Mini Sweets

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Mini Sweets Page 3

by Helen Perelman

  “Melli, you should go,” Raina said, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “We’ll watch Mini and send for Dr. Spice.”

  Melli kissed Mini on her forehead and flew out behind the tiny sugar fly. “Send me a message when you know something. I’m going to Caramel Hills. Cara and the other Caramel Fairies are sure to be in a real sticky mess.”

  A castle guard knocked on the door. He stuck his head in the room. “Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop are coming home tomorrow,” he said. “The royal couple wanted me to tell you to keep Mini comfortable until they return.” He closed the door and the Candy Fairies looked at Princess Mini.

  “I guess bad news travels as fast as good news,” Dash said.

  “Maybe even faster,” Cocoa said, looking down. “I feel terrible that the chocolate milk not only didn’t work, but might have made things worse.”

  “Mini doesn’t look uncomfortable or sad,” Raina said.

  “Thanks, Raina,” Cocoa replied, “but I still feel responsible.”

  Berry stood up. “We are all responsible for Mini,” she said. “Our job as fairysitters is to make sure she stays safe.”

  “What are we going to do about her sneezing and red bumps?” Dash asked.

  “Dash, you and I will get Dr. Spice,” Raina said, thinking of a plan on the spot. “I can’t just wait around for her to return.”

  Dash jumped up. “We can fly faster than any sugar fly,” she said.

  “We can grab a few more books from the castle library,” Raina added. “We have to find out what is making the princess sneeze so much.”

  “We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise,” Berry said, looking down at Mini.

  Princess Mini looked up and waved her fairy doll. She sneezed three more times and Berry looked over at Dash, Raina, and Cocoa.

  “You better fly fast,” Berry said to Raina and Dash. “I think we need to prepare for another meltdown!”

  “We’ll be back!” Raina called, as she and Dash went to find Dr. Spice.

  Fruit-Chew Hopes

  Berry and Cocoa tried to keep Mini busy while they waited for Raina and Dash to return to the castle with Dr. Spice. Cocoa showed the princess how to use colorful icings to finger paint and read her a story about a baby gnome. Berry changed the dress on the fairy doll a few times and then set up a grand royal tea party. When Dr. Spice was still not there, the two fairysitters were stuck thinking of what else they could do to entertain Mini.

  “I wish we could take Mini out to the Royal Gardens,” Cocoa said.

  Berry shook her head. “What if she started sneezing again? And her cheeks turned red? The Daily Scoop would be all over that news story!”

  “You’re right,” Cocoa said. She took out colorful blocks from her bag. Mini started to stack the blocks and Cocoa sighed. “I wonder what is taking them so long to get Dr. Spice.”

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “It feels like a long time.” She looked over at Mini. “Fairysitting is hard work!”

  “Bee-Bee!” Mini said. She changed her fairy doll’s dress and took another piece of material to make a head wrap. She held up her doll for Berry to see and then placed her in a throne made from Cocoa’s blocks.

  “I think that Mini loves fashion as much as you do,” Cocoa said. “She has that fashion sense already.”

  Berry smiled. She knew the princess was enjoying the doll and the dresses. Every time Berry saw Mini, she would bring her a doll. Mini’s eyes lit up when Berry handed her a doll with new handmade outfits, which was exactly how Berry had reacted when she had been a little fairy too. Once again, Berry thought how sugar-tastic it would be if the newest royal were a Fruit Fairy. When Berry was a year old, she had touched the sugar in the sugar bowl and fruit chews had appeared. Maybe Mini would create fruit chews too.

  “Achoo! Achooooo! ACHOOOOOOO!”

  “Oh, poor you!” Berry said. She didn’t like the princess sneezing and getting red bumps on her sweet cheeks. She checked the food list. The last thing Mini had eaten was chocolate cereal.

  Snaps came into the nursery. “Is everything all right?” she asked. She flew over to Mini.

  “Raina and Dash have gone to get Dr. Spice,” Cocoa told her.

  “I am sure once Dr. Spice gets here, she’ll know what to do,” Snaps said. “I’ll be here if you need me. Mini is happy playing with you. Thank you for watching over her.”

  When Snaps left, Cocoa flew closer to Berry. “I hope I didn’t make Mini worse by giving her chocolate milk,” she said.

  “She doesn’t seem worse,” Berry said. “We have to stay positive.”

  Cocoa squinted out the window. “Wait! I see Dash!” she exclaimed, flying closer to the window. She pointed up to the sky.

  “Dash is definitely a faster flyer than any sugar fly!” Berry said. She picked up Princess Mini and flew to the window next to Cocoa. “Raina and Dr. Spice are behind her,” Berry added. She turned to Mini. “Dr. Spice is coming!”

  “Bee-Bee, Berrrrry!” Princess Mini said.

  Berry thought her heart would melt. “That’s right,” she said. “I am Berry. And we’re all here to find out what is making you sneeze. Your sneezes are making a big old mess.”

  Dash flew in first with a basket in her hand. “I brought these mint ice cream sandwiches,” she said. “Dr. Spice thought it would be a good idea to see if Mini liked them. You know they always helped me feel minty good.” She opened the basket and held one up for Princess Mini. “Would you like one?”

  Princess Mini clapped her hands and reached for the cold treat.

  “That was a good answer!” Dash exclaimed. She handed the small princess the ice cream sandwich.

  The princess’s nose wrinkled up when her tongue touched the cold ice cream. Then a smile spread across her face. The sweet mint made her coo happily.

  “I think she likes the treat,” Cocoa said.

  Raina and Dr. Spice arrived as Mini was finishing her ice cream sandwich. Dr. Spice took Mini in her arms. “The good news is Princess Mini is not in any danger,” Dr. Spice said. “I spoke to her parents last night and this morning. They are eager to see her today and to find out what is making her sneeze.”

  “Achoo! Achoooooo! ACHOOOOOOOO!”

  “Bitter mint,” Dash said, her wings dropping low to the ground. “I guess those ice cream sandwiches weren’t so minty good for Princess Mini.”

  “You’re right that she doesn’t seem bothered by the sneezing or the red bumps on her cheeks,” Dr. Spice said. “I am glad about that.” She looked over at Berry. “Has the princess had a fruit nectar drink?”

  “Actually, she hasn’t had any fruit candy or a fruit drink since we’ve been here,” Berry said, checking her list. “Do you think she should have some? I was planning on getting some fruit nectar earlier today, but then the chocolate milk and the mint ice cream made things worse.”

  “Hmm,” Dr. Spice said. “I think that a sip of fruit nectar is worth a try.”

  Cocoa turned to the window. “Sure as sugar, here comes a message. Just as we suspected. Each time there are sneezes, there is a mess somewhere!”

  “Yes,” Dr. Spice said. “I’m not surprised. These types of allergies usually have some magical mess that goes along with sneezes and red cheeks.”

  “The sugar fly has a message for you, Dash,” Cocoa said. “It’s addressed to Princess Dash.”

  Dash rolled her eyes. “It’s going to be bad news,” she said. She quickly read the note. “A Peppermint Grove minty problem,” Dash said. “I have to help out.”

  Berry turned to Raina. “Maybe Princess Mini is a Fruit Fairy,” she said. “There has been a problem in every area of Sugar Valley except in the fruity places. There was a little fruit chew melt in Fruit Chew Meadow, but nothing like what has been happening in Gummy Forest, Caramel Hills, and Peppermint Grove.”

  “That might be true,” Dr. Spice said. “Go get some fruit nectar, Berry. The fruit might help Princess Mini.”

  Berry flew quickly t
oward Fruit Chew Meadow where she knew she could get some fresh fruit nectar for the princess. Berry wanted to be the one to find the cure for the sneezing princess, and a sweet fruit drink might just be part of that cure. Maybe those royal fruit chews were possible.

  Fruity Patience

  When Berry got to Fruit Chew Meadow, she had to work quickly. There was a combination of fruits she wanted to mix for Princess Mini. She knew that the juices of strawberry and cherry would make a sweet red drink for her. Adding some extra fruit chews would make the drink perfect.

  Berry held up the juice in a bottle. She had to make sure the color was just right. She picked a fresh fruit chew off the vine and thought about what else she needed. “The straw!” she exclaimed. She flew off to Licorice Lake to get a thick piece of licorice for the princess’s straw.

  “Hi, Fruli!” Berry called when she saw her Fruit Fairy friend on the red sands of Licorice Lake. Fruli was a very fancy Fruit Fairy from Meringue Island. Berry always loved seeing her and hearing about the latest fashions from Meringue Island. She used to be very jealous of her, but now the two were good friends.

  Fruli flew over to Berry and gave her a hug. “I’ve been thinking about you,” she said. “How is Princess Mini? Are you having the best time being a fairysitter? I know you love spending time with her.”

  Berry sighed. “I am, except Princess Mini keeps sneezing,” she told her. “And each time she sneezes, there is some kind of candy melt mess in Sugar Valley.”

  “That is strange,” Fruli said. “What does Dr. Spice think?”

  “She thinks it might be an allergic reaction,” Berry said. “I thought I’d bring Mini back some red fruit nectar to see if that helps.”

  Fruli looked at the bottle in Berry’s hands. “Oh, that looks sugar-tastic,” she said. “I’m sure that will help her.”

  “I am looking for the perfect licorice stalk for the straw,” Berry said. “Want to help me look?”

  “Sure,” Fruli replied. “I finished gathering some thin licorice ropes to make a swing for Princess Mini. I wanted to give her something special for her birthday.”

  Berry saw the long red licorice ropes in Fruli’s basket. “Mini is going to love a swing!” she exclaimed. She saw the perfect stalk for the straw. “How about this one?”

  “She’ll love it,” Fruli told her. “I hope the princess feels better. Do you think she will be fine for her party tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” Berry said. “She will be.”

  And then Berry had a terrible thought. What if Princess Mini had gotten worse while she was out? What would happen if she were too sick to go to her ball?

  “I have to get back,” Berry told Fruli. “I’ll see you later.” She quickly took off and headed to the castle.

  On the way, Berry thought about what would happen if Princess Mini were sick for the party. There would be no sugar bowl touch! The thought was so sour that Berry couldn’t think about it. Maybe the fruit nectar in her bag would help and all this sneezing would end. She hoped once Princess Mini discovered her candy talent, this messy allergy would go away.

  When Berry returned to the nursery, Princess Mini was napping. The room was quiet, and Raina, Cocoa, and Dash were all reading large books from the castle library. Dr. Spice was studying a scroll in the corner of the room and looked up to wave to Berry.

  “Hello, Berry,” Dr. Spice said. “All is well. The sneezing has stopped.”

  Berry was happy to hear that news. At least things hadn’t gotten worse. “I have the fruit nectar,” Berry told her. She held up the bright red juice with the fresh licorice straw.

  “That looks like the color of Princess Mini’s cheeks!” Dash cried.

  Berry gave Dash a side glance. “The strawberry and cherry mix is very healing and delicious,” she said.

  “Yes, this is perfect, Berry,” Dr. Spice said. She woke Mini, who took a few sips of the nectar. “Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop will return in a little while. Unfortunately we need to wait and see if Mini still has a reaction to certain foods. I don’t have a real answer as to why she is sneezing and getting those red cheeks.”

  Berry peered over Dr. Spice’s shoulder. “Is Princess Mini a Fruit Fairy?” she blurted out.

  Raina, Dash, and Cocoa gasped as they looked toward Dr. Spice. Even for the bold Berry, that comment was not what they expected.

  Berry’s face turned as red as the juice in the bottle. “You see,” she started to explain, “so far all the things Princess Mini ate had some chocolate in them. There was the chocolate-covered gummy, a chocolate-caramel lollipop, the chocolate milk, and the chocolate cookies in the ice cream sandwich.” She looked at her friends and then back at Dr. Spice. “The fruit nectar was the only non-chocolate thing!”

  “She’s right about that,” Dash said.

  “Could she be allergic to chocolate?” Melli asked.

  Dash gasped. “How awful,” she said.

  “Maybe not,” Berry added. “Dr. Spice?”

  Dr. Spice rolled up the scroll she had been reading. “I need to wait for her parents to discuss her sugar talent,” she said, “and what is happening.”

  “But . . . ,” Berry began, but Raina took her hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

  “We need to wait, Berry,” she told her. “Fruity patience!”

  “I know what is happening here,” Berry whispered to Raina. “Princess Mini is a Fruit Fairy. I am sure of it.”

  Raina looked at her and smiled. “No one knows yet. We have to wait,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what Princess Mini’s talent is as long as she’s okay.”

  Berry knew what Raina was saying. Of course she just wanted the princess to be healthy. But she wanted to know if the sweet baby princess was a Fruit Fairy like her. She couldn’t wait for Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop to return to Candy Castle.

  A Sweet Talent

  As soon as Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop returned from Cake Kingdom, Dr. Spice asked to speak to the royal parents alone. Berry tried to keep herself busy by finishing up the jeweled collar on Melli’s dress for the ball. Now all five dresses were complete. She looked up at the closed door across the hall. She and her friends had been sitting in their room. “I can’t wait out here any longer,” Berry said. “What is Dr. Spice saying to them?”

  Melli flew down the hall. She was just returning from Caramel Hills. “Is there any news?” she called to her friends.

  “Not yet,” Dash told her. “How are things in Caramel Hills?”

  “A bit sticky,” Melli said. “But everything is all cleaned up now. It wasn’t so bad with everyone helping to clean up the melted mess.” She turned to Dash. “And in Peppermint Grove?”

  “Minty fresh,” Dash said. “No one even called me princess. It was nice to work in the grove again with the other Mint Candy Fairies.” She looked toward the closed nursery door. “Do you think the ball will still happen? The party is supposed to be tomorrow.”

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing,” Berry said. With all the sneezing and the messes around Sugar Valley, she wasn’t sure the ball would happen.

  “That would be very sour,” Melli said. “Everyone has been looking forward to the ball.”

  “And to learning Princess Mini’s candy talent,” Cocoa said.

  Berry tapped her foot. She was getting nervous listening to her friends. She hoped that the ball wouldn’t be canceled. And more than anything she hoped that Princess Mini would be declared a Fruit Fairy. “I hope Dr. Spice has good news,” she said.

  “Wait, I think I hear something,” Raina said. She flew closer to the nursery door. “They’re coming!”

  The door opened. Princess Lolli stood in the doorway holding Mini in her arms. The baby was smiling and waving a cupcake rattle.

  “Come in,” Princess Lolli told the Candy Fairies. “There is some good news to share.”

  After waiting so long, it was nice to see both Princess Mini and Princess Lolli smiling. The five friends flew into the nursery and saw Dr. Spi
ce and Prince Scoop shaking hands.

  “Thank you so much,” Prince Scoop said to Dr. Spice. He had a smile on his face so wide that Berry knew there was extra-happy news to share.

  “Dr. Spice’s tests show that Princess Mini has choco-fever,” Princess Lolli said. “This is very common for royal Candy Fairy babies. She had allergic reactions to chocolate, but it isn’t permanent.”

  “Dr. Spice has given Mini some medicine so those powerful sneezes will stop,” Prince Scoop added.

  “So is she a Candy Fairy or an Ice Cream Fairy?” Raina said, leaning forward.

  “A Chocolate Candy Fairy?” Cocoa asked, grinning proudly.

  Berry watched Dr. Spice as she nodded. “Yes and yes,” she said. “Princess Mini is a Chocolate Candy Fairy, but she will also have the power to make ice cream. This is a power that she will grow into. Time will tell what kind of ice cream she will create.” She smiled. “And we still need to wait for the sugar bowl touch to know what candy she will create.”

  “So mint!”  Dash cheered.

  “Sugar-tastic!” Raina cried.

  “Supersweet,” Cocoa said.

  Melli picked up her licorice stick and played a happy melody. Everyone in the room was flying and celebrating except for Berry.

  “Berry, are you all right?” Princess Lolli asked. She pulled Berry aside.

  “Yes,” Berry said, forcing a smile. “I’m so happy that Princess Mini is all right.” She took a deep breath. “It’s just. . . . Well, um . . . ,” she tried to get the words out. “I thought she was going to be a Fruit Fairy,” she said quickly.

  Princess Lolli nodded. “I know,” she said. “But Princess Mini can learn so much from you. She doesn’t have to be just like you or me.”

  Berry saw that Princess Lolli understood. After all, Princess Lolli was a Fruit Fairy too. “Are you sad that Mini isn’t a Fruit Fairy?” Berry asked.

  “I’m happy that she’s healthy,” the princess told her. “And I am a bit surprised to learn that her talent will be chocolate, but I am happy for her. Being a Chocolate Fairy is really fun and I know she will make an excellent one.”


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