BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 42

by BWWM Club

  Finn watched Courtney as she ate. He could tell that she liked him but something kept holding her back. She was unlike any other woman he had dated, seriously or casually. She was beautiful yes, but it was so much more than that. She had a great sense of humor, a little twisted just like his own. She had a cute habit of wrinkling her nose when she was contemplating something. And she was smart. They talked about everything. And real things like world issues and art and music. Not the usual trivial topics most women their age talked about, celebrities and television and irrelevant things like that. She had real substance. And he really liked that about her. It also helped that she was gorgeous, and she didn’t exploit that beauty or use it to her advantage. In fact, Finn was willing to bet she wasn’t completely aware of the effect she had on men. He studied her as she concentrated on her plate with a small smile on her lips.

  “Bacon for your thoughts,” he said playfully holding up a slice of bacon. “What are you thinking about beautiful?” Finn asked.

  “I was thinking that these are the best waffles I’ve ever had,” Court answered.

  “I learned how to make them from an old Belgium man up in the mountains. It’s a secret recipe.”

  “Wow. Really?”

  “No,” Finn said laughing. “Food network. You add ground walnuts to the batter, that’s the secret.”

  “They’re delicious.”

  “And the bacon?” he asked chuckling.

  “Okay, fine. The bacon is amazing,” she said grabbing the offered slice. “Cooked perfectly with no mess,” she said in between bites. “I will be baking bacon from now on. Happy?”

  “Extremely,” Finn responded.

  Courtney smiled despite herself. It was nice to meet a man who could cook. She was smitten. He was winning her over.

  After breakfast, Courtney didn’t want to leave Finn and suggested they meet later for dinner. He agreed but not before he invited her to Netflix binge watch. She could hear Kim in her head saying 'take a chance' which made it easier to accept his offer. She said she would be back after she changed but Finn insisted she remain comfortable. They snuggled on the couch watching movies and laughing and discussing the improbabilities of the plots. Finn stole several kisses in between movies. Courtney was laying with her head in Finn’s lap while he played with her curls when the rumbling in her stomach made them both chuckle.

  “Hungry?” Finn asked.

  “A bit.”

  “Chinese?” he asked.

  “That sounds perfect,” Courtney said.

  They couldn’t decide on what to order so they shared an order of orange chicken and house special lo mien with egg rolls and crab Rangoon.

  They enjoyed the comfortable silence while they ate, both with grins on their faces.

  “Hey,” he said suddenly. “I want you to go somewhere with me in three months, on the seventeenth. Don’t make plans.”

  “Okay,” Courtney said, loving his excited smile.

  The old Court would have never made plans so far in advance. If she did she would have needed details, demanded to know where they were going, the dress code. But Finn’s Courtney just said okay. She liked this version of herself.

  After lunch, Courtney volunteered to wash the dishes, including the ones from breakfast, while Finn cleaned up. He loved seeing how naturally she seemed to fit in his world, like she was there the whole time. He brought the empty juice pitcher for her to wash but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw her standing at the sink. He took a moment to admire her body. She had the perfect waist that tapered down to an impeccable bottom, her cotton shorts hugging every curve. Her hair was piled high in a haphazard curly knot. She wore lavender cotton short shorts, made of sweatpants material, and an old black and white Radiohead t-shirt. She wore not a speck of makeup and yet she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Finn couldn't control himself any longer. He set the jug on the counter and wrapped his hands around her waist. Her high ponytail left her neck exposed and he began trailing kisses from her shoulder to her chin. Courtney leaned into him, loving the way his lips felt on her. He allowed his hands to explore her body and when his fingers brushed her sensitive nipples, Courtney whimpered in pleasure. She had washed the same plate twice absentmindedly and finally, she gave up and turned the water off. She didn’t want him to stop touching her so she closed one hand over his and showed him how she wanted him to caress her tits. Court turned to face him, she clutched his hair and kissed him deeply. She raised her arms allowing him to slip off her t-shirt, revealing ample breasts encased in a lacy black bra. Finn took a moment to revel in her magnificence. She was exquisite. Supporting her weight he picked her up so that she could sit on the counter once more. He kissed the creamy mounds while rubbing her nipple with his thumb, the fabric causing the right amount of friction making Courtney squirm against his touch.

  She wanted to see him, to feel him and so she pried his tank top off. He was a chiseled warrior. She lightly ran her hands along his chest and stomach but that wasn’t enough. She wanted to taste him. Using her tongue, she traced every cut on his washboard abs. She trailed soft sensuous kisses along his neck, delighting in his rugged scent. He smelled like fresh linen and oranges. Pulling her closer, his hands expertly reached behind her and unhooked her bra, her ample breasts even more perfect then he originally thought. Creamy and full with two perfect Hershey kiss brown nipples. He needed to taste them so he brought his tongue to her erect nipples teasing her, alternating between sucking and flicking the chocolate buds with his expert tongue. She begged him, for what, she wasn’t even sure, he took it as a cue to increase the pressure and he sucked hungrily.

  Court’s hands once again found the waistband of his pants. She pulled the knot free and slipped them down his muscular thighs. Finn stepped out of his pants and picked Courtney up easily, carrying her to his bedroom. He laid her on the bed and hovered over her. She looked at him expectantly.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered her voice thick with desire.

  Finn slipped her shorts off. She wore silky purple panties that were already wet with her want. Courtney laughed.

  “If I knew I would’ve ended up like this, I would have made more of an effort to match my underwear” she said shyly.

  Finn kissed her thigh.

  “You're not going to be wearing them much longer so I don't really think it matters,” he said playfully.

  Wasting no time he freed Court of her panties, playfully tossing them over his shoulder. Finn kissed her thighs and worked his way up, friskily nibbling her thighs occasionally. Finn spread Courtney open with his fingers.

  “Your pussy is so beautiful,” he whispered.

  Using his tongue he explored her sweet folds. Courtney moaned in pleasure.

  “Oh my God, Finn,” she said as she grabbed a handful of his hair.

  When his tongue found his target, her delicious engorged nub, he began sucking and darting his tongue deeper inside of her. Courtney arched her body to meet his mouth, bringing him in deeper. “Oh Court, you taste so good,” he growled.

  Courtney could only groan in response. When Finn touched her with his fingers it drove her over the edge. He increased his speed and loved the way Courtney’s body responded to his touch. She glistened with desire, getting wetter and wetter. He wanted to be inside of her. She felt the same.

  “I want you Finn,” she moaned. “Take me right now.”

  Finn pulled off his boxers, he was rock hard and already the tip of his cock was wet with pre-come. He leaned over Courtney and searched his drawer for a condom. Using his teeth, he ripped the corner off the foil, put the condom on and hovered above her wanting to savor the moment.

  Finn wanted her so badly but he wanted to bring Courtney to the edge of passion. He teased her pussy with his cock until she was dripping and her legs shook. Without warning, Finn plunged into her. It felt incredible. He couldn’t believe how tight she felt.

  Courtney moaned unintelligibly with
every thrust. They had been building up to this moment and she wanted every inch of him. She wrapped her legs around Finn’s waist pulling him deeper inside of her. He drove into her over and over again loving the way his cock glistened with her wetness. She dug her nails into his back. Courtney reached orgasm first but feeling her pussy tighten against his cock Finn couldn’t take it any longer and joined her moments later. He stayed in her, just staring into her eyes. He looked like he was on the verge of speech. Courtney was afraid of what he might say so she kissed him.

  Later spent, she lay in his arms. She began nibbling on his nipples, ready for round two when her phone began ringing. At first, she ignored it but after the caller persisted she searched for her shorts and grabbed the phone from her pocket. Looking at the caller ID, she signaled Finn to wait and answered the call.

  “Hello,” she said slightly out of breath.

  Darren Foster’s voice boomed across the line.

  “Courtney I’m sorry to disturb you on your day off,” he said.

  “Mr. Foster,” she said grabbing her shorts and slipping them on. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine. I’m a little embarrassed for calling you actually. I was wondering if you could come with me to a function this evening.”

  “This evening?” Courtney repeated. “I…what kind of function?”

  “It’s a gala for the firm. Well actually a fundraising event for the children’s hospital, disguised as a party for our wealthy friends to encourage them to sponsor the project.”

  “Mr. Foster. I…” she began but he cut her off.

  “I'm sorry for the short notice but my date canceled at the last moment, a family emergency. Jeanie is in the Hamptons with her family and I really don’t want to go alone. On the off chance that you said yes, I can have my driver pick you up in thirty minutes, to take you shopping and to the salon. Yes, it’s a bribe. Please say yes.” Darren finished. He did sound desperate.

  Courtney looked back and saw Finn watching her from the doorway of the bedroom. She located and stuck her bra in the pocket of her shorts while she looked for her t-shirt. She frowned at Finn apologetically. He raised his eyebrows, his way of asking her if everything was okay, Court wrinkled her nose in response. She didn't want to tell her boss no but she also didn't want to ruin this moment with Finn.

  “And Louis is on his way?” Courtney questioned.

  “He could be there in forty minutes. I'm sorry it’s last minute and of course you'll get paid for today. I'm aware that you're off on weekends so it is entirely up to you. I have to be there, I just don’t want to go alone,” Darren said, and Courtney could hear the plea in his voice. Guiltily, she remembered his wife had passed just two years ago.

  “Why is Louis picking me up now?” she questioned.

  “I know it's quite early,” Darren explained. “But this particular event requires that you dress the part. I thought you could go shopping for a dress and then to the salon for hair and makeup. I wasn’t sure if you had anything appropriate, but think of it as a thank you bonus. Get anything you want.”

  “Ok Mr. Foster,” Court replied slowly. “I should be ready in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you for saving the day. Again. And Courtney, it's Darren, remember,” he reminded her before disconnecting the call.

  Courtney looked over at Finn sadly.

  “I’m so sorry it's work. I have to go,” she said.

  “Do you?” Finn said with a sad face.

  “Yes. I don’t want to but I am trying to get far in my career. I have to say a lot of yes’s now so that I can say no later,” Courtney explained. “You wouldn’t understand” she added softly.

  “No, I do understand. I just wish you didn’t have to leave. Work hard to play hard. Will I at least see you tonight?” Finn asked, pulling Courtney into a tight embrace.

  “I’m not sure what time I will be back. But how about egg white omelets, green tea and yogurt tomorrow morning?” she asked with a smile.

  “Are you mad at me?” Finn asked sticking out his tongue.

  Courtney swatted him playfully. “If I keep eating the Finn way I’m going to get fat.”

  “Skip the breakfast. All I want to eat is you,” Finn said with a mischievous grin.

  Court smiled despite herself.

  “Deal,” she said, leaning in to kiss Finn deeply.

  He didn’t want to let her leave.

  “Ugh,” he said kissing her forehead.

  Courtney pecked him on the lips when Finn walked her to the door. She raced downstairs to take a quick shower.

  Thirty five minutes later, she had barely thrown on a pair of jeans and a blouse and pulled her hair in a ponytail before her cellphone rang.

  “Ms. St. James, this is Louis. I am downstairs.”

  “I’ll be right down,” Courtney said grabbing her purse and keys, already wishing she could have stayed in bed with Finn.

  Chapter 4

  Wow, Courtney thought, when Darren Foster wanted to bribe you, he certainly didn’t hold back any stops. Luis had pulled up to the Valentino boutique. They were waiting for her and Court giggled despite herself, thinking about a scene from one of her favorite movies. She was introduced to Karina, her own personal shopper, who handed her a glass of champagne and had already chosen several dresses for Courtney to try on. She had a hard time deciding, especially when she saw the prices but Karina assured her that Mr. Foster did not want her to worry about the cost. She still felt a bit uneasy but reminded herself that it was a company affair and she was required to dress the part. She finally settled on a stunning charcoal dress. Karina had thought of everything for each option. Once Courtney had decided, it was time to pick out her shoes and jewelry. Court thought she was done, but Karina had one last gift. She handed her a box with undergarments that she had brought in from La Perla, barely there, lacy things that didn’t show beneath the silky gown. It was something Court could definitely get used to.

  After her dress was picked out, it was sent to a room at the Waldorf, where the gala was taking place. Then it was on to the Guerlain Waldorf Salon and Spa. Though she didn’t really need it, she was waxed and buffed until her skin glowed. Her hair was straightened, clip-in added and then piled into a loose chignon. After a manicure and pedicure her nails received a few coats of nude nail polish. She was given a dark smoky eye and countering makeup that highlighted her cheekbones. The look was finished with a swipe of nude lipstick. After dressing in her room, she looked at her reflection in the floor length mirror. She barely recognized herself, though she was not displeased. She snapped a quick selfie that she sent to Kim with the caption 'I’ll explain later'. She slipped on the dainty heels just as there was a knock at her door. She was shocked to see that it was Darren. She had assumed she would meet him downstairs. He was immaculate in a black classic tuxedo.

  “Wow. You look amazing Courtney,” he said offering her his arm.

  She took it graciously before adding, “As do you.”

  She would be lying if she said she didn’t have a great time. She held her own in conversation with the big wigs, as well as mingling and small talk with the wives and girlfriends of the donors. Her presence was a godsend to Darren as was evident by the grateful smiles he kept throwing her all night. Later, as she was standing with the wife of a prominent banker, she caught him looking at her intensely from across the room. Rather than being flattered, she was uneasy. Darren was the type of man she always wanted, but she was falling for Finn. Perhaps she was misreading the lust in his eyes. Perhaps it was all the champagne but the next time she caught his gaze, heat rose up from her very core, there was no mistaking the look in his eyes this time. As the evening was winding down, Darren approached her.

  “You have the suite for the night, if you wanted to stay,” he said. “Or Louis can drive you home if you prefer.”

  For some reason, a room at the Waldorf, with Darren just down the hall, scared her so she politely declined and asked that she be taken back to her
apartment. What she didn’t count on was Darren accompanying her on the ride home. There was no way to politely tell him not to.

  Finn stood on the roof getting some air. He was working on a new sculpture, the spray-paint fumes in his apartment were noxious. The one thing he loved about his apartment was access to the roof. He couldn’t wait to show Courtney the new piece. After all it was inspired by her. He was just going to go back inside when he saw a sleek black Lincoln pull up to the driveway. The driver exited and opened the back door. A tall black gentleman stepped out of the car followed by Courtney looking elegant in a long gown. Finn smiled. She was gorgeous.

  She wanted to see Finn but it was late. They had planned breakfast after all. She had just locked her front door when there was a knock. She opened the door to see Finn standing before her.

  “Finn…” she started to say but he had already gathered her in his arms kissing her hungrily. The lateness of the hour forgotten, he unzipped her dress and it fell into a heap on the floor. They left a trail of clothes to Courtney’s bed.

  The first time, they had made love, it was sweet, passionate but Courtney wanted Finn badly and didn’t have the patience for lovemaking. She wanted him deep inside of her. This time it was she who was the aggressor. She sank to her knees and unbuckled Finn’s belt and slid his boxers down. She pulled his cock out which was already hard and licked it from the base to the tip. She used her tongue expertly. Alternating between licking tiny circles on the head of his cock to quick flicks of her tongue. She took Finn’s hands and placed them on the top of her head urging him to show her how he wanted it. She slid her luscious lips up and down the length of Finn’s cock while he wrapped his hands in her hair, controlling the speed. Finn couldn’t take it any longer.

  “I need you now Courtney,” he said.

  She understood. Courtney laid him down on her bed and then sat on his hard cock and rode him slowly while Finn kissed her breasts and neck.

  “Fuck me Finn,” she moaned.

  In one swift maneuver, he flipped Courtney over and propped her up on her knees. He entered her roughly from behind. She begged him to fuck her harder and he obliged thrusting deep into her pussy. He loved how wet she got and the sounds their bodies made as they slapped together. He alternated between rubbing Courtney’s clitoris and grabbing her waist to fuck her deeper and harder. He wanted to see her beautiful face and so he flipped her onto her back. He placed one leg on his hip and drove into her. He could see her getting close and as she screamed his name he filled her with his seed.


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