The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)

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The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story) Page 2

by Nicole Jordan

  But it would do for now.

  She giggled, actually giggled as she reached over him and opened his door. “After you,” She gestured.

  He slid out and watched her as she followed him, sliding off of the seat of his truck and down onto the ground before she turned around and slammed the door shut.

  “I can’t wait to get my prize inside.”

  “You mean my hat?”

  “No, you.”

  “Didn’t reckon I was the prize.” He grinned at her. Didn’t matter if he won at pool or not. He got exactly what he wanted.

  “The ultimate one.”

  Funny he thought that about her. He wrapped his arm around her and took in her scent, her body fitting up against his, the thin frame comfortable, but again, not perfect.

  He liked a woman with some meat on her.

  “What kinda drinks you got in there?” He still hadn’t forgotten what he came to forget, and he needed to get some more alcohol in him quick.

  “Tequila.” It would work all right.

  “Limes?” he asked.

  “How do you know?”

  “It’s what you wanted at the bar. You seem like that kinda girl.” His hand dipped lower on her back the pockets of her jeans, grabbing what he wanted, but it only seemed to make her friendlier.

  “Baby, you have no idea who I am.”

  Oh he knew her type, right down to the pseudo-western decor that he was sure adorned her home. Letoya grabbed her keys and started jingling them in her hand. Suddenly, she stopped and turned, looking at him. “Are you a real cowboy?” she asked.


  “I wanna know. Are you a real cowboy? You got the hat and the dirt. Are you?”

  “I dunno, I’m a bull rider. That real enough for you?” He watched as she leaned against him, her dark skin against his light. It was a beautiful contrast, and to be honest, it made him thankful for all the different kinds of people in the world.

  Not everyone was just like him.

  “Sure is.” She said, grinning as she turned and put her key in the lock. “I like real cowboys.”


  Just as he predicted. Luke walked in to an array of western decor stretching all the way back to the obvious 1970’s. This girl loved her some cowboys.

  That was exactly what he was going to give her. Luke didn’t waste any time, rather than saying a word he headed right for her liquor cabinet and started pulling down bottles and shot glasses. Dammit, he needed a quick pick me up.

  “You want one or two?” He asked, filling them up.

  “One. No. Two.” She said as she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. He could feel those firm breasts on his back, teasing him.

  His cock twitched.

  “I can do that.” He poured them each two shots and then grabbed one, slamming it down his throat, then the other.

  She grabbed on of hers. “Slow down there, cowboy. Don’t want you to be passing out before I even got you in my bed.” Letoya slammed down a couple of her own.

  It wouldn’t matter. She just needed to take it all off and take him to that little land of pleasure that would let him forget all of his disappointments. Forget that he was a disappointment.

  He shook away the dark thoughts that were threatening to overtake him and turned so that instead of facing away from Letoya, he was facing towards her.

  Such a welcome little distraction.

  “You gonna chase down my alcohol with a little kiss?” he asked, grabbing her and pulling her into him. She giggled, but made no move to push him away, instead folding herself into his arms. She was pliable and soft, just like he liked them.

  And her kiss was excellent.

  Those salty sweet lips touched his and pulled at his memories, stuffing them away and forcing him to live in the here and now. To be perfectly present without having to think, and that was exactly what he wanted.

  He held onto the kiss, but she bit his lip a tiny little growl escaping from in-between her teeth.

  Damn, this woman was certainly feisty. He grabbed her up and pulled her into him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  “Which way to the bedroom?”

  She didn’t say anything, buried too deeply into his neck, she just kept kissing him, pointing in the direction of the hallway.

  He would have to figure it out for himself. He carried her down the hallway, looking into two different little rooms before he came upon what had to of been her bedroom.

  It was small, like the little apartment, but it would do.

  He threw her down onto the bed and looked over at her, practically salivating with desire.

  “Jesus, you throw all the girls around like that?” she asked biting her lip.

  “If I can get away with it.” Fuck, he liked that.

  She just gave a little snort and looked up at him from the bed.

  “What are you planning on doing with me, Luke?”

  “Whatever I damn well please.”

  It spurred him on, and he shucked off her skirt in record time. Leaving her in just her tank top and panties, Luke reveled in her body, letting it chase away all of his anxiety about the rodeo, about everything she took matters into her own hands and pulled his shirt off, his rippling muscles obvious in the moonlight. Luckily there were no clouds and the night was clear.

  She ran her fingers down his chest, dipping into each groove as she felt the contours of his muscles. She bit the edge of her lip and then looked up at him.

  “You work out a lot?” she asked.

  Life as a cowboy, as a farmer, was not easy. But rather than saying anything deep he just gave her a look. “What do you think?”

  It wasn’t the first time he was asked, but she could tell that she was all about his muscles. She must’ve loved them. Her hands floated across the various bumps of muscle, and the scars. Some put there from the damn bulls, some from work, and some from her.

  Dammit. He didn’t want to think about that bitch right now.

  Instead he wanted to concentrate on Letoya, so he bent down and kissed her, letting her control the depth of it. But she was hot, and she was lustful, and in the end they were both panting from the passion of that kiss.

  “If you keep touching me like this, I won’t be able to control myself. Is that what you want?” Mischief flashed in her eyes as he admitted it. It was like she was searching for that very question.

  “Yes. Very much.” She reached for his pants and pushed them down, just enough to give her taste of his big cock. It left him exposed and she meant to take advantage. “I want the real you. The cowboy in you. I ain’t looking for anything less.”

  Neither was he.

  Standing before her he removed his belt from his already open jeans and placed the big buckle on her nightstand, then pushed his pants down to his ankles and stepped out them. He was standing there in next to nothing, so she must have decided to help by reaching over and tugging on his boxer briefs. Giving an appreciative whistle as she pulled them them down so she could free him.

  “You’re a big’un.”

  “So they tell me.”

  Letoya wrapped her hand around his girth, making him lose just a little control, his cock twitching ever so slightly, but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she felt it. “Damn, you are going to be fun to play with.”

  Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him down onto the bed and giggled, shifting so that he was laying at she was in control. Or at least she thought she was.

  Luke never gave that up.

  “Damn,” She said again as she inspected his body. “You really are perfect.”

  “Far from it.” Luke reached down and grabbed her tank top pulling it off to reveal perfect, yet small fleshy mounds that giggled just a little as the fabric came off.

  His rough, calloused hands cupped one, gripping her deep red nipple and giving it a pinch before he let his hands wander lower, dipping down to the waistband of her panties and into them. He wanted to fe
el her desire, to know exactly what she wanted from him.

  She was so wet that the crotch of her panties were completely soaked. Damn.

  “You want me?” He asked, looking up into her eyes.

  He slipped off those panties.

  “Right now I do.” She admitted, her voice hungry with lust as he slipped one of those fingers into her, making a slight come hither motion while she bucked into his hand.

  This was the kind of control he was looking for. He couldn’t make the bull keep him on, he couldn’t make her do him right, but he could make this girl, this one, right here, cum for him. And that was going to have to do.

  She bucked into his hand and then reached for him. “Damn, boy. I wanna fuck you. Please.”

  It wasn’t a request, not really, but he didn’t care. Anything to numb it all. To make him forget. He pulled himself out of her and reached for his jeans. Grabbing a condom from his wallet he grinned at her and ripped it off, unwrapping it and rolling it over himself.

  Now he was ready for her.

  Luke climbed over her and looked down, into her eyes. Letoya grinned at him, wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

  “Please, Luke.”

  He spread her legs with his knee and waited, just to make her beg.

  “What do you want?” he asked, a smirk on his face. He was a cocky lover, and he knew it.

  “Your cock,” she answered.

  Good enough for him.

  Luke thrust himself into her, his cock filling her as she arched her back and rose to meet him. Her eyes fluttered like that was what she was looking for the whole time.

  “Oh yeah, that was what I wanted,” she purred.

  He just grunted and thrust himself into her again, his instincts taking over. He grabbed her whole body and flipped her around with him inside of her, so that he was on his back again and she was on top of him. He wanted to watch her body move and shake as she rode him.

  And she did. She moved up and down that hard shaft like a beautiful dancer. All he had to do was watch.

  It wasn’t long before the two of them were convulsing in each other’s arms, their orgasm taking them at the exact same time.

  When she was done she collapsed on him and wrapped her arms around him. He was content to let the two of them lay there until they both fell asleep.


  Luke shook his head and looked over to his right where a warm body should have been, but wasn’t. Instead he saw his hat, a little card tucked into the band of it.

  It was a bit too big, and it looked better on you anyways.

  Call me if you ever want a rematch.


  On the other side was a number. He grinned and sat up, the unfamiliar room illuminated in the morning light streaming through the trees. Damn, his head hurt. He put the Sam hat on and searched for the rest of his clothing, judging by the light streaming in he wasn’t going to be able to make it to the early practice. Not that he was expected to show anyway, he had a rodeo last night. Still, standing around with a cup of spiked coffee and a bunch of the guys sounded like it would do the trick. Maybe he could catch the eight o’clock rides…

  He threw on his clothing and walked out into the living room. Letoya must have gone to work. Too bad, he could have used another go with that little filly.

  At least she left him with a glass of orange juice, and a muffin. Breakfast and a show, he just might have to call her again.

  He grabbed hem both and headed out the door, taking one last look at the flat metal die cast hanging on the door. It was a silhouette of a man on a bull. He snorted. Even in a bar he could spot a buckle bunny.

  Luke hopped up in his truck and fired it to life. Part of him wondered how she got a ride to work, or wherever she went, but he didn’t need to know. He just needed to get back to the training facility and let the guys get their licks in before complaining of their own performances. Life would get back to normal and he could concentrate on the thing that mattered the most.

  His next rodeo.

  Luke backed out of her driveway and took a right, navigating the twisty road until he was outside of town and well on his way to the guys. The ride as soothing, a little bit different than his own commute, but that was what made it so nice. So calming.

  He could concentrate on the road and the scenery around it. Keep his mind from wandering. Until his damn cellphone rang.

  He looked down. Great, the boss man wanted him.

  “What do you need?” he asked, not even bothering to give a formal greeting.

  “I need you to get your ass into the office. Got an issue up here.”

  “Dammit. I’ll be right there.”

  “Great, keep this quiet, will you?” With that the phone clicked to silence.

  He sighed and stopped in the middle of the road, using the opportunity to make a three point turn and head in the opposite direction.


  “I asked you here because I need you to do something for me.” Hank said as he motioned for him to take a seat.

  Luke just stood there.

  “Why couldn’t you just ask me over the phone?”

  Hank sighed and walked over grabbing two cups and pouring them both coffee from his personal pot. He handed a cup to Luke, black, just the way he liked it, and sat down in his own seat on the other side of the desk.

  “This is something, a little more sensitive.” He was hesitating, and it made Luke nervous.

  “What do you mean, Hank?”

  “Look, you can’t tell anyone. No members of the board, no one. Not even…”

  “I’ll leave her out of it. I got it. So what do you want me to do?” Luke just wanted to get down to it.

  “Catch a thief.” Hank threw down a folder on the desk.

  Luke sat down and leaned in, this was something that he could really get into. “Tell me more.”

  “I need your help. Jayda is ready, she is coming home. But someone is trying to sabotage her. And I need you to help me find out who that is.”


  “River’s daughter. She’s a real fire pistol, but since her dad’s death, things have gotten, a bit rocky.” Luke knew what he was talking about. People were saying she was running things into the ground, but really, she hadn’t been running anything.

  If he could help Rivers and Fields, he would. He would do anything for this company that practically raised him.

  Jayda Rivers loved the way the last days of the rodeo were framed against a fall sky, the leaves just beginning to turn and a bit of a chill in the air. It was the ambiance that made her attend each and every year. The dance between a wild, angry animal and a determined man sucked her right in. All the guys she knew called her contrary because she not-so-secretly hoped man lost and the bull or the bronco was able to stay defiant, angry. There was a soft spot in her heart for the bull.

  That came from her father.

  Her father taught her to respect the process, to care for the bull and the rider equally. He rode bull for years. Not always for the money, although it helped, but because he loved the thrill of it. When his age finally started catching up with him, he trained bull riders. That was how he kept the family together, at least in name. Award winners make good coaches.

  They make even better agents.

  Jayda settled in the reserve section, as close to the action as she could get without riding herself. She craned her neck to look towards the audience, searching the crowd. She knew old Thomas wouldn’t be in it, but nevertheless she wanted to see the excitement in the eyes of children as the first rider burst out of the gate.

  Jayda grew up around the circuit and she loved it, even now. Back then it wasn’t as diverse, but today, Latin, Black, and Native American riders were everywhere. It made her feel less out of place than when she was younger. When she was the Black daughter of a white rider.

  Now she could take it all in the way she wanted to, like the woman she was, the one who loved the rodeo. And she
didn’t feel like all eyes were on her.

  “Ah, there is my Rodeo Princess. I thought you would be here a little later, but when I saw that tan hat in the stands, I knew it had to be you.” A gray muzzled man sat down beside her, his tone gruff, but kind as he pressed on the brim of her hat. She always wore her father’s hat to the rodeo, for good luck and a memory. “See you are finally getting into the spirit this year. How is your mom doing?”

  “She’s pretty good.”

  “That’s good to hear. Haven’t heard from her in a while,” Thomas remarked. He looked more like her father than her dad did, the darker African American man was like an uncle to her. Always there. Even when he father wasn’t.

  Her mom and her dad divorced years ago, and she was granted custody of her daughter. That didn't stop them from an off and on relationship that lasted up until the day he died. Even with all that turmoil, Jayda still spent a lot of time with her father though, and he even came up for holidays.

  She was the only one in the family who could take over for him. The only one who could step into his shoes and it made it hard to pick up the life he left behind. That’s why it fell to her. The business. The accounts. The ranch. Everything.

  The lawyers, and hell even the therapists, everyone said that she just had to let her work it out for herself. To focus on her own needs.

  So she did. And a part of that was stepping up and taking over her father’s business. He left it to her in his entirety.

  Thomas had been her father’s best friend, business partner, and a second father to her.

  “Thanks for insisting I come. Been a while since I got to one of these.”

  “It takes a while to get into the business, and you got some pretty big shoes to fill, but I think it’s time, don't you?”

  She smiled and leaned into him, “So who looks good?”

  “Well, I’m managin’ a couple this year, but the first one out of the gate is one of my favorites. Luke Daniels.” He pointed to the top of her billing. She flipped the pamphlet to the Bull Riding section, searching for that name. Luke Daniels.


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