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Scandalous Motives

Page 10

by Red Snapper

  “No, YOU don’t get it!” “I don’t get used!” “I went along with your little party last night because you gave some bull shit about being with a man!” “Well, I know that you may want some dick sometime and I can live with that, but you want me eating your pussy, ALL the time!”

  Shareefah was upset now as she continued to discuss this dilemma with Regina.

  “Look Regina, I admit that I led you on for six months, but I just wanted to see if I really wanted to live this type of lifestyle.” “I don’t want to be limited to just having sex with women.” “I want, no, I NEED dick and if I can eat some pussy every now and then good too.”

  “You know Shareefah you are just scandalous!” “You don’t care about nobody but yourself.” “What about my feelings and the way I feel?” “So you really want to stop seeing me?”

  Shareefah thought about what she said for a minute and then answered.

  “I just need you to let me clear my head!” I want you to stop trying to get me to make a decision about you!” “I need to think Regina!”

  “Fine you ungrateful Bitch, I will back off.” “Don’t call me when you get horny for some female affection!”

  Regina angrily hung up the phone and threw it on her bed. As she hung up her cell phone, Shareefah lit a cigarette, sat down on a lawn chair on the patio, and smoked.

  At the hospital in one of the doctor’s lounges, were several doctors talking and laughing. Many were discussing certain cases and procedures while others were just enjoying their lunch. Javon and a very attractive voluptuous female doctor by the name of Dr. Ratasha Davenport were sitting at the table talking. She was discussing his situation with him.

  “Ratasha I really wanted to thank you for letting my crash at your place for a couple of days.”

  “Sure Javon it was no problem.” “You know I would help you anytime you need it.”

  “My wife would not understand me staying with another woman, even if it is my cousin.” “She would say that I wanted to screw my cousin like a hillbilly or something!”

  They both laughed and then Ratasha asked this question, “So what are you going to do about Fredericka and her fertility problem?” “You know there are several solutions that you can look into like adoption or hiring a surrogate.”

  “You are right, at first; I was going to leave her because I felt betrayed because she didn’t tell me the truth.” “I do understand even if I don’t agree on her method she chose, but I love her and I want to make our relationship work.”

  “Well Dr. Reynolds read these brochures.” “Take them home and discuss in detail with your wife on these options and move forward, not backward.”

  “Thanks a lot Dr. Davenport!” Javon took the brochures and put them in his locker.

  Walter stared out the window, trying to decide what would be best for him to do. Coco had actually given him an ultimatum to either marry her or let her go! The anxiety he was feeling was tremendous, as he knew this decision must be answered in a very timely manner. Was he ready for married, or the bigger question would be if he were truthfully and honestly concluded with Waynell? In all honesty, he was not over her. He thought about her every since that day. Deep down, Walter knew it could never be because Brian would destroy him if he ever even dreamed of taking his wife. Suddenly his phone rang and it was Brian. He reached for the telephone.

  “What up man?”

  “Waynell is out of control!” “We got into a little altercation last night!” “She left the house last night!”

  “What!” “What happened?” “Is she alright?” “I mean did you get hurt?”

  “What do you mean man?” “I whooped her ass!” “She is fine, probably over Vikki’s fucking house.” Walter was a little surprised and upset about the fight and he wanted to get Brian for what he did to Waynell but he just continued to listen to him talk.

  “Look partner, I need you to watch her. I know she is up to something.” “ Angelina called her and told her about us, so I know she is going to try some separation or divorce shit.”

  “How do you know she called her?”

  “She told me before she left the fucking house that she knew about my affair." “I got really pissed, so I went out to that Laurie Mansion place.” “I had the pleasure of meeting the amazing Ms. Tangie Laurie.” “Very intriguing and attractive character, but there is something very bazaar about this woman.” “When I was there asking questions about her relationship with Waynell, she damn near seduced me right in her parlor.” “She grabbed my dick and started toying with it like it was some play thing!” “It was totally weird but seductive at the same time.”

  Walter (thinking in his mind that Brian always assumes that he is God’s gift to all women and that every woman wants him) answered, “Are you sure Brian?” “I mean she just met you and she deliberately just came on to you, grabbing your dick and balls?”

  “Yeah she did!” “I swear I’m not making this shit up!” “She was very seductive and I liked that shit!” “I wish I could fuck her ass!” “Maybe I will after I get Waynell back in check!”

  “So what is your next move?”

  “I am going to let Waynell cool off for a couple of days.” “Let he think that I am sorry and then I will put her back in her place.”

  Walter really did not like the sound of that but he could not let Brian know how he really feels about his wife.

  “I will get back at you later Walter!” “Keep up the good work!”

  Brian ended the call. Walter put down his phone on the nightstand and got up off the bed.

  Tiberius had been reminiscing about Tamika as he lay in his friendless bed. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. His love for her was as genuine as if she were still breathing and in his presence. Gradually, his sadness dissipated; new hope and a growing sense of purpose stirred within him as he thought about how he was going to finally get retribution for her murder. His thought increasingly on the systematic particulars of how he sought to cause Brian to pay for his actions. As he was sitting there thinking, he received a text message from someone at the Laurie Mansion. The message read: Be patience my friend you will get what you desire very soon!” That is a promise! After reading the message, he smiled and closed his eyes. For the first time since her death, he felt as if he was finally going to savor the bittersweet taste of settling of scores, as he walked into his bathroom preparing to take a shower he looked into the mirror and said. “Brian your ass is mind!” winking his eye and motioning as if he were shooting a pistol at the same time. He laughed and continued.

  Chapter 16

  There was no sound in the house as Brian sat there. His mind was on playback mode as he tried to make some sense of his encounter with Ms. Laurie. He continued to sit there wondering what her motive was. Suddenly, Waynell’s garage door opened and she parked her Mercedes in the garage. She got out of her car and walked into the house. Brian was in the living room sitting on the sofa. As she was making her way to the stairs, she saw Brian sitting in the living room. Slightly frighten and not clear what his reaction would be she slowly turned around and walked in the living room. He looked at her with a blank face. She was very befuddled as she gazed back at him. He stood up and began to walk over to her. She was very nervous but continued to hold her composure not to give him any indication that she was terrified of him. He stood in front of her looking down at her. He walked around her in a complete circle, breathing down her neck and her shoulders trying to formulate some type of flinch. He now was looking down her again. He asked her a question.

  “What are you doing Waynell?” “Do you think you are leaving me?” “You think I will let you go just like that?”

  Waynell looked up at him with confidence and answered.

  “Brian if I want to go I can do so and you can’t stop me!” She walked around him and went up the stairs and down the hall to their bedroom. He turned around and looked at her as she went up stairs. He looked, smiled, and then began to follow her up t
o the bedroom. When he goes to the room, the door was closed. He tried to open the door but it was locked. He began to yell through the door.

  “Waynell, open this fucking door!” “You can’t do this shit to me!” “I’m your husband!” He knocked on the door very hard shouting at the door. “Waynell don’t make me break this door down!”

  Waynell was inside frightened because she did not know what he was going to do. She went to the closet, pulled out a suitcase, and started packing some of her clothes. She then thought to herself,”Why I am leaving my house.” “He should be the one who should leave.” She pulled her cell phone from her purse and dial 911.

  “Hello 911 is this emergency?”

  “Yes, I am in my house and my husband is trying to beat me!”

  “Remain calm where are you now ma’am?”

  “I’m locked in my bedroom and he is trying to break down the door!”

  “Do you have a bathroom in your bedroom Ma’am?”


  “Go quietly into your bathroom and lock that door!” “I am sending a unit to your residence as we speak!” “Stay patient Ma’am help is on the way!”

  Waynell locked herself in the bathroom. She could hear Brian really trying to break down the door in the bedroom. He kept rattling the doorknob and beating on the door. As she kept listening, the noise suddenly stopped. Waynell was now wondering did he get into the bedroom are did he just give up. She did not move from the bathroom. She was waiting with patience for the sound of sirens approaching her home. She could not hear any more pounding at the bedroom door. She pulled out her cell phone to call Vikki. She dialed her number. Vikki phone rang and rang. Vikki finally picked up. Speaking with a very low voice Waynell began to tell Vikki what was going on.

  “Hello!” “Vikki!” “Can you hear me?”

  “Barely!” “Waynell!” “Are you alright?”

  “No, Brian is trying to kill me or something!” “I’m locked in the bathroom waiting for the police to show up!”

  “Girl, hold on!” “I am on my way!” “Don’t hang up!”

  Vikki ran out to her car as quick as she could. She started the engine and pulled off speeding at high velocity. Waynell was still waiting to see if Brian had made it into the bedroom. She soon knew the answer because the doorknob on the bathroom started to wiggle and shake. Brian spoke to her from the other side of the door.

  “Hey Waynell, why are you acting like this?” “You know that we are supposed to be together.” “COME ON LET ME IN BITCH!”

  He shook the doorknob and began to beat on the bathroom door. Waynell began to cry as she vaguely heard police sirens in the distance. She closed her eyes as Brian continued to beat on the door.

  “I just want to talk to you NOW OPEN THE DOOR!”

  Brian heard the sound of the sirens approaching the house. He ran over to the window and then ran back to the bathroom door.

  “You called the POLICE!” “YOU CALLED THE POLICE!” Three police cars were now outside of their home. All of the officers got out of their cars and ran up to the door with them splitting up with half of them going around the back and covering every possible exit of the house. One of the officers knocked on the front door.

  “Olathe Police Department!” “Open up with your hands up in the air!”

  There was not answer so the police pursued to open the door. They broke into the house and they all ran in with three of them going directly up stairs and into all the bedrooms. When they got to the master bedroom, they found Brian sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom door. They got him up and put his hands behind his back. A female police officer knocked on the bathroom door.

  “Ma’am, I am with the Olathe Police Department.” “Please open the door.” “We have your Husband in custody!” “I need you to open the door!”

  As the officer tried to get Waynell to open the door, Vikki had made it to the house. She immediately ran up the stairs to the master bedroom. She saw the officer at the bathroom door. She told the officer.

  “I am her therapist!” “Can I try?”

  The officer agreed. Vikki walked over to the bathroom door and knocked softly.

  “Waynell it is me Vikki!” “Come on baby open the door okay!” “He is gone!” “Let me come in okay?”

  The door opened gradually until Waynell saw Vikki, then she opened the door wide. She ran out, hugged Vikki snugly, and began to cry immensely.

  The police officer asked, “Will you be pressing charges?”

  Waynell looked at Vikki and then looked at the officer and answered.

  “Yes…Yes I will!”

  Waynell and Vikki both walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs together. As they walked out to the car, they could see Brian inside the squad car. He looked at Waynell fuming! He was so pissed he started cursing at them through the window. The police finished their business and took Brian downtown.


  The sky was clear and blue when Waynell went to work, but when she left the office at five o'clock, the sky was slate-colored, and rain drummed on the streets. She could not help but think about how her life had made a complete turnaround in such a short period. Brian was incarcerated for a week before he was released on bail pending trial later that month. She was now living in her house alone. Because of their current situation, Brian was living in a hotel downtown. Waynell now had some freedom to think about what she really wanted to do with her life. Would she continue as before living as a trophy wife, living in fear of her husband or would she move on and experience the taste of independence and self-determination? As she made it to her now peaceful domicile, she walked up to her mailbox to check it. Most of the correspondence was the usual letters and junk mail. As she looked through the mail, she found a small letter addressed to her. It had no postage or any return address. She looked it over carefully ensuring it had nothing out of the ordinary or peculiar attached to it. She opened it very slowly and took out the card. It was an invitation to attend a private party at the Laurie Mansion. She looked at the date and it was for that evening. She thought to herself, “This is very polite of Ms. Laurie.” She smiled as continued to walk up to the house. She unlocked the door, went into the house, and shut the door behind her. She did not notice the car parked across the street, which had followed her from downtown to her house. Walter was watching her from that car. He was doing the dirty work of Brian as he watched Brian’s wife scrupulously. Although Walter’s responsibility to stalk Waynell had a monetary connection associated with it, he would have done this free. He watched the house carefully as the rain was now slowing down to a mist. He could see her bedroom window from his view. Suddenly a light turned on in her bedroom. He picked up the binoculars that were on the passenger seat of the car put them up to his eyes. Although there were curtains on the window, they were sheer enough that he could actually see what she was doing. He watched her, as she was very unaware of his presence as she began to remove her blouse. She took it off slowly and he could see that she was wearing a silky lace bra. She removed the bra and out popped her delightful and adorable breasts. They were as gorgeous as he remembered and his mouth started to water in anticipation. She loosened her belt and pulled down her pants. He was now agitated as he saw she was wearing a tong. Her stunning good-looking ass was so enormous he wondered how she could fit all of it in those pants she was wearing. She took off her pants and returned them to the closet. She walked out of the closet and removed her tong. By now, Walter was blistering as he felt his dick throbbing in his jeans. He thought to himself, “I have got to get to her!” He got out of his car and walked over to the house. He looked around to ensure no one was looking and tried to open the door. Waynell was now running her bath water and she put in some bubble bath. Walter could not open the door and he did not want to break in but he lust for her was very intense. Frustrated he walked to the back of the house. He checked the windows and doors to see if he could find one open. He could not so he walked back to his car and got ba
ck in it. He picked up the binoculars again and waited to see if she would walk by the window again. She got into the tub and laid back in it. She had many candles lit and her smooth jazz playing in the background. She took her cool glass of Chardonnay and sipped it. She then put it down on the edge of the tub and closed her eyes. Walter was very frustrated, as he could not see any activity through the binoculars. He got out of the car and walked to the south side of the house. He checked the sliding door on the patio and it was unlocked. He slowly slid the door open and entered the house. The room was dark as he made his way into the hallway that led to the living room. He reached the winding stairs that led to the bedrooms on the second level. If it were not for the sounds of the jazz music in her the bathroom, the house would be completely silent. He walked up the stairs, following the sound of the music as it led him to his prey. He slowly opened the bedroom door and walked into the dark bedroom. The ambiance was very sensuous as the only glow of light was coming from the bathroom. Waynell still lying in the bathtub enjoying the music and the bath was not aware of his presence. He slowly looked in the bathroom and there was Waynell. She looked so serene and tranquil as he gazed at her nakedness in the tub. He was now standing over her; she suddenly felt the presence of someone watching and opened her eyes quickly. She screamed and then said to him.

  “Walter!” How did you get in here? “What are you doing here in my house?” He looked at her gazing at her stunning physique.

  “I just wanted to talk to you!” Please don’t be frightened!” “I am not here to hurt you!”

  “How did you get in here?” “I’m calling the police!”

  “Please Waynell!” “Don’t do that!”

  He reached down, picked up the beach towel, and handed it to her. She looked at the towel, as he put it down next to the tub.

  “I will be out in the bedroom waiting as he walked out of the bathroom. He sat down on the chair in the room. Waynell was thinking in her mind what is he doing here in her house? “What if her husband came in and sees him here? She suddenly remembers that she had a restraining order against Brian so he could not come any closer than fifty feet of her. She stepped out of the tub and slightly dried herself off. She put on the satin nightgown that was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. She walked out of the bathroom and saw Walter sitting on the chair.


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