Ruby Rose

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Ruby Rose Page 9

by Alta Hensley

  “Stop, Ruby. I won’t let you back out now, or ever. I can’t. There’s no turning back for me. You need to understand that I love you. I love you!”

  Evan leaned over and kissed her forehead, then her cheeks and all around her mouth.

  “Evan,” Ruby whispered.

  He continued to kiss Ruby’s mouth, deepening the kiss further.

  “Evan.” Ruby pulled away. “I love you, too. But that is what scares me to death. I don’t want my heart broken. You have the power to do so.”

  Evan moved a piece of hair behind Ruby’s ear. “I won’t abuse that power. You have to have some faith in that.” Evan kissed her again, then held her face in his hands. “Trust that I will protect our love with everything I have.”

  A smile slowly lifted the corners of Ruby’s lips. “You see how crazy you make me? Do you see how insane my jealousy just got? You really want a part of this insanity?” Ruby giggled lightly.

  Evan smiled, rubbing his palm up and down Ruby’s back. “I understand it. I know what I do for a living and who I am can be a lot for anyone to take. I also understand that you being with me – submitting to me – is going to be an adjustment. I understand.”

  Ruby wrapped her arms around Evan and leaned her head against his chest. “I’m scared. I’m confused. But I do know one thing. I’m in love.”

  “I think tonight might be a good time to introduce you to my beliefs.”

  Ruby almost choked on her shock. “What? You aren’t talking about…”

  Evan nodded in response.

  “A spanking? Are you talking about spanking me?”

  Evan nodded again. “Yes. It’s time.”

  Chapter 12

  “I'll get us some wine,” Ruby said, her voice oddly high-pitched. They had just walked in the door of Evan’s apartment, and Ruby knew what was to come.

  She pulled out two wine glasses and her fingers fumbled, nearly dropping them both. She tried to open the wine with shaky hands, when Evan walked up behind her and pulled her into his arms.

  “You're nervous about what I said at dinner,” he said in a soft, soothing voice.

  Ruby nodded her head in response. She found speaking near impossible due to how dry her mouth was.

  “Are you scared?”

  She could feel her heart beating louder as she barely nodded in confirmation. Evan pulled her against his body even tighter.

  “Are you scared of me?” he asked.

  “No. I'm scared of the unknown.” She could barely get the words out.

  “Do you trust me? Trust that I would never take this further than you can handle?”

  She nodded again.

  “Taking this step is about to change everything. It makes us connect and bond at a whole new level. You submitting to me, giving yourself to me, and allowing me to take control of your submission is the greatest power a woman can have. You have the control to decide if you want to give the gift of surrender. The strength it takes is something not every woman has.” His husky voice mesmerized Ruby. He pulled away enough so he stared directly into her eyes, his expression smoldering, his lips so close to hers. Ruby's breath came in little more than pants now as she stared at him, immobilized by his stare and his words. What he said, what he meant... Ruby understood. She clearly understood that she had the control. She had the choice to give her consent, and her consent was the key to Domestic Discipline.

  “Give me your authority, Ruby. Tell me you're ready to explore this dynamic. Allow me to lead. Allow me to be the man you've always wanted and desired,” he coaxed. “You can trust me, with your body and your heart.”

  Evan took her hand and stepped away, pulling her gently to follow. “Come with me,” he said. “Don't let your fear get in the way.”

  The strong female, feminist part of her that had planned to prevent taking the relationship to this level was overpowered by the longing to be made to submit. Ruby followed him obediently to the couch, her hand, wet with anxious nerves, engulfed in his palm. He sat on the couch and pulled her gently over his lap, pausing long enough for her to grasp the precarious position she was in. She drew in a cleansing breath and let it out again. Ruby struggled to fight back the urge to laugh. She thought she could do this. Give herself completely to his discipline. But lying over his lap, waiting for a spanking, made her want to giggle. Maturity. She needed to act mature. She took another calming breath and tried not to picture how silly she looked lying over his knee. Ruby had no idea what she had gotten herself into. Control the laughter, try to look sexy while getting spanked… this wasn’t going well. She needed to put aside her instinctive nervous reaction and focus on the upcoming punishment at hand – the reason she was there.

  Evan gave her two hard, shocking swats over the fabric of her skirt and then slowly lifted the fabric up around her waist, thankfully leaving her panties in place. Humiliation reddened her face, but, confusingly, she could feel the dampness present between her legs.

  The truth of the matter was, she wanted a spanking. She had desperately wanted to feel Evan's discipline from the moment she saw him walk through the door of the club. She wanted to truly experience Domestic Discipline and everything it had to offer. Not just because of her article, but because deep down, Ruby believed she needed it. She hungered for it. Domestic Discipline may very well be what she had been missing in the past. Ruby yearned for Evan to take her in hand.

  Evan went slowly, allowing the searing heat of his palm to set in before delivering the next spank, connecting with her panty-clad bottom every time.

  Ruby found herself paying attention to every detail of each swat. It was as if she took mental records in her head of the spanking. This surprised her, since she squirmed and flinched from the sting. By the time he reached twenty, Evan finally stopped to rub her burning backside. Ruby softly moaned and was embarrassed to hear a hint of longing for more in her voice.

  “How are you handling your first spanking, Ruby?” Evan asked softly.

  “Fine,” she squeaked. Ruby regretted her answer, although what would have been the right answer? Should she beg for him to stop, even though she wanted more?

  He continued to caress her punished backside. “Fine?” he mused. “I guess I'm going easy on you. That wasn't exactly the answer I expected.”

  Ruby had no idea what to say or do. Should she kick her legs and plead for mercy? Should she take the spanking stoically? Inexperience, and the fact that her face was inches from the floor, blurred any hint of clear thought.

  She felt her panties being pulled down and her entire body hummed in response. She struggled against his hold as he continued spanking her bare bottom, over and over again.

  A sob welled up, but she resisted the urge to release it. Evan’s spanks varied from light to hard, but the rhythm remained steady. The repetitive punishment gave her emotions free access to complete release. Ruby’s body released endorphins to combat the pain while her submission cleansed her of any stress in her body. Any doubt, any jealousy, any insecurities, were instantly erased by the delivered discipline.

  She wasn't sure when exactly the spanking stopped, but she realized she softly moaned as he rubbed slow circles over her burning bottom.

  Evan whispered reassuring words softly, comforting her more than she thought possible. So tender, so loving, so giving in his attentiveness and care. An immense storm of warmth for him mixed with respect that he had known how to carry out the discipline, how to give her what she needed, never pushing beyond her limits. He lifted her onto his lap with his arms around her, continuing to murmur his promise of love. Ruby pressed her face into the nook of Evan’s neck and, for the first time, truly understood.


  Lying on his chest, Ruby could hear Evan’s heart beat. She had never felt so content and so relaxed. She still had a lot of questions about what he wanted and what he expected out of her. Not to mention that this was her chance to really get some solid material for her story.

  Ruby took a deep breath. She desper
ately wanted this to work, and knew she should come completely clean with him. Tell him why she came to Seattle, tell him why she took the job in the club – she should tell him everything. But what if he thought her feelings were fake? He could jump to the conclusion that she was using him. Was she using him? Maybe at first… but not now. Things were different now.

  Evan must have sensed all the doubt because he kissed her gently on the head and pulled her closer before speaking. “Stop worrying. Trust that I would fight with every breath I have to keep us this way.”

  “I trust you more than anyone. I’m just still wondering about your lifestyle, or I guess, our lifestyle.”

  “All right… then ask away. What can I answer for you, sweetheart?” Evan soothed as he continued to stroke the full length of her back.

  “So why do you think Domestic Discipline is becoming more mainstream?” Ruby asked, wishing she hadn’t sounded so reporter like.

  “Books, movies… social media. People know what it is now. Plus it gets grouped with BDSM, which is really becoming the ‘in’ kink.”

  “Have you had Domestic Discipline with any of your relationships? With Maxine?”

  Evan tensed slightly. “I tried, but it never seemed genuine. Everyone I was with seemed to make a sexual game out of it. It’s a lifestyle choice for me, so I guess I’ve always been more intense. It scares people away. That, and my fame.”

  “Why do you think it made you famous?”

  Evan continued stroking her back and placed small kisses on her head. “The strong, dominant, alpha male became every woman’s fantasy.” Evan smirked. “I became the fantasy. I don’t know how it exactly happened, but books sold, the scene grew, and I somehow represented it,” Evan laughed. “I still find it all a little overwhelming.”

  “I get the feeling it bothers you. Like you don’t want it all.”

  Evan shrugged. “I do. I mean, I like the perks and I like the money. But it makes it really hard for me to truly trust people. For many women, this is just a fad, and they aren’t willing to give their whole hearts. Or I get the women who are really into getting spanked, but they don’t want the emotional connection it takes to be in a DD relationship.”

  “Hmmm. So, how does it work? Let’s say I did something you disapproved of. What happens?”

  Evan laughed again. “So sure you’ll do something wrong, huh?”

  “Yes, I mean no. I mean, what if?” Ruby stammered.

  “Depends on where we are, what you did, and so on,” Evan replied simply.

  “Let’s say I did something at a club to make you angry,” she suggested nervously.

  Evan kissed her head again. “I spank behind closed doors. But I would make it very clear with my expression that you better fix what you’re doing or else. If you continued on, I might whisper in your ear that a spanking was coming later, and you better not make it worse.”

  “So, do women just willingly let you spank them? Do you ever have to force it?” Ruby asked, feeling embarrassed by her curiosity.

  Evan let out a sigh. “Why are we talking about other women? You already know I've never really been serious with anyone. I don’t want to talk about my past mistakes. I’m with you and always will be with you.”

  Ruby stroked Evan’s stomach lightly. “I know. It’s just that I’m new to this whole DD thing. I’ve read about it. I’ve heard about it… and I’ve even fantasized about it. But now that I’m with you… this is just a lot to understand.”

  “You’re right. What other questions do you have?”

  Ruby smiled against his chest, extremely embarrassed about her next question. “What other ways would you punish me?” She paused for a moment before continuing on. “I’ve read of other ways.”

  “There are. I’m a big fan of the old-fashioned spanking. But there are other ways to make you submissive. Which ultimately is the goal of the whole punishment.”


  Evan rubbed Ruby’s head, lightly lifting her hair off of her back. He slowly moved his finger down her back until it rested softly on her anus. He applied a little pressure but didn’t press in. Ruby’s breath caught and she let out a soft sigh.

  “Yes, submissive. I sometimes like to use my finger in a very intimate way to get your mind ready to submit and for me to establish a dominant role. I usually do this in addition to a spanking. But I also do it as a way to remind you of who’s boss… so to say.” He pressed his finger a little more. “How does this make you feel? Does it make you feel submissive?”

  Ruby couldn’t answer. She didn’t know how she felt. All she could do was let out a small gasp every time his finger pushed a little further.

  “Ruby, answer me. How does my finger pressing here make you feel?” Evan softly demanded.

  She shook her head and pressed her face against his chest. She couldn’t answer. She didn’t know how to voice the mixture of emotions. She felt embarrassed to have his finger invading such a forbidden area. Part of her wanted to escape his sensual probing, but another part of her wanted to scream for more. As his finger inched its way deeper, she experienced a slight pinch and burn that set Ruby’s whole body on fire.

  “Answer me,” Evan commanded in a much firmer tone. He thrust his finger the remainder of the way, punishing her silence.

  “Desire!” she whispered between her gasps.

  “Good. How does it make you feel mentally?” Evan asked while pressing his finger even deeper.

  Ruby shook her head again, hiding her blushing face against his chest. She didn’t know how to voice the emotion. Submissive? Controlled? Mastered? Whatever it was, it was like nothing she had ever experienced. The presence of his finger had such a grasp of her internal struggles. Her wall crumbled more with every second his finger possessed her. Ruby wanted to just release and let go. Allow the feelings to rush through her. And yet something in her kept trying to fight them away.

  “Ruby. Not answering me when I ask warrants discipline.” Evan began to pump his finger in and out. His action was not sensual or seductive like before, but replaced with firm and direct thrusts. The pace resembled a spanking, but it was an intimate alternative to being spanked. She wanted to plead for more, and at the same time, she wanted to beg for him to stop.

  Evan pressed his finger to the hilt and used the force to push her even closer to his body. He pressed hard against her inner depths. Ruby’s gasp turned to a moan.

  “I know this might be hard. Hard to let go and submit. I want you to relax and allow the sensation,” Evan coaxed. He kissed her lightly on the head as he slowly removed his finger, only to press it forward, past the tight ring, once more. “I’ll ask again. Does this make you feel submissive?”

  Without pause Ruby answered, “Yes.”

  Yes, it did make her feel submissive. That was the only word that seemed to fit the rush of emotions coursing through her. She felt safe, protected, loved. She also felt compliant and obedient. But then the realization hit her. Ruby felt feminine, womanly. And Evan was masculine and dominant. Everything felt right.

  Evan slowly removed his finger, leaving her with a sense of emptiness. He quickly pulled her closer into his strong embrace. With his arms wrapped tightly around her, Ruby closed her eyes and relished in the dynamic Evan had created.

  “Are you all right, sweetheart? That was a pretty intense thing we just did,” Evan asked as he squeezed her even tighter.

  Ruby nodded her head. “I had no idea… I didn’t know.”

  “Does that help explain the power of Domestic Discipline?”

  Ruby nodded again. “Yes.” She pulled away enough so she could look into his eyes. “I find it hard to see how that could be considered a punishment. It made me want you even more.”

  Evan smiled before softly kissing her lips. “I like the way you think. But trust me, it isn’t always going to be something you enjoy. Can you imagine if you were mad and I did that? And this time I wasn’t angry or disappointed in you, so you didn’t feel any remorse. And yo
u didn’t do anything wrong, so you weren’t anxious that a spanking would follow.” Evan paused and took a moment to just look at her. “I need you to always trust that I have your and our best interests in mind. I will never abuse this.”

  “I trust you with my life, Evan. I’m scared, and I’m nervous. But I’m also excited for our future.”

  Chapter 13

  By the next evening, everything returned to normal with Ruby. The drama from the night before seemed to have dissipated, but Evan knew the issue with Maxine would still be an ongoing problem unless he did something about it. So, when Evan saw Maxine standing by the bar where they all hung out that night, he figured it was as good a time as any to take care of this once and for all.

  Maxine’s eyes brightened and she stood up anxiously when she saw Evan approach. “Hi, sexy.” She smiled seductively at Evan, tossing her hair back. “I haven’t seen you around without that little leech hanging on your arm all the time. It’s refreshing to see you alone for a change.”

  Evan clenched his teeth, trying to ignore the comment. “We need to talk.”

  “Of course. We have so much to catch up on. I’ve missed you.”

  “I know what you’re trying to do, Maxine. It needs to stop.”

  Her smile dissolved. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do,” Evan snapped. “Stop acting like you and I have something.”

  She stared straight into Evan’s eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “You purposely try to pose in every picture with me. Or you try to stand by me like we’re a couple at all the events.” Evan’s jaw tightened. “I’m tired of it.”

  She shifted her weight and avoided Evan’s eyes. “Is this you talking? Or your needy little girlfriend?”

  “It’s getting old.”

  “You never complained before.”

  “Well, things are different now.”

  Evan could see the rage in her eyes. Knowing how much she loved attention, Evan worried she would make a scene just for some added publicity. He heard the venom in Maxine’s words clearly. “You didn’t answer me. Is this your girlfriend being a jealous bitch?”


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