The Race Underground: Boston, New York, and the Incredible Rivalry That Built America's First Subway

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The Race Underground: Boston, New York, and the Incredible Rivalry That Built America's First Subway Page 44

by Most, Doug

  Hargraves, Michael

  Harlem, New York, “fifteen minutes to!”

  Harmon, Nellie

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Hart, Thomas N.

  Harvard Law School

  Haymarket Square railroad station (Boston)

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hedley, Frank

  Hennessey, Michael E.

  Hewitt, Abram

  death of

  enmity with W. Whitney


  mayor of New York City

  and Parsons

  and subway financing

  transit plans

  Hill, David B.

  Hoffman, John

  Hoffman, J. W., and Co.

  Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins

  holding companies


  Hoosac Tunnel, Massachusetts

  horse-drawn streetcars

  in Boston

  in New York City

  problems with

  range of

  horseless carriage


  health and welfare of

  nuisance of

  as power source

  Hosmer, Thomas B.

  Hotel Pelham (Boston)

  Houston Street, West Street & Pavonia Ferry Railroad Company

  Howe, Elias

  Howe, Leonard

  Howes, Osborne, Jr.

  human remains, encountered on subway digs

  hurricane Sandy

  Hyde, Henry D.



  Inman, John

  Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT)

  charter of, how obtained

  International Electrical Exhibition (Philadelphia, 1885)

  Intramural Railway (Chicago World’s Fair)

  inventions, 19th-century


  in Boston

  in New York

  Italians, in Boston

  Jackson, William

  Jackson, Willis G.

  Jack the Ripper

  Jacques, Washington L.

  Jane, Fred T.

  janitors in subways

  Jencks, Francis M.

  Jersey City, N.J.


  Jews, in New York

  Johnson, Edward Hibbard

  Jones, George

  Jones, J. Edwin

  Jones and Meehan

  Jordan, Eben D.

  Jordan Marsh and Company

  Keatinge, Mary

  Keats, John

  Keefe, David

  Kemble, William

  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

  Kerley, Charles Gilmore


  Klein, Paul

  Knight, Walter

  Koplan, Wolf

  Ladies Mile (New York City)

  Lansing, Isaac J.

  Lent, Smith

  lighting in subways. See also electric lighting

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Little, Samuel


  loading and unloading of subway passengers

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  loitering, signs prohibiting

  London, post office

  London subway (the Underground)

  disadvantages of

  electrification of

  as model

  opening ceremonies

  size of system


  successful operation of

  tunneling of

  ventilation of

  world’s first subway

  London transit system

  1825 transportation

  electrification of


  traffic congestion


  See also London subway

  Long, Francis

  Longstreet, Daniel

  Los Angeles, Subway to the Sea

  Low, Seth

  Lowell family

  Lower East Side, New York City

  Lozier, John

  Lynch, Father Thomas

  Lynn & Boston Railroad

  Macy’s, W. H., department store

  Maine, U.S.S.

  Malone, R. A.

  Manhattan, geology of

  Manhattan Elevated Railway Company


  maps of subway routes used in construction

  Marshall, Walter Gore



  railroads of

  Massachusetts Board of Railroad Commissioners

  Matthews, Nathan, Jr.

  “father of the subway” (Boston)

  Maverick Bank

  McBean, Duncan

  McCabe brothers

  McCarthy, Jeremiah J.

  McCarthy Bros. and Co.

  McClellan, George B.

  McCue, John

  McDonald, John Bart

  death of

  at opening of New York subway

  wins New York bid

  work on subway construction

  McKim, Mead and White

  McKinley, William C.

  McMullen, Charles

  McNamee, John

  Mechanics’ Magazine

  Meehan, Edward

  Meehan, Michael

  opposes Boston subway

  wins Boston contract

  work on subway construction

  Meehan, Patrick

  Meehan, Robert Emmet


  Meigs, Joseph V.

  Meisinger, John

  Merchant’s Anti-Subway League (Boston)

  Merrill, Moody

  Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)

  Metropolitan Railroad (Boston)

  Metropolitan Railway (London)

  Metropolitan Steamship Company (Boston)

  Metropolitan Street Railway Company (New York)


  Metropolitan Traction Company (New York)

  Miami, Florida

  Micher, John

  milk, drinking of, by infants

  miners in subway construction

  mines, ventilation of

  monorail, proposed for Boston

  Monte Salviano, near Rome, Italy

  Montgomery, Alabama

  Moore, Annie

  Moore, Ira

  Morgan, J. Pierpont

  Morison, Samuel Eliot

  Morrison, George L.

  Morse, Samuel F. B.

  motorman, first subway

  multiple-unit control

  Munn, Orson Desaix

  Murray, William

  Murray Hill, New York

  Murray Hill Hotel

  National Cordage Company

  National Power Traction Laboratory (China)

  Nawn, H. P.

  New Orleans

  New York (state), rivalry with Massachusetts

  New York Cable Railway Company

  New York City

  1825 population

  1860s population

  1880s population

  1890s population

  1900s population

  absorbs Brooklyn

  building boom in

  congestion and garbage in

  cultural boom in

  dirty politics in

  gay nineties

  ground and bedrock of

  millionaires in

  office buildings in

  real estate developers

  reform under Hewitt

  sex business in (1880s)

  temperament of New Yorkers

  New York City Hall, Rotunda of

  New York City transit system

  1825 traffic

  1830s and 1840s traffic

  1850s traffic

  bids to build and run a subway, failure to obtain (1892)

  cable system for

  consolidation of, by W. Whitney and partners

  electrification of

  elevated lines

  Hewitt’s modernizati
on plan (1888)

  horsecar lines

  planning of

  privately built and operated, as policy

  publicly built and leased to highest bidder, as policy

  rapid transit system begun

  rationalization of routes

  subway plans

  subway vs. elevated lines debate

  See also New York subway

  New York District Railway

  New York Gas and Electric Light

  New York harbor

  New York & Harlem Railroad Company

  The New York Herald

  New York Loan and Improvement Company

  New York Public Library

  New York subway

  accidents during construction

  charter to operate

  consideration of

  construction workers

  contractors’ bids (1897)

  contractors’ bids (1900)

  deaths during construction

  depth of, average

  depth of, maximum

  groundbreaking ceremonies

  opened to the public

  opening celebrations

  operation of, bid on

  questions asked and answered in newspapers


  shut because of hurricane Sandy in 2012

  Steinway and Parsons plan (1896)

  tour of

  tunneling of

  walls and roofs

  The New York Sun

  New York Supreme Court

  The New York Times

  New York Transit Commission (Steinway commission)

  The New York Tribune

  nineteenth century, an age of innovation

  Ninth Avenue elevated (New York City)

  O’Brien, Hugh

  O’Brien, James

  O’Donnell, Edward

  O’Keefe, Michael

  Olmsted, Frederick Law


  decline of

  Onderdonk, Andrew

  O’Reilly, F. C., and Company

  O’Rourke, Matthew

  Orr, Alexander E.

  O’Shaughnessy, Pat

  Otis, Elisha Graves

  Page, William Hussey

  Pain Fireworks Company


  of 1873

  of 1893

  Paris, 1825 transportation

  Paris subway


  Park Street Church

  Parsons, Harry de Berkeley

  Parsons, William Barclay

  Parsons, William Barclay, Jr.

  drafts new plan for subway (1896)

  engineering job in China

  engineering successes in later life

  hired by New York


  at opening of New York subway

  plan for double-deck tunnels

  recommends subway for New York

  signing of bid for subway construction

  surveying Manhattan

  tours foreign subway systems

  as transit commission engineer

  work on subway construction

  Parsons Brinckerhoff

  Parsons brothers partnership


  Payne, Flora (Mrs. William Whitney)

  Payne, Oliver Hazard

  Payne family

  Peabody, Francis, Jr.

  Pearson, Frederick Stark

  hired by New York

  Peckham, Wheeler H.

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  Philadelphia and Reading Railroad



  Pierce, Franklin

  Pilkington, James

  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  pneumatic postal tube

  pneumatic railway tube

  first, under Broadway

  test rides for public

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  Pomeroy, Henry A. G.

  Porter, Rufus

  postal services, pneumatic mail transport in

  Post Road, New York

  Potter, Asa

  Powers, Michael

  power sources for transportation. See cables; electric power; fans; horses; steam power

  Pratt, Walter

  Prince, Frederick

  Providence, Rhode Island

  Public Garden, Boston

  Pulitzer, Joseph


  Quincy, Josiah

  railroads, long-distance

  19th century growth of

  railroads, urban

  halted by the blizzard of 1888

  rails, for vehicles

  Rainsford, W. S.

  Rammell, T. W.

  Randolph, Edith S.

  Rapid Transit Act of 1891 (New York)

  Rapid Transit Act of 1894 (New York)

  Rapid Transit Commission (Massachusetts)

  Rapid Transit Commission (New York)

  Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company (New York)

  real estate developers


  New York City

  The Real Estate Record

  Reed, Anna DeWitt

  Reed, James

  Regan, Thomas J.

  Republican Party

  restaurants in New York

  Rice, George

  Richards, Calvin

  Richmond, Virginia, transit system

  Richmond Union Passenger Railway

  Ridley, E., and Sons

  Robertson, Roderick

  Robinson, Edwin Arlington

  Rochegrosse, Georges Antoine, painting by

  Rockland Bank

  Rodder, Bernard

  Roman engineering

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Roots, P. H. & F. M., Company

  Roxbury Crossing line, incident at

  Roy, Thomas

  Russell, Henry

  Russell, William

  Ryan, Thomas (Boston engineer)

  Ryan, Thomas Fortune (New York capitalist)

  safety, feeling of

  Safety Association of Steam Engineers

  Saint Louis, Missouri

  Saint-Quentin Canal, France

  Salter, Robert M.


  Sandy (hurricane)

  San Francisco, California

  Sargent, John Singer

  Scheutte, William

  Schuylkill and Susquehanna Canal, Pennsylvania

  Scientific American

  Scientific American Patent Agency

  Seaman, Dr. Louis Livingston

  Second Avenue elevated (New York City)

  Second Avenue subway (New York City)

  sewer lines

  sewing machine

  Shaler, Ira

  called the “Hoodoo Contractor”

  death of

  Sharp, Jacob

  Shepard, Anson

  Shepard, Edward M.

  Shipley, F. B.


  Siemens, Werner

  Sixth Avenue elevated (New York City)

  Smith, Alfred E.

  Smith, Melville C.

  Sociable (carriage)

  Society of Arts (Boston)

  Sousa, John Philip

  South Ferry Railroad Company


  Spanish-American War

  speed of subways

  Spencer, Aaron W.

  sports in New York

  Sprague, Frances P. (née Lowell)

  Sprague, Frank

  in Boston

  death of

  and electric motor development

  and electric transit

  job with Edison


  resigns Edison position

  Sprague Electric Railway & Motor Company

  Springfield, Massachusetts

  Spuyten Duyvil, New York

  stairways into subways

  Stanton, Edwin M.

  Start, W. A.

  stations, subway

bsp; Statue of Liberty

  steam power

  overground, urban

  as power source

  problem with

  in underground railways

  Stearns, Fred

  steel used in subway construction

  Steinway, William

  Steinway (Steinweg) family

  Steinway & Sons

  Stone, John

  Stone, Mary

  streetcars. See horse-drawn streetcars

  Street Railway Journal

  street railways

  franchises for

  number of lines, nationwide, and power sources for

  number of passengers

  rerouted during subway construction

  vulnerability to weather


  congestion eased, with introduction of subways

  traffic on

  Strong, Sam

  Strong, William L.

  subcontractors, used in subway construction


  subway cars


  complaints about


  first accident

  idea of

  opposition to

  public’s acceptance of

  race between New York and Boston, to build

  rituals and routines of

  speed and capacity of

  See also Boston subway; New York subway

  Sullivan, Timothy

  Sumner, William Graham

  Sunderland, Byron

  surveyors of subway routes

  Tammany Hall



  Tenth Avenue fire (New York, 1886)

  Thames Tunnel

  theater in New York

  Third Avenue elevated (New York City)

  third rail

  tickets for subways

  machines for dispensing

  Tilden, Samuel

  Times (London)

  Times Square, New York

  Toussaint, W. W.

  Towe, Samuel

  Towle, George V.

  track crossings on separated grades

  traffic congestion

  transcontinental railroad, and the golden spike

  transfers, free

  lack of

  transit systems

  competing sources of power for

  consolidation of individual companies into

  19th century problem of

  precursors to

  public vs. private construction and operation of, debate

  speed and safety in


  19th century progress in

  20th century new forms of

  Tremont House, Boston

  trolley cars, speed of

  Trufant, Gilman “Gil”

  tunnel digging

  in ancient times


  cost of different methods of

  cut-and-cover method

  fatalities incurred in

  in modern times

  tunnel digging machines





  for New York subways

  roof shield (Boston)

  tunnels, subway, diameter of


  Twain, Mark

  Tweed, William Magear Jr., “Boss”


  Underground. See London subway


  acceptance of

  fear of

  underground utility lines


  Union House for the Orphans of Soldiers and Sailors


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