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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 47

by BWWM Club

  Once they entered the fabricated room, Courtney realized that here the pictures were replaced by large canvases of beautiful paintings. She recognized Finn’s work immediately, she would know his art anywhere. She had spent countless hours after he had fallen asleep, admiring his work. There were only a few paintings, five pieces in total but she was so proud of him. His first exhibit! She was awestruck. She turned back to look at him.

  “Why didn't you tell me?” she asked.

  “I wanted to tell you. I was hoping to surprise you before,” he trailed off.

  At that moment, Kim came to Finn and Courtney with Michael in tow.

  “Hey Kim,” Finn said leaning over to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. He shook Mike’s hand.

  “As promised, an introduction to the great James Morrow. James this is Kimberly Carver she is one of the best public relations reps out there.”

  James broke off from the group to speak with Kim. Courtney shot Kim daggers while Kim shrugged apologetically

  Courtney was livid at her best friend for setting her up but a small part of her was also grateful. As she walked towards the next painting, Finn came to walk beside her.

  “I see you and my best friend have been conspiring,” she said hotly.

  “James is one of those reclusive photographers that does not have a manager. I needed to get you here and I knew that Kim could benefit from landing James as a client. I helped her and she helped me, please don't be upset with her. I’m sorry for deceiving you into coming.”

  “You need me here?” Courtney asked quietly.

  “Of course I needed you here Courtney. I was just afraid to ask you myself. I don’t think I could have handled it if you had said no.”

  He grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking and looked deep into her eyes. She looked away. He held her chin and forced her to look at him.

  “Look at me Court. I needed you here. I’m sorry if you think I deceived you to get you here. But this is a really important night for me. Maybe the most important. My very first exhibit and there's no one I would rather share it with than you. There’s something I want to show you,” Finn said taking her hand and leading her to the center of the room.

  At first, Courtney couldn’t see for there was a large converging of guests around one of the pieces. Finn led Courtney through the crowd, making excuses along the way. When they approached, Finn stepped back allowing Courtney to view the sculpture alone. When she saw it she was speechless. It was incredible. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. One part wood, the other half metal. Curving, melting together as if it was one solid piece. She looked at the little white placard that explained the piece. The card read Love and Courtney by Finnegan Kelly. She turned to look at him, silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Can we go outside and talk?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Courtney whispered.

  Finn led Courtney to a hidden outdoor patio that was lit with tea lights that glowed softly in the fading early evening light.

  “I don't understand,” she said turning to him suddenly. “How can you make something so beautiful and yet not love me?”

  “Courtney,” Finn began, “if you believe that I don't love you then you don't know me at all. I do love you. I have always loved you.”

  “Then why did you want to break up?” she asked her voice breaking.

  “What was I supposed to do?” he said obviously pained. “I couldn't compete with Mr. Perfect, your boss Darren Foster.”

  “Why on earth did you think you would have to compete with Darren?” Courtney asked confused.

  “I saw you kissing him Court. Don’t lie to me,” Finn said rubbing his hand through his hair.

  “You saw me kiss him?”

  “Yes, I came over that night he was dropping you off. It was late and I saw you kiss him,” Finn accused.

  “How could you think I would ever betray you like that?” Courtney said a little angrily. “What you saw was him kissing me and he apologized for that. I told him I had a boyfriend. Why didn't you just ask me? Do you think that poorly of me? Do you really think I’m the kind of woman that would do something like that? That I would cheat on you? That I would betray our love?” Courtney asked, the tears flowing freely now.

  “I don't know. I was stupid. I was always concerned that you were embarrassed by me. That I was just an artist. That he was the kind of man you wanted. Will you please give me another chance Courtney? I promise I won't be that stupid ever again, I love you.”

  “You love me but you just don't trust me, right? And without trust what is there? Finn you broke my heart. You destroyed me. I can’t… I can't do this right now. I got to get out of here,” Courtney said as she hurried back through the gallery doors. Finn wasn’t going to lose her again and followed her inside the gallery. She didn't bother to say goodbye to Kim she just ran out of the door but Kim saw her leave and rushed after her.

  “Courtney,” she called out.

  Finn had caught up with the two women.

  “I can’t trust anyone,” Courtney said sobbing. She pointed an accusing finger at Kim. “You sold me out for a contract. My own best friend,” she spat.

  “Court it wasn’t like that. Finn called me and I put two and two together. He never stopped loving you. It was a misunderstanding. So I thought I was helping you by getting you here. I’ve never seen you as happy as when you were with Finn. And lately you’ve been miserable. I’m sorry.”

  “I can’t do this right now. With either one of you,” Courtney said shaking her head. At that moment, a cab pulled up and Courtney got into the car.

  Finn looked like a broken man. Kim hugged him.

  “Kim, thank you for trying,” Finn said. “But I've lost her.”

  Kim patted him on the arm, not really sure what to say.

  “I'm sorry Finn. Do you want me to try and talk to her?” she asked finally.

  “No,” he responded. “I don’t want her angry at you over me. Maybe it’s best this way. Maybe we were too different. Maybe love just wasn’t enough,” he said his head in his hands.

  The ride back to her apartment was the longest Courtney ever had. She was confused. Of course she loved him but she was just so angry. Instead of talking to her, trusting in her, he had destroyed them over a misunderstanding. Throwing their love away and now he wanted a second chance. How dare he, she thought, the tears really started coming.

  The next few days, Finn hardly left his apartment. He didn’t answer the phone. Finally just turning it off all together. By anyone else’s standards the exhibit was a success. He had sold every piece. The sculpture fetched a bigger price than even he had imagined. Negotiated by Kim of course, who he had hired to represent him. Agreeing to be his manager, but if Courtney asked her not to, she would hand him off to an associate. He had gotten offers for commissions but he didn’t have the heart to work.

  His pillows still smelled like her so he began sleeping on the couch. He was barely eating. He even considered moving back to Georgia but he knew it didn’t matter where he went. He could not outrun his heart. He thought about calling her but he didn’t want to make things worse. His only hope was that once things calmed down a bit they might be able to be at least friends though that cut like a knife. He wanted her in his life but how much would it hurt to see her and not be able to touch her. To gather her in his arms and tell her that he loved her. Finn was lost and he didn’t know what to do.

  The next few weeks were hard for Courtney as well. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that she missed Finn more than she ever thought possible. But he had her so badly. He did not trust her and that was something she could not forgive or forget. Kim was a different story. She and Courtney had been her best friends for so long. When Courtney thought about it, Kim was really just looking out for her best interests.

  So two weeks after the gallery show, she called her and asked if she would meet her for drinks. Thankfully Kim readily agreed. They met at their favorite
spot The Blue Café. When Courtney arrived Kim was already waiting for her. She had gotten a table and when Courtney approached she saw that she had already ordered a plate of chicken and beef nachos, their favorite. When the waitress arrived a few seconds later with shots and two grand sours, Courtney knew this was Kim’s way of trying to apologize. When she saw Kim’s hopeful expression, all the hurt feelings went away instantly. She knew that Kim was only trying to make her happy.

  “Kim,” she said bursting into tears.

  She grabbed her friend and pulled her into a tight embrace. “I am so sorry. I was an idiot. I missed you so much.”

  “No Courtney,” Kim said tearing up as well. “You were right to be upset. I was the idiot. I should have let you know what was going on instead of helping Finn in ambushing you. Will you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive Kim,” Courtney said taking a seat.

  “Thanks Court. I promise I never meant to hurt you. It's just, I see how you are when you’re with Finn and how you are without him. And I know you love him, and to be honest after talking to Finn that night, I could see how much he loves you too. He's broken without you Court. You need to fix this and I'm telling you this as your best friend. You both deserve to be happy and as far as I can tell, you guys can only be happy together,” Kim said.

  “I know Kim but I messed up and he messed up. Is there any fixing that?” Court asked sadly.

  “You can fix it if you both really want to,” her friend said reassuring her.

  “Oh there's something else I need to tell you but please don't get mad at me,” Kim said

  “What is it?” Courtney asked wearily.

  “Finn started getting offers immediately. He had no idea what a fair price for his paintings were and so he hired me to be his manager. I told him I could only do it as long as you were okay with it.”

  “Of course Kim. He is a talented artist. He can use someone like you on his side,” Courtney said, relieved that was what Kim needed to tell her.

  “He is talented Court. He sold all of his pieces. That night.”

  “He did?” Courtney asked. “That's great. I always believed in his work.”

  “So do a lot of people,” Kim said. “Okay Court at the risk of ruining our friendship again, I have to be brutally honest with you, but only because I'm your friend. Finn didn’t think he deserved you. For a long time, he thought you were ashamed of him. Of his work. And to be honest Court, whenever I would ask you about it you brushed it off and changed the subject. Many times in front of him. I know your parents and how they are and can be. I still remember your dad asking me if I was a tour manager. They want someone successful for you and you don’t want to disappoint them. And I get that but Courtney, Finn is successful, not in the traditional corporate way but in his own way. His art speaks for itself, his passion is undeniable and that's something you should be very proud. Ok yeah, your parents want someone like Darren for you but this is your life Courtney. Do what your heart wants and not what's expected for once.”

  Courtney hugged her friend she was absolutely right she had to win Finn back but she was scared that it may be too late. But Kim was right, she had to try.

  The next day, Courtney ordered eggplant parmesan from Antonio's and took the ride to Harlem. She still had her key to his apartment but she didn't want to use it. Instead, she wrote send a letter knocked on his door and left the food along with the note at his door.

  Dear noisy neighbor

  This is a truce eggplant parmesan (I wasn't sure if you were vegetarian or not) Please forgive me for being stupid and almost giving up on the best thing to ever happen to me. My life doesn't make sense without you in it. I need you Finnegan Kelly. If you can forgive me, I'll be at home waiting for you. I love you Finn

  Courtney from 3b

  Courtney waited up for almost two hours and Finn still had not showed up. She wipe the tears from her cheeks and prepared to go to bed when suddenly there was a knock on her door. She jumped up to open it. Finn stood there with the bag of takeout, a single purple tulip and a bottle of wine.

  “I had to stop and get wine,” he said with a smile.

  Courtney jumped into his arms, he had to be careful and set everything on the counter before picking her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Prada curled herself around Finn’s legs.

  Later as they lay in one another’s arms, enjoying their moment of bliss they heard loud banging from upstairs, the new tenants had moved in.

  “Wow. I’m sorry. I guess the walls are thin,” Finn said.

  Courtney laughed.

  “I’m glad they are,” she said kissing him.

  The end.

  The Fighter Pilot's Baby

  A high flying pregnancy romance story

  A complete story with no cliff hanger, brought to you by Tyra Small of BWWM Club.

  Bianca up till now hasn't been very lucky in love.

  So when she meets and falls for Alex, a fighter pilot in the military, she decides to take things slow and see how things develop.

  That is until she finds out her body is going into early menopause!

  Now she has a choice to make:

  Either try and get pregnant as soon as possible, or risk losing the ability to have children all together.

  Bianca knows she wants to try for children, but is military man Alex the right person for the job?

  And if so, will he even be ready for kids?

  Find out in this sexy new romance by Tyra Small of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes between a hot and ready pilot, and a curvy African American beauty.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 1

  Bianca Mason cupped her hand above her eyebrows, squinting. The sun was setting behind the airfield where several hundred fighter pilots were disembarking from a large C-17 in the distance. The glare made it hard to see and Bianca was becoming impatient. Next to her, Bianca’s best friend Andrea bounced in anticipation; her man was coming home. Bianca rubbed her hands over her biceps, tiny goose bumps covering her rich brown skin. The air was turning cool as the sun began to dip, but it was still summer, late summer, and Bianca forgot to bring a sweater.

  Andrea continued to bounce and despite her attempts to quash it, Bianca became annoyed. Maybe she was jealous. She had no man to come home to her, so she kept her mouth shut and was there for her friend. After what seemed like forever, the men and women began to move closer, their faces suddenly becoming visible in the setting sunlight. Andrea spotted her husband and squealed, grabbing Bianca’s hand tightly to keep from running towards him. The U.S. Air Force had strict rules to be followed when soldiers were coming home and they weren’t to be approached until they reached a certain point. Bianca fought the urge to roll her eyes. She was becoming angry at herself for being so aggravated with her friend, but being thirty and alone was starting to grate on her.

  Drowning out the sobs of happiness from her friend, Bianca looked around at all of the faces of the returning pilots. They were mostly men, between the ages of nineteen and thirty, but she saw a few women in the bunch. Bianca watched them proudly and realized she was being silly with her jealousy.

  “I’m so happy for you that Jay is coming home,” She said to Andrea and Andrea embraced her, taking care not to bump her large pregnant belly against Bianca. Andrea was lucky enough to get pregnant when Jay was home on leave for Thanksgiving.

  Bianca fought another surge of jealousy at Andrea’s predicament. Children and a husband were what she had dreamed of since she was a girl and it seemed everyone around her was living that dream except for her.

  “And just in time too,” Andrea replied, rubbing a hand over her large stomach.

nca nodded in answer. That was the truth. Andrea was days away from her due date and the return of Jay’s squadron couldn’t have come at a better time. Andrea returned her attention to her approaching husband and Bianca resumed her people watching. The faces of the family and friends surrounding her, waiting for their loved ones made her smile and forget about herself and her pettiness for a bit. These people missed and feared for their loved ones for a long time and they deserved this moment, who was she to belittle it. As the men and women moved even closer and Bianca scanned the crowd her face settled on one man and she took a second look. His clear blue eyes bored into hers as if he was looking directly at her. She felt her face flush with foolishness. He was probably looking intently for his wife and family and she was getting carried away. He moved closer with the crowd and she found it hard to look away. He wasn’t gorgeous but he was handsome. His rugged good looks were punctuated by his unruly dirty blond hair that hung over his eye and she longed to push it away. A scruff of a beard shadowed his jaw in the same color as his hair and added to his aura of masculinity that made Bianca’s heart begin to pound in her chest.

  A voice from next to her pulled her from her reverie and Bianca swiveled her head to realize Andrea was talking to her.

  “What?” She asked absentmindedly, her thoughts still on the man she spotted in the crowd.

  “I said, Jay is almost here,” Andrea squealed with excitement and pointed to the crowd moving towards them. She was right. The men and woman were fast approaching the rope that was set up to contain the crowd. Andrea’s anticipation was palpable but all Bianca could focus on was the man whose whereabouts she lost when she answered Andrea.

  Bianca scanned the area as the crowd of people began to scream and whoop with excitement. He was gone. She lost him. It was probably for the best anyway. There was likely a woman with children waiting for him on this side of the ropes. Defeated, Bianca turned back to her friend, gripping her hand in support as she bounced from one foot to the next as her husband approached the rope.


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