Romance Warfare: a Tigress' Guide to NOT Secure a Mate: BBW Tiger Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Romance Warfare: a Tigress' Guide to NOT Secure a Mate: BBW Tiger Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 3

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  “Just remember…if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off.”

  Adam was staring at his computer. His calendar was organized and up-to-date. Eva updated it three times a day. He always knew when and where he was supposed to be. Whatever he thought about having his ex-fianceé work for him, he had to give it her—the woman was efficient, organized, and professional. Professional to a “T.” Her professionalism was driving him insane.

  He thought he’d be able to ignore her, keep to his office and keep contact to a minimum but she was everywhere, even when he couldn’t see her. The soft redolence of her perfume permeated the outer office, forcing him to inhale the sensual scent of spiced vanilla and Eva’s skin. Her name was at the end of all the documents and memos she sent him throughout his workday, her murmur drifted through his office door when employees and clients stopped to talk to her. He couldn’t get away from her. He started to think he didn’t want to.

  Adam studied his calendar again. There was definitely no avoiding Eva today. He and Dean had one of their most important working lunch dates of the fiscal year. Their German client was their most lucrative contract and the company representative was in NYC for their yearly renegotiation meeting. As his executive assistant, it was imperative Eva attended the lunch with him. He needed her there to take notes and handle the paperwork and files. Which meant spending at least half an hour with her in the back of limo. He supposed he should be glad Dean would be there, that at least they wouldn’t be alone, but somehow, he didn’t think Dean would be much help.

  Adam sighed. Might as well get this over with. The less time he had to spend with Eva, the less time he had to fight his growing attraction to her. He ran his fingers through his thick hair and tugged on his overcoat. Swallowing past the tension he felt forming in his throat, he opened the door that separated his office from Eva’s and stopped.

  Dean was leaning over Eva’s desk, a playful half-smile on his lips. She was laughing at whatever he just said, her head tossed back, and the light sound made Adam realize he hadn’t heard her laugh at all in the week she’d been here. Jealousy knotted in the pit of his stomach at the thought that Dean was the one to make her laugh and not him. He cleared his throat.

  Eva stopped laughing immediately and he saw the light in her eyes fade, replaced by the veil she’d kept between them all week.

  “Sorry,” she said, “we were just waiting for you. The limo is already downstairs.” She picked up a leather file case, “I’ve got all the contracts in here.”

  “If you’re ready then,” he gestured toward the door. Damn it, why did he sound so formal every time he talked to her? Dean was smirking at him again. He’d like to take that punk cousin of his out into the woods and show him what he thought of his little stunt with Eva; both hiring her and flirting with her. He snarled quietly, letting his canine teeth elongate for a split second, just long enough to show Dean his displeasure. Dean only laughed at him again and followed Eva’s swaying hips down the hall to the elevators.

  Adam was trying to ignore Eva’s presence on the ride down. Today she was wrapped in a deep purple dress that skimmed her generous curves and tied across her waist in way that accentuated her hourglass body. Her cinnamon curls were pulled half-up and cascaded down her back in a waterfall of waves. Adam wondered what she would do if he were to wrap those curls around his hands and tugged her head back to expose her delicate white throat to his hungry tongue. The elevator doors thumped open, jerking him from his reverie. Dean shot him another smug look as he guided Eva out of the glass doors and into the New York streets.


  They settled into the back of the limo, Eva ducking in and sliding as far away from Adam as she could. Dean plopped between them and stretched his legs out across the car, propping his arms behind his head and giving Eva a wink. Adam speared Dean with his gaze before turning to study the people rushing by on the sidewalks outside.

  “So,” Dean started “how’s the first week been, Evie?”

  “It’s been fine,” she said shortly.

  “Mr. Charming over here been giving you any problems?” Dean gave Adam a mocking grin.

  “It’s been fine.”

  “Well, this has been a scintillating conversation. Let’s move on. How’s your love life? Dating anyone? Got a friend with benefits?”

  “Shut it, Dean,” Adam growled without looking at him.

  “Actually,” Eva turned to Dean with a bright smile, “no, I’m not dating anyone. No special ‘friend,’ either.”

  “Well, now isn’t that interesting.” Dean sat up and slid closer to Eva, eyes sweeping over her, lingering on the sliver of flesh exposed where her dress had slipped up over her thighs. “No one at all?” He draped his arm over the back of her seat. “You know, I’m single.”

  Eva quirked her lips at him. “I can’t believe no one’s snatched you up yet, Dean.”

  Dean’s hand dropped to her knee, giving it a light squeeze. “It would take a special girl to settle me down.”

  “And what kind of girl would that be, hmm?” Eva purred at him.

  “I’m thinking a smart-mouthed little redhead would do nicely.”

  “Stop it.” Adam ground out.

  “Stop what?” Eva asked innocently.

  “Dean, get your goddamned hand off her leg.” Adam was staring daggers at Eva and Dean, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes sparking with tightly leashed anger.

  Dean exploded with laughter. “Why cousin, I do believe you’re jealous.”

  “I’m not jealous. Your behavior is inappropriate.”

  “We’re all old friends here. Nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting.” Dean squeezed Eva’s leg again.

  “I said, get your hands off her.”

  “You wait just a damn minute,” Eva exploded, “you don’t get a say in who touches me or who doesn’t! You lost that right years ago.”

  “Well, now that you brought it up, would you like to explain to me as to why I lost that right? I mean, you didn’t exactly give me a choice in the matter. You just stopped talking to me and then disappeared altogether. Did I do something, Eva? Why did you leave?”

  The air in the car was suddenly heavy. Adam felt his throat tighten around his words. He told himself that he wouldn’t ask her those questions, but they just slipped out. When he saw Dean’s hand on her leg he couldn’t stop the jealousy that washed over him and he began to wonder if she’d left him for someone else. He’d been happy to hear her say she wasn’t dating, but watching her flirt with Dean was more than he could take. He knew Dean was doing that just to get a rise out of him and he was disappointed in himself that he took the bait. He couldn’t help it, he’d tried to give the appearance of ignoring her, of being professional, but he’d been aware of every move she’d made.

  The look on Eva’s face was unreadable. She was chewing on her bottom lip and had wrapped her arms protectively around her waist. Dean had raised his eyebrows at Adam, his look questioning Adam’s sudden emotional outburst.

  “Okay,” Eva said “if you really want to know…you told me you loved me, Adam.”

  The leather seats creaked as Adam leaned forward and Dean tried to sink back and made himself as unobtrusive as possible.

  “I really do want to know,” Adam said softly.

  “You said you loved me but I saw you that night. I saw you with your tongue crammed down Rachel Morgan’s throat! So yes, I left. I have too much respect for myself to stay with a man who doesn’t mean what he says.”

  Shock passed over Adam’s face before he let out a loud, rumbling laugh. “That’s it? You left because of that? Why didn’t you come talk to me about it?”

  “I didn’t think we had anything left to talk about.”

  “Eva, you should have come to me. We wouldn’t be where we are now if you’d let me explain…”

  “I know an asshat when I see one, no explanation needed.”

  “How about: she kissed me, I didn’t kiss her.”

bsp; “Right,” Eva snorted.

  “Rachel Morgan had been after me since she moved to Trenton. Didn’t matter to her that I had no interest whatsoever in her.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Eva fumed.

  “I can’t help what you do or don’t believe, but I can give you the truth at least. I did not kiss Rachel Morgan. She’d been throwing herself at me for months; when you went to the ladies’ room to comfort your friend, what’s her name, little blonde girl…because her boyfriend broke up with her…anyhow, Rachel saw her chance. She cornered me when I went out into the hall for some air. Rubbed herself all over me like she was in heat and finally went in for the kiss. I guess that’s when you saw us.”

  Eva was chewing on her bottom lip and thinking over Adam’s words. “No, I know what I saw.”

  “Then you saw me push her off.”

  “I saw her trying to hump your leg like a dog.”

  Dean let out a sharp laugh before coughing himself into silence. When Adam skewered him with a dirty look he appeared to suddenly find the crisscross patterns on the ceiling very interesting.

  “True, she was clinging to me like a leech…and maybe I did enjoy it for a minute, I was only eighteen…but I didn’t kiss her back. I didn’t want to kiss her, I didn’t want her. I was in love with you, Eva.”

  “I know what I saw,” Eva insisted.

  “Damn it, woman, will you listen to me? You didn’t see everything. And you didn’t bother coming to me for an explanation. You ran. If you hadn’t run, we’d be…” Adam trailed off.

  “Married right now,” Eva said quietly.

  “Your little adolescent temper tantrum caused a lot of problems between our clans, Eva.”

  “Do you think I don’t know that?” she bit out. “I had to deal with my grandfather’s anger after I left. I’d do it again, though. I didn’t deserve to be treated like that.”

  “And I deserved a fucking explanation.”

  “Well you just got one. Can we leave it alone now? It was a long time ago.”

  “You’re the one who’s been holding onto it all these years, Eva. Not me.”

  “Oh, my freaking…would you both just shut the hell up?” Dean interfered. “You both were at fault. Make peace already.”

  Adams eyes flashed to Dean. He’d almost forgotten Dean was in the car. “This is none of your business.”

  “Leave him alone,” Eva spat out at Adam.

  “Eva, stay out of this!” Adam yelled at her. He shoved Dean to the floor.

  Eva rolled her eyes at Adam and slammed back into her seat with a huff.

  “Did you just? Did you just…roll your eyes at me?” Adam asked incredulously.

  Eva looked directly into Adam’s face and rolled her eyes so hard that Adam couldn’t see her pupils anymore. Then she added in a long, loud tooth-sucking for good measure.

  Dean was still on the floor of the limo in a guffawing heap when they pulled up in front of the restaurant.


  Eva tried to keep her mouth from dropping open as she was led through Jean-Georges, one of the most elegant restaurants in the city. As the hostess wound through the tables topped with crisp white cloths, Eva was almost certain she spotted at least three different celebrities. She also noted the flirtatious look the hostess gives Adam and tried to stop herself from scowling at the girl.

  She smiled at Dean when he pulled out her chair and settled in, taking in the gorgeous views of Central Park. She was so distracted by the scenery and the understated elegance of the white and cream décor that she didn’t even notice when their client arrived for their power lunch.

  “Herr Schmidt, may I introduce my executive assistant, Eva. Eva, Herr Schmidt, our German client representative.”

  Eva extended her hand, hoping that she was being as professional as possible, and was shocked when Herr Schmidt tugged her forward a bit and raked his eyes across her body several times, giving her hand a squeezing caress before finally letting go.

  “She’s a lovely, lovely fraulein, Mr. Frost. Tell me, how do you get any work done with such a schonen breiter arsch wagging around, eh?” Herr Schmidt boomed in his thick accent.

  Adam looked as if he was ready to bite the rep in half. He’d probably do it if this vulgar German wasn’t an important client of the firm. Instead, he gave the rep a tight smile. “Shall we order?”

  Dean leaned over to Eva and whispered, “He’s talking about your luscious curves. In a slightly unpolished way.”

  “Should I be flattered or look offended?”

  “Flattered if I were you.” He gave her a wink. “He’s right, you know, you are distracting.”

  Eva gave Dean a playful whack with her menu before opening it and perusing the selections. Since she was only familiar with a couple of the items she ordered the risotto. She was surprised to hear Adam conversing with the waiter in perfect French. That was a skill he definitely didn’t have in high school.

  “I canceled your risotto and ordered you the diver scallops. I hope you don’t mind, I remembered seafood is your favorite and I thought you’d like them. They’re delicious here,” he said to her.

  “Sure, yeah. I mean, yes, thank you,” she said and took a large sip of her water so she didn’t have to say anything else. Was he being nice to her? Trying to make up for his behavior in the limo? And she couldn’t believe he remembered her favorite food. She was unsure what to make of this particular development.

  Eva was hardly paying any attention to the conversation. Her notepad remained blank next to her glass as the men were discussing contract renewals because Eva had her past with Adam on her mind. I was half in love with him eight years ago…and I know he loved me. But he let Rachel kiss him. She glowered at him across the table without realizing it and was startled out of her thoughts when Dean gave her ankle a light kick under the table. When he threw her a questioning look, she tried to bring her attention to the conversation at hand.

  The discussion was halted when their order arrived. She was picking at her scallops, which were as delicious as Adam promised, when she felt a hand land on her leg. Startled, she looked down to see Herr Schmidt’s thick knuckled fingers massaging her knee. She shifted, tugging her leg away from his wandering hand and giving him a tight smile.

  Which apparently was the wrong thing to do. Herr Schmidt had evidently mistaken her smile as an invitation because he abandoned all pretenses of a business meeting and started leering at Eva, his eyes darting over her cleavage. She cleared her throat and tugged her dress up in the front.

  “So, Eva, such a beautiful name, tell me, what do you do for fun after work?” he said to her, taking her hand, and holding it hostage in his.

  “Um, not much really. I like to walk in Riverside Park sometimes.”

  “Ach! Beautiful girl like you, you should be out, being shown off, no? I am here for few days more. Would you like to go out with me, to dinner? To show? I am in very nice hotel.” He gave her a wink.

  Yikes. His wink was creepy unlike Dean’s. “Uh, I’m, uh…” she looked to Dean and Adam for help. Dean was giving her one of his patented mocking looks, lips quirked, one eyebrow cocked, looking for all the world like he was trying not to laugh. Adam’s face, on the other hand, was thunderous. His face darkened and his eyes were shifting, Eva noticed an amber spark before he got his emotions controlled.

  He’s jealous. Eva couldn’t believe it. Adam was jealous of the German businessman. She smiled to herself. Good for him. Let him have a little taste of how it feels. I should go out with the man, just to show Adam.

  “While I’m sure Eva would be thrilled to have you take her out, Herr Schmidt, I’m afraid I can’t allow it, conflict of interest, you know. We must keep business considerations in mind, after all.” Adam gave the man a cold smile, his lips stretched into a thin line.

  “Ah, yes, I see. It’s too bad for business. We could have fun.” Herr Schmidt gave Eva a bright smile and ran his foot up the inside of her leg.

  She jumped up s
o fast her chair almost toppled over. “Excuse me…uh, for the…ladies.”

  Eva made her way to the ladies’ room, taking a deep breath to clear her head once she was inside. The tension at the table was so thick, she couldn’t sit there anymore with Herr Schmidt trying to paw her and Adam glowering at everyone. He was going to ruin the contract renewal if he didn’t watch it. She wet a napkin and dabbed at her temples. Not even sure I should care, not my problem if he messes up his own company.

  She did care, though, that was the thing. She was figuring out that she cared more than she wanted to admit to herself. And she would never admit to Adam that she still cared about him. She thought she hated him. She was beginning to realize that maybe she never stopped caring about him, no matter how mad she was at him. Eight years hadn’t dampened her feelings for him as much as she’d thought.

  She sighed and braced her hands on the sink, studying her face in the mirror. Things were getting way more complicated than she anticipated. She was beginning to think she should have never taken this job, no matter how badly she needed it, no matter how well it paid.

  When she realized she’d been gone from the table far too long she crinkled her damp napkin and tossed it into the bin before straightening her dress and checking her lipstick. Satisfied she at least looked good, she headed out the door. And ran into Adam standing in the corridor outside the ladies’ room.

  “Everything all right?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” Eva replied “just…you know, female things.” She gestured to the door behind her.

  “Eva…I think we need to talk.”

  “About the contracts, yes. Everything’s in the file, ready to go when you are.”

  “We need to talk about us.”

  “There is no ‘us,’ Adam. Not anymore.”

  Adam took a step toward her, backing her down the corridor. She put her hands forward, pushing on his chest as he continued closing their distance. They were only stopping when they’d reached a secluded corner. He was so close to her, she could feel the heat building between them, could feel his heart thudding under her palms.

  “You need to watch yourself, Eva Carey. I won’t have you flirting with other men around me. Clients. Or Dean.” His eyes flashed dangerously at her.


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