The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)

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The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story) Page 14

by Nicole Jordan

  Her entire body melted as the wave of pleasure washed over her, her little pussy undulating around Thane’s thick fingers.

  Damn, he was so good at this.

  Had a lot of practice. That thought nagged at her, but she pushed it away, refusing to let anything dampen this experience. Evening threatened, the sun dipping low behind the trees. It wasn’t down, not yet, but it was there, waiting for her.

  It dawned on her in that moment, she didn’t want anything else but him. Luke. He was handsome, and dark, and sometimes a little too broody for her tastes, but she secretly liked it. Loved it.

  Hell, she loved him.

  But there was no way she was going to tell him she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  He climbed up her, his arms wrapping around her body as he shifted the two of them again, now on his back with her straddling him.

  He pulled her down for that salty sweet kiss, the one that combined his taste with her own.

  Luke was right, they went together.

  “What do you want?” She asked, a smirk on her face as she took his hard cock into his hand, feeling the girth of it as she slid up and down his shaft.

  “You know exactly what I want, and you are going to give it to me," he said, grinning as he pulled her down for another kiss. “Now.”

  “Tell me,” she dared to demand. “Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “I want to be inside you, Jayda.” His voice bordered on dangerous as he grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up, positioning her just right, so that she was back on his lap in that truck. It was cramped, but she didn’t care, her want was too real, and nothing would stop her from getting exactly what she needed.

  “Give me what I want.”

  Normally Jayda would have been temped to say no, but right now she wanted him too much to play any game of cat and mouse.

  Jayda descended down his cock, every bit of him going in an inch at a time until he was in her, filling her all the way to the brim.

  It felt exquisite.

  She rocked a little, getting used to the sensation of him inside of her before gripping his shoulders, her nails digging in. Just a little. A bit of pain to increase the pleasure. From the way he bucked into her, she could tell he liked it.

  “Fuck me, Jayda,” he whispered, grabbing a hold of those hips a second time and moving her whole body.

  She rocked with his movements, riding him faster and faster, using his strength to guide her to a speed she would not have been able to get to without him. “Ride me hard.”

  It was a struggle to lose control for him, she could see the battle raging in his body, his his eyes. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her. That was what made her want him even more, because, like the very first time they made love, he let her have control. He surrounded to her.

  That man was so used to controlling things that he couldn’t help but take over, his legs spread as he wrapped his arms around her body, bringing her to new heights as he used his leverage to press in deeper, fucking her harder.

  She came like that, in his lap, holding on tight as he shoved his cock into her over and over again. Screaming out, like she would breathe her last breath as another, more potent orgasm washed over her, bringing that little bit of pain that happens with too much pleasure. She reveled in it as he came with her, his moans drowning hers out.

  She was lost in him.

  He held her like that for a long time, his arms wrapped around her body. Touching her, holding her tight as she collapsed on him. She was exhausted.

  After a little while, though, he pushed her back onto the seat.

  “What?” She asked, still in a dreamlike trance.

  “Get dressed, baby.”


  “I still wanna take you to that party.”

  Party? She had forgotten all about it. She nodded almost absently.

  “You still wanna go? Or you wanna go home, maybe give it another go?”

  “You said there are people I need to meet at this party?” Her senses starting coming back to her. She needed to blend, meet people. It was a strategy that he kept advocating for, and he was right. It was going to help her in the long term.

  “Yeah, baby. We got another rodeo in three days, and this one isn’t nearly as small as Loredo, every guy that is going to be at the rodeo will be there.” He pulled his pants back up and buttoned them, turning the truck on, looking at her. Waiting for her to dress.

  “You sure they’ll like me?” She wasn’t usually so self conscious, but this seemed different somehow.

  “I like you, and that is all that matters.”

  “I thought you said there was a party we were going to?” Jayda gripped hard to the armrest, clinging tightly to the side of the door.

  “You’ll see.” He was tight lipped as he pushed on, driving around the edge of the open field until they came to a small clearing in the woods. It wasn’t long before she saw another clearing with a line of cars parked up against the border with the trees.

  “Everyone is going to be there? Everyone who works for me?”

  “Well, not everyone, but a good number of people. It’ll mean a lot to them, to see that you care about them. Your dad used to come out a lot, get drunk with the guys. Especially a few days before the rodeo.”

  She wasn’t her dad, and at times she felt like she would never be anywhere near as good as him. This was one of those times.

  “You sure this is a good idea?” She asked, her nerves closing in on her. The last thing that she wanted to do was alienate the people that she needed to convince to trust her.

  “Trust me,” he said, and she wanted to. She wanted to trust him more than anything else in that very moment, but her intense pragmatism warned her otherwise.

  Luke parked the truck along the line of other cars against the trees. There was no turning back now, her only option was to get out of the car and mean it with all of these employees. It was an opportunity to get to know her clients and while she was hesitant, she was also thankful that Luke would do this for her. He really cared about her success.

  Getting out of the truck, Luke shot her one final look. “Okay, we can go home if you really want, but I promise you this is an opportunity that you don't want to miss. If you back out today you aren’t gonna have a whole lot of chances to get to know the guys who are riding for you.”

  He was right and she knew it. Steeling her resolve, Jayda slid across the vinyl seat in the cab and hopped down, using his shoulders for leverage. Every time she felt his body against her own it transported her to a state of calm. She knew that he would never purposely interject her into a difficult situation. Luke had her business in the forefront of his mind.

  “Are you going to be with me the entire time?"

  "I won't be far away, Jayda. Even if I'm not right by your side all you have to do is say my name.It isn’t like I'm gonna be in another town.”

  She nodded absently, trying to remember all of the things that her dad told her about interacting with the men. Be honest. Be fair. Be friendly.

  Those weren’t hard things to accomplish. Surely she could do that.

  At least that was what she kept telling herself.

  She followed him down the path towards the illumination of the towering bonfire. Dark silhouettes stood around the crackling and flaming logs as the sun dipped down over the trees making way to night.

  “Hey, man. Didn’t think you were going to make it,” A very large, very boisterous man clasped arms with Luke then looked over at her. “Who is this young filly?”

  “Clayton, this is Jayda. She is the new owner of Fields and Rivers. Jayda, this is Clayton, he—”

  “—He supplies some of the horses, the work animals, is that correct?’ She remembered some mention of it from Dustin.

  “Yes ma'am, remember exactly right. I'm surprised you've heard of me. I'm pleased to meet you.” Clayton extended his hand to her, taking it and shaking with gusto.

  He clearly did not defer to her
based on her gender.

  “You live in Ohio, is that right?”

  “That is where my horse farm is located, but I try to make it to all of these. The rodeo is a personal hobby of mine, love to watch it, but I also have a lot of friends here.”

  “Don’t let him fool you, everything is a personal hobby of his,” a young Blondie said, , “Well, everything except settling down. When you going to make that happen, Clay?” She gave him a wink and then smiled.“Tammy Lynn. Barrel racer, we work over with the equestrian and horse training center. Got my horse from that big oaf. He sure can train ‘em.” She punched Clayton in the arm and then stepped a bit closer to Jayda.

  “Hey, now. I don’t need your personal harassment,” Clay joked stepping away from her before she could land another punch.

  Tammy Lynn ignored him completely after that.

  “I’m guessing you haven’t met too many others, besides the bull riders?” She asked leaning up against a bale of hay.

  “You would guess pretty much right, just bull riders and the heads of the centers. Everything has been a whirlwind, to be honest.” Jayda shrugged. “It has gone by so fast.”

  “Yeah, taking over a company is not easy. In my off time, I manage my own farm, but that is because my Grandpa is getting along in age, and passed it on. Was not easy. I can’t even imagine taking over a company of this size or scale.” This woman was blunt, but friendly, and Jayda happened to like that. An easy smile came to her lips.

  Tammy Lynn grabbed her arm and pulled, “Why don’t we let the guys mingle, and I can introduce you to all the ladies. They have been dying to meet you,. A woman running a company is not something that happens too often around here.”

  Great, not only did she have to meet a bunch of employees, but she also had to interact with women. Not exactly her strong suit.

  “Oh, okay.” She let herself be shuffled off with little more than a wave towards Luke, and, before she knew it, there was a beer in her one hand, her other arm grasped by Tammy.

  “Girls, I have someone here y'all need to meet. We were just talking about her, actually. Ladies, Jayda. Jayda, these are all the ladies, least the one’s that matter,” she chuckled but continued, “Some of them are equestrian, here for the party, but most are racers, like me. Though, we do allow the occasional buckle bunny, if they are serious about their man.”

  “Hey!” A cry came from towards the back of the small crowd.

  The other girls chuckled. They introduced themselves one by one, and she tried to remember all of their names, but it was a lot, and honestly, she never had a great memory anyways.

  After they asked a few questions, most of them disbursed, leaving her with just a few women standing around.

  She sipped her beer nervously and looked in the general direction of the fire.

  “So, did you come with Luke?” Tammy asked, leaning in towards her. “Are you two like, together?”

  “I heard that you were.” One of the women, Jen, maybe, or Liz, commented. She couldn’t remember.


  “He is really damn hot, but, the guy never stays with anyone. Never really heard of him with anyone, other than a one night stand, if you know what I mean? I just assumed he didn’t have time for any of us.” Tammy said.

  “I dunno, we are friends.” Jayda bit her lip and looked over at him. The way he watched her said that they were anything but friends. She still didn’t know exactly what they were, though, so better to play it safe.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so.” Tammy said, her frank words pulling Jayda out of her thoughts. “That boy wants you, bad. Hell of a rider, though”

  “Is he as good as I’m told?” Jayda asked, suddenly curious, she wanted to know what what the women thought of him.

  “In bed, or on a bull?”

  “I would say yes to both,” One of the girls chimed in, winking. Jayda couldn't help a blush, the idea of woman talking about Luke was almost too much to take. Jayda logged it away to process later.

  “I dunno about that, seems like he just takes whatever he can get. In the ring and outside it. My man says he ain’t that damn good, and his career is a fucking fluke.” The brunette was harsh, but she was obviously too drunk to care. “I heard he was seeing that fucking bitch who took over the place. Hear she is a real money grubbing piece of shit.” The buckle bunny took the time in-between sentences to drink from her red plastic cup.

  This woman obviously did not not know who she was talking too, even if Tammy and the others did.

  The didn't say a damn word, just watched and waited for her reaction.

  “What else did you hear?” She asked, she couldn’t help it. She should have told the woman, but she really wanted to know.

  “My man said she was running the entire business into the ground. I don’t know much about her, I mean, damn, I am just a the woman of a rider, but that bitch has been fucking shit up left and right.”

  “Damn, Marie. You are a bitch. You even know who you are talkin’ to?” Tammy finally stepped in, her voice even.

  She was thankful for the save.

  “What? Just tellin’ it how it is.”

  “Walk away, before you get your man fired. That is his fucking agent, you idiot. Jayda. Rivers. She owns the whole fucking thing.”

  “Shit. Oh well. She needed to hear it.” Marie shrugged her shoulders and turned, walking towards another group of women.

  What a bitch.

  “Don't listen to that bitch, she never has a nice thing to say about anyone.”

  “Yeah, thanks for the save.”

  “Do you want my advice?” Tammy didn’t wait for a response, “about Luke. Don’t get too attached. I know he is handsome, and friendly, and he has taken some kind of shine to you. Who wouldn’t? Pretty, nice, from what I can tell, and rich. It is like the perfect combination. But Luke, he ain’t the kind of guy who stays.”

  “Well, thank you for the advice, if you excuse me, I am going to go ahead and enjoy the night, over there.”

  She pointed off into the distance, down towards the bonfire.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you, just want to warn you. Because, you know, you seem like a nice person. No one deserves to get their heart broken if they can help it. My friend, she fell for him. He took her home, fucked her, left her. It happens all the time. He’s just going to use you up too, a part of who he is. His heart has been chewed up and spit out. Don’t got one left.”

  Instead of getting angry, she excused herself and walked away from the ladies, down towards the fire.

  She sat on an upended log and finished her beer. It was a lot to think about, but not something she was surprised about. He seemed like the kind who didn’t stick around, hell, she was the same way. Never get attached. Don’t let them hurt you, don’t let them tear you to pieces. She had seen the way her parents relationship was, and it was the last thing she wanted.

  So she normally kept her distance.

  But Luke, he the way he came along into her world, the way he shattered the wall she built. The one that kept the pain away, it was different with him. He was different. She could feel it in her soul.

  “Well, what do we have here?" A deep voice called out from the distance as he walked towards them. “If it isn't Miss Moneybags herself, I never thought you would deign to come to one of these events.”

  “I’m sorry, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet. You must be…”

  “Marcus James. My friends call me Mark."

  If she was the kind of person who used clichés she would've called him a tall drink of water. But she wasn't, So she just did there slack-jawed will he introduced himself.

  "I've heard a lot about you, and ain't much of it been good. Still, Luke seems to think that you're alright. So I guess that will have to do."

  He held out his hand for her to shake, But before she could take it Luke was beside her grasping the man's hand.

  “Mark, glad you could make it. I see you I see you met the rodeo Princ
ess already.”

  “I don't know, man. You say that she's alright, but she looks like a city girl if I've ever seen one. You sure she's going to be able to run things around here?"

  “I’m standing right here,” Jayda said, her patience wearing thin, but Luke just smiled and ignored her. Thought he was being cute? Well, he wasn’t.

  “She is not what you think she is. The guys were pissed at first, especially when they thought she was less than genuine, but they are coming around. She really has the soul of her old man. I’m tellin’ you.”

  “I’m right freaking here.” She said, delivering her signature glare. He was already immune.

  “Yes, you are.” Mark tipped his hat at her and gave her a little wink.

  It only served to make her blush further, but the brewing of her anger was still underneath the surface. She left completely vulnerable when Luke should have been defending her.

  Mark gave a little chuckle. “Sorry, we have been talking about you for weeks. I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “Are you one of my employees, Mark?” she asked, trying to regain her composure.

  “What? No. I grew up around the rodeo, though. Had a parent in the business. He was a bull rider.”

  “Really, I never knew that about you. I mean, I knew you grew up around it, but you never said you had a dad in it.” Luke admitted, his arm wrapping around the small of Jayda’s back. She was too angry to want him to touch her. She hated when people condescended to her, talked about her like she wasn’t there. Her mother was famous for that.

  She pushed him away and sidestepped to give herself a little more room, taking note of his expression.

  “Yeah, not much of a parent, don’t talk about him much, but he tried now and again. So I hung around the rodeo, with this son of a bitch, and with your dad. You know how it is, the daughter of a rider yourself.”

  “I do. A lot of time spent just me and my mom.”

  “I know the feeling.” She believed he did, there was a sadness in his eyes that she recognized. The kind that plagued her. All those birthdays, and holidays missed. Either for the rodeo, or his business. The kind that left her a little bit hollow inside.


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