Penny & Squirt: A Love Story

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Penny & Squirt: A Love Story Page 14

by T. M. Haught

  “Oooo!” Penny grimaced. “In that case, don’t ever try it. Never, ever, ever!”

  “I won’t,” said Jonah, adding with a wink, “Don’t you, either!”

  “Deal,” she said.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  By 11:00 p.m. they had each taken separate showers to wash off the grim of the day’s travels. They had put things away, securely latched their bedroom doors, and had ended up together in Penny’s bed, blissfully naked and wrapped in each other’s arms. Blue tinted moonlight filtered through the lace curtains and lent a cozy charm to a bedroom that was already feminine and comfortable and, for Jonah at least, very very sexy.

  Laying side by side, facing each other, they could hug and kiss and make slow love without either bearing the weight of the other or having to do more than their share of the “work.” They didn’t even feel that they had to reach climax to enjoy the moment. Finally, they just lay there for awhile and cuddled, with Penny’s head snuggled against Jonah’s.

  “You know, it’s funny,” she told him softly. “For years I slept by myself and never thought a thing about it. Now, even though we’ve only been together a short time, sleeping by myself, without you, is torture for me.”

  “For me, too,” said Jonah. “That little vacation trip was nice, but those two nights were so awkward.”

  “Yeah,” Penny said with a sigh. She snuggled closer. “Home sweet home!”

  After more minutes passed, Jonah said, “I did use some of the time to do an internet search with my laptop one night, with the screen turned so my mom wouldn’t see it if she woke up back in her part of the room.”

  Penny’s interest was roused. “What kind of search?”

  “I... I was trying to find something else we could try,” said Jonah sheepishly. “So far you’ve been coming up with all the ideas, which have been great. Incredibly great. I just didn’t feel like I was doing my share.”

  Penny gave him a kiss. “You didn’t have to worry about that.” She arched an eyebrow. “But I’m intrigued. I get most of my ideas from Cosmo. What did you run across?”

  “There was an article on one of the websites on finding a woman’s G-spot,” said Jonah.

  “I’ve heard about that,” said Penny. “Didn’t think girls my age could do that very well. Too much estrogen or something.”

  Jonah nodded. “But since you’re on the pill? With your hormones different?”

  “Hmmm,” said Penny. “Interesting idea. I could ask my gyno about it.”

  “Yeah. Or we could just... try it and see.”

  Penny shrugged. “Okay. I’m game if you are.” She tousled his hair. “I think I’m rubbing off on you, Squirt!”

  His face flushed a bit. “Just saying that is getting me a little hot already.”

  She laughed and disentangled from him. “So, what do we do? You can be the teacher this time.”

  “Yikes! Responsibility,” said Jonah. “Okay, you can be on your back, but we need to raise your hips up a little higher. If we can slide a couple of pillows under your butt?”

  “Smooth talker,” she said with another light laugh. She raised her head off the two pillows they had been using to rest their heads on and Jonah slid them out and stacked them together. Pressing back with her shoulders and her feet, she raised her hips enough off the surface of the bed for Jonah to slide the pillows directly under her posterior. As she settled down on them, she said, “Well, it’s soft, but it feels a little weird. Sort of an odd angle for me.”

  “I think the angle is what it’s all about,” said Jonah. “Now make a little room for me.”

  She obligingly spread her legs and watched as Jonah climbed over her left leg and got between them. He gently lowered himself on top of her, but an inch or two farther down than usual. He checked with his fingers and there seemed to be enough moisture in the “zone.” He positioned himself carefully, his back curved a little, and got his manhood poised at the entrance to that wonderful tunnel.

  “I’m doing all this so that instead of pushing straight in, I’ll be thrusting at more of an upward angle of about thirty degrees,” he told her.

  Penny frowned. “You’re starting to make this sound like a math problem, Jonah.”

  “Sorry,” he said. “I’m a geek. What do you want?” He pushed slowly forward and up into her, repeatedly. “This way, according to the article, the end of my penis should be colliding with the front wall of your vagina, which is where the---“

  “Uhh. Ohhh, GEE!” Penny exclaimed, her eyes opening wide and nearly crossing.

  “And I think we found it,” observed Jonah. He kept pumping, with shorter, quicker thrusts, aiming for the same slightly rough spot he felt there within her. He didn’t have to penetrate far to do it.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” she gasped.

  Her knees jerked up suddenly so that her thighs were almost in a straight line, then her legs straightened again but with her feet far apart and her toes curling. Her whole body seemed to shiver. Penny felt an incredibly strong orgasm surge through her that made her bite her lower lip and dig her fingernails into Jonah’s back. Her eyes were closed now. There were aftershock spasms in her abdominal muscles and she thought she could feel her vagina itself squeeze tighter around Jonah’s manhood in a series of pulsing waves.

  Jonah felt that too even more than she did and between that and seeing her reaction, he stopped thrusting as he, too, exploded. He had a few aftershock twitches of his own, then he simply lay there atop her for a full minute as his breathing and heart rate slowed.

  Finally, after another few moments, Penny gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “Can I get off these pillows now?”

  “Of course! Sorry.” Jonah raised up and eased back off of her, then helped her remove the pillows.

  Penny sat up and reached back to place the two pillows back where they belonged, first flipping them over to bring up the clean side. Then she sat there on the bed, her knees still on either side of Jonah’s, and put her arms around his neck.

  “Wow,” she said. “I’m not sayin’ I want to do it that way all the time, but you definitely rocked my world, Jonah. Wow!”

  Forehead to forehead with her, Jonah stared into her eyes. “So I did okay?”

  “Oh yeah,” Penny assured him. “Very okay. I think you may have hit that spot before slightly when I was on top, but not quite like that!” She kissed him again, on the lips this time, then pulled back a bit and gave a satisfied sigh. “I’m definitely gonna need a nap after that one.”

  “Me, too.”

  They lay back down side by side and got comfortable, slipping into cuddle mode once more. Snuggling, their arms around each other, they simply lay there for a time, bathed in the moonlight, their breathing synchronized. After a moment, Penny turned to him, her face nestled against the side of his face.

  “I want you to promise me something,” she said.


  Penny smiled. “I love how you always do that.”

  “Do what?” he asked.

  “Whenever I ask you to do something you always say, ‘sure,’ with no hesitation, no questions, no qualifiers.”

  Jonah smiled back at her. “In case you haven’t noticed,” he said, “you’ve been doing that with me, too.”

  “I have?” She thought back. “Yeah, I have, haven’t I.”

  “So, what is it that you want me to promise?” said Jonah.

  There was a softness in her eyes and in her voice as she said, “That you won’t try any of that stuff with other girls, you know, just to experiment or something.”

  His brow furrowed. “Why would I want to? You’re my one and only. I could never find anyone else like you, Penny.” He kissed her. “And yes, I promise.”

  She kissed him back and snuggled harder. “I promise, too. Only you. Nobody else. You’re the only boyfriend I want or need. Only you.”

  Jonah closed his eyes and smiled. “I guess I am your boyfriend at that.”

  “Heck yes,
” said Penny. “Boyfriend, lover, best friend, soul mate... knight in shining armor. But no bragging or boasting, please. And we still have to be careful, both here and at school.”

  “Understood,” Jonah agreed. “Our secret. Hey, this is like the plot of some of my favorite books.”

  She reached up and ran her fingers gently through his hair. “I hope all of those books have happy endings.”

  “That’s the only kind I read,” he told her. “Except for some of the assigned ones, of course, but those aren’t by choice.”

  “I love happy endings, too,” Penny told him. “That’s what I want for us.”

  They fell silent and both drifted off to sleep. And the starry, moonlit night visible through the window was like a cozy blanket over and around them.


  Days in white porcelain

  Monday morning arrived with the usual abrupt and nerve jangling ringing of the alarm clock on the night stand by Penny’s bed. With her eyes still closed, Penny reached out a hand and found the clock on her third groping try. She shut it off and brought her hand back to where it had been before, resting on Jonah’s shoulder with her arm across his chest.

  Jonah’s eyes were still closed, his head still snuggled against hers, but he said, “Weren’t we supposed to kill that clock?”

  “Want to,” murmured Penny. “Can’t though. Without it, I’d never get up in the morning.”

  “That works for me,” said Jonah.

  “Uh-huh. Me too.” Penny yawned briefly. “But if I don’t get up and you don’t get up, they might come looking for us.”

  Jonah sighed. “I know.” He opened his eyes and looked at her for a long moment, smiling. “At least, this is a better way to wake up than the way I did the last two mornings.”

  She opened her eyes now too, and staring into his, returned his smile. “Ditto that.” She looked around briefly, thinking. “Did we sleep straight through, after that experiment of yours?”

  Jonah reflected. “I think so.”

  “Like I said... home sweet home.” Penny was silent a moment as she rubbed her hand along his shoulder and arm, feeling their smoothness and warmth, and the surprising firmness of the muscles beneath the skin. “You know what I’m thinking?”

  “I could hazard a guess,” said Jonah.

  “No—not that,” she said quickly. “I was going to say, since we took showers last night before going to bed, maybe we can just wash our faces and stuff and then get dressed.”

  Jonah was quiet, staring off into space.

  “Jonah?” she said.

  “Oh—sorry. I was still thinking about the ‘and stuff’ part.” He looked to see if that caused the usual smirky grin. It did. “Yeah, that might work.” He sniffed his arm. “But I can smell your perfume on my skin. And then there’s probably still some sticky stuff on me... down there... you know.”

  She nodded. “Oh yeah. Good point. Showers it is, I guess. But separate, again, so we don’t go running down to breakfast late and flushed with afterglow.”

  Jonah sighed. “Understood. It might be better to save something for later, anyway.”

  Penny reluctantly threw the covers back, gave Jonah a kiss, and then got out of bed. Jonah got out of bed, too, and started to head for his own room via the connecting closets. As she watched him go, her eyes widened.

  “Jonah, wait!” she said.

  He turned, a hopeful look in his eyes. “Change your mind?”

  “No, not about the shower,” she told him. “But whatever you do, make sure you don’t take your shirt and T-shirt off in front of your mom... OR my dad!”

  His frown was both puzzled and worried. “Ah... okay. Why?”

  Penny walked up to him, her own expression apologetic. “Last night... the experiment... when I had my big ‘O’ and kinda went crazy. Remember?”


  “Well, I must have dug my fingernails in,” Penny said. “Your back has two sets of ‘girl claw’ marks in an incriminating pattern. Sorry.”

  “Uh-oh,” said Jonah. He turned a bit more and craned his head to look over his shoulder to see the reflection of his back in Penny’s dresser mirror. She was right. There were slightly reddish indentations where her fingernails and thumbnails had gripped him during the final moments of their lovemaking. “That does kind of say it all, doesn’t it.”

  “They’ll probably fade,” she said, then grimaced. “I think. Maybe not today, though. Sorry.”

  Jonah considered it a moment, then shrugged. “Don’t be sorry. Not about the reason they’re there.” He kissed her. “I’ll stay under cover. No one will know. It’ll be okay.”

  “If we get a chance later, I’ll put some lotion on them,” said Penny. “Guess we’d better hurry up and get ready for breakfast, though.”

  “Okay. Guess we should go downstairs a few minutes apart as usual, so it doesn’t look like we’re coordinating too much.”

  “Yeah,” Penny agreed. “Probably safer. See you down there.”

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Penny was already in the kitchen, seated at the table there, when Jonah entered the room and headed for his own usual seat. Robert was sitting at his regular spot with his breakfast before him and Rebecca was turning from the stove with an egg turner in one hand and a plate with a stack of pancakes in the other.

  “Morning,” said Jonah as he sat down across from Penny.

  “Good morning, dear,” said Rebecca. “Did you sleep better last night, at home in your own cozy bed?”

  Jonah hesitated only a fraction of a second with a quick glance at Penny. “I slept like a log.”

  “It’s always good to be back home,” Rebecca said. She placed the plate with the pancakes in front of Penny and moved the butter and maple syrup closer to her so they would be easier to reach. “I’ll have yours ready in just a few minutes, Jonah.”

  “No rush.”

  Robert swallowed a bite of his own pancakes, which were half consumed already, and took a sip of coffee. “Jonah, I’ve programmed my calendar with a reminder this time, so I won’t forget to bring that flash drive with the info you need home tonight.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Mathews,” said Jonah. “I appreciate your help.”

  Robert smiled, then looked at him soberly. “That, young man, is the very least I can do. And whatever parts you need for your science fair project, just tell me.”


  At the stove, Rebecca ladled out batter for four more pancakes onto the hot griddle. “Jonah, do you want a short stack or a regular stack this time?”

  Penny brightened and with a teasing look started to open her mouth. She seemingly changed her mind and only winked.

  Jonah said, “Regular would be nice, Mom.” He gave a brief fake glare to Penny, who was starting to eat, but the corner of his mouth was twisted up in an almost-smile.

  Rebecca waited a moment more, then flipped the pancakes over and let them brown on the other side. The griddle was hot enough that it didn’t take long. She stacked those up onto a clean plate and brought them to her son, then went back to the stove to fix her own pancakes with the remaining batter. When, after several minutes, those were done she turned off the burner and dished up her pancakes, then brought them to the table and sat down in her own seat.

  “I checked my emails this morning,” she said. “The temp agency had me on their list for today and they’ve already scheduled me for a typing job at Myri-Sinclair Industries. So I guess I’m back to work again.”

  Penny and Jonah exchanged glances but kept their faces frozen.

  Robert looked up from the newspaper he had started to flip through. “Myri-Sinclair? That’s two blocks from where I work at TransComCo. What hours?”

  “Eight-thirty to five, with a half hour off for lunch,” said Rebecca.

  “That’s the same as my hours,” Robert said. “We can carpool if you like, and save gas. If you’ll be ready to leave when I do, in about...” he checked his watch “...twe
nty-five minutes? That allows for driving time.”

  Rebecca considered it a moment. “Well, okay, if you’re sure it’s no trouble.”

  “Of course it’s no trouble.”

  Rebecca started to eat her breakfast, wasting no time. She glanced at the griddle and mixing bowl on the top of the stove, then the plates on the table. “I’ll have to do the dishes later.”

  “No you won’t,” Penny said. “I’ll do everything. Don’t worry about it.”

  Rebecca smiled. “That’s very thoughtful, Penny. Thank you. Just be sure to let the griddle cool thoroughly first. Maybe you can get Jonah to dry for you.”

  Penny gave a thumbs up. “Teamwork!”

  Jonah shrugged. “Sure. No problem.”

  “And,” Rebecca added between mouthfuls, “give us a call and check in once or twice, just so we don’t worry.”

  Penny said, “Happy to.”

  Robert raised an eyebrow. “Hopefully we won’t get any calls like last Thursday.”

  “Amen to that,” said Jonah. “Hope I don’t even hear a helicopter.”

  * * * * * * * * * *

  “Alone at last,” said Penny. She was up to her wrists in dishwater, standing at the kitchen sink. She had already washed and rinsed the plates, cups and saucers and placed them in the rack on the drainboard to the left of the sink. She was starting to work on the utensils.

  Jonah stood next to her, drying the items that had drained enough with a dish towel. He put each away in the cupboard as it was done. “My dad used to call this KP duty.”

  “KP?” said Penny.

  “Short for kitchen police,” explained Jonah. “Of course, officers don’t pull KP duty, just enlisted men. That’s probably why he joked about it.”

  Penny carefully placed the forks into the utensil cup in the rack. “You miss him a lot, don’t you.”


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