BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1 Page 45

by BWWM Club

  The florist looked at the apartment number and then double checked it against the delivery log.

  “Did I get the wrong apartment again?” he asked.

  Finn laughed and signed for the flowers. It was another bunch of white roses. Finn couldn't help himself, he was curious and glanced down at the card. He had to admit he was relieved to find that it was from Courtney's boss. The card read:

  Thank you for putting in such hard work. The team is much better with you on it.

  At around seven, Courtney came home expecting to get ready for their date. Iinstead, the smell of delicious Italian food greeted her. Finn stood before her looking gorgeous in a button down white shirt and blue jeans. He was holding a purple orchid in a tiny flower pot and a wrapped jewelry box.

  “What is all this?” Courtney asked.

  “Happy Anniversary,” he said beaming,

  Courtney was shocked, she hadn't thought about their anniversary, the truth was they had only just made it official.

  “What are you talking about?” she said slightly shocked.

  “Today is the anniversary, well not officially,” Finn replied. “But today is six months that you first knocked on my door, and made me the happiest I’ve been in a long while.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I don't have a present for you,” she said wrinkling her nose.

  “I don’t need a present. I wanted to do something special for you. Courtney, when I met you, you made life fun and I wanted to thank you for that. You gave my art inspiration, made me passionate, and believe in my work.”

  He held the box out to her and when she opened it she saw a delicate gold necklace with a purple drop stone gem. They had seen it one time when window shopping in the city. He had remembered. It was perfect.

  “This is the most beautiful gift I've ever received,” Courtney gushed. She kissed him and they embraced.

  As she looked over his shoulder she saw the white roses.

  “I thought you would never get roses,” she said laughing.

  “Oh those aren't from me,” Finn said casually. “They're from your boss.”

  Courtney was impressed by dinner. Finn had come incredibly close in recreating Antonio’s signature dish.

  After dinner, stuffed, they retreated to the couch.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite,” Courtney said.

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Finn said holding a white bakery box with red string just out of reach of Court’s outstretched hand.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, it could be something,” Finn teased

  “Tell me, tell me! Is that from Daniela’s?”

  Daniela's in Brooklyn was their favorite spot to get bakery deserts. Finn handed it to her. She opened the box and sure enough there were six delicate French macaroons. He had gotten his favorite, almond wedding, and her favorite lavender cream.

  “Okay, I can have one more bite,” she said taking a sinful bite of one of the delicate but rich cookies.

  “Courtney. I love you,” Finn said suddenly.

  She was taken aback, momentarily speechless but she knew what her heart felt.

  “I love you too Finn,” she said reaching for him. Finn gathered Courtney in his arms. They never made it to the room and instead made love on the couch.

  The next morning, Courtney awoke to several missed calls. She checked her voicemail while Finn made them coffee and bagels.

  “Oh no,” Courtney said suddenly. “My boss called me several times last night.”

  Jeanie and Darren had both sounded frantic over the voicemails. The client had moved up the presentation from next Friday to next Monday morning. They were nowhere near ready.

  “I should have answered the phone. I shouldn’t have let you talk me into turning it on silent.”

  “No, you shouldn’t’ve,” Finn said a little aggravated. “Last night was our night. I wouldn't trade it for anything Courtney and I wish you wouldn’t want to either.”

  “I didn't say that,” she said. “But my job is important too. I should have at least kept it on in case of emergencies. Then I would’ve known they called.”

  “Damn it, Court. When will you understand that life is more than work,” he said slapping the table with his palm.

  “What is that supposed to mean Finn?” Courtney asked indignantly.

  “What it means is I can't believe you're upset over your job and that you're ruining one of the best nights of my life because your boss called you. After you already left for the day. Look, I don't want to argue,” he said kissing her on the forehead. “I'll see you soon. Are we still on for this Saturday?” he asked.

  “Of course we are,” she said quietly.

  “I love you Court,” he said heading for the door.

  Courtney was already dialing Jeanie’s number before the door shut completely.

  When Courtney got to work that morning it was pure chaos. She understood, of course. This was Darren’s first big project since making partner and it was imperative to him and his team that they pull everything off without a hitch.

  “Where were you?” Jeanie asked. “I called you all last night.”

  “I'm so sorry,” Courtney responded. “I was on a date. My anniversary,” she finished lamely.

  “We have a lot of work to do today,” Jeanie said. “I didn't leave until eleven last night and we're still nowhere near done. It looks like we’ll be pulling another all-nighter.”

  “I'm sorry Jeanie. I had no idea they would have moved the date up,” Courtney said extremely apologetic.

  “Court it's fine. No one did. We just have to continue working through the week to make sure we have the presentation ready by Monday. You and Barbie will have to cover for me tomorrow night though. I can’t miss another one of my son’s games. He’s my priority,” Jeanie said. “Darren will just have to understand.”

  They worked through lunch. Barbie and Courtney reformatting the schematics until her eyes grew blurry.

  “That’s it. I can’t see anymore,” Barbie said rubbing her eyes.

  Courtney glanced at the clock. It was nearly ten. By the time they left the office everyone else had gone for the day. Courtney grabbed a cab and by the time she got home she was so exhausted that she passed out on the bed still fully dressed. Normally, Courtney looked forward to Friday’s but the next day wasn't any better. Jeanie and Barbie were both already in full swing by the time Court came in at eight with coffee and muffins. Darren was also in the office looking over some blueprints, he barely registered Courtney's appearance.

  “Good morning Darren,” she said.

  He nodded in response. She had forgotten to thank him for the roses yesterday and briefly she wondered if he had sent a bouquet to Jeanie and Barbie as well, but dared not ask. Around one o'clock she got a call from Finn. She had asked the receptionist to hold all her calls except for his.

  “Hi love. Sorry to bother you but did you happen to see my small bag with my sketch pad in it? I really need it,” he said.

  “No, not that I recall,” she said distracted. “I've barely been home.”

  “I think I might have left it at your place on Wednesday. I might head over now and check,” he said.

  ‘Okay. Look, I’m sorry, I really have to go,” Courtney responded.

  “Should I wait for you?” Finn asked.

  “I probably won't make it home until late.”

  “Did you want me to grab some food? I could just spend the night since you’re coming over tomorrow anyway.”

  “No, don't bother Finn,” she said. “I probably won't be home till about eleven.”

  As the evening wound down, Courtney once again found herself working alone late into the night. Jeanie and Barbie had left about an hour prior. She let her hair down and rubbed her neck. She was drained mentally and physically. She thought she was alone until there was a knock on the door. She looked up and saw Darren smiling at her.

  “Oh,” Courtney said startled. “I didn't
realize you were still here.”

  “I didn't realize anyone was still here,” he said. “Do you know what time it is Courtney?”

  “No,” she said glancing at her watch. “Oh my God. It’s almost one am,” she said.

  Courtney was shocked that she could let the time get away from her so fast.

  “By the way, I wanted to thank you for the bouquet of roses that you sent the other day. They were absolutely beautiful.”

  “Just my way of saying thank you for working so hard,” Darren said shrugging it off.

  “Well, thank you. They were really beautiful.”

  Darren looked at her in a way that made Courtney uncomfortable. She glanced away. To hide her embarrassment she quickly turned her attention to the computer screen. She saved the file she was working on and then quickly turned the computer off.

  “Well, I should be getting home,” she said.

  She rifled through her purse looking for her phone. She tried calling the car service company. They answered on the second ring.

  “Hello,” she said. “This is Courtney St. James. I need a car at my office right away.”

  “I’m sorry Ms. St. James. The closest car we have in your area will not reach you until one forty five. Shall I confirm the service?” the dispatcher asked.

  “No, that's fine. Never mind,” she said before hanging up.

  She hated riding the trains this late but what choice did she have? She almost forgot Darren standing in the doorway.

  “Courtney,” Darren started. “I can give you a ride home. Louis is still here waiting on me to finish up.”

  Courtney checked her watch again. It really was late.

  “That would be great Darren. Thank you. I really appreciate it,” she said. Darren stopped at his office to grab a few documents and they exited the building together. Louis greeted Court with a nod and opened the car door for her. They were both extremely quiet on the ride home. Courtney was unsure of what to say, besides she was exhausted. She closed her eyes for just a few moments when she felt Darren’s hand on her arm.

  “Courtney,” he said. “We’re at your apartment.”

  Darren was smirking as he looked at her.

  “Did I fall asleep?” she asked clearly embarrassed.

  “Just for a bit,” he responded with a chuckle. “Thankfully you snore rather adorably.”

  Courtney blushed. Louis made a movement to exit the car but Darren waved him off, opting to open the car door himself.

  Chapter 7

  Finn didn’t get a chance to stop at Courtney’s. Instead, he had headed over to James’ studio to work on his sculpture. By the time he was finished it was almost one in the morning. He hated to head all the way to Harlem from Forest Hills so he decided to head over to Courtney’s instead. He knew she wouldn’t mind. She was probably asleep by now. When he pulled his bike up to the apartment he saw a familiar black town car in the driveway. A tall black man exited the car followed by Courtney. Finn smiled. She had been working so hard. He knew she was tired, he would give her a massage and let her relax.

  Courtney said something to the man and then made her way towards the stairs when suddenly the man grabbed her wrist. As she turned, he pulled her into a deep kiss. Courtney did not break away. The smile faded from Finn’s face. He had seen enough. He sped off, not sure of where he was headed.

  After driving for what seemed like hours, he finally made it back to James’ studio. James had given him free reign to work whenever he needed to. He dug into his bag and found and plugged his headphones in. He put on some Korn and started working on the sculpture, angrily. How could he have been so stupid? He had a feeling he just saw Courtney kissing Mr. White roses. Of course, someone like Courtney would rather a rich and powerful executive over someone like him. Here he was thinking she was working late. It didn’t look like work to Finn.


  Courtney was so taken aback by Darren’s kiss that it took her a moment to realize what was happening.

  “Darren. Mr. Foster,” she said gasping. “Stop.”

  She pulled back from him, her hand to her mouth. Instinctively, she looked around to see if anyone had seen them but no one was around. Of course there wouldn’t be, it was two in the morning.

  “Courtney, I am so sorry. I misread the situation,” Darren pleaded.

  “It’s fine. I’m flattered but I have a boyfriend.”

  “I’m sorry Courtney,” Darren said, clearly embarrassed. “Please forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive” she said with a smile. She headed up to her apartment. She wanted to talk to Finn but she also needed to process the night’s events before she told him anything.

  He tossed the phone on the couch without answering. Thirty minutes later, he looked at the sculpture wanting nothing more than to destroy it. He had to get out of there before he acted on it.


  Finn’s cellphone buzzed. It was a text from Courtney asking about their plans for today. He was still angry and chose to ignore it. What if he had gotten there five minutes later? Would he have ever known? Would she even tell him? By her up beat text he was sure the answer was no.

  Around three, Courtney knocked on Finn’s door but there was no answer. She had tried calling him on his cellphone but it went to voicemail. She had left a quick message and then headed over to his place. She decided to use her key but when she got in the apartment was empty. His bed looked unslept in. Courtney decided to wait. After all, he knew they had plans. She fell asleep after a few hours and when she woke up she realized that it was almost eight. She tried Finn’s phone again but there was no answer. He wouldn’t have canceled unless he had a good reason. She decided to leave him a note and make her way back to her apartment. She had to feed Prada.

  She still hadn’t heard from Finn by the next morning. Since it was Sunday, she decided to get some cleaning done. She threw on some Nina Simone and started by first separating her laundry. Three hours, a clean apartment and three loads of clothes later, Court checked her watch. She tried Finn again but got his voicemail yet again.

  Court plopped on the couch and threw on the television, not really watching but just for something to do. She was starting to get worried about Finn. He usually would have text her by now. She looked at her phone willing him to call.

  It was nearing six and Courtney realized she hadn’t eaten anything the entire day. Prada had finally forgiven her for using the vacuum cleaner and was now sitting on the window ledge lazily. She threw on some jeans, gathered her long curly hair in a ponytail and headed to go find something to eat. She was three blocks down the street when she realized she had left her phone upstairs. She was in the mood for tandoori chicken but that was eight blocks away. She bit her lip, she didn’t want to miss a call from Finn. She was pretty sure that she could grab pizza and be back in ten minutes so she made a detour to the pizzeria.

  She rushed upstairs and checked her phone. Nothing. She decided she had to keep busy otherwise she would over analyze everything. She reviewed her notes for the presentation in the morning. But her mind kept drifting off, wondering where Finn was and if he was okay. She was sure he had a good explanation for not being available.

  The next morning Courtney, along with Jeanie and Barbie, presented the new blueprints and plans to the client. She was nervous and stumbled over a few of her words but other than that, they pulled it off. The client loved their new ideas and they secured the contract. The entire team was elated. Darren insisted on taking them all out to a celebratory lunch.

  “A toast to the three most intelligent women at the firm,” he said holding up his glass.

  Overall, it was an enjoyable afternoon. Darren decided to give them the remainder of the day off as a thank you for a job well done. Barbie and Jeanie took off immediately. Court had left her purse at the office and returned with Darren around two, in high spirits. They were getting off the elevator, Courtney laughing at something Darren had just told her when the doors sprang op
en on their floor. Finn was sitting at the reception area wearing his leather jacket, a white oversized t-shirt and blue jeans. His hair was pulled into a ponytail and his beard slightly overgrown in the rugged handsome way Courtney loved. Courtney smiled but Finn did not. The way he looked at her sent chills down her spine.

  “Finn,” she said.

  He got up and looked at her once more before walking right past her to the elevator.

  “Finn,” Courtney called out to him.

  Darren excused himself and made his way to the office.

  “What is wrong with you?” she asked.

  “I’ve been waiting almost two hours,” he said. “I have to go.”

  “Well, can I see you later?” Courtney asked.

  Finn rubbed his jaw and shook his head.

  “Not today Courtney. I’ll call you later,” he said before pushing the elevator door closed, leaving a stunned Courtney in his wake.

  Finn had thought about what he saw and wanted to give Courtney a chance to explain. When he arrived at her job, his intentions were to take her to lunch and allow her to clarify the situation. He was told by the receptionist that she had just left for lunch and would return within an hour. And so Finn had waited. When it was fifteen minutes past the hour. Finn tried Courtney’s cellphone. It rang several times before rolling him to the voicemail. Finn waited almost two hours, each passing minute he got more irritated and angry. Then when he saw her step off the elevator with Darren Foster, laughing, he just lost it. He didn’t need any explanations. He saw all he needed to see. Finn wasn’t the type to make a scene so he just removed himself from the situation.

  Courtney tried calling Finn several times. She had no idea why he was upset. Yes, he had waited for her for two hours but she didn’t even know he was there waiting. Was that her fault? Darren had given Court the remainder of the day off and so she took a cab to Finn’s studio. He wasn’t home when she got there but she decided to wait. At around seven, she was starving, Finn did not have much in the fridge so she stepped out to find them something to eat. As she exited the building she ran into Finn who had just parked his bike. Courtney smiled at him.


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