High Stakes: Book 1 Blitzkrieg

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High Stakes: Book 1 Blitzkrieg Page 9

by Lucien Black

  Chapter 43

  Lacerate stared deeply at the man whose arm he took in battle a few years earlier. By his reckoning, the man before him was far younger than the man he faced. “Neat trick,” Lacerate said as he circled Hunter. “What are you ten…fifteen years younger?”

  “Something like that,” Hunter said ready for Lacerate’s pending attack.

  Lacerate pulled a knife from his belt and said, “Still couldn’t replace the limb though.”

  “Make your move,” Hunter said.

  “Oh don’t,” Lacerate started, but Carl Hunter went on the offensive and cut him off. With a lunge, Hunter was a few paces away from his opponent and he swung with a right cross, which landed on Lacerate’s jaw.

  The knife wielder staggered backward, somewhat in shock but recovered quickly and swung his knife at Hunter. Hunter dodged by jumping back a step and then pressed the attack reaching out with his right and wrapping it around Lacerate’s throat. With a burst of energy, Hunter yanked Lacerate towards him and landed a head butt against this nose. Blood spurted onto Lacerate’s upper lip and dribbled down his chin. Lacerate swung back with his knife and landed a blow to Hunter’s left arm. The knife stuck into the prosthetic limb and Hunter used the opportunity to leverage the weapon away from Lacerate. With his opponent unarmed, Hunter landed a knee to the groin and another knee to the face, which sent Lacerate to the ground.

  Hunter wrenched the knife from his arm, dropped to one knee and pressed the blade against Lacerate’s throat. He leaned in close and whispered, “Now it’s time for me to take something from you.”

  Just then, Hunter yelped in pain as Lacerate thrust a short dagger into his lower back. The surprise gave Lacerate the advantage he needed to push Hunter to the side and evade his attack.

  Hunter still down on one knee and dropped the knife he was holding. He then reached back and pulled free the dagger from his back. Both the knife and his hand were soaked with blood. Pain radiated up his back and down the back of his leg. He could feel the warm liquid soaking his clothes.

  “Not so tough after all,” Lacerate said as he charged Hunter. In his hands another knife, and with it, he sliced Hunter across the right cheek. The old man groaned in pain. With two more swipes, Lacerate inflicted two more wounds, one on his chest and another on his left shoulder. Hunter was losing blood fast. He had to do something.

  Lacerate stepped back and said, “So you still couldn’t best me old man.” He wiped the knife clean on his jeans and placed it back in its sheath. Then he walked around Hunter and bent over to pick up the knife Hunter used against him.

  With his attention briefly diverted to getting his knife, Hunter used every ounce of energy he had left and thrust himself upward toward Lacerate. Lacerate wasn’t prepared for the attack and couldn’t ready himself; both men crashed to the ground. Hunter used his position to thrust the dagger into Lacerate’s side. He cried out in pain and tried to head butt Hunter, who moved his head at the last second and then twisted the dagger. Both men screamed as Lacerate drove another blade into Hunter’s stomach. Hunter reeled back and slammed his head down on Lacerate’s already broken nose. Dizzied, Lacerate tried to gain the advantage, but the pain in his side and face had him on the ropes. Hunter slammed his head down twice more and with the final blow, Lacerate’s eyes rolled back and he slipped into unconsciousness.

  Exhausted, Hunter rolled off Lacerate and onto his back. He lost too much blood and he was losing consciousness. The last thing he thought of before his eyes closed was Sara Scott. He hoped that the Remnant could save them. He hoped they would make it out alive. Then his eyes closed and lapsed into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 44

  Percival rose from the newly wreaked vehicle, a dribble of blood trickled down from his nose, past his lips, and down his deeply scarred chin. He smiled brightly and said, “Good fight.” Then he rose up, the muscles in his legs thick and meaty hoisted his body to his full height. With all his strength, Percival lifted the remains of the truck overhead, held it for a second and then launched it through the air at Dense. The six-wheeled vehicle moaned as it reached its apex and then descended towards Dense.

  Seconds before impact, Dense reached back and threw a solid right hand. The blow splintered the metal and sent debris scattered about him.

  Percival smiled; he loved a challenge and Dense certainly offered him one. Without hesitation, Percival charged forward just a Dense was recovering from the blow to the vehicle. With both fists, Percival swung up and landed a devastating uppercut against Dense’s jaw. The blow sent the big man flying into the air and he landed a few feet from the impact spot. Percival smiled again and charged forward.

  Dense recovered quickly, got to his feet and scooped up a large slab of metal from the damaged vehicle. Dense heaved the slab through the air at the charging Percival, which slammed into the Remnant leader’s chest. Percival crashed to the ground in pain and Dense seized the opportunity to turn the tide. Leaping into the air, Dense took aim at Percival’s head with the heel of his giant boot. Seconds before impact, Percival was able to dodge, but the resulting impact left a deep divot in the ground.

  Percival leapt to his feet and took aim with his hoof at the back of Dense’s neck. A split second before impact, Percival felt himself pulled off balance and into the air. As Dense turned to face Percival, he found Pummel standing in his place and in the distance, Percival landed on the ground in a puff of dirt.

  Not terribly pleased that Pummel interfered with his fight with the Remnant leader, Dense said, “Thanks but I can handle him on my own.”

  “You certainly looked like you needed help,” Pummel said. “Come on, let’s take him together.” Then she stormed off toward Percival. Reluctantly, Dense followed her.

  Percival pushed himself up and surveyed the battlefield. They were losing. Strong though they were, the Remnant were not made for battle especially against the well trained Protectorate. To his left, he spotted Carl Hunter, his body limp on the ground. Percival cursed under his breath, rose to his feet, and turned to face his now two assailants.

  “Give up now, and we will go easy on you,” Pummel said.

  “You know little of my kind if you think I would give up to the likes of you,” Percival said.

  “Suit yourself,” Pummel said and motioned for Dense to take the right flank.

  Percival readied himself for the fight just as Pummel lunged at him. The two locked hands and wrestled for the dominant position. Dense ran up behind Percival and landed two quick punches to the big man’s kidneys. Percival cried in pain, but did not release his grip on Pummel. She struggled with all her might, pushing harder and harder and eventually dropped Percival to one knee. Two more blows hit Percival on his back and he gritted his teeth not to cry out. A few seconds more, they would have him.

  Suddenly, a blast of white energy illuminated the area and buzzed by the trio. Another blast flew through the air and then a third, which crashed into Dense and sent the big man thundering to the ground. Distracted, Pummel turned to see the source of the blast, which gave Percival the opening he needed. He dropped to the ground, sending Pummel off balance and then he slipped between her legs. Once behind her, he heaved his big legs from the ground and kicked her square against the back. The brutish woman stumbled forward and fell to the ground. She was down, but certainly not out.

  Percival turned to view the source of the blast and to his surprise; it was that of a young girl, maybe in her early twenties. He waved his big hand in the air and the girl returned the gesture. These must be Hunter’s friends, He thought. Then he turned his attention back to his two opponents and found Pummel still recovering from his double kick to the back. With a few quick steps, Percival charged and kicked her hard in the stomach. Wasting no time, Percival grabbed a small nearby boulder and dropped it hard on her head. She dropped to the ground; a small trickle of blood ran from the injury. “That’s one,” Percival said.

  “I won’t be so easy,” Dense said behind him. Perc
ival turned and saw that the man he had been fighting now appeared much larger than before. His meat hook hands opened and closed ready to grapple. Percival simply smiled and said, “Let’s do this.”


  Across the battlefield, Sara Scott unleashed two more bolts of energy at Protectorate positions. Using her ability was a challenge, but she found herself more and more in control. Across the terrain, PSF agents ran for cover at the new attack. She took notice of several men and women in tattered clothing battling the Protectorate Agents. She thought about Carnal’s story of the discarded humans and felt a wave of sadness wash over her.

  From behind her, Carnal spoke, “I see you can call upon your power at will now.”

  Sara looked at her hands and said, “It takes some concentration, but it seems I can.” In her mind she noted that the blast that finally hit Dense was much harder to release than the two later.

  “Well good timing,” Carnal said. He surveyed the battle. “It seems as though they have given the Protectorate a run for their money.”

  Sara smiled and said, “I just hope Hunter is still alive out here. Let’s…” just as she spoke, a blast of black energy blazed by her head. Both Carnal and Sara turned and saw Card moving toward them. His hands glowed with black and purple light and his face snarled with anger.

  “Traitor,” Card said. “Do you have any idea what Purge will do to you?”

  “I’m well aware of the penalty for being a traitor to the cause. Simply put, I could no longer stand by and watch countless lives lost to a madman’s whim.”

  “Stand down,” Sara Scott said as she walked up next to Carnal.

  Card grinned. He was more than capable of taking both of them on at the same time. With a quick motion of his hands, two black beams rocketed at Sara and Carnal. Carnal shoved Sara to the side and took the brunt of the blast, which knocked him to the ground. Sara tried to recover but it was too late, Card was upon her. He continued firing blasts of energy at Sara, missing intentionally. She shuffled away from him until her back thumped against something hard. She had nowhere to go. She raised her hands but fear and distraction kept her from calling upon her new power.

  “Say goodbye to your Resistance,” Card said, raised both his arms and aimed for Sara’s head.

  She closed her eyes, but the blast never came. When she opened them, she saw Jack Ander wrestling with Card. Blasts of black energy fired off into the air as Jack held Card’s wrists above him.

  “Let me go,” Card demanded but Jack held fast.

  Suddenly, Jack’s eyes melted away into black slits. Shocked Card was about to react when he felt his mind slip away and lost control over his body. Then he felt it. His power began to fade away. Jack held on, sweat dripped from his face and hands. The muscles in his arms flexed and strained. A few more seconds went by and Jack threw his body back and let go of Card’s wrists. He fell to the ground, his eyes still black slits. Weakened, Card fell to the ground onto his hands and knees; his breath came in short intervals.

  “What have you done to me?” Card said. He raised his hands but nothing happened.

  Sara rushed to Jack’s side and said, “Jack?”

  He didn’t respond.

  With all his strength, Card scurried away from Jack and Sara, crawling away from the battle. Then a sudden lurch stopped his momentum. It was Carnal, his hand fixed on Card’s neck. He hoisted Card into the air and said, “It’s over Card.”

  “Not…quite,” Card said his eyes fixed on the distance.

  Two more Protectorate vehicles approached.

  Chapter 45

  Genocide entered Purge’s private quarters, a room only he and Purge had access. Inside it was dark, as it was usually but Genocide was used to being in darkness. He stepped forward and found Purge standing in a dressing area. On his approach, Genocide said nothing, rather he waited for Purge to turn and address him.

  Purge stood before Genocide, his back turned. Genocide was surprised to see Purge dressed in his old uniform. The black on black outfit was similar to Genocide, save for all the medals and ribbons. It was a glorious uniform, one fitting a high-level commander.

  “Is all in order,” Purge said as he slipped black leather gloves over his slender, pale hands.

  “Yes,” the normally quiet Genocide said.

  “Good,” Purge said turning to face Genocide. “The game changes tomorrow. I hope everyone is ready for their part.”

  “I trust everyone will be ready,” Genocide said.

  “What of the Defiler’s mission,” Purge asked as he walked away from the dressing area.

  “Interact received word from the away team. The mission is complete.”

  “And Scott,” Purge asked.


  “Good. Phase two can begin without delay,” Purge said and walked quickly to a coat rack. From it, he pulled down a long black leather overcoat and placed it on his body. It was big. The jacket was far bigger than it should have been for a man of Purge’s gaunt stature. Genocide knew the jacket was from a time long gone, but Purge had an attachment to his past, so much so he formed the Protectorate and took over the United States of America.

  Once the jacket was on, Purge grabbed a black, military style hat and placed it on his head. “Make preparations for us to depart.”

  “Destination?” Genocide asked.

  “Washington D.C. I want to be there when we unveil to the world out true intentions.”

  Genocide nodded and walked out of the room. The doors slid closed behind him as he made way to the transportation area of the Protectorate base. Genocide knew Purge’s plan and while he had no love for the American people, he pitied them for what they were about to face.

  Chapter 46

  “It’s over Card.”

  “Not…quite,” Card said his eyes fixed on the distance. Carnal turned to see what caught Card’s attention and saw two Protectorate vehicles on the horizon. They were close.

  “Sara,” Carnal said. “We’ve got more company.”

  Sara rose to her feet, leaving Jack on the ground, still out of commission from his grapple with Card. She saw the trucks and said, “We have to get out of here. Our side doesn’t have the resources they do.”

  “Let me go,” Card said. “Maybe I can convince them only to torture you not to kill you outright, traitor.”

  Carnal slapped Card hard across the face and the blow knocked him unconscious. “I’ve always hated that man.”

  “Sara,” Sean Gartner called out. When she turned, Sara saw four sets of headlights approaching from the other direction. “Surrounded,” Sean said.

  “We could go back into the sewers,” Carnal said.

  “No use,” Sara said. “We’d be boxed in. We stand a better chance out here in the open.”

  “Sara,’ Sean said again. When she turned, she saw Jack Ander on his feet and walking quickly to the center of the battle.

  “Jack,” Sara shouted but he stayed the course.

  “What’s he doing?” Carnal asked.

  Jack continued to the center of the battle and stopped when he was in small clearing free from debris. He stood motionless; his eyes still nothing more than black slits.

  The vehicles got closer and closer and soon, dozens of Protectorate agents flooded the fields. Jack remained where he was and soon found himself surrounded by the Protectorate. With weapons aimed at him, Sara heard them call out for him to stand down. Jack said nothing nor did he move. Then he raised his arms into the air and his hands, glowed slightly with purple light.

  “Stand down,” Sara heard them say again. Soon protectorate agents had them surrounded. Carnal and Sean stood back to back and tried to fight, but Sara held her arm out for them to wait. Across the battlefield, Sara saw the man she helped earlier still locked in combat with the big man from the building downtown. It looked like he wasn’t doing so well against him either. Sara also saw Hunter’s body; still prone on the ground. She wanted so bad to get to him and see if he was alive, but she

  “Stand,” Sara heard the soldier’s shout at Jack but his words were cut off as Jack suddenly unleashed a flood of black and purple light into the air. A giant orb appeared over his head and crackled with energy. The orb grew bigger and bigger, emitting beams of purple energy that launched into the air and eventually disappeared into the night.

  “Begone,” Jack said and in an instant, the orb began to move in a circular pattern around the battlefield. Wider and wider, the orb’s orbit grew and started slamming into Protectorate agents and vehicles, leaving nothing behind in its wake. Soon the Protectorate scrambled, trying to avoid the Orb’s touch. Distracted, the few agents that held Sara, Carnal and Sean were easy to disarm.

  In minutes, the battlefield was clear of all the Protectorate agents. All that remained were the few members of the Remnant, Sara, Sean, Carnal, Card, Percival and Hunter’s body. The orb stopped circumnavigating the battlefield and shot straight up into the sky, disappearing into the night.

  Sara turned back and looked at Jack. He stood motionless on the battlefield and then unexpectedly, he collapsed to the ground.

  Chapter 47

  “Where am I?”

  “You saved them Jack.”


  “You saved them. You were the only one who could.”

  “But I was afraid.”

  “You overcame those fears.”


  “Because inside you are a true hero Jack.”

  “But my father…”

  “He was wrong Jack. Inside you are a true hero and when you were needed, you did what was right.”

  “Will I get to go home?”

  “There is still much to be done Jack. They need a leader.”

  “But I’m no leader.”

  “Search yourself Jack.”

  “I can barely help myself how can I lead others.”

  “When they needed a hero, you gave them a hero. Now you will give them the leader inside you.”


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