Scandalous Motives

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Scandalous Motives Page 4

by Red Snapper

  “Waynell, how is the Walter situation going?”

  “Shareefah, as far as I am concerned there is no Walter situation.”

  “Fredericka, you’ve been a little quiet today, are you okay?”

  “Waynell, its Javon…..He keeps pressuring me to have kids and honestly I just don’t want to do that!”

  “Men are always selfish…wanting what they want when they want it!”

  “Women are like that too….uh I mean you are right,” said Shareefah. Fredericka and Waynell looked at each other and laughed.

  “Fredericka, have you talked to Vikki about this,” said Waynell

  “No, but I will find out when she is available!”

  “I can ask her for you tonight if you wish.” “I am meeting her for a late dinner around seven.” “Do you guys want to come?”

  Both Shareefah and Fredericka said “No” in unison

  “I have to get home early so Javon won’t trip!” “I just don’t want him on my back tonight!”

  “I have to catch up on some paperwork from work, so I guess we will see you later.”

  Waynell stood up and said, “Cool Ladies, then I will catch you later.”

  As she walked away from their table, Shareefah said to Fredericka, “I wonder what that late dinner shit is all about?”

  Fredericka smiled and said, “Bitch, it ain’t anything!” “Don’t start any shit!”

  They both laughed as she sipped their Patron shots down as fast as they could.

  Fredericka looked at Shareefah and said, “Damn, that was good!”

  About an hour later, Waynell finally makes it home, takes a quick shower, and takes a long nap before she gets ready to meet Vikki. About five hours later, Vikki pulls up in the drive at Waynell house, so does Brian. Vikki gets out of her Range Rover and begins to walk up to the house. Brian catches up to her and says,

  “Hey Vikki how are you?” “

  “Hello Brian.”

  “You sure do look fine tonight!” “Where are you and Waynell going?” Looking at her curvy physique, licking his lips as if he was about to eat something good.

  “Just out to eat.”

  Waynell opens the door as they reach it.

  “Hello Vikki!”


  Brian looked at Waynell and said, “Baby, I didn’t know you had dinner plans.”

  “Well, I didn’t think you wanted to know.” See you later, do not wait up!

  Both women walked over to Vikki’s car, got in and drive away. Brian is furious so he calls Walter.

  “Walter, I need you to do something for me!”

  “What is it Brian?”

  “I need you to go to that restaurant that Vikki always take Waynell and follow them to see what they are up too!” “You know I pay you good so do it man now!”

  Walter hesitates to answer but he finally says okay. Walter knows exactly which restaurant they are going to because Coco, his girlfriend is the owner. Walter gets in his car and goes over to the restaurant. He gets there around 8:00 P.M. and he waits in the parking lot. The women have been in the restaurant for over 30 minutes, so they are just getting their meals, thought Walter as he waited. As he sat there in his car, he began to reminisce on Waynell and their fuck session. The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt about following her around for Brian. He looked down at the ignition, thinking about starting his car and leaving, but his curiosity gets the best of him. He is so intrigued with this beautiful woman that he just wants to know what makes her who she is. Suddenly his phone rings and of course it is Brian.

  “Did you catch up with them?”

  “Yeah, I’m outside the restaurant now.”

  “Are they alone?”

  “Yeah, it’s just them, nobody else.”

  “Stay on them man, don’t let them get out of your sight. I know this bitch is up to something.”

  Walter gets a little pissed at Brian for calling Waynell a bitch, but he answers him back.

  “Yeah, I am on it!’

  Brian hangs up the phone. Walter is frustrated now because he feels that he is in too deep with this whole scenario. It is always easier to spy on someone that you do not have any feelings for, than to spy on someone you admire. Suddenly his phone rings again and this time it’s Coco.

  “Baby, there is car outside my place that looks like yours, where are you?”

  Walter looks around and answers, “Oh….I was just going to the convenience store across the street.”

  “Baby you are parked in my parking lot! Why don’t you come in and have some dinner?”

  “I can’t I am …!” Coco interrupts him and says, “You come right in now and get something to eat.”

  She hangs up the phone.

  “Damn, how did I get busted,” thought Walter. He gets out of the car and slowly walks to the restaurant front entrance. He comes into the foyer and Coco greets him there.

  “Honey, we have a new recipe I would like for to try, I will have a waiter bring you out a dish, okay?”

  “Sure baby, whatever you say, as he looks around to see if he could get a clear view of Waynell and Vikki. He sets down in a booth in the far rear of the restaurant where he can get a clear view of the women. The women are just finishing their meal. Vikki asks the waiter to bring their cocktails to the lounge as the women begin to move. Waynell asks Vikki a question.

  “Isn’t this restaurant owned by Coco Freeman?”

  “Yes, it is marvelous and extravagant!” She has really done a remarkable job with this historical landmark.”

  “Yeah, she has excellent taste!”

  “You know Walter and her have a child together right?”

  “I am aware of that girl.” “That is why I need to stay clear of him.” “Besides, that was only one night and that is where it is going to stay!”

  As she finishes her sentence, Coco sees them and walks over to the women. Walter can see them from a distance but he cannot hear their conversation. He tries to read lips but he cannot seem to make out what she said. Coco greets the women and says,

  “I hope you ladies are enjoying the kindness and generosity that we are providing you here.”

  “Yes replied Vikki.” “You have an exquisite establishment, bursting with splendor and grandness.”

  “We try…if you need anything else just let me know and I will see to it that you get it.”

  “Thank you so much Coco!”

  Waynell opened her purse and noticed the card that Vikki had given her. She took it out and showed it to Vikki.

  “What is this all about, Laissez l’amusement de’buter?”

  Vikki look at the card and then look up at Waynell. She put the card directly in front of Waynell and said,

  “Have you ever heard of a sort of place that you can go and get away to relax or to let you inner soul just coast into a tranquil and serene ambiance?”

  “Yeah but I don’t think that such a place exist!”

  Vikki looked at her and said,”Your chance to experience something like that is what you need!” “Let us go…..I have to stop by a client of mine for just a minute before we go the club”“Is that okay?”

  “Sure girl, I am hanging with you tonight!”

  “Cool! Let’s go.”

  The women prepare to leave the restaurant and Walter sees them gather up their belongings and move toward the door. He tells his waiter that he cannot wait for his meal. He pays him and waits for the girls to get to their car. He goes out the side door and gets his car and he gets in. The women have started to drive out of the parking lot, into the street and he has to duck so they do not see him. He starts his car pulls out into the street and trails them keeping his distance. His phone rings and it is Coco

  “Baby, what is going on?” “Why did you leave without eating your food?” “You have been acting strange lately.”

  “I had to go baby….bring it over when you get done okay?”

  “We need to talk Walter!”

“I know we will later.”

  “Something is going on and I want to know what it is?”

  ‘I will talk to you tonight.”

  He hangs up the phone and continues to follow the women’s car. Walter thought in his mind, “What are they going?”

  The women leave Missouri and take the interstate south on 35. They continue to drive south and take the HWY 69 exit to Olathe. Finally, they are in a very extravagant part of Overland Park. Walter notices that there are many large mansions in the neighborhood. Then they come to this very large mansion, the last one on the left of the block. It was huge, with a large security fence around the property. Surveillance cameras are all around this place. It is a very large place full of grandeur. Walter could not believe the vastness of this place as he thought in his mind, “Who lives here?”

  The women’s car stops at the front gate.

  “Who lives here Vikki?”

  “You will see.”

  “Hmmm…..a surprise…. I’ll go with it!”

  The gate opens and they drive up the long circular driveway leading up to the mansion. The valet opens their doors as the women got out of their car. They walk up to the door as the butler opens it, welcoming them into the house. This house is simply marvelous, Waynell thought as they strolled into the foyer. The décor design was of a European flavor, with its high ceilings and exquisite authentic portraits, this place belongs to someone who really has lots of dough, she thought as the butler returned and told them that they were to wait in the parlor. Therefore, he escorted them to the parlor, where the room was even more spectacular. It was like visiting a famous art gallery, more than someone’s home. They waited about ten minutes and then she walked in. This woman is so beautiful it is hard to believe that she is real. Her skin was so smooth and her hair was so silky black. Her makeup was flawless and she was wearing a very expensive designer gown. This of course is the home of Ms. Tangie Laurie. She welcomed the women as she ordered the butler to bring some drinks.

  “Vikki darling you came and you brought your lovely friend Waynell isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I am glad you were able to stop by!”

  “You know I am always available for you Ms. Laurie!”

  “Please, all my acquaintances call me Tangie.”

  The butler comes back with the drinks. He looks at his employer and nods his head slightly and she does the same back to him.

  “Would you ladies like some cocktails?”

  The women said yes and they all took a cocktail.

  Vikki explained that Tangie was in the textile business and that she has made millions in the process. Tangie asked Waynell,

  “What do you do for a living?”

  Waynell answered, “I am a corporate lawyer for a Bacon Jenkins and McPhelps Law Firm downtown.”

  “Yes, I have done much business with that law firm.” “I am friends with the CEO of that firm.”

  As Tangie and Vikki began talking to Waynell, she was beginning to feel very lightheaded. She looked around the room and everything seemed to get woozy. She started to experience vertigo as she suddenly tried to stand up.

  “Darling are you alright you seem disorientated?” asked Tangie.

  Vikki looked at Waynell and begin to call her name. “Waynell, Waynell, can you hear me?” “What is wrong?”

  As Vikki continued to call her name, Waynell became unconscious and collapsed onto the floor. Tangie called in the butler and ordered him to take her to the secret chambers.

  Meanwhile, Walter was outside of the mansion outside of the security walls. He could not get pass security. Suddenly his phone rang, it was Brian.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m outside some mansion in Olathe.”

  “Where in Olathe?”

  “Off of Interstate 35 and 195 Street.”

  “Most of the people who live out there are “Old Money.”

  “Can you see who owns the place?

  “Naw, it has high security and surveillance cameras all around.”

  “There is a bonus in it for you, if you stay there and find out what they are up too. I need to know.”

  “Fine, I am curious to know who lives here myself.”

  Walter ends the call. Now he is intrigued about the activities of Waynell. He waits to see if any more questionable activities take place.

  Chapter 7

  Back in the mansion, Waynell is now laying on a large king size bed in a dark room. Everything seems as if she is in a dream. She tries to get up but she cannot do so, because her arms and sexy curvy legs were tied down. She was hoodwinked, not able to see who was in the room. She came to the realization that she was fully naked, lying with her legs slightly open. She feels a little draft of air, brushing across her now hardened nipples. She was confused at what was taking place but the mellow feeling she was experiencing from the drug consumes her. Suddenly the room begins to lighten up slightly and soft smooth jazz begins to fill the room. The sound of George Duke makes her horny and feels good to her as she closes her eyes and listens to the sound of the saxophone playing. Soon all the instruments sounded good to her as she continues to fall into a deep trance, as if she is floating on cloud nine. She starts to get into the mood and the music. Her body starts to get warm and she begins to feel very horny. Soon her body gets warmer and her pussy starts to get very moist. She thinks in her mind, “What is this feeling?” She continues to get very horny. Her body begins to get sensitive to the touch and begins to quiver and squirm on the bed. Tangie was looking in through a two-way mirror in another room. She then uttered these words, “Laissez l’amusement de’buter! Waynell was so hot now. All she could think about was the feeling of having a man’s penis inside her mouth. Suddenly she could feel someone caressing her sexy curvy legs and kissing her thighs. It felt good to her. As this continued, she felt someone licking her areoles, than they begin to suck her large breasts. Her body was now quivering with excitement. She wanted more and she was certainly going to get it. More hands began to caress her body and she became excited. All she could do was moan and enjoy what she was experiencing. Soon she felt something on her juicy lips. It was of course a large throbbing dick. She began to kiss it slowly and then she took it into her mouth. More dicks emerged and she began to suck each one at a time. Four dicks were in or around her mouth as she sucked them one at a time. As this was taking place, her pussy was being licked by someone she believed to be a woman. This female licked her clitoris so good it had to be a woman, because only a woman could give such pleasure; she thought.” Waynell’s whole body was now consumed with some type of sexual activity. Kissing and caressing her all over her entire body, giving her pleasure and she was enjoying it. Now it was two people licking her hot box. Her pussy was beginning to quiver with ecstasy as she craved to have a sizeable dick in it! She began to ask for it! “Please, give it to me!

  Than at her request, a large hard penis entered her pussy creating a luscious connection. He stroked her very slow and gentle ensuring that she felt every inch of his shaft! She moaned uncontrollably as he continued to work her. As if that was not enough, she felt a penis enter her asshole. At first, she was a little reluctant, but as the action continued, she began to enjoy the pleasure. They continued to fuck her and soon she was experiencing multiple orgasms.

  Suddenly she woke up and she was in her bed at home. It was morning and she was confused on how she got home. “Was this all a dream,” she thought in her mind, as she looked around to recognize her surroundings. Her last recollection was she was at the mansion with Tangie and Vikki, but how did she get in her bed naked? Brian was in the shower. Her body was sweaty and she felt as if she just had sex and assumed that the juices flowing from her wet pussy was from Brian's latest escapade. She turned and looked up to the ceiling and said, “How did I get back here?” Brian came out of the bathroom and said, “Honey you must have had a great night!”

  “Brian, what time did I get in last night?”

  “You came in around 2:00 A
.M.!” Don’t you remember you were very horny and you stripped off your clothes and fucked my brains out! It was great!

  Somehow, she could not believe that because she would never crave Brian like that! She said okay, but she just could not believe that she would be so horny that she would fuck Brian. She noticed that his bags were packed and ready to go to the airport.

  “Honey, I am on my way to the New York and will see you at the end of the week.”

  He kissed her on the cheek, grabbed his suitcases, and went down stairs. She looked in the mirror at herself as she thought to herself. “I know I was not dreaming.”

  She could hear Brian’s car driving away, so she got out of bed and took a shower. As she got out the shower and looked in the mirror, she noticed that she had a small love mark on her neck. Instantly she could visualize a man kissing her neck and biting her neck very sensuously. She thought, “How did I get this!”

  She ran into the bedroom sat on the bed and called Vikki. The phone rang and it rang again.

  “Come on answer the phone!”

  The phone rang again and then the answering system came on, “I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now….she hung up the phone.

  “Damn it Vikki where are you?”

  She called her phone again. The phone rang and it rang again! She hung up the phone. She then called her work number, the phone rang, and Vikki’s receptionist answered the phone.

  “Good Morning Dr. Reynolds’s office may I help you?”

  “Yes, is Dr. Reynolds available?”

  “She is with a patient, may I take a message?”

  “Yes, Waynell Deveraux called and needs her to call me back. Please tell her it is urgent!”

  “Does she have your number?”

  “Yes, she does, Please tell her to call me please?”

  “I will make sure she calls.”

  Waynell is not only confused but she is now frustrated because she could not talk to Vikki. Meanwhile Walter is eating breakfast with Coco and of course, she wants to know what is going on with him.

  “Baby, Can we talk?”

  “Coco what is it?” I really need to get ready for work.

  “You have not been yourself lately and last night, that stun you pulled at the restaurant.” “What was that all about?”


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