Blindsight: Part Two

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Blindsight: Part Two Page 2

by Leigh, Adriane

  "It sounds like you're playing a dangerous game with him, Hunter. You said yourself it can't end well for anyone who crosses him." I pressed closer to him. "The more you're involved with him, the worse it gets."

  "That's not entirely true." Hunter nudged me deeper into his heavy biceps. "I’m a special case. I grew up with him. He trusts me, and I trusted him for a long time. He just needs to think I still do. I want out, Erin, and I'll do whatever it takes. That life isn't for me. I lived on the streets, ruled by fists and firearms, relying on vices to forget. I had to get out even if I had to crawl out one fucking step at a time.

  “JW didn't want me to join the Army, but when he saw he couldn’t stop me, he respected it. Besides, he realized it could teach me a skill or two that he could put to good use when I got home.” Hunter huffed and I felt his tautly inked muscles tighten beneath me. “I came back and he’s tried to swallow me, but he knows this isn't my gig. I do some personal surveillance on the side, but I'm done with the underground shit. I made it clear that this is the last job I'm doing with him.”

  "Why did you come back to Chicago after Afghanistan, then?" I asked.

  His gaze turned to mine, eyebrows arched as if it had never occurred to him not to come back. "I don't give up," he answered in a stately manner. For some reason it turned my stomach. His bold self-reliant determination was the greatest turn on and in some ways a foreboding weight to carry.

  “How do you know he won't kill you?"

  "I don't. I just have to beat him at his own game."

  "But what the fuck is the game? I swear it's like you talk in riddles sometimes!" I pushed a hand through my hair.

  "Only JW knows the rules. He wanted Brant to launder money, Brant agreed, then fucked the hand that fed him. Now he'll have to pay. That's all I know.”

  I sighed, feeling utterly drained and blindsided by the revelations not just about my husband, but about Hunter himself. “I just wanted you,” I uttered before I wrapped my arms around the tight muscles of his back, looking for any sense of comfort I could get.

  “I know, baby.” Hunter ran fingers through my damp hair. I adjusted in his lap, feeling his solid length between my legs. I rocked against him, searching for physical comfort to numb my emotions. I snaked my arms around his neck and held tightly as I lifted my hips and felt the gentle nudge of his dick pushing at my entrance. My fingertips slid across the wet skin of his shoulders, trailing over the raised flesh at his biceps, as his hips matched my motions and I finally felt the slow burn of his cock invading me. I started a slow, circling rhythm to my own tune of passion, of desperation, of fear, I wasn't sure. Maybe it was all of it.

  But he was here, buried inside me, and I couldn’t think about anything else in those quiet moments when only the sound of lapping water, quiet sighs, and soft moans interrupted the silence.

  Hunter’s heavy pants in my neck urged every sensation on, rattling my emotions as water sloshed over the porcelain rim.

  “God, Hunter…”

  “You can’t leave. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you how sorry I am,” he muttered before his teeth nipped at the crevice in my neck and his hands dug into my soft hips. His fingertips scalded, leaving bruises and breaking capillaries under his punishing force. He thrust harder, more feral, his grunts unsteady, before I was suddenly yanked off his cock and turned and bent over the opposite edge of the tub. My hands fisted at the cold porcelain while soapy wet hands pressed at the flesh of my backside, making me squirm and groan.

  “Fuck me, Hunter.” I turned and tried to catch his eye, but I’d hardly had a glance up the defined slope of his biceps and elegantly bunched muscles at his shoulders when his heavy palm fisted in my hair and pushed my head back to face forward.

  “Stay still,” he ground, and I felt a gentle caress at my back entrance. “Anyone ever had you here, Princess?” He pressed his thumb at my ass causing me to shudder and quake, arousal running hot in my veins in a direct route to my clit. I shook my head, the words unwilling to form on my lips, the lump of desire blazing an inferno in my throat as my thighs shifted and his thumb massaged in slow circuits.

  “You want my cock in your pretty ass?” His words shot fire straight to my pussy.. I needed to feel him anywhere, everywhere. My eyes fell closed and I rested my cheek on the cool tub, hands gripping as he continued to run delicate circles and loosen the tight muscle of my backside with his thumb.

  “Answer me.” His thumb stilled and I immediately missed the torturous rhythm. I was surprised to find I liked the sensation of his fingers touching me where no one else ever had.

  “Never,” I choked, my eyes clenched tight.

  “Good. I’ll be the first then.” His thumb dipped between my legs and he swiped at the arousal that soaked my slit before swiping the moisture to the tight muscle at my ass. His other hand fisted his cock as he lined up with the entrance to my pussy before easing his cock in. His thumb pushed into my ass while he thrust with a persistent rhythm, a slow delicious shudder overtaking my lower body, heightening nerves and sensitizing synapses until they caught fire and spread throughout. “It’ll hurt when I finally do, but you’ll forget all about it when I make you cum.” He nipped at my earlobe savagely before his thick cock and deft thumb had me shrieking and arching. His rough hand held me in place, and I felt captured by him, the heady mix of intense pleasure melting into a slow delicious tingle that was unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

  “I can't wait to feel you in my ass,” I murmured, unbelieving of the words coming out of my own mouth. I was a slave to him, his cock, his words, his intoxicating blend of creative military man.

  “Good girl.” His tongue laved at my neck, nipping and flicking and driving me wild as he refused to move inside me. His palm worked its way down my torso, sliding past my nipples and giving them quick little tugs before he wound his way to my clit. His heavy fingers rubbed slowly at first before he quickened and had my pussy pulsing with dampness.

  “Fuck my dick, Princess,” he hummed, and as if every nerve in my brain ceased to exist, I did as I was ordered. I slammed my ass against his pelvis and felt him sink into me, filling and stretching, leaving me in ecstasy. So tight and full, with his fingers running faster and massaging my back opening, his cock pummeled into my cunt, I lost myself in him. I was at his mercy, without thought of what he’d done, or why we were here. We were all raw feeling, a savage place where it felt like no one else had ever been.

  “You ready, baby?” His other hand wrapped around my waist and fingered at the bud of my clit until the feelings became too much and I lost control, shooting straight out of this world and into another one.

  I slumped against the tub as nerves fired through my body, and I lay sated and brain foggy with the most intense sense of pleasure I’d ever been given. Breathing hard and remarkably spent, my mind slowly came back to focus on Hunter's strong hands at my waist and his low voice, the one reserved for primal sex only, murmuring something soft and low as he fucked me. I marveled at this beautiful man as his breaths grew shallow and his thrusts deeper.

  “Love feeling my fat cock in your pretty pussy.” Hunter grasped my hair and pulled me against his taut torso. “My thumb in your ass, owning you. I can't wait to get my dick in there,” he growled in my ear as his dirty words grew hurried, his thrusts becoming brutal before Hunter let out a long groan that vibrated from him straight into me. And I finally understood what he’d been saying when he was losing himself in me. “You’ll never leave.”

  I fell back into Hunter’s arms, feeling raw and deliciously tingly, and burrowed into his hard body. My golden boy. Except he so wasn't. That was the very last thing he was. At first glance he’d seemed so, the attraction undeniable with the straight cut suit and bubbling creativity, but I couldn't have seen what lay beneath. The tattoos, the scars, the darkness. He didn’t make sense. He was a walking enigma, but now I had some of the answers. And the answers were more terrifying than even the questions had been.

rough palms smoothed up my arms and circled soapy fingers at my shoulders in a slow massage.

  “I have one question,” I asked, afraid of the answer, but knowing I needed it. I sucked in a deep breath and closed my eyes, turning away from his grip at my chin.

  “Shoot,” he said matter-of-factly, but I could feel the tension in his shoulders. This was deep. This was scary. I would be crazy not to prefer the safely ensconced reality of my suburban life before Hunter had existed.

  “Who should I be afraid of more? Him,” I turned to Hunter, “Or you?”

  Slow moments passed until Hunter’s beautifully sculpted lips pressed together and his eyes held mine, unwavering. “That depends who wins the war.”


  Hunter's hands tightened at my neck, the pads of his fingers digging into the tight tendons. I winced and pulled away before turning and catching the vacant look in his eyes. “Growing up,” he started, “I never knew what business JW was in, until I hit the street and heard word. JW has power. He’s got sway in this city. He's got law enforcement in his pocket, and if someone important goes missing, chances are I could point a finger at the culprit…under the same fucking roof.” His fists tightened as I watched the muscles in his neck and shoulders tense and bunch.

  “But I thought…God, I thought you were just a photographer…” I ran soapy circles in the water with my fingertips, lost in the vastness of it all. “How didn’t I know Brant was into all this?” I choked the words out, angry at Brant's deception, and Hunter's.

  “First off, JW knows everyone and everything that happens in this city. He knows more than anyone.” Hunter’s eyes turned away again and his hands began rubbing a soothing motion on my calves beneath the water. “And white-collar criminals usually excel at deception--most wives don't have the slightest inkling,” Hunter answered, leaving me feeling even more broken.

  “So what the fuck am I supposed to do?” I jolted from the water and stepped out of the tub before he could catch me. “You shouldn’t have followed me back. You have to go.” I wrapped a towel around my torso, feeling emotionally abused in a way that was all too familiar.

  “I'm not leaving.” Hunter’s voice followed me out when I turned to find him dripping and wet, bubbles trailing down the hard angles of his pelvis. His cock hung flaccid but heavy at his thigh as he glared. I sucked in a lip before his mouth quirked to one side, his eyes flashing in challenge.

  “Go.” I pointed to the door, more determined than ever to get my life back. Figure all of this out in my brain, connect the dots, if there even were any to connect.

  “Not a chance. Not leaving you like this, Princess.” He crossed his arms and his smile grew as I gnawed on my lip, becoming more distracted by his alarming yet proud nakedness. “I don't want you to be alone, and I don't want to be alone. So that makes you stuck with me.” His smile widened further before he turned and strutted to the kitchen, buck naked. My jaw dropped as I watched his retreating form before rushing after him just as he pulled a beer from the fridge and uncapped it with the edge of the counter top.

  “You can’t stay. What if Brant comes home?” I began grasping at straws, knowing how unlikely it was for Brant to show up any time soon.

  “I don't give a fuck about your husband.”

  “Hunter, you can't just force yourself on me like this. I don't want a bodyguard.” I ran a hand through my hair as my thoughts rattled. Stubborn blood ran through every vein in my body. I couldn't stand the idea of having my freewill taken away from me, even if it was only temporarily and by a man that was the walking representation of male perfection.

  “I thought you wouldn’t mind.” He winked and pinched my chin, placing a sloppy kiss straight on my lips before brushing past me and heading back to the bathroom. A moment later I heard him slosh into the tub.

  “You can’t stay!” I called and wrapped my towel around me more tightly, unsure of whether I should kick him out or head back into that tub and feel the long hard length of him pressed into the back of my throat. My arousal won when I padded back into the bathroom after him.

  He sipped his beer as he soaked in the fluffy white bubbles. What a contrast he was, the golden beautiful soldier soaking in my frilly tub with bubbles and a beer. He was all man, take him or leave him, and I found myself wanting to take, and often. “Get used to me, Princess.”

  “What about when I have shit to do? Appointments? I don't need a bodyguard. I'm not good at being under someone's thumb.” I shot him a glare.

  Hunter's lips twitched in amusement before he fixed his frown and narrowed his eyes on me. “Fine. You get a couple hours a day, but my number is the emergency contact on your phone. Public places only, and keep your eyes open for suspicious people. Can you do that for me?” he huffed, but his eyes twinkled with amused exasperation.

  “Thank you.” I plopped myself on the toilet seat, fidgeting with a string hanging from the towel before I glanced to find Hunter’s eyes watching me with quiet peace. “Do you think JW would kill me?” I asked.

  Hunter's eyes held mine for long, agonizing beats. His lean throat swallowed as a hand exited the soapy water and dripped a path across the tile to lock with mine. “I don't know, I can't predict anything he does before he does it.” He ran a hand through his closely cropped hair. “But I won't give him a chance. You are my priority.” Hunter leaned out of the tub and caught my chin between his fingers to place a sloppy kiss on my lips.

  “I can't believe this is happening.” I shook my head and ran fingers through my hair. I chanced a glance to find pain radiating from his eyes.

  My heart swelled and felt like it may drown in tears as my mind cast to memories of nights Brant stayed away from home with needle-thin alibis about working late and landing big accounts. I knew now that I'd stayed because it'd been the easier thing to do, getting caught up in the luxurious lifestyle had been the Band-aid for a while, until the lack of love and connection formed like a dark cloud over our home leaving me feeling choked and oppressed.

  But then the nights away had gotten more frequent and the calls more distant. The pretense for alibis seemed to be tossed in favor of casual omission. We'd been lying to each other -- even I'd felt it between us back then. My heart had begun to harden towards him, had frozen to keep his pain away. It’d been slow coming, but it’d been coming.

  Just as always, I'd found myself left in the dark, but when presented with the facts, I couldn’t actually say that I did believe my husband over Hunter Ellis

  “So, you want my help to bring my husband down?” I turned away, chewing on my lip.

  “I would never ask you to do that.” He splashed from the tub and set his beer on the counter before wrapping a towel around his waist and pulling me into his strong arms. “Let’s talk.”

  I huffed and dragged my feet all the way to my bedroom where I tucked into a pillow, curled up in the fetal position, giving him my back.

  “Don’t do that; it fucking eats me alive when you turn away from me.” Hunter fitted himself behind me and wrapped me in his giant arms, making me feel as safe as I’d ever felt.

  “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to believe,” I said as my stomach turned in painful figure eights. “I think I might be sick.”

  “Take deep breaths,” he murmured into my hair as he ran a palm down the long strands. “I’m so sorry. I’ve never done this before, but I didn’t know how deep Brant was in with JW until he started asking questions about you.”

  I sucked a lip into my mouth. “But can’t we go to the police? Let him rot in jail--”

  “That’s not how it works,” he cut me off.

  “What do you mean that’s not how it works? It’s the law -- of course that’s how it works. I don’t give a fuck who John Ellis Walker is!” I shrieked and turned in his arms, trying to push him off and away from me. Only his arms tightened further and he wouldn’t let me go.

  “Please, Hunter. I don’t want any part of this.”

  “I know,” he grunted. “B
ut it’s too late, Princess. You’re in it, but I promise, I’ll get us out of it.”

  “So…you’re just going to stay here? With me?” I uttered, flabbergasted at the audacity of him.

  “It will be just like it was, a lot of photo shoots, a little business, more sleepovers.” His hands ran up my torso, lighting fireworks.

  “I don’t know how you expect me to do this. What do I do when he calls?”

  “If he calls, Erin, you have to let him come home.”

  “What if he just shows up and I'm not home? What do I say then?”

  “You were out working. You got a new job with an incredibly talented photographer.” His mouth lifted in a sarcastic grin, but I couldn't get caught up in his charm right now. My brain was running mad.

  I sucked a lip between my teeth and gnashed. I thought about going to the police. I still wavered there. Could I really trust Hunter? I’d known him for a matter of weeks. I had years of history with Brant and still something hadn’t sat right with him the last few years. More business meetings overseas, late night calls, and after-hours meetings. I delved the recesses of my memory searching for John Walker’s face—perhaps he'd been to my house, or I'd seen him at Brant's office? But I came up empty. I was positive I’d never met him before, and those calculating golden eyes I couldn’t easily shake.

  “How can you ask me to pretend everything is normal?” I choked out.

  “I’m not asking. I’m telling.” Hunter’s heavy voice resounded in my ears. “Everything stays as is—we do the photo shoots we have planned, not a single thing can be off or JW knows I told you. And that can't happen, Erin. JW is a cold-blooded killer -- we can't ever find ourselves on his bad side. I mean it when I say it’s you and me until this is over. I’m the best thing for you whether you believe that or not.”


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