The Truth Healer: A Riveting Spiritual Psychic Thriller

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The Truth Healer: A Riveting Spiritual Psychic Thriller Page 6

by J Gabriel-Smith

  ‘But I do not understand why you would not just go to the police straight away with the information.’

  Truth Master Benedict continued. ‘Because if you walked into a police station and reeled off what had happened, they would firstly question how you came to know, and maybe suspect you had something to do with it.

  Secondly, for a family to receive full justice by charging the perpetrators involved in their case, they would have to show hard evidence for it to be upheld in the Court of Law. If the families went straight to the police, they would have no evidence, or none that had been found organically…and besides, if you explained you had received information from The Higher Power, they would probably end up sectioning you!’

  Chloe smirked, ‘Ok, point taken… what would be an example of a first task mission?’

  ‘Well, if it was for a murder victim, there may have been a person that wasn’t in the frame at all, so you would first try and set up a link for the family to discover this.’

  ‘So basically you have to leave clues for the family to find, and what….. would they then go to the police?’

  ‘Yes, that is correct. We have found though that most families will accumulate a few of the clues before proceeding to contact the police, as the police may not be interested if they feel it is one random piece of information.’

  Chloe sighed a deep breath. ‘This does sound extremely serious and dangerous to me.’

  ‘But that is it Chloe, you will be protected by The Truth Circle and of course, you now have Harry. He will not let any harm come to you. The Higher Power Commission will make sure of that.’ Tatiana jumped in.

  Just as they were about to continue, there was a knock at the door. A dark haired lady with a pony tail, poked her head around the door ‘Anyone for refreshments?’

  ‘Oh yes perfect timing, thank you Diana. You haven’t met yet, but Chloe this is Diana…Diana, Chloe.’

  Chloe turned around and gave a small wave.

  ‘Ah Diana …..if Chloe decides to join us here, I would like you to be her buddy. Chloe…I would ask Diana to go on some of your missions with you at first, until you feel confident to go it alone.’

  ‘Yes of course, I would love to.’ Diana replied bountifully, ‘I’ll look forward to it and I hope you do join us here. It will really change your life and the lives of others. I’ll go and get those drinks.’

  ‘Lovely to meet you too.’ Chloe responded gratefully.

  ‘So Chloe, that is what is involved in The Truth Circle. You may want to go away and think about it some more before committing to it. I will say though, that if you do decide to join, we will not force you stay if you feel it gets too much for you. All that we ask is that you never divulge details about us here to anybody. It is a sacred Circle, and if the wider public know about us, or the police for that matter, it could ruin the good work we are able to do for these families in the future. We could be seen as meddling in people’s lives or seen as a Cult, which we categorically are not.’ Truth Master Benedict asserted.

  Chloe paused and looked across to Tatiana. She could feel a rush of positivity rushing through her body, which was pushing her towards saying Yes. Something deep inside would not let her say the word No, and as she deliberated for a few more moments, that familiar heaviness surrounded her. She knew it was Harry. She felt two hands on her shoulders. This was his sign to show her he would support her.

  Chloe broke her silence ‘No, it’s ok.’

  Tatiana waited in anticipation, willing her to accept.

  ‘I do not need time……I’ll do it.’

  Tatiana leapt up from her chair to hug her. ‘Oh that is fantastic news!..I am so happy, and I know you will be brilliant. You won’t regret it.’

  Truth Master Benedict was more reserved in his response, but his sparkling eyes and wide smile showed his satisfaction at successfully recruiting Chloe. After Tatiana had let go of Chloe, he finally walked around the desk and clasped Chloe’s arms either side, kissing the top of her head. ‘Welcome to The Truth Circle.’

  For the first time in a long while, Chloe felt wanted…as an employee that is. She was very loved by Josh, but she never felt adequate enough in her previous job. She knew she still had to prove herself here, but the encouragement and support was in generous supply.

  ‘Here we go everybody.’ Diana announced, backing into the office with a tea tray.

  ‘Thank you Diana…and we have good news!…..Chloe is going to join us!’ Tatiana rejoiced.

  Diana’s face lit up as she placed the tray on the desk. ‘Fabulous!….it will be great to have a fresh face around here…….and we’ll all look after you, don’t worry.’

  ‘That is very kind of you. I am just excited to hear about the case I’ll be working on now.’

  ‘Well, let’s have some refreshments first and I can take you through it, if you feel you are ready.’ Tatiana proposed.

  ‘Ok, that would be great….yes I am very ready.’

  After devouring the sandwiches that Diana had neatly displayed on a plate for them, Chloe was keen to get going.

  ‘Come along then, let’s go and get started. Thank you Benedict. You were very inspiring as always.’ Tatiana complimented him, as they walked towards the door.

  ‘Oh, I don’t know about that, but I speak the truth, so it should be.’ he jested. ‘I will look forward to hearing about your progress Chloe.’

  ‘Thank you and it was lovely to meet you…err ….how do I address you…Truth Master?’

  ‘No Benedict is fine when we are in my office.’

  ‘Ok thank you …Benedict.’

  As they headed towards the metal spiral staircase, they passed by what looked like a room full of vaults.

  ‘What’s all of this?’ Chloe asked, walking over to one of the vault doors. There were no handles but instead each vault had an illuminated button next to it. The doors of the vaults were made of rose quartz crystal on one side of the room, and blue kyanite on the other.

  ‘These are the vaults that hold details of our missions. The blue kyanite vaults are cases yet to be assigned, whereas the rose quartz vaults are all of the missions that have been successfully completed.’

  Chloe walked around the room touching the doors in anticipation. Her life would now be dictated by what lay behind them. Tatiana headed towards one of the blue kyanite vaults and pressed the button. As it opened, she flicked through the dividers, until she came to one she recognised. ‘Ah here it is….the perfect case for you.’

  Chloe’s body went rigid ‘What it is?’

  ‘Let’s go to one of our meeting areas now and I’ll take you through it. I firstly though need to take you through your oath.’

  Chloe followed Tatiana back down the spiral staircase and over to the amethyst table at the back of the room.

  ‘If you take a seat here, I’ll be back in a minute.’ Tatiana instructed.

  Chloe reached into her bag to look at her phone. Josh had sent her a good luck message. If only he knew how much she really needed it. He would not be happy about her getting involved in this, but for the first time in her life, she had to think about what felt right for her….and this did.

  ‘Right, here we are.’ Tatiana said, placing a silver leather bound folder in front her Chloe.

  ‘So is this my induction manual?’ Chloe asked, admiring the raised smoky quartz crystal on the front with ‘The Truth Circle’ embossed on to it.

  ‘Yes, this is it. So following on from what Truth Master Benedict informed you about the Code of Conduct, I will need you to swear that you will uphold the principles of The Truth Circle and honour it’s secrecy.’

  Chloe nodded slowly. ‘Ok, I understand.’

  As Tatiana opened the folder, there was the following statement for Chloe to read and sign:

  I hereby confirm that I fully understand the meaning and purpose of The Truth Circle.

  I certify that knowledge of The Truth Circle is for chosen members only, and therefore it must remain a secr
et to any persons outside of The Circle, which includes family members and loved ones. This is for their protection, as well as for the protection of myself and The Truth Circle.


  Printed Name:


  Witnessed by:

  Printed Name:


  ‘So does this mean that I can never tell Josh about this?’ Chloe panicked, reading through the statement.

  ‘Yes, I am afraid so. The Truth Circle is strictly for members only. He can never know about this Chloe, and if you ever did try to tell him, The Higher Power would intervene.

  Chloe felt a lot more uncomfortable about this now, but she knew she needed to do it, so without hesitation, she picked up the pen and signed. It just seemed ironic that she was becoming a Truth Healer, but in doing so, she was going to have to start lying to Josh.

  ‘Now, one last thing.’ Tatiana said, opening up a small velvet bag. ‘This if for you to wear….it is a Lapis Lazuli. It is a very special crystal, as it promotes truth and wisdom, and will help to connect to your guardian angel…in your case Harry.’

  Chloe eyes widened as she gazed at the vibrant blue stone. ‘It’s beautiful.’ she remarked, fastening it around her neck.

  ‘It also offers protection.’ Tatiana smiled.

  Chloe sat feeling it’s warmth and energy resonating through her hands.

  ‘Ok good, that is it, you are ready for your first assignment.’ Tatiana enthused, snapping shut the manual with satisfied completion.

  Tatiana reached across the table for the file she had retrieved from the vault.

  ‘Ok, so everything about the initial stages of first assignment is in here. I also have this tablet where there are photos filed, and you can also use this to send e-mails, and search the internet.’

  Chloe leaned in closer, eager to find out what her first case would be. As she watched Tatiana open the file, she saw the title of the case flash in front of her. She froze momentarily before managing to speak. ‘Really?....this is my first case?!’ said a shocked Chloe.

  ‘Yes, this is your first case Chloe. I knew immediately this case was meant for you, as soon as you told me about your dreams.’

  ‘Rosie Parker…the missing girl from The Isle of Wight.’ Chloe slowly read out loud.

  ‘That is correct.’

  ‘So why this case now? Does The Higher Power not see it being resolved by the police?’

  ‘No unfortunately, not in the foreseeable future as the evidence is not obvious to see. The Higher Power recognises that the Parkers have been searching for their little girl for over two years now, and that the police have reached a dead end. They need our help, otherwise they will not find out what happened to her.’

  ‘It is scary that they know the truth.’

  ‘And so will you in time.’

  ‘I can’t believe it, I hope it isn’t sad news……is it?’ Chloe asked, searching for some sort of flicker in Tatiana’s eyes to denote a happy ending, but there was nothing.

  ‘I do not know myself yet. I am not privileged to find out the details of each case up front either, and even if I did know, I could not tell you that now. At least now you can start to heal the pain of the Parker’s unknowing, and try to help them rebuild their lives.’

  Chloe looked back at the file and studied every morsel of information that was disclosed in it. Tatiana showed her a picture of the mother and father, Lucy and Tom Parker, on the tablet. She had seen them on the news but these pictures showed them in happier times before the destruction of their life.

  Lucy was forty-two years’ old, with mousey blond shoulder length hair, neatly held back with an alice band. Her crisp white shirt poked out from under a v neck sweater in the photos, which she wore with slim fitted capri pants.

  Tom was forty-six years old with short walnut brown hair, gently brushed back off his face. He dressed similarly to Lucy, with a check shirt layered underneath a crew neck jumper, worn back with deep coloured smart jeans. The pictures showed them with their young son Sam and daughter Rosie.

  Sam was nine years old with strawberry blonde hair and a few freckles on his nose, and Rosie was seven, looking delightful with her soft blonde hair, similar to her mother’s, with a few cascading curls. She had a mischievous look about her and Chloe could tell from the photos, she was the more extrovert sibling by her pouting poses, compared to Sam’s shy smiles.

  Chloe listened intently as Tatiana explained how Rosie had gone missing from the Isle of Wight holiday camp, and how all of the avenues the police had explored had dried up.

  ‘So Chloe, your first mission is to get Lucy and Tom back on track. They have lost all hope of finding out the truth, so they need their faith restored.’

  ‘How am I going to do that? Chloe inquired, feeling lost.

  ‘At the moment, the family are in a rut. They haven’t been on holiday anywhere since Rosie went missing, and they need a break of routine. A holiday will enable them to think more clearly again as to how they can continue their search for Rosie.’

  ‘Ok I understand, but I am still not sure how I can get them to go without speaking to them?’ Chloe said, definitely feeling like the new recruit now.

  ‘This is where your work will start as a Truth Healer. You will have to start thinking outside of the box and open up your creative imagination. Think about how you can get them to go on holiday.’

  ‘Send them a holiday brochure?’ Chloe joked, in hope that this was a reasonable suggestion.

  ‘Well not exactly, but along those lines.’ Tatiana replied with slight amusement. ‘Now what you want to do is create a setting similar to the Isle of Wight where Rosie went missing. This way it may jog some memories as to how she could have been taken.’

  ‘So in the UK do you mean?’

  ‘Correct, and near the coast so the abduction routes may have been similar.’

  ‘Abduction routes?’ Chloe asked, swallowing deeply.

  ‘Yes Chloe, abduction routes. The words that were fed to you through Harry were correct.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘He kept saying the word ‘boat’ to you. Well he was right, Rosie was taken abroad by boat.’

  Chloe’s head fell forwards despairingly into her hands. ‘Oh no, really? I knew it was a possibility, but hearing it for definite is heartbreaking. I just feel so badly for the family and poor little Rosie.’ Chloe said despondently.

  ‘I know it is upsetting Chloe, but that is why the Higher Power is intervening to heal the family’s pain.’ Tatiana empathised, looking supportively into Chloe’s eyes. ‘Let’s take a little break. I need to nip over and speak to Diana for a minute.’

  Chloe sat there numb. She couldn’t believe that she now knew that little Rosie Parker had been taken abroad. It did seem strange that after two years, nothing had been found in the UK. No body, no links to people in the UK, no family member picking up on something unusual going on, or how someone was behaving.

  An abduction abroad was the most logical event, but all Chloe could think about now was where Rosie was and whether she was still alive. It was going to crucify her not knowing while she completed her mission, but as long as she found out the truth in the end, that is all that mattered.

  Tatiana brought back some coffee and gave Chloe a comforting squeeze of the shoulder.

  ‘Are you ok…I know it is a lot to take in?’

  ‘Yes, I’ll be ok, it is just so sad knowing that she was definitely taken, and thinking about how scared she must have been feeling.’

  ‘It is very sad for Rosie, and even sadder that there are bad people in this world. The Higher Power can only help those who ask for assistance.

  The evil people in this world have unfortunately been created by a misguided energy that has been passed onto them through their lifetime. They do not think like you or I. They have no empathy for others and only see what gain is in it for them by carrying out these evil endeavours. However, in most cases, evil meets it’s end throu
gh evil, so they learn the hard way.

  It is the Higher Power’s purpose, to change the energy of these people, so when they return to live a new life on Earth, they come back as better people. You will always though, unfortunately, get those that still have not learnt, or have bad energy inflicted on them by someone else who hasn’t been able to change.’

  ‘I just don’t understand that if there is a Higher Divine Power up there, how they can allow for an innocent little girl to be taken.’

  ‘Unfortunately, there are many lessons to be learnt in our many lives. This life experience for Rosie will have had a purpose, whether to help future children, or future practices that go on with these kidnapping groups, and depending on whatever has happened to her, it will be for the higher good of others; and she herself will return in her next lifetime with great rewards for what she has had to go through in this lifetime.’

  ‘It’s just so sad for her family though, as even though it is of some comfort that there is a bigger Universe out there with a bigger plan, you can’t take away the fact that it has taken their world away from them now.’

  ‘I know, you are right, but that is why the Higher Power has changed the ‘rules’ and we are allowed to intervene to help heal some of the family’s pain while here on Earth.’

  ‘Well, at least there is some justice then.’ Chloe sighed. ‘Anyway I have had a few ideas while you were with Diana.’

  ‘Ok good… go on.’ Tatiana replied keenly, pleased that Chloe was starting to focus her energy.

  ‘Another great holiday place on the coastline is Cornwall. It will be similar to The Isle of Wight in that it will have lots of children’s entertainment activities and it might bring up some memories as to how Rosie could have disappeared, especially with there being many boats on the coast.’


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