Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2)

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Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2) Page 25

by Mel LeBrun

  “Get up. We only have two minutes until the fireworks begin. We need to be out of the building.”

  Michael grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. Moving for Corvo was intensely painful. The morphine barely took the edge off. Adrenaline mixed with a strong will to survive allowed him to push through it. Michael took the lead, making sure Corvo didn't lag behind. A loud crash outside grabbed the attention of the small army guarding the grounds.

  “Are those the fireworks you talked about?” Corvo asked.

  “No. That's just a diversion. We have one minute.”

  The diversion was a car driving into the front gate, the steering wheel tied and a heavy stone on the gas pedal. Martin fired shots at the responding soldiers to keep their attention while Josh and Dmitri prepared to blow a hole in the wall on the other end of the complex.

  With most of the soldiers called to reinforce the front gate, Michael and Corvo made it to the back of the house with relative ease. They were working their way through the kitchen when an explosion of C4 blew a giant hole in the exterior cement wall.

  “We need to move,” Michael said.

  They continued out a back door and headed toward the compromised portion of the exterior wall while Josh and Dmitri covered their approach. They weren't moving as quickly as Josh and Dmitri would have liked. Corvo was having trouble walking, let alone running, and needed assistance from Michael to keep going.

  Despite having the advantage of night vision goggles, things soon heated up as soldiers with flashlights converged upon them searching through the darkness. Not wanting too many casualties, Dmitri and Josh only took out the ones that got too close. One soldier enjoyed a brief moment of victory when his light happened upon Michael and Corvo, but seconds later he was lifeless on the ground. Unable to see their enemy, the soldiers retreated when they noticed they were being picked off. None were getting paid enough to die.

  Michael and Corvo finally made it to the wall.

  “I thought you'd never come,” Josh joked.

  “I kind of liked it there,” Michael replied. “Was thinking of staying.”

  “You look like hell,” Dmitri remarked.

  “That's how I'd describe it,” said Corvo.

  They radioed Martin as they slowly traveled back through the woods to their getaway vehicle. Dmitri took over helping Corvo since Michael was having a hard enough time himself. Josh took up the rear and made sure no one came after them. Martin was already at the vehicle waiting for them.

  “My grandma walks faster than you,” Martin teased.

  Corvo tried to smile, but it hurt too much. He was so relieved to be free he almost couldn't believe it.

  “How did you find me?” Corvo asked as they drove away.

  “Jessica's father told me where you were,” Michael answered. “He also killed the power and set me free.”

  “He was in on it?” Corvo asked.

  “Not from the beginning. Once he knew I was there, he didn't have much choice but to help,” Michael grinned.

  “You are diabolical,” Corvo said just before closing his eyes and passing out.

  ONCE MICHAEL was clear of the basement, Jeff left with his bodyguards, disregarding Michael's request that they stay there until it was over. Taking flashlights off the fallen guards, they made their way up to Ortiz's study where Jeff knew he would be.

  When the two guards stationed outside the study saw Jeff, they ushered him inside with Ortiz for his own safety. Jeff commanded his bodyguards to remain outside the room with Ortiz's men for added protection.

  Not prepared for the loss of his generator in addition to his power, Ortiz study was crudely lit by only a few decorative candles. Ortiz was on his cell phone with someone angrily demanding reinforcements. Jeff assumed it was his contact in the military. That call was followed by another lambasting someone else for not getting the generator online even though there was nothing that could be done.

  He hung up the phone and turned to Jeff. “What the hell is happening?!”

  Jeff said nothing in return and Ortiz couldn't help notice that he wasn't even a bit concerned. The idea of Jeff betraying him would never have entered his mind if the attack hadn't coincided so closely with Jeff's arrival. But the timing as well as his demeanor were almost as good as a confession.

  Not wanting to believe it was true, Ortiz looked him in the eyes. “Do you know anything about this?”

  Jeff pursed his lips and stepped forward. “I might.”

  He could have knocked Ortiz over with a feather. “Why?”

  Ortiz was so surprised and confused he didn't even notice that Jeff had his gun out until he raised it up and shot him. That shot was immediately followed by two shots in the hallway as Jeff's men took out Ortiz's guards. Jeff and his guards then casually walked to a guest room and waited for the activity outside to die down.

  MARTIN DROVE them back to the hotel. Though they were anxious to leave the country, they needed to tend to Corvo, whose injuries required immediate attention. Not knowing Ortiz was dead, they figured they had a few hours before they were found. They would have to move quickly.

  An hour later and they had stitched the worst of Corvo's wounds while cleaning and bandaging the rest. Michael had been spared the worst of the torture thanks to Jeff's intervention.

  A knock came at their door as they were helping Corvo to his feet. Quickly arming themselves, Josh and Dmitri stood by the door. Dmitri looked out the peephole. He saw a tall man dressed in a nice suit standing alone outside the door. Not knowing who it was, he looked at Josh and shook his head. Josh then took a peek. Seeing who it was, he cursed under his breath. Keeping his gun ready he opened the door.

  “How did you find us?” Josh asked.

  “Can I come in?” Jeff asked.

  Hearing Jeff's voice, Michael became alarmed. If Jeff could find them that easily then Ortiz couldn't be far behind. Josh opened the door wider and gestured for him to enter.

  Jeff stepped inside and looked at Michael. “Glad to see you made it out alive.” He then glanced over at Corvo and couldn't help feeling a little sorry for him.

  “How did you find us?” Michael asked this time.

  Jeff smirked. “I don't give away trade secrets.”

  “If he found us, Ortiz will too,” Dmitri stated.

  Jeff shook his head. “You don't have to worry about Ortiz.”

  “Why is that?” Josh asked.

  “He's dead,” Jeff answered bluntly.

  “How did that happen?” Michael asked.

  Jeff shrugged. “Does it really matter?”

  “You killed him, didn't you?” said Michael.

  Jeff took a deep breath. “Ortiz was not a man to let something like your destructive exit go.” Jeff looked Michael in the eyes. “You would not have made it out of the country.” He took a step towards the door. “Speaking of which. My plane leaves in one hour.” He looked back at them as he put his hand on the doorknob. “If you would like a lift home?” With that, he left the room.

  “That's Jessica's father?” Dmitri asked once Jeff was gone.

  Michael took a deep breath. “Yep. That's my father-in-law.”

  Dmitri patted his shoulder. “I can't wait to meet your mother-in-law.”

  Michael shook his head. “God, I hope she's normal.”

  “Define normal,” Josh teased as he helped Corvo stand up.

  “I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather fly home,” Martin chimed in.

  “Agreed,” said Michael. “But first we should call Tim. We're going to need help getting Lance back in the country.”

  Michael made a collect call to Gatti. Gatti was relieved to hear that Corvo was safe. He shook his head and rolled his eyes as Michael related how they had escaped.

  “Do you even think about these things before you do them?” Gatti asked.

  “I didn't have much choice,” Michael responded.

  “Yeah, well I'll get working on papers for Lance. He can't re-enter the cou
ntry under his real name. They'll be on him before he even gets through the gate.”

  “Yeah, that's kind of why I called.”

  “I'm hurt. You didn't just call to chat?”

  Michael ignored his sarcasm. “How's Jess?”

  “She's doing very well. She's been asking about you.”

  “You spoke with her?”

  “I'm in the hallway outside her room. I was just sitting with her when you called. I flew in after you left. With what happened to Lance, I couldn't trust anyone else to look after her. I made up an excuse to visit our Boston office.”

  “Thanks, Tim. I'm glad you're there with her.”

  “Wish I could do more.”

  “It's all right. Tell Jess I'll see her soon.”

  “Will do.”

  THEY ARRIVED at the airport not entirely sure they would make it through security. Corvo could hardly stand on his own and needed assistance to walk. One of Jeff's bodyguards was waiting at the entrance to escort them to the plane. When they got to the checkpoint, a security guard approached and ordered them all to come with him. Jeff's bodyguard seemed completely unconcerned and quietly followed the man. Michael exchanged glances with Josh as they walked behind the security guard who led them down a series of hallways. After about another hundred feet, Corvo could barely walk any further. Dmitri and Martin nearly carried him the rest of the way. They arrived at a door that led out onto the tarmac. Through the glass, Michael could see Jeff's plane, ready and waiting. Jeff's bodyguard pulled a large wad of bills from his pocket and handed it to the security guard who was eagerly awaiting it. The man thanked Jeff's bodyguard and cheerfully left. They proceeded out to the plane and boarded.

  Jeff was sipping champagne and reading from his tablet when the men climbed aboard. Martin and Dmitri helped Corvo into a seat and buckled him in. They were out of morphine and Corvo was starting to feel the pain, as was Michael. Jeff offered them drinks, which they readily accepted.

  “Does Jessica know that Milovich is dead?” Jeff asked casually once the flight was underway.

  “You mean, does she know you had him killed?” Michael responded.

  Jeff huffed and looked away. “Is that what you told her?” he asked, annoyed. He still refused to acknowledge any part in Milovich's death.

  Michael finished his drink and motioned for a refill. One of Jeff's men poured him another.

  “No,” Michael finally answered. “I don't see any reason to tell her. She thinks you're horrible enough already. If she knew you had that kind of pull, I don't know what it would do to her.”

  Jeff nodded, seeming relieved.

  “Why are you doing this?” Michael asked.

  “Should I have left you there to die?” Jeff replied.

  “No. Why are you giving up Meier and a slew of his political contacts? Some, if not most of them must also be your contacts.”

  Jeff looked away, reluctant to answer.

  “Why would you do that to yourself?”

  Jeff took a deep breath. “I never much cared for Meier's business. If sacrificing a number of perverted politicians will bring me closer to my daughter, it is a small price to pay.”

  “You think you're going to have a relationship with Jessica?” Michael asked.

  “Perhaps in time,” Jeff answered.

  “What makes you think I'll allow it?”

  “I know my daughter.” Jeff smirked. “Jessica does what she wants.”

  Michael chuckled. Yeah, that's Jess, he thought to himself as he looked out the window.

  Chapter 30

  Jessica slowly opened her eyes and saw Gatti sitting in the chair next to her, just as he was when she fell asleep. His dark hair had more grey than the year before. His tall frame was clothed in a modest pair of black dress pants and a bright blue shirt that almost matched the color of his eyes. He looked up from the magazine he was reading and smiled at her.

  “What time is it?” she asked sleepily.

  Gatti looked at his watch. “Four thirty in the morning.”

  She groaned and closed her eyes again. “Have you heard from Michael yet?”

  “Why don't you look over to your right?”

  “What?” She scrunched her brow, not sure what he was talking about.

  She turned her head and saw Michael asleep on a cot next to her. Though not thrilled to see the condition he was in, she was overjoyed that he was back with her.

  “When did he get back?” she asked.

  “A few hours ago,” Gatti answered.

  “He looks like hell.”

  “From what I heard, that's what he endured. Lance took the worst of it. He's down the hall recovering in another room.”

  Jessica frowned. “I feel like this is all my fault.”

  “It's not Jess.”

  “If I hadn't been so curious about my parents ...” She closed her eyes wishing she could travel back in time and undo everything that had happened.

  “Look at the bigger picture. Some very bad men who were once untouchable are going to be put away.”

  “I suppose you're right.” She pursed her lips. “I need to let it go.”

  “Yes, you should,” Michael chimed in.

  She turned to him. “You're awake?”

  His eyes still closed he answered, “Since you said I look like hell. Forgive me for not getting up but it hurts to move.”

  “It's okay, Michael. I'm just happy you're back safe.”

  “Me too. Dmitri is in town. He's going to stop by in the morning.”

  “He's alive?!” Jessica was elated by the news. The last time they spoke, Michael didn't know if he had been killed along with Milovich.

  “Yeah. I managed to get ahold of him.”

  Jessica was overwhelmed by the good news. Michael was back. Dmitri was alive and she would see him in a few hours. It almost felt like a dream.

  “You're not crying, are you?” Michael asked after a moment of silence passed.

  “No,” she said as Gatti handed her some tissues.

  Michael grinned. “Liar,” he said with his eyes still closed.

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  “I know you.”

  “I'm happy. I'm not sad,” she said as she wiped her tears.

  “I know.” He opened his eyes and turned to look at her. He smiled and held out his hand.

  She reached out and grabbed it. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, my super emotional wife.”

  She chuckled and squeezed his hand.

  “So, did Josh really propose to Jinx?” she asked him.

  “He sure did.”

  “I'm shocked. I didn't believe Jinx when she told me.”

  “If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have believed it either. I've known Josh for over sixteen years. I never thought he would do it.”

  “Maybe you're rubbing off on him,” she said with a grin.

  “That would be a tragedy,” Michael joked.

  She laughed. “Well, I think you're wonderful.”

  “That's just the morphine talking,” he teased.

  She giggled harder. “Stop making me laugh. It hurts.”

  Even though it hurt to smile, Michael found it difficult to stop. He was so happy to be back with Jessica and to see her recovery going well. Just a week earlier he didn't know if she would even be alive now. Hearing her laugh again, it was almost like a dream.

  “I hate to break up this tender moment,” Gatti butted in, “but if you're up for it, we need to discuss how we're going to get the video evidence we need to bring down Meier. I have to fly back to D.C.”

  Michael closed his eyes again. “That's Jessica's department.”

  “Yeah, not so fast,” Gatti said. “We may need to be on site with the server to get the videos off it. That would be your department.”

  “Where is the server? And why can't we hack in remotely?” Jessica asked.

  “The server is in Germany. Kevin was able to get a general location. I'
ve since narrowed it down to just one possibility. The server has been offline since they uploaded the latest videos. There is no way to know if or when they will turn it back on.”

  “Could they have moved it?” Michael asked.

  “That's a possibility,” Gatti answered.

  “It's safe to assume the server is encrypted. Without the key, even I probably won't be able to crack it,” Jessica added.

  “All right, problem one. How do we get the key?” said Michael

  “Aside from Meier, only Roth probably knows the key” said Gatti.

  “Isn't he back in Germany?” Michael asked. “With diplomatic immunity?”

  “Yes, but so is the server.”

  “Hmm.” Michael thought for a moment. “I doubt we could force Roth to give up the key.”

  “No,” Gatti agreed. “From what we know of Roth, he'd die before turning on Meier.”

  “So we trick him instead,” said Michael.

  “And how are we going to do that?” Gatti asked.

  Michael looked at Jessica. “You got any ideas?”

  She thought for a moment. “If we could convince him that the files have been corrupted, he would have to enter the code to check the integrity of the data. Then we would have it,” she replied.

  “Not a bad idea,” Gatti commended her. “How do we go about convincing him the data has been compromised?”

  “Since it's offline, someone will have to access the server in person. They could bring the server online and I could upload a virus. We'll download the encrypted files. That activity alone should prompt him to check. I'll capture the code when he enters it. Then we'll have everything.”

  “I'm assuming they have on-site physical security like guards or alarms. But wouldn't they also have some kind of security software to protect them from just such an attack?” Michael asked.

  “How hard did they hit you?” Jessica asked Michael.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you forget what I do for a living?”

  Michael smiled sheepishly. “No. I did not forget.”


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