Bogan as writer for, 203
Harper’s Bazaar contrasted with, 16
on Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, 5, 12
Janet Flanner as writer for, 10, 25, 94, 124–25
Lee as writer for, 227
McCullers’s short story in, 222, 224
New York Harbor, 36, 60
New York Herald Tribune, 12, 161, 197, 199, 200
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, 240
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, 256
New York Times, 5, 12, 122, 143, 197–99
New York Times Book Review, 12
New York University, 6
New York World’s Fair, 79, 85, 86, 136, 137, 166–67
Nicolson, Harold, 59
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 126–27, 147, 148, 163, 195, 218
Niebuhr, Ursula, 147
“Night Watch over Freedom” (McCullers), 132–33, 143
Nin, Anaïs, xiii, 164, 169, 242
No Exit (Sartre), 254
No-Foreign-Wars Committee, 142
Norse, Harold, 50, 55–56, 74, 150–51
North American Review, 9
Norway, 3, 57
“Nuit Blanche” (Colette), 31
Nyack, New York, 250
Oedipus-Rex, 11
O’Keeffe, Georgia, 36
Oklahoma, 174, 251
Olivet College, 184, 218
On the Town, 251
Opel, Margot von, 20, 21, 26, 130, 162
Open House (Roethke), 186–87, 196
Opening of a Door, The (Davis), 12
“Opera on an American Legend” (Auden), 198
Orange Street, Brooklyn Heights, 34, 65
Orators, The (Auden), 37, 40
Orwell, George, 59
Oxford University, 40, 41, 188, 246
Britten and Pears’s, 122–23, 127, 145, 254
Isherwood’s, 53–54, 127–28, 145, 202, 219, 254
Paderewski, I. J., 234
Pal Joey, 136, 138, 154, 253
Panama, 193, 210
“Paradise Lost” (Flanner), 95
Paris. See France
“Paris, Germany” (Flanner), 124–25
Parker, Dorothy, 227
Parker, Mr. (druggist), 64–65, 256
Pastorela, 161, 169, 173, 200
Patton, Mrs. George, 106
Paul Bunyan, 194, 195, 198–201, 232
Auden’s libretto for, 133–36, 154–56, 174, 182–83, 196, 202, 213, 257–58
Britten’s music for, 132–36, 153–56, 170, 173–74, 182–83, 198, 202, 213, 238, 257–58
performances and reception of, 199–201, 213, 257–58
Pearl Harbor attack, 242–44, 254
Pears, Peter, 39, 61, 121, 241, 248
in Ann Arbor, 233
in California, 233–36
comes to U.S., 120
in Great Britain, 249, 257
leaves Middagh Street house, 202–3, 242
leaves United States, 247
at Mayers’ house, 69, 140, 238–40
at Middagh Street, 109–11, 121–22, 133, 141, 148, 154, 155, 161, 174, 184–85, 190, 198, 201–3
as pacifist, 122–23, 127, 145, 254
See also Britten, Benjamin
Pensées (Pascal), 53
Pepper Mill, The, 18
Peter Grimes (Britten), xiv, 236–38, 241, 247–49, 253, 257
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 136
Pilgrim Hawk: A Love Story, The (Wescott), 28
Pineapple Street, Brooklyn Heights, 34, 65, 68
Poems (Auden), 43
Poetical Works of the Rev. George Crabbe, The (Crabbe), 236
Poland, 4, 52, 55, 57, 181, 221
Porgy and Bess, 84
Porter, Cole, 79
Porter, Katherine Anne, 11, 27–28, 36, 222, 223
Portugal, 93, 133, 163
Powell, Dawn, 16
Preminger, Erik Lee, 252
Preminger, Otto, 252
Princeton, New Jersey, 77, 109, 124, 146, 202
Prokosch, Frederic, 50
“Prolific and the Devourer, The” (Auden), 53, 54, 146
Proust, Marcel, 7
Quakers, 219, 248
“Quest, The” (Auden), 256
Ragland, Rags, 102
Rake’s Progress (Stravinsky), 257
Rand, Sally, 84
Ray, Man, 12, 15, 36
Redbook, 9
Reed, John, 29
Reflections in a Golden Eye (McCullers), 22–23, 26, 29–30, 106, 163–64, 205–6
Refugees, European, xii, 93–97, 123–27, 138
and Auden, 101, 127–29, 146–48, 163, 187, 195, 214–15, 230–33, 246–47
Dalí on, 168
and Kafka, 191–92
vs. Nazism, 126–27
See also specific religions
Retail Credit Corporation, 6
Revolution Surrealiste, La, 11
Rice, Craig, 152–53
Riding, Laura, 29
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 58, 73
Rimbaud, Arthur, 119, 201
Robbins, Jerome, 251
Robertson, Rae, 154, 202, 235, 238
Rochester, New York, 224
“Rocking Horse Winner, The” (Lawrence), 154
Rodeo (Copland), 251
Roethke, Theodore, 186, 196
Rogers, Thomas, 51
Romania, 211
Room with a View, A (Forster), 239
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 12
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 92, 141, 142–43, 165, 181, 203, 221
Rosenkavalier, Der, 170
Ross, Jean, 160
Rossini, Gioacchino, 170
Rothman, Bobby, 239, 240–41
Rothman, David, 154, 201, 239, 240, 247
Rougemont, Denis de, xiii, 160, 204, 213–15
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 43
Royal Air Force, 58–59, 181, 197, 221
Rubáijyát of Omar Khayyám, The, 81
“Ruins of Paris, The” (Cocteau), 95
Rukeyser, Muriel, 138, 140, 204, 210, 223, 225
Russian Tea Room, 9, 252
St. Edmund’s school, 52
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 16
St. George Hotel, xii, 77
St. Regis Hotel, 15
“Sally Bowles” (Isherwood), 16
Sammlung, Die, 94, 124
San Diego, California, 234
Sands Street district, 77–80, 110, 118, 156–58, 172, 220, 232, 250, 251
Saratoga, 226, 251
Saroyan, William, 115, 137, 144, 166
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 254
Savoy, Bert, 185
Schiaparelli, Elsa, 11, 85
School of American Ballet, 36
Schwartz, Delmore, 187
Scottish Ballad (Britten), 234, 239
Sea and the Mirror, The (Auden), 98, 215–16, 232–33, 256
Seattle, Washington, 86, 142
Secret Life of Salvador Dalí, The, 168, 207, 257
“September 1, 1939” (Auden), 55–57, 96, 120, 232
Seven Arts bookstore, 80–81
Seven Arts magazine, 29, 31
Seven Deadly Sins (Weill), 253
Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo (Britten), 234
Shakespeare, William, 68, 81, 161, 215, 232
Sheean, Diana, 92
Sheean, Vincent, 92, 95
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 43, 49
Sheltering Sky, The (Bowles), 201, 251
Sherwood, Robert E., 95
Show Boat, 148
Sinfonia da Requiem (Britten), 120, 154, 181–82, 197, 239
Sino-Japanese War, 45
Sirin, V., 40
Sitwell, Edith and Osbert, 16
Slater, Montagu, 249
Slovakia, 211. See also Czechoslovakia
Smith, Carson. See McCullers, Carson
Smith, Marguerite, 35, 108, 131–32, 139–
40, 185, 186
Smith, Milton, 133, 136, 182–83
Smith, Oliver, xiii, 172, 184, 206–9, 226, 227, 249–51, 253, 254
Snape, England, 202, 236, 238, 249
Snow, Carmel, 15, 27–31, 87, 139, 153, 204
Solano, Solita (Sarah Wilkinson), 10, 25, 92, 108, 152, 244
“Song to St. Cecilia’s Day” (Auden), 99, 234, 241, 249, 256
“Sonnets from China” (Auden), 46
Sound of Music, The, 251
Southern Review, 9
Soviet Union, 4, 47, 211–12, 221
Spain, 43–44, 47, 101, 168, 251
Spectator, 59
Spender, Harold, 189
Spender, Stephen, 31, 36, 44, 161
and Britten, 249
Davis’s friendship with, 16–17
and Horizon, 144, 188, 189
in Weimar Germany, 40, 41
Star and Garter, 252
Starr, Mother Fannie, 10
Stars and Stripes, 255
Stegner, Wallace, 26
Stein, Gertrude, 16, 193, 194, 205–6
Steinbeck, John, 4, 73
Stern, James, 11, 70, 72, 154, 222, 228, 245, 254
Stern, Tania, 70, 72, 73–76, 228–30, 245
Stories of Three Decades (Mann), 19
Story magazine, 9
Stravinsky, Igor, 11, 257
Streets of Paris, The, 79, 85, 86, 137
Strindberg, August, 217
String Quartet No. 1 (Britten), 237–38
Stronger Sex, The (Vertes), 227
“Sucker” (McCullers), 9, 21
Suffolk Friends of Music Orchestra, 117
Clarac-Schwarzenbach’s attempts at, 130, 131, 163
Klaus Mann considers, 210–11, 254
Peter Grimes’s, 237
Reeves McCullers’s, 250
Sullivan, Marie, 17
Surrealism, 15, 168–86, 171, 193, 207
Surrealism Exhibit, Museum of Modern Art, 15
“Surrealism in Hollywood” (Dalí), 166
Switzerland, 130, 163, 188
Sylphides, Les (Chopin), 154
Symphony No. 3 (Mahler), 234
Tales of Hoffman, 249
Tammany Hall, xii
Tanglewood. See Berkshire Music Festival at Tanglewood
Taos, New Mexico, 53
Tchelitchew, Pavel, 13, 116, 138, 251
as Middagh Street visitor, 92, 124, 150, 165, 166, 207
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 215, 232
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 246
Theatre Café, 137, 153, 207–8
Theatre Guild, 83–84, 161, 166
Thin Man, The (Hammett), 227
Thomas, Dylan, 45
Thomson, Virgil, 37, 173, 183, 184
as music critic, 117, 161, 199, 200
Threepenny Opera, The (Brecht and Weill), 40, 253
Tillich, Paul, 101
Time magazine, 98, 164
Todd, Michael, 79, 85–86, 136–38, 153, 167, 207–8, 252
Toledo Camp, 10
Tolstoy, Leo, 7, 73
Tony’s Square Bar, 78
Tortilla Flat (Steinbeck), 4
transition, 193
Tucker, Mary, 76
“Tugboat Ethel,” 18
Tumble Inn, 25
Turning Point, The (K. Mann), 212–13, 254, 257
Turn of the Screw, The (James), 164
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 161, 200
Twentieth Century-Fox, 84
“Twisted Trinity, The” (McCullers), 223
Two Serious Ladies (J. Bowles), xiii, xiv, 190–92, 200, 250, 257
Ukraine, 211
Unamuno, Miguel de, 168
Union Theological Seminary, 126
United States
Auden and Isherwood’s publication in, 49
Auden decides to become citizen of, 59, 129, 189, 257
Britten comes to, 119–20
Britten on, 122
differences between Great Britain and, 217
European refugees in, xii, 93–97, 123–27, 138
literary and artistic flowering in, xiii, 4–5
loneliness in, 73, 241–42
myths of, 133–36, 181–83, 198–203
1929 stock market crash in, 41–42
and World War II, xiii–xiv, 27, 40, 46, 50, 92, 95–97, 142–43, 165, 212, 242–44
See also Roosevelt, Franklin D.
University of Michigan, 174, 203, 215, 227–33, 241–42, 245
Untermeyer, Louis, xii, 26, 29–31, 164
as Middagh Street visitor, 72, 115, 118, 138
Van Doren, Carl, 138
Vanity Fair, 14, 83–84
Variety, 208
Vertès, Marcel, 66, 89, 116, 138, 227
Violin Concerto (Britten), 117, 120, 197–98, 234, 240
Virginia Quarterly, 9
Vogue, 15, 72, 78, 109, 132, 143, 153, 167
Vreeland, Diana, 15, 23, 27, 66, 85, 159
Watch on the Rhine (Hellman), 161, 200
Wave of the Future (A. M. Lindbergh), 95
Weill, Kurt, xii, 13, 40, 117, 155, 174, 200, 253
Weill-Lenya Center, 256
Welles, Orson, 17, 25
Welty, Eudora, 26
Werfel, Alma Mahler, 93, 124
Werfel, Franz, 93, 95, 96, 124
Wescott, Glenway, 11, 28, 92, 94, 99, 100, 222
West Side Story, 251
Wheeler, Monroe, 92
Wheelock, Dorothy, 29, 87
White Horse Tavern, 9
Whitman, Walt, 36
Wilde, Oscar, 73
Wilkinson, Sarah. See Solano, Solita
Williams, Tennessee, 253
Willkie, Wendell, 31, 92
Willy, West and McGinty, 137
Winchell, Walter, 86–88
Wizard of Oz, The (Baum), 81
Wodehouse, P. G., 31
Wolfe, Thomas, 4, 7
Woolf, Leonard, 16
Woolf, Virginia, 16, 210
World’s Fair. See New York World’s Fair
World War I, 4, 10, 42–43, 142
World War II
in Europe, 3–5, 27, 40, 45–50, 52, 55, 57–59, 95, 124–25, 182, 211–12, 221, 243
in Great Britain, xiii, 3, 4, 24, 27, 31, 40, 55, 57–59, 92, 93, 122–23, 132–33, 141–43, 150, 170, 181–82, 188, 197, 203, 211–12, 221, 238
Middagh House residents’ role in, 254–55
pacifism in, 53–54, 122–23, 127–28, 145, 202, 219, 254
Reeves McCullers’s service in, 250
and United States, xiii–xiv, 27, 40, 46, 50, 92, 95–97, 142–43, 165, 212, 242–44
See also Nazism
Wren, Christopher, 141
Wright, Lee, 140, 153, 207–8
Wright, Richard, 4, 26, 109, 250
Yaddo, 91, 204–8, 222–24, 226, 227, 250
Yale Review, 9
Yale School of Drama, 172
Yale University, 172, 175
Yeats, William Butler, 43. See also “Elegy to Yeats” (Auden)
Yorkville, 57, 127
Young, Owen D., 12
Young Communist League, 79
Young Composers’ Group, 173
Yugoslavia, 181
Zanuck, Daryl, 84
Ziegfield, Flo, 90
Ziegfield’s Follies, 84, 106
About the Author
SHERILL TIPPINS is currently at work on a history of the Chelsea Hotel, New York’s famed artists’ haven. She lives in New York City.
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