Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2)

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Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2) Page 16

by Mel LeBrun

  “Right now, it appears the only thing that would come of us investigating Meier is Jessica being arrested for computer crimes and bank fraud.”

  Michael let out a deep sigh. “All right. Thanks for the info. You got our passports coming?”

  “You'll have them tomorrow.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “No problem, Michael. Take it easy.”

  Michael related everything Gatti had told him to Martin, Josh and Jessica. The situation was hopeless. If they wanted to take down Meier, they would need Jeff's help. No one was thrilled; least of all, Michael.

  He agreed to at least hear what Jeff had to say and then make a decision about whether or not to proceed. He made it clear to Jessica that if he didn't like what Jeff proposed, there would be no discussion about it, they would not continue. With Martin and Josh on board with Michael, she didn't have any choice but to concede.

  Michael called Jeff to let him know they would be coming over that night. Jeff seemed pleased and offered to send a car to pick them up at five. Michael turned down the ride, opting to drive himself.

  MICHAEL AND Jessica arrived at Jeffrey Bowen's estate shortly after five in the evening. They were greeted by James and led into a magnificent formal living room. Before leaving to inform Jeff of their arrival, James asked if he could get them anything to drink. Jessica asked for a glass of wine. Michael declined.

  A few minutes later, Jeff entered followed by James carrying the glass of wine on a silver tray. Jessica felt physically ill being in the presence of her father.

  “Good evening,” Jeff greeted them warmly with a smile. “I'm so glad you decided to come.”

  “Save it,” Michael responded coldly. “We didn't come to socialize. You know why we're here.”

  Although Jeff was Jessica's father, Michael knew what kind of man he was and how she felt about him and therefore had no desire to spend more than the necessary amount of time with him.

  Jeff's mood deflated. His countenance fell as Jessica took the glass of wine and drank it in one fell swoop.

  “Well, will you be having dinner at least?” he asked.

  “Jess is hungry, so yes,” Michael answered.

  Jeff glanced at her. She stared blankly into her empty glass, refusing to look up at him. He had been hoping for a better reception.

  “Follow me.”

  He led them into a grand room with a long cherry table and carved dining chairs. Large elegant windows overlooked the garden, decorated with beautiful embroidered curtains. A decadent chandelier hung above the table, illuminating the room. It was not the same room Jessica had eaten in before with her father.

  “What was that other room? The dining closet?” she asked, mocking the disparity between the two.

  Jeff gave in to a tepid laugh. “This is the formal dining room. It doesn't get much use. Mostly just for show.”

  “Must not show it to many people, since it doesn't get much use,” she pointed out.

  Jeff smiled casually, trying to ignore her tone. “True.” He gestured to the table.

  Jessica moved to a chair while Michael stepped close to Jeff. Jeff was not easily intimidated yet he felt his pulse race as Michael came near him.

  “Before we begin,” Michael said. “I just need to straighten one thing out.” He looked Jeff dead in the eyes. “If you ever lay a hand on her again, you'll be eating liquids the rest of your life.”

  Michael's menacing tone and demeanor could incite fear in anyone, and Jeff was no exception.

  “I lost my temper,” Jeff explained nervously.

  “Yeah? Lose it again and you'll see me lose mine.”

  “I won't,” Jeff assured him.


  Michael took a seat next to Jessica just as they were bringing the food to the table. Jeff sat a minute later, a slight tremble in his hands from the confrontation with Michael.

  It was quiet as they began to eat. After taking a few bites to satisfy her hunger pains, Jessica got to the purpose of their visit.

  “How do we catch Meier?” she asked.

  Jeff put down his fork as he finished chewing his food. “Terms first.”

  Michael continued eating without seeming to pay any attention. Jeff glanced at him and then back at Jessica. Though she gave him the courtesy of her attention, she made no attempt to hide the contempt she felt for him. It wasn't the reception he hoped for, but it was what he had expected.

  Jeff began, “The first thing you have to agree to is seeing your mother.”

  “You can't make me do that,” Jessica protested.

  Michael continued eating as though they weren't even talking.

  “If you want my help to get Meier, you have to do it. I'm reasonable though. You have a year.”

  “And if I don't?” she said.

  Jeff had anticipated the resistance but was still frustrated by it. “I still have the evidence of you hacking my computer.”

  “So if I don't see Mom, you'll have me put in prison?” she asked angrily.

  “What else?” Michael interrupted. It made no sense to argue about one of the conditions if they would never agree to the others.

  Jeff turned his attention to Michael, who was less emotional. He took a moment to answer, unsure what response his other conditions would receive.

  “If you and my daughter have any children. I would like pictures and updates on how they are doing.”

  “Forget it!” Jessica flatly rejected his request.

  Michael leaned back in his seat and turned to Jessica. He spoke softly. “We're here to hear his terms, not agree to them. We'll talk about it later.” He turned to Jeff. “Is that all?”

  “I don't want her anywhere near Meier.”

  “Agreed. Anything else?”

  “That's all.” Jeff picked up his fork and resumed eating.

  Michael turned to Jessica. “It seems reasonable to me.”

  Jessica gave him a look of sheer disgust. “I'm not sending him pictures of our children,” she said firmly.

  “I don't understand what you're getting so worked up over. It's not like we're going to be having children anyway.”

  “What?” The tone in her voice made it clear she didn't share his view. “What do you mean we're not having kids?”

  He looked at her as though she should know better. “Jess.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “We're in hiding from a Russian mob. We can't have any kids.”

  “So never?”

  “Not as long as we're in hiding. And even then, I don't know.”

  “Michael, I want kids,” she pleaded.

  “We're going to have to talk about that later. For now, are you willing to agree to his terms?”

  Jessica stared at Michael with her mouth open, devastated at the thought of never having kids. They never discussed it, but she had assumed he wanted them. She felt as though her heart had just been ripped out, her anger replaced with overwhelming sadness. Meier didn't seem to matter anymore. Nothing did.

  “I don't care,” she answered.

  Michael turned to Jeff and asked for a moment alone with her. Jeff graciously left so they could talk. After he did, he pulled up the video and audio feeds from the room on his phone and listened as best he could to their conversation.

  Michael put his arm around the back of her chair and moved close to her. “Jess. You don't really think we can bring kids into this life, do you?”

  Her spirit crushed, she didn't answer. She always imagined herself as a mother, giving her kids the life she never had. In her head, she knew Michael was right. They could never raise children living in hiding the way they were. Her heart didn't agree though.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked.

  “I want to go home.” Tears flowed down her cheeks.

  Michael took her face in his hands. “It won't always be like this, Jess. Maybe someday we will have kids. Right now though, we can't think about that. Look at us here. We are in a position to do what no law enforcement agency
can. Take down Meier. And it's because of you. You can save these girls, Jess.”

  She looked away, not wanting to accept what he was saying. He was right though. Whether or not she ever became a mother in the future, right now she could save countless innocent women and children from a life of horror. If it was within her power to do it, she should.

  She looked in his eyes and tried to smile. “You're right.”

  “I love you,” he said, brushing away her tears.

  “I love you too.” She leaned forward and kissed him.

  Jeff waited another few minutes before returning to the room. “Did you make a decision?” he asked.

  “We agree to the terms,” Michael answered.

  “Good.” Jeff smiled and slid back into his seat. “Meier will be meeting with his buyers in New York. He is using a charity auction as cover for being in the country.”

  “Will he be meeting his buyers at the party?” Jessica asked.

  “No. He never speaks of business in public or directly to his buyers for that matter.”

  “So how do we get an invitation to the buy?” Michael asked.

  “He uses a courier to deliver the instructions for the buy. The instructions are kept on a flash drive, which is encrypted and delivered to the buyer, who has the key to decrypt the message.”

  “So we intercept the courier?” Michael asked.

  “Correct. Jessica will then hopefully be able to retrieve the information from the flash drive.”

  “Piece of cake,” she said confidently.

  “Then what?” Michael asked. “Take him down at the buy?”

  “Meier won't be at the buy.”

  “How exactly are we supposed to get him then?” Jessica asked.

  “His second-in-command, Walter Roth, will conduct the sale, which he will secretly be recording. Meier keeps videotaped copies of all his high profile sales.”

  “For blackmail?” Michael asked.

  “Insurance,” Jeff answered. “If Meier is ever taken down, he will take down everyone who has ever bought from him. He has used his recordings in the past to move his wealthy, influential clients to protect him. The only way to bring Meier down is to take down all his clients.”

  “By getting those videos?” said Michael.

  Jeff nodded. “Precisely. When faced with their own demise, they will roll on him in a heartbeat.”

  “So you're not just sending Meier to jail. You're sending all his clients, too?” Michael asked.

  Jeff shrugged. “What do I care if a bunch of perverts and pedophiles get what's coming to them?”

  Jessica scoffed, “Why the sudden change of heart?”

  Ignoring her question, Jeff continued, “After the sale, follow Roth and he will lead you to the other videos as he adds this one to the collection.”

  “What kind of security does he have for the videos?” Michael asked.

  “That, I don't know. However, it's heavily secured. Of that I am sure,” Jeff replied.

  Michael leaned back in his chair as he pondered the situation. “Why not just follow Roth to the buy? Why bother intercepting the courier?”

  “Roth won't be traveling with Meier. He will be impossible to find prior to the sale.”

  Michael sighed. “How do we identify the courier?”

  “I can find out who it will be and identify him for you,” Jeff offered.

  “So you would have to be with us?” Jessica asked, not sounding too thrilled.

  “I am attending the charity dinner so I will already be in New York. It would be nothing for me to point him out to you.”

  “How do we get in touch with you?” Michael asked.

  “I'll be staying at The Waldorf. You can reach me there. Or if you prefer, you could give me your phone number and I can call you.”

  “That won't be necessary.” Michael pushed away from the table and stood up. “We'll be in touch.”

  Jessica followed Michael's lead as they saw themselves out of the house. Jeff remained seated as he watched them walk away. He released a disappointed sigh after they were gone. His heart ached to have a relationship with his daughter. Every time she left, he felt as though a piece of him was leaving with her.

  Chapter 21

  No longer in any danger, Michael and Jessica were able to return home. Once their passports arrived, Gatti arranged flights for them along with Martin and Josh. Corvo met them at the airport and drove them home. Having removed the tracking device, he returned Jessica's purse to her. Her car was sitting in their driveway when they arrived. Gatti had taken the liberty of having it fixed and brought home from the cafe parking lot. Michael was relieved he didn't have to deal with it. They had been through a lot and they just wanted to relax.

  Michael thanked Corvo for the ride home. Corvo said he would stop by in a few days to check up on them and discuss the plan to take down Meier. They had a few weeks to prep so they could take a few days of downtime.

  TWO WEEKS later, Jessica and Michael found themselves in a hotel room Gatti rented for them in New York. The room would act as their base of operations while in the city. Josh and Martin were on their way to meet them. Corvo was already there. They made contact with Jessica's father and were awaiting his call telling them when it was time to watch for the courier. That call came just an hour after Martin and Josh arrived.

  Michael turned to Corvo. “I think it's best if you stay clear of Jeff.”

  Corvo nodded.

  Michael next spoke to Martin. “I'd like you to stay here with Lance. In case we need some outside assistance.”

  “No problem.” Martin answered.

  “All right you two.” Michael looked to Josh and Jessica. “Let's get going.”

  Jessica grabbed her laptop while Josh picked up some extra ammo. The three then left in a black GMC Yukon provided by Gatti to pick Jeff up at The Waldorf Towers. Josh drove while Michael rode shotgun, leaving Jessica to sit in back with her father. Jeff was waiting just outside the front doors when they pulled up.

  “Meier is staying in a suite at the Four Seasons,” Jeff informed them once he was in the car. “He will be sending the courier out sometime tonight with instructions for the buyers. I figured we should leave now. I'm sure we'll be driving around for a while until we can find a spot.”

  Michael nodded.

  “Four Seasons, it is,” Josh replied as he put the truck in gear.

  Jeff gave Jessica a smile. She simply looked away, paying him no attention. He took a deep breath, trying not to get angry with her.

  They drove around the block more times than they cared to count. Finally a spot opened on the street in front of the hotel and they were able to snag it before someone else did. Now they just had to endure awkward silence as they staked out the hotel.

  “So, Michael.” Jeff intruded on his thoughts. “How did you meet my daughter?”

  Michael replied with an unrestrained sigh of irritation. Then he answered, “We met in a cafe.”

  “How long did you two date before you got married?” Jeff then asked.

  “I'm not sure I want to answer anymore of your questions,” Michael responded.

  “Perhaps I'll forget what the courier looks like,” Jeff threatened.

  Michael glared back at him. He glanced at Jessica, who hadn't stopped staring out the window and then back at Jeff. He faced front and sighed loudly again. “Six months.”

  “That's not a lot of time to get to know each other,” Jeff remarked.

  “I knew what I wanted,” Michael answered flatly.

  “There's more to that story you aren't telling.”

  Michael made no reply.

  “How did you know she was the one?” Jeff asked.

  Jessica turned suddenly to him. “Why are you doing this?” she growled.

  “I want to know how my daughter met her husband. Seeing how I was absent for all of it.”

  “You lost the title of father when you beat me unconscious,” she spoke through clenched teeth. “You are not m
y father.” Her hands shook as her anger became nearly unrestrainable. “You're a sperm donor.”

  Michael and Josh grew fearful that the tension would erupt into something even uglier than what it currently was. Michael looked back at Jeff to make sure he wasn't going to react violently to Jessica's words.

  Clearly enraged, Jeff clenched his fist and bit down as he turned away. Michael's presence was the only thing keeping him from giving in to a physical outburst. Jessica returned to looking out the window. Her hands still shaking, angry tears fell from her eyes.

  “Jeff. You're in front,” Michael said, as he opened his door.

  Jeff made no objection to the change in their seating arrangement. Michael slid into the backseat with Jessica. She was barely holding it together. He tugged on her arm, pulling her towards him. She quickly fell into his arms and gave way to her emotions. Michael held her tightly as he tried to comfort her.

  Jeff's anger slowly faded to guilt and regret as he listened to the pained cries of his daughter. Knowing he had only himself to blame for her running away. He closed his eyes and silently cursed himself.

  Michael was able to finally calm Jessica down. Impressed by the loving and patient way he cared for her, Jeff wished he could have been that way. As he watched the people entering the hotel, he spotted the courier exiting a cab.

  “He's here,” Jeff announced.

  He pointed out a slender man wearing a black baseball cap, red button up shirt and black khakis who was entering the hotel. They carefully watched the entrance and ten minutes later, the man emerged. Josh started the truck as the man hailed another cab. They pulled out onto the road behind him.

  They followed the cab through the Queens Midtown Tunnel. Trying to keep a low profile, they stayed just one or two cars behind. Everyone was on edge, keeping a tight watch on the cab so as not to lose it in the sea of other cabs. They passed through Queens heading into Long Island.

  “Where is he going?” Jeff asked as the cab seemed to be taking random turns.

  “He suspects he's being followed,” Josh answered.

  “There goes our element of surprise,” Michael lamented.

  The cab soon stopped in front of a movie theater and the courier went inside.


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