the music.

  Slipping on some shoes a disgruntled Courtney made her way up the stairs, the one thing her building lacked was an elevator, stomping angrily at each step. When she arrived at the door she paused before knocking. Was Mrs. Kelly listening to My Chemical Romance?

  Courtney knocked twice. She heard Mrs. Kelly lower the radio and make her way to the door. She was so shocked to see him standing there that all she could muster was “oh” as her eyes roved over his naked chiseled chest.

  “Hello,” the handsome stranger said with a smirk.

  “Hello,” Courtney finally stammered.

  “I’m Finn, Finn Kelly,” he said holding his hand out.

  Courtney just stared until he let his hand drop awkwardly.

  He must have seen her confused look, her nose wrinkling doubtfully so he paused in his introduction.

  “Is Mrs. Kelly here?” she asked.

  “No. She’s my grandmother. I guess you didn’t know she moved last week? Well she went to live with my parents, in Georgia. So I’ve taken over her apartment. It’s a great spot how could I pass up the opportunity. But I’m rambling sorry. You are?” he asked.

  Courtney stood still her lips pursed.

  “I’m sorry but is everything okay?” he asked waving his hand in front of her face. “Hello?”

  “I’m Courtney St. James. I live in the apartment below yours,” she said pointing a finger towards the floor.

  “Nice to meet you,” he said holding out his hand once more. Courtney ignored it.

  “I didn’t come up here to introduce myself. I came to ask if you can keep it down,” Courtney said. “I have a headache and you’re making a lot of noise. It’s barely ten. What are you doing? Bowling?”

  “Oh sorry about that. I was working on my art. I make urban sculptures.”

  “Couldn’t you just paint quietly like normal people?” Courtney asked absentmindedly under her breath.

  Finn let out a hearty laugh.

  “Actually I do paint as well but I strive to be as far from normal as possible. Normal is boring.”

  “I never had a problem with your grandmother, Mr. Kelly. But these walls are very thin. So just, you know, respect the rest of us.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t think I was being that loud actually. And call me Finn. Look, I’m new to the city. Let me make it up to you. Maybe we can go have a drink or something. Show me around?”

  “No, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Courtney said quickly.

  “I didn’t mean to offend…” he started.

  “You didn’t Mr. Kelly. But can you just keep it down in the future please?”

  “Yes ma’am” Finn said with a mock salute.

  Courtney wasn’t amused. She narrowed her eyes and turned to leave.

  “Goodbye Ms. St. James. It was nice to meet you,” he called after her.

  Courtney waved him off as she descended the stairs.

  As she settled in to watch her movie she realized that she couldn’t concentrate. Her thoughts kept drifting towards her noisy neighbor. She had to admit the sight of his physique had left her speechless. She shook her head. No, he just surprised her that was it. She had expected Mrs. K
elly and instead got her, her handsome shirtless grandson. Courtney smirked to herself. Okay sure, he was gorgeous. But he wasn’t even her type. For one thing he was Caucasian. And he was a struggling artist. Like she needed that in her life. She liked men to have the same drive she did. And how dare he ask her out. Did he just assume she was single? The nerve of him. And he thought he was being so funny with his salute. Harrumph. She would keep her distance. Despite the playful twinkle of his bright green eyes. In spite of his thick crop of golden brown hair that fell to his shoulders in gentle waves making her envision a day at the beach in some tropical locale. She could care less that his smile was so damn inviting, and the stubble on his chin that made him so ruggedly handsome. Or the way his chest tapered down to a perfect v below the waist of his jeans. Courtney shook her head. She would definitely keep her distance.

  Finn plugged in his headphones so that he could listen to his music without disturbing Miss Perfect in 3B. He shook his head. He wasn’t even that loud in his opinion. He hoped that she wouldn’t be a pain in his ass. Complaining all the time. Maybe he should find a workshop somewhere. Still as he went back to welding, he couldn’t help wonder if that would be such a bad thing. Ms. Courtney St. James knocking on his door frequently. When he had answered the knock, she took him by surprise. She was gorgeous. Short but full of fire. Nice figure with just right breasts, a narrow waist and thick hips and legs. When she walked away his eyes couldn’t help check out her nice round butt. Her skin was smooth and flawless, the color of a caramel apple, without a drop of makeup. Her head of thick curls was haphazardly in a ponytail atop her head. She was the kind of beautiful that was beautiful without even trying. But such attitude. He kind of liked it if he was honest with himself.

  The next few weeks were uneventful. She saw Finn in passing a few times but kept their conversations brief to just hellos, although every time he smiled at her, she felt an unexpected flush of heat. She hoped it wasn’t noticeable. She had started working as Jeanie’s assistant. She barely saw Mr. Foster and when she did it was always very briefly. Any notion of romance was wiped from her mind. Jeanie on the other hand hovered over her obsessively. She was no nonsense and kept Court busy all day. On her first day, she had worn her Ferragamo heels, gorgeous but a bad idea and by three her feet were aching. Since then, she had opted for more sensible chunky heels. This morning was her worst day ever. They had a meeting with Mr. Foster. When she entered the conference room he smiled at her. She was so taken aback that she had spilled coffee all over some important papers. Mr. Foster was gracious and assured her that they could be reprinted, but Jeanie had given her a scowl. She paid for her blunder by being exiled to reorganizing files for the remainder of the day. And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough around twelve Jeanie had asked her to go on an epic lunch run, followed with, “Please don’t mess it up.” She had a headache and was so tired that she came straight home, canceling her Zumba class with Kim. She grabbed a slice of pizza from the local pizzeria, eating as she walked home. Exhausted, she promptly passed out still fully dressed. She was snoring softly when she heard some loud banging. What the hell. She looked at the clock. Seven twenty-seven. She was furious. Courtney stormed upstairs and pounded on Finn’s door. He answered after a minute. Shirtless. Again. Didn’t he own any shirts?


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