Penny & Squirt: A Love Story

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Penny & Squirt: A Love Story Page 25

by T. M. Haught

  “Only one thing left,” Penny said. “Do you want me to undo the bra? Or turn around so you can reach the clasp better?”

  “Nah,” he told her. “More fun this way.”

  He reached both hands around her, leaning close to her as he undid the hooks on the back of the bra, by feel, working blind. He was leaning quite close. Quite close.

  “Ooo—I felt a poke!” said Penny.

  Jonah pulled his hips back a little and looked down. “What did I hit?”

  “You were almost on target,” she said with a wry look. “Be careful where you point that thing.”

  He successfully unhooked the bra and brought the ends to the front, slipping the straps off her shoulders and letting the cups slide from her breasts. He was surprised as several white flower petals fell from each cup.

  “I thought you smelled like gardenias,” he said.

  “One of my little secrets,” she said. “I don’t always do it, but like I said… special occasion.”

  Jonah carefully dropped the bra atop the pile of things there on the floor, then returned his eyes to her face once his gaze had swept up her naked beauty. He noticed her eyes were still studying the floor.

  “Look, Jonah,” she said. “Our clothes are laying there tangled up together, some on top of the others, like we will be.”

  Jonah smiled as her gaze returned to him. “Yeah, but they won’t be enjoying it as much as we will.”

  He took her hand and their fingers interlocked. They walked together to the bed, where the covers had already been turned down. Jonah gave her a kiss, then he lay down on the bed as he had done before.

  “Okay,” he said. “So what’s the variation?”

  “Scoot over to the middle of the bed,” Penny told him. “Spread your legs really wide, so I can lay between them instead of straddling you.”

  “Will that work?”

  “I don’t know,” she said coyly. “Let’s try it and find out.”

  Jonah got in the center of the bed and pointed his feet toward the corners of the end of the mattress as she had indicated. There was something about just doing that much that seemed to arouse him even more. He watched as Penny stood there a moment looking at him, then she ran the fingers of both hands through her long blonde hair, carrying it up toward the top of her head before letting it cascade down in wild disarray.

  Jonah stared at her, captivated. “Penny, you are freakin’ gorgeous.”

  “Thank you, Jonah. You aren’t so bad yourself.”

  She climbed onto the bed and on her hands and knees worked her way to the space between his legs. She carefully leaned forward, walking her hands up the bed alongside his torso and positioning her lady parts directly above his penis, which was already fully erect and starting to moisten at the tip.

  “I see you’re ready,” she told him.

  “Oh yeah. Really ready.”

  “Great,” she said. She arched an eyebrow. “I’m gonna play fireman now.”

  Jonah looked puzzled. “Don’t firemen put out fires…?”

  Penny smirked. “That’s later… much later. First they have to slide down the pole.”

  “Oh!” he replied, suddenly understanding.

  Penny made sure the head of his manhood was in exactly the right spot, then she descended until it was completely inside her and she was lying on top of him with her own legs tight together. Her knees were bent slightly since her torso was on top of his, and the lower parts of her legs were level with the bed. This shaped her hips and upper thighs around his groin and made contact with his testicles, too. She kept her feet vertical with her toes gripping the bed.

  Jonah moaned and closed his eyes. Then he said, “Play fireman… where do you learn expressions like that?”

  “You’re not the only one who reads books, silly.” She grinned.

  He opened his eyes and grinned back at her. “I know. Of course, technically, you’d be a firewoman and not a fireman, or you’d be a firefighter, or….”

  “I know how to keep you from talking too much,” Penny said. She took his face in her hands and kissed him, sweetly and tenderly at first, then hotly and passionately, with an increasingly fierce ardor that was by itself exquisitely arousing.

  At the same time, she raised her hips slightly and then thrust down again and a little forward, repeatedly, so that not only was his manhood sliding up and down inside her moistening vagina, her vulva was colliding with and rubbing against his groin. The “Y” space between her upper thighs, pressed tightly together, was repeatedly cupping and releasing his testicles, adding additional stimulation to him. She could feel it, too.

  Penny kept her rhythm slow and deliberate, keeping the timing in her own control, and was glad that he wasn’t trying to thrust back. She didn’t want him to climax too soon, and she was enjoying the way it felt. She kept it up, turning her face to snuggle against his neck. As she felt his arms go around her back in a sweet embrace she slid her hands under his back and over his shoulders, holding on to him as she kept up her steady and unhurried pumping.

  More minutes passed, then Penny felt Jonah’s embrace tighten suddenly and his back arch, pushing his belly up against hers. Her hips could feel the muscles in his thighs tighten, too, and her breasts could feel his heart racing beneath them.

  “Hold it, Squirt!” she said imperatively.

  Jonah’s brow furrowed as his eyes closed tight. “Ooooohhh… can’t! Can’t! OOOOHHH!”

  He gasped loudly, his head jerking back as his hips jumped an inch off the bed, carrying her with him, and his entire body spasmed. There were three more minor convulsions before he finally went limp, panting near her ear. Gradually, his breathing slowed.

  “Sorry,” he said weakly. “I hit the big ‘O’. A really big ‘O’.”

  Penny pouted. “That makes one of us.”

  “Aww. Well, keep going,” Jonah encouraged her. “Not sure I can help much, but maybe we can still get you there.”


  Penny resumed her steady pumping, closing her eyes as she focused less on the up and down part of it and more on gently grinding her lady parts against the firm parts of his groin surrounding the base of his manhood. She bit her lower lip, enjoying the pleasure of the sensations that radiated out from that part of her, plus the feel of Jonah’s bare flesh so warm and supple beneath her breasts and belly. His arms, their embrace now relaxed and tender, alternated between simply wrapping around her and moving as his hands lightly caressed her shoulders, lower back and hips. That part was good. Very good, in fact. But she could feel his manhood shrinking inside her, which meant one less source of stimulation.

  “Oh, Jonah,” she whispered close to his ear. “Your car is getting down to sub-compact size. Gonna be a skateboard, soon. Can you keep it firm? Can you keep it in my garage?”

  He frowned. “I’m trying, Penny. Really trying.”

  “Try harder.”


  “What? Oh! Unintentional pun.” She turned her head to gaze lovingly into his eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m putting pressure on you, and you’re always so good to me.”

  “That’s ‘cuz I love you.”

  “Ditto,” she told him. “I just really wanted to get there. Really wanted.”

  Jonah thought about it. “Maybe you’re trying too hard, or maybe it was all that starch in the pasta, slowing you down.”

  “Didn’t slow you down,” she said.

  “That new technique of yours got me super hot,” Jonah replied. “You’re amazing.”

  She smiled. “And you’re sweet. I’m flattered. Honestly.” Then she sighed and stopped pumping, relaxing in his arms. “I’m also getting tired, at least my tummy and leg muscles are. I may be the one having trouble walking after this.”

  “You were doing all the work.” Jonah kissed her consolingly. “You know, we can rest a bit. In a half hour or so my rocket should be ready to launch again.”

  She pouted. “A half hour? Well… maybe another half hour
of being horny will make it work.”

  Jonah shrugged. “Or… we could try another way, so you won’t have to wait.”

  “What other way?”

  “Sit up, and I’ll show you,” he said.

  As he took his arms off her back to release her from his embrace, Penny used her arms to lever herself up off of his torso and hips. She rocked back until she was kneeling in the open space between his legs. She watched him sit up, too.

  “You know, I really shouldn’t expect us to climax at the same time,” she told him. “That’s not normal, as far as I know. Most couples don’t, from what I’ve been told, or have read. I’m spoiled. You and I may not get off at precisely the same moment, but we usually always come close to it.”

  He gave her a smirky look. “Come close to it?”

  “Stop that!” She hit him on the arm, but couldn’t help smiling and then breaking into laughter. “Now I’m the one who’s making the double entendres!”

  “That’s my sassy girl.” He scooted back, twisting around briefly to prop up the pillows against the brass rail headboard of the bed, then he rested his back against them, sitting there with his legs still widely spread apart. He crooked his finger at her. “Okay. C’mere. But turn around so you can sit in front of me with your back against me.”

  She raised an eyebrow in a quizzical look, but said, “Okay.”

  Penny turned so she was no longer facing him and sat down, then scooted back until she was nestled against him, sitting in the space between his thighs. “Now what?”

  “Stretch your legs out and spread them so they’re touching my legs,” he told her.

  She did so. She squirmed a bit to get comfy cozy. “This is kinda fun.”

  “It’ll get better,” said Jonah. “I hope. If I do it right.”

  First he put his arms around her and gave her a hug. Then he slowly caressed her arms and shoulders, moving his hands up and down across them.

  “Jonah, you feel good against my back,” Penny said.

  “Shhh…” he said. “Now put your hands behind my head.”

  She reached back and did so, then turned her head and snuggled her face against his. She could feel his regular breathing, warmly against her chin and neck, and in the rise and fall of his chest behind her.

  Jonah now ran his hands down her sides, along the ribs, then brought them up to caress her breasts, lightly teasing them, gently exploring them. He could feel her pulse quicken as she started to respond, and her nipples were hardening.

  “Hmmm…” she moaned lightly. Her eyes were half-lidded now, her lips parted.

  Jonah lovingly worked his way down her chest and her belly, lightly massaging those areas, too. Then he reached her lady parts and tenderly rubbed across them and felt her body twitch a bit in response. He could read her well enough now that he knew she was enjoying it and that he hadn’t done anything that hurt.

  He kept that up for a minute, then he carefully slid the middle finger of his right hand between the inner lips of her vulva and into her vagina, taking care that there was enough moisture to avoid doing any harm. He was rewarded with a small gasp and he felt her stomach muscles tighten beneath his wrists.

  Jonah now turned his hand palm up and let his finger penetrate her as far as it could. Then he repeatedly crooked that finger in a “come hither” motion that rubbed the tip of it against her “G” spot, again and again, stroking it gently, while at the same time he used the fingers of his left hand to softly massage her clitoris. His left hand was dry and the friction as he rubbed that part of her seemed to send little ripples of sensation in all directions. She gave a stronger gasp, and another, and her breathing and her pulse quickened.

  “Is that working?” he asked her.

  “Oh yes,” Penny said softly. “Yes yes yes yes! Don’t stop!”

  Jonah continued stroking her “G” spot with the finger of his right hand and gently rubbing her clitoris with his left hand, changing from back and forth to circular motions. He kissed the top of her shoulder, the back of her neck, the side of her neck just below her ear, and her ear itself. He kept going, not changing the pace, just steadily pleasuring her and constantly gauging her response to what he was doing.

  After another five minutes of this, Penny started to squirm. Her legs started to push outward against his, and her leg muscles tensed repeatedly. Her toes, which had spread wide at first, now curled down with her feet turning inward. The grip of her hands behind his head tightened and her own head tilted back, her eyes completely closed and her mouth open. Jonah kept going, and in a few seconds more Penny’s body jerked with a sudden spasm as the waves of orgasmic energy swept through her and she exploded.

  “Ohhh… ohhh… OH JONAH!” she almost screamed out.

  Her body shuddered several times uncontrollably, then finally relaxed. Jonah removed his hands from her lady parts and just embraced her, snuggling his head against hers.

  “Success?” he asked her.

  Her eyes still closed, she said, “Oh my yes! Over the top! Thank you.”

  “Hey, I love you,” he said. “Pleasing you is important to me.”

  She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him, then kissed his cheek. “Your mom was right, Jonah. We were made for each other.”

  “Won’t argue with that,” he told her. He added wryly, “Hope the neighbors didn’t hear us!”

  “I almost don’t care,” said Penny. “But anyway, I doubt they’re home this time of day, and the houses aren’t that close. But… but…”

  “But what?”

  “But I think something is coming between us,” she said.

  Jonah frowned mightily. “What? No! Nothing will ever come between us!”

  “Not what I meant,” she said. “I feel something hard against the small of my back, and it’s getting wet.”


  Penny leaned forward and carefully turned around, taking up a sitting position still within the space between his legs but a short distance out from him. She looked at Jonah’s manhood which was now fully erect again and had clear fluid from his Cowper Glands running down it.

  “Didn’t quite take a half hour after all,” she said.

  Jonah made an apologetic face. “I didn’t realize how helping you get off would get me all hot again.”

  “Makes sense,” Penny said. She sighed. “Now what?”

  Jonah pulled his legs back and moved forward into a sitting position, his knees touching hers. “I guess we should get dressed again. Maybe we can do something tonight, after we turn in.”

  “Probably,” she said. Her gaze swept from his eyes down to his groin and back up again. His penis was still hard and almost throbbing with an eagerness that was reflected in his face. Penny pouted understandingly. “You want me, don’t you?”

  Jonah hesitated. “Well, yeah, kinda. But I can wait. That would make sense.”

  “Yeah, makes sense.” Penny chewed her lower lip. Then she shrugged and smiled endearingly. “Oh, what the heck…”

  She reached out and grabbed him, pulling him forward on top of her as she threw herself back against the bed and straightened her legs out as he fell between them. As she wrapped her arms around him she kissed him passionately on the mouth, then told him, “Go for it, Squirt… go for it….”


  It’s only fair

  A week and a half later at 8:00 p.m. all four people who lived in the old Victorian house on Elm Street were at Palmvista High School in the cafeteria. So were many others, for that matter. It was the night that the students who had entered the science fair and their parents could see their projects on display and find out which had won awards at the school level. The cafeteria chairs had been folded and stacked in the corner of the expansive room and the tables had been rearranged end to end in rows with the projects neatly displayed on top of them.

  Jonah and Penny were working their way down the second to the last aisle on the east end of the cafeteria, carefully lookin
g at each display. Rebecca and Robert were close behind them.

  “Are you sure this is where it is?” said Penny.

  “That’s what the science teacher told me,” Jonah replied. “It should be… right about… hey, there is it!”

  The four of them stopped in front of the table that was midway down the row. There was Jonah’s project, the little gadget itself with its antenna extended and the power cord running out of sight. Standing in an arc behind it, like the other projects, were the white folding boards that bore the pages of purpose, description and circuitry, with construction photos showing how he had put it together. And there lying on the tabletop beside the gadget he had designed and built was a Science Fair ribbon. There was a moment of elation, and then a collective sigh as they saw the words “Honorable Mention” printed on that ribbon.

  “Well…” said Rebecca, giving Jonah’s shoulder a comforting squeeze, “that’s disappointing… a little… I mean, I thought you deserved First Place, myself.”

  “Yeah! Me, too!” Penny frowned, then said with an odd sense of purpose, “Who were the judges for this, anyway? I’d like to—”

  Robert interrupted her with his own comment. “I agree, it is disappointing, but Jonah, it has nothing to do with the merits of your project. I don’t think they understood how much of a breakthrough you made with your design… that you weren’t just doing something that had already been done.”

  Jonah was glum, but appreciative. “Thanks everybody.” He suddenly bent to look under the table at the end of the power cord. “Humph! They didn’t even plug it in. I wonder if they even tried it out?”

  “Well, I did, and I thought it worked great,” said Robert. “In fact, it worked better than any I’ve ever seen.” He was silent a moment, then added, “I guess now’s as good as any time to tell you some news I heard today.”


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