And for all of us, whether we read the Times or boycott it, something large rides on how this question is ultimately answered.
I’d like first to cite the generosity, support and hospitality of my brothers and sisters—Elly, Terrance, Kevin, Bryan, Laureen, Regina and Sean—as well as my enthusiastic nephews and nieces, cousins, aunts and uncles. (A special shout-out to Kyle Salter, IT man extraordinaire.) Thanks also to some of my many friends, who are indeed a blessing—Mary Bemis, Dan and Amy Cotter, Brian and Inger Friedman, Juliet Heeg, Peter Keyes, Alice Malloy, Jack Martin, Dennis and Nancy Meany, Jim Moore, Reg Overlag, Dr. “Crazy” Steve Rayhill, Bob Ripp, David and Libby Seaman, Tom Synan and Steve Voorhees.
Thanks as well to my neighbors, the Charlie Spillane family, especially young Danny Betancourt, future bard of Hell’s Kitchen.
Go raibh maith agaibh to the Druid publican Michael Younge, as well as Shane McSorley, Michelle Gallagher and Denny Bess.
My loyal and conscientious agents Glen Hartley and Lynn Chu were key, as were Donna Brodie, executive director of the Writers Room, and Liz Sherman, assistant director.
My thanks as well to Tom Tisch of the Manhattan Institute and to David DesRosiers of Revere Advisors.
Thanks as well to those New York Times reporters and editors—current or retired—who, unlike many of their colleagues, broke institutional taboos and consented to interviews.
The editing and production staff of Encounter Books merit special recognition, particularly the copy editor Carol Staswick and the designer Lesley Rock, as well as Nola Tully, Heather Ohle, Emily Pollack, Lauren Miklos and Sam Schneider.
Roger Kimball, the publisher of Encounter Books, deserves a medal for his extraordinary patience and his confidence in me. We made it.
Last, but certainly not least, a thousand thanks to Peter Collier, editor emeritus of Encounter Books and effective taskmaster, whose experience, editing and insight through many manuscript drafts are responsible more than anything else for bringing this vessel to shore. As sailors say of good skippers, he is indeed “finest kind.”
ABC News
Abdel Rahman, Omar
Abdul-Basser, Taha
Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk
Abrams, Dan
Abramson, Jill
Abu Ali, Ahmed Omar
Abu Ghraib
Abzug, Bella
Afghanistan; in film; and Guantanamo Bay; heroism in; immigrants from; Miller in; and Nidal Hasan; and post-traumatic stress; public opinion on; and al-Timimi; Vietnam analogy
Afrocentrism; theological
Agnew, Spiro
Ahmad, Omar
Ahmadu, Fuambai
Ailes, Roger
Air America
Air National Guard
Ajami, Fouad
Akbar, Hasan
Akram, Mirza
al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya
al-Qaeda; and Abu Ali; excuses for; and Flying Imams; funding of; Miller on; and Patriot Act; and Riyadh bombings; and Saudi “rehab,” ; support for; and “torture” interrogations
Albo, Mike
Alfaro, Nancy
Ali, Lorraine
Allen, Ryan
Almontaser, Debbie
Alvarez, Lizette
America Alone (Steyn)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Newspaper Publishers Association
American Prospect
Amnesty International
Andersen, Kurt
Annals of Communism
Anson, Robert Sam
Anti-Defamation League
Apple, R. W., “Johnny,”
Applebome, Peter
Araton, Harvey
Archibold, Randal
Arian, Sami al-
Ashcroft, John
Associated Press (AP)
Atassi, Dena al-
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Atlantic Monthly
Atta, Mohammed
Audacity of Hope, The (Obama)
Auletta, Ken
Awad, Nihad
Awlaki, Anwar al-
Ayers, William (Bill)
Backlash (Faludi)
Baghdad Museum
Baker, Houston
Baker, Peter
Banderjee, Neela
Baquet, Dean
Barnard, Anne
Barnes and Noble
Barstow, David
Bart, Peter
Bay of Pigs
Beck, Glenn
Behind the Times (Diamond)
Bellafante, Ginia
Belluck, Pam
Benjamin, Victor
Bennett, William
Bening, Annette
Berger, Joseph
Berke, Richard
Berman, Paul
Bernstein, Nina
Bias (Goldberg)
Biden, Joe
bin Laden, Osama
Birach, Michael
Birmingham church bombing
Black Liberation Army
black liberation theology
Black Power movement
Blair, Dennis C.
Blair, Jayson; and Boyd; and Raines
Blind Date (Jones)
Blodgett, Henry
Bloomberg, Michael
Blow, Charles
Blumenthal, Sidney
Body of Lies (film)
Bond, Julian
Boston Globe; purchase of
Boudin, Chesa
Boudin, Kathy
Boudin, Leonard
Bowe, John
Bowen, William
Bowman, Patricia
Boyd, Gerald; and Jayson Blair; memoir; on Miller
Boyer, Peter
Boyton, Robert
Bradbury, Steven G.
Bradlee, Ben
Bradley, Ed
Bratton, William
Brawley, Tawana
Brentley, Kevin
Brodhead, Richard H.
Brokeback Mountain (film)
Bronner, Ethan
Brooks, David
Brown, Patricia Leigh
Brown v. Board of Education
Bruni, Frank
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Bumiller, Elisabeth
Burness, John
Burns, John
Burt, Richard
Bush, George W.; Hollywood on; and Hurricane Katrina; and Iraq War; NSA eavesdropping; and Supreme Court; and SWIFT surveillance; and War on Terror
Bush, Jeb
Business Week
Bybee, Jay S.
Byrd, James
Calame, Byron: on Gordon; on Greenhouse; on Miller; and Stanley
Camarota, Steven
Cambridge Police Department
Camelot and the Cultural Revolution (Piereson)
Camill, Scott
Carey, Benedict
Carlos, John
Carr, David
Carr, Jonathan
Carr, Reginald
Carter, Jimmy
Casey, George
Cave, Damien
CBS News
Center for Immigration Studies
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); and bin Laden; Hollywood on; interrogation methods; and 9/11 hijackers; NSA wiretapping; outing of agents; Plamegate; SWIFT surveillance; and “Wall,”
Chalabi, Ahmad
Chan, Sewell
Charen, Mona
Charlie Rose
Chavez, Hugo
Cheney, Dick
Chiasson, Dan
Chicago Tribune
Chomsky, Noam
Christian Science Monitor
Citizenship and Immigration Service
City Journal
civil rights movement
Clark, Ramsey
Clines, Francis X.
Clinton, Bill
bsp; Clinton, Hillary
Clooney, George
Cohen, Adam
Cohen, Richard
Cohen, Roger
Collins, Gail
Columbia Journalism Review
Columbia University
Communist Party USA
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (2006)
Conason, Joe
Cone, James
Confessore, Nicholas
Congressional Medal of Honor
Constantine, Madonna G.
Cooper, Roy
Corbett, Philip
Cottle, Michelle
Coughlin, Charles
Coulter, Ann
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): and Almontaser; on antiterror policies; on “bias crimes,” on Somali jihadis; supremacist agenda; in terror finance trial
Cracker (TV)
Crampton, Thomas
Credibility Committee
Cronkite, Walter
Crown Heights riot
Cucullu, Gordon
D’Lulio, John
D’Souza, Dinesh
Daley, Suzanne
Damon, Matt
Damra, Fawaz
Dao, James
Dar al-Hijrah mosque
Dargis, Manohla
Davis, Larry
Dean, Howard
Decter, Midge
Deming, William Edward
demographics: and immigration; and readership; and soft news; and Tea Party
DePalma, Brian
DeParle, Jason
Dereliction of Duty (Patterson)
Deutsche Bank
Diamond, Edwin
Dickerson, Jan
Dinkins, David
Disuniting of America, The (Schlesinger)
diversity; and Blair affair; and double standards; downside of; and guilty conscience; ideological; and Supreme Court; see also gay issues; immigration; race issues
Dodson, Howard
Dohrn, Bernardine
Dominus, Susan
Dowd, Maureen; on Ground Zero Mosque; on Iraq War; on Miller; on Obama race speech; plagiarism by; on Sotomayor
Downes, Lawrence
Drape, Joe
Dryfoos, Orvil
Dubner, Stephen
Duke University
Dunlap, David
Duranty, Walter
Durham-in-Wonderland blog
Eakin, Emily
Edmonds, Sibel
Egan, Timothy
Elliott, Andrea; on bias crimes; on Fort Hood attack; “An Imam in America,” 99, 126- 28; on Khalil Gibran Academy; on Somali jihadis
Ellis, John
El Salvador
Encounter Books
England, Lynndie
English, Deirdre
Epstein, Joseph
Face the Nation
Fallaci, Oriana
Faludi, Susan
Farrakhan, Louis
Fattah, Hassan M.
Faulkner, William
Faurisson, Robert
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); on Abu Ali; on CAIR; mosque surveillance; on Somali jihadis; translators for; and “Wall,”
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Feinstein, Dianne
Fenton, Donna
Fernandez, Manny
Ferraro, Geraldine
Feyen, Michael J.
Filkins, Dexter
film reviews
financial status; and downsizing; stock value
Finn, Robin
Firebrand Partners
Fisher, Marc
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Foley, Mark
Fort Hood massacre
Fox News
Frank, Barney
Frankel, Max; on Arthur Jr.; and Boyd; on “diversity,” ; on gay issues; on Pentagon Papers; on “point of view,”
Franken, Al
Franklin, John Hope
Fred Flare
Freedman, Sam
Fresno Bee
Friedan, Betty
Friedman, Thomas
Fugitive Days (Ayers)
Gabriel, Trip
Gaddafi, Muammar
Galloway, Scott
Gates, Anita
Gates, Henry Louis
gay issues; AIDS; in Hollywood; Lavender Enlightenment; Maddow; parenting; and politicians; and Rosenthal; in staff; Stonewall riot; in Styles of the Times; and transgender
gay marriage: in California; and children; interracial comparison; intimidation for; in Massachusetts; and Mormon Church; in New York
George Mason University
Gibson, Mel
Gilbert, David
Gilchrist, Jim
Gingrich, Newt
Gitlin, Todd
Giuliani, Rudy
Glater, Jonathan
Gluek, Grace
Godless (Coulter)
Gold, Gerry
Goldberg, Bernard
Goldberg, Jonah
Golden, Michael
Golden, Stephen
Golden, Tim
Goode, Erica
Goodman, David
Goodman, Ellen
Goodman, Walter
Goodnight and Good Luck (film)
Goodstein, Laurie
Gordon, Michael
Grand Jihad, The (McCarthy)
Gratz v. Bollinger
Greenglass, David
Greengrass, Paul
Greenhouse, Linda
Green Zone (film)
Gregg, Gail
Grey’s Anatomy (TV)
Ground Zero; mosque plan
Guantanamo Bay; as “gulag,” ; poems from; and recidivism
Gupte, Pranay
Gutterplan, David
Hafiz, Gamal Abdel
Halbfinger, David
Halperin, Mark
Ham, Mary Katherine
Hamad, Rafik
Hamas; and CAIR; funding of
Hamid, Tawfik
Hanson, Victor Davis
Harbinger Capital
Hardball (TV)
Harlem Massacre (Freddy’s)
Harlem “wolf packs,”
Harrington, Michael
Harvard University
Harwood, John
Hasan, Nidal Malik
Hassan, Muzzammil
hate crimes
Hayden, Michael
Haynes, John
Healy, Patrick
Hearst, William Randolph
Hegemony and Survival (Chomsky)
Heilbrunn, Jacob
Heir to an Execution (Meeropol)
Helu, Carlos “Slim,”
Henninger, Daniel
Hentoff, Nat
Herbers, John
Herbert, Bob; on fatherlessness; on Iraq War; on racial profiling; on Sotomayor; on Tea Party
Heritage Foundation
Herrera, Douglas
Hersh, Seymour
Herszenhorn, David
High Crimes and Misdemeanors (Coulter)
Hightower, Jim
hip hop & rap
Hitchens, Christopher
Hoge, Warren
Holden, Stephen
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
Homosexual Handbook, The
Hooper, Ibrahim
Hoyt, Clark; on ACORN story; on Guantanamo; on JFK Airport plot; on “Margaret B. Jones,” ; on McCain hit piece; on opinion spread; on Petraeus ad; on “wacko vets,”
Huffington, Arianna
Huffington Post
Hulse, Carl
100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care
Huntington, Samuel
Hurricane Katrina
Hussein, Saddam: capture of; and WMD
Hyman, Jami
Hymowitz, Kay
illegal aliens: amnesty for; Arizona law; and border fence; crime & gangs;
and disease; and drugs; “human rights” of; ID cards for; and Latino vote; numbers of; Reconquista by; and “sanctuary” laws; terminology for
immigrants: African; assimilation issue; and caste; and crime; demographics; and “diversity,” 139; divided loyalties; and domestic servitude; dual citizenship; ethnic schools; Indian; legislation on (2006); Mexican/Latino; and Minutemen; Muslim; noncitizen voting; Obama on; realist view on; in underclass
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Ingraham, Laura
Inside Gitmo (Cucullu)
Iraq War; and Abu Ghraib; and Baghdad Museum; Blair on; defeatism on; Fallujah battle; in film; Haditha “massacre,” ; and Hasan; Heilbrunn on; heroism in; in presidential campaign; public opinion on; and race; surge in; Vietnam analogy; and “wacko vets,” and WMD reports; women in
Isamuddin, Riduan
Islam. See Muslims
Islamic Center of Tucson
Islamic Society of North America
Ivins, Molly
Jacobsen, Annie
Jamaat al-Muslimeen
Jameson, Jenna
Jamison, Mikel
Jeter, Mildred
JFK International Airport
Johnson, KC
Jones, Alex S.
Jones, Bill T.
Jones, Charisse
Jones, Margaret B.
Jones, Van
Kaiser, Charles
Kakutani, Michiko
Kaminer, Ariel
Kantor, Jodi
Kanwal, Sandeela
Kaplan, Robert
Kaus, Mickey
Kaye, Judith
Keller, Bill; on “agnosticism,” ; on conservative critique; on Duke rape story; on Fox News; on “killer vets,” ; on McCain stories; on Miller; on national security secrets; on public editor; on viewpoint diversity
Kelly, Kitty
Kelly, Raymond
Kennedy, Caroline
Kent State University
Kershaw, Sarah
Kessler, Bruce
Khalil Gibran International Academy
Kids Are All Right, The (film)
Kilgannon, Corey
Kimel, Kerstin
King, Martin Luther
Kingdom of Heaven, The (film)
Kinzer, Steven
Kirk, Grayson
Kirkpatrick, David
Kirn, Walter
Kissel, Howard
Klehr, Harvey
Klein, Joe
Kleinfield, N. R.
Koch, Ed
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