
Home > Romance > Thrust > Page 25
Thrust Page 25

by Becca Jameson

“Fuck,” Abram stated. That was the last word Ivan heard as he swung into the car and slammed the door. Two seconds later Mikhail pulled out of the parking lot.

  Ivan still didn’t speak on the way to the hospital. It was only about a ten minute drive, but it seemed like half a day. He held on to the armrest as Mikhail took every turn too fast. They were damn lucky they didn’t get pulled over. Ivan wasn’t sure what he might have done if he’d been waylaid. It wouldn’t have been pretty and might have ended with him in jail.

  They jumped down from the Jeep and ran toward the entrance.

  As soon as Ivan stepped inside, he saw Leo and Katie at the admittance desk. “Where is she?”

  Mikhail asked, “What happened?”

  Katie spun around. Tears stained her face. She hadn’t bothered to wipe them away. She opened her mouth, but only a sob came out.

  Leo set his hand on her shoulder and spoke. “Someone pretended to be a patient and cornered Alena in an exam room. He tied her up.”

  “And?” That wasn’t everything. It wouldn’t warrant the level of fear he registered in both sets of eyes.

  “We don’t know what he did to her yet. Whatever it was, it was fast. He was in and out of there in no time. Left her and walked right out the door.”

  “What do you mean? What does she say he did?” Ivan was growing more frustrated by the second.

  “What aren’t you telling us?” Mikhail asked. His voice was high-pitched.

  Katie sobbed, lowering her face to rub her temples with her fingers.

  “She isn’t conscious,” Leo muttered. He pointed at a set of chairs and pulled Katie toward them.

  Ivan was only vaguely aware there were others in the waiting room. Staring. Silent. He didn’t care what anyone thought.

  Suddenly the sliding doors opened again and caught his attention as Taylor raced into the emergency room. She pointed at a door that led farther into the hospital and flashed a badge at the woman at the front desk. “I’ll need someplace private, please. Now.”

  The woman jumped up, nodding, and pushed a button to open the double doors. And then she raced around from behind and led the five of them down a hall. After passing several rooms and curtained areas—none of which seemed to hold Alena—she opened a door and motioned for them to enter. “Take as long as you need,” she muttered.

  A security guard came from the opposite direction as Ivan followed the others inside. Taylor let everyone pass through before her while she spoke in hushed tones to the man. He nodded and turned to head back down the hall at a fast clip.

  As soon as Taylor entered and the door shut behind her, she spoke. “I didn’t want to discuss this in the waiting room for all the world to hear.”

  “Understandable,” Leo said.

  Mikhail ran his hands through his hair.

  “Tell me everything,” Taylor insisted.

  Leo explained the parts Ivan already knew, but his blood went cold as he listened to how Katie had found Alena on the floor of the exam room, unconscious. Her ankles and wrists had been bound. Her mouth taped shut with a thick silver duct tape. A black, knitted beanie had been pulled over her face.

  “Fuck,” Mikhail exclaimed.

  Ivan gritted his teeth. He’d already punched a hole in Katie’s clinic wall just days ago. He didn’t think the hospital would be quite as accepting of that behavior.

  “Did it appear she was drugged?” Taylor asked.

  Katie glanced at first Ivan and then Mikhail. “Not sure, but I suspect he also drew blood.”

  “You think he took a sample?” Taylor asked.

  Ivan stopped breathing. This was the first time anyone had added that detail.

  Katie nodded. “There was a puncture wound on her arm, and blood was still seeping out. It would have been hard to get her still enough to draw blood without knocking her out first.”

  “Goddammit,” Ivan shouted, running a hand through his hair. He was pretty sure his word was echoed simultaneously by Mikhail, who turned to face the wall for a moment.

  “You don’t know if she was given something?” Ivan asked as if somehow Katie’s story would change if he just reworded the question.

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have time to figure out what occurred. I screamed for Leo and called nine one one. I applied pressure and held her arm while waiting for the ambulance. Leo cut her wrists and ankles loose. She had struggled. They were raw. The rope was rough. She didn’t regain consciousness. Maybe from whatever he gave her. Or maybe it was her body’s self-defense mechanism. She could have been in shock. Impossible to know yet.”

  “Could he have knocked her out with something over her mouth?” Mikhail asked.

  “It’s possible,” Katie continued, “but then why go to the trouble to tie her up? And she wouldn’t have evidence of struggling so hard. More than likely he injected her with something to get her to hold still. It would be nearly impossible to get a blood draw with her fighting against him.”

  The door to the room opened, and a woman slid in. The tag hanging from her breast pocket said Brenda Jefferson, R.N. “Are you with the woman they just brought in?”

  “Yes,” Taylor stated, flashing her badge. “It’s important that whatever is happening is kept as tight-lipped as possible. We’re in the middle of an investigation.”

  The nurse nodded.

  Taylor continued. “Can you please tell us how she’s doing?”

  “She’s stable for now. We’re giving her IV fluids. It will take a while to know for sure if she was injected with something. We sent a blood sample to the lab.”

  Ivan’s mouth was dry. It sounded like the woman was speaking from far away when she was standing right in front of him.

  “We’re just waiting for her to regain consciousness.”

  Katie nodded, but Ivan knew what she was thinking—hurry the fuck up. She wrung her hands, probably to keep herself from shouting just that.

  Nurse Jefferson held out a clipboard. “Could someone please fill this out?”

  Ivan took it, but Mikhail eased it from his hands. “I’ve got this.” He met Ivan’s gaze sympathetically.

  Ivan nodded. He was sure Mikhail felt as frustrated and helpless as Ivan did. At least filling out forms was something he could do and was more qualified to do. Ivan vowed to make himself more capable so if anything like this ever happened again, he would be the one filling out forms.

  Yes. In the next few days he would ensure he knew every single detail about Alena’s life, including whether she’d ever had a tooth extraction and when her last fucking period was.

  She was his. His to take care of. His to love. And he would make it his mission to make sure he could do so with every piece of available information.

  Surprising him, Mikhail wrapped a hand around Ivan’s arm and squeezed. “She’s going to be okay.”

  Ivan nodded. He wasn’t sure he believed that yet, but he had no other choice.

  When he glanced at everyone else’s face, he realized they all knew about his relationship with Alena. He didn’t know when he and Alena were specifically outed in the last few days or weeks, but the expressions on their friends’ faces told him they all knew now.

  At least he didn’t have to pretend anymore.

  Alena was his. Everyone needed to get used to the idea.


  Alena was so heavy. Something was weighing her down. She couldn’t open her eyes. Too tired…

  She tried to lift her arm, but it wouldn’t budge.

  She tried to blink, but the light shining through her eyelids made her change her mind. Too bright.

  Where was she? The smell of lemon cleaner filled her nose. Sterile.

  She froze, fear gripping at her. She knew that smell.

  She tried to dig around in her mind and find answers.

  Was she in Siberia? In the room she’d spent six months in before Abram sent men to rescue her? Was she back there?

  No. Oh God. No.

  Answers crept i
nto her consciousness.

  She’d been at work. That was the last thing she remembered. A man with a hoodie needed medical attention. She wasn’t sure what his complaint was, but he could hardly walk as he shuffled behind her to an exam room.

  Oh God…

  Her memory flooded back, and she yanked her hand hard to lift it, gasping as her eyes flew open.

  Movement to her left made her scream. Was he still there? Would he continue to hurt her?

  Her eyes met Ivan’s sleepy ones. A slow smile spread across his face. “Alena…” He reached with his hand and stroked her forehead. “You’re awake. I thought you might sleep for ten years or something. I was just pondering the possibility of attempting to kiss you back to earth like Sleeping Beauty.”

  She tried to lick her lips, but they were too dry. And it seemed like it would take effort to swallow. Her gaze darted around the room. Where am I?

  He must have read her mind because he let go of her with the hand holding hers and the one on her forehead and reached for a cup next to him. He spooned out an ice chip. “Try this.” He held it out, and she gratefully accepted it.

  It felt good on her lips and then in her mouth. Soothing.

  “You’re in the hospital.”

  She gathered that.

  He gave her another ice chip.

  She moaned around it as if it were the best thing she’d ever experienced. It wasn’t far from the truth. Finally, she found her voice. “What happened? How did I get here?”

  “Ambulance. Someone attacked you in the clinic.”

  She nodded, the rest of the images flooding back to her. “Did he inject me with something?”

  Ivan leaned forward and set a hand on her head again. He also reached across her body to squeeze her hand as if he couldn’t get close enough. “Not sure yet. He took blood. We know that much.”

  She scrunched her eyes together. “Why?”

  Ivan shrugged. “Who knows?”


  “Don’t know, baby.”

  “FSB… Those men who have been following me.” Her voice grew stronger. “That makes more sense.” She struggled to sit up as ideas came to her.

  Ivan held her down. “Don’t try to get up yet.”

  She gave up the struggle. “The entire time I was thinking it was Yenin’s men. Yenin putting something in me. I figured he couldn’t find a way to abduct me, so he did the next best thing. He knew I had Hep A. That would be easy to figure out. But kidnapping me would have been too difficult.

  “I thought maybe he was desperate and injected me with the shit he’s making. I didn’t consider the man might take blood out. If that’s the case, I’m betting it was the Russians. Not Yenin.”

  Ivan smiled. “Yeah, I’ve been listening to that theory for hours from Katie. You’re late to the party.”

  She closed her eyes for a second and then stared at him again. “When can I get out of here?”

  He chuckled. “What’s the rush? You’re safe here. There’s a guard outside and two down the hall.”

  She swallowed. “Ivan, get me out of here. I don’t like hospitals. I don’t like the sterility of the environment. I spent six months in a room like this one, and I don’t ever want to wake up in one again.”

  He brushed a thumb over her cheek and whispered. “Okay. Just hang on. I’ll work on it.”

  “Now. Today. Not tomorrow. Promise.”

  He hesitated and glanced at his watch. “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

  She yanked her heavy hand out from his and grabbed his arm, lifting her head up a few inches. “Ivan, do not let me spend the night here. If I wake up again in this hospital, my heart will stop beating. I can’t do it.”

  He nodded. “I’ll make sure. Breathe. I’ll work it out.”

  She let herself settle back on the pillow and took a deep breath, praying he had the clout to get her out of there and fast.


  Alena was dozing when voices dragged her back to Earth. She blinked awake to find Taylor smiling down at her from one side of the bed.

  Ivan was on the other side. Mikhail was at the foot of the bed. “Hey, sis. Nice of you to rejoin the living.”

  “How long was I asleep?” She yanked her gaze to Ivan, praying it had been minutes and not hours or days. He’d promised.

  He grinned at her. “It’s still light out. Taylor’s springing you from this place.”

  She gulped back relief.

  “Are you sure you want to leave the hospital?” Taylor asked. Her brow was furrowed, her expression leery. “There’s no rush. I have plenty of men guarding you. You could stay overnight.”

  “No.” Alena shook her head. It hurt. It seemed like every muscle in her body hurt. She lifted her arm to her face and winced at the burn she felt in her wrist. When she glanced at her hand, she found a bandage wrapped all the way around her wrist. “Ropes,” she muttered. They’d been digging into her skin. At least the IV was gone.

  Ivan set a hand on her shoulder. “Yes. You’re going to have some nice scabs around your wrists and ankles for a while. That asshole wasn’t gentle when he tied you up.”

  Right. Ropes. Jesus.

  The next thing she realized was her face ached. She reached the rest of the way to touch her mouth. “Tape. Shit.”

  Ivan held up a bag. “Haley brought you some clothes. If these other fools will get out of here, I’ll help you get dressed, and we’ll be on our way.”

  Mikhail rolled his eyes. “I’m not sure I’m ready for all that implies, but I’m working on it.” He shoved off the end of the bed, winking at her. “I’ll wait outside.”

  “I will too,” Taylor added, “unless you want me to help you dress…” She met Alena’s gaze head on, searching her face.

  Alena felt her face flame. She gave her a small smile. “I’m okay. Thanks,” she muttered, more because she knew Ivan would have a fit if she asked Taylor to help instead of him. Maybe not verbally in front of everyone, but inside he would freak out.

  But it was sweet of Taylor to ensure Alena was making her own choices.

  When the door shut behind her brother and Taylor, Alena faced Ivan. “Pretty sure I can dress myself.” She pushed on the sides of the bed to lift up to sitting, surprising herself with how weak she was.

  Ivan smirked. “Yeah?” He came to her side, set the bag down, and pulled out a pile of clothes. Scrubs. Dark blue ones. Perfect. Haley knew Alena well. She would be comfortable in scrubs for the drive home.

  Ivan took one hand as she struggled to sit up and used his other on her shoulder to help her. She winced when the wound on her thigh from last week pulled tight.

  “Jesus, I’m so weak.”

  He nodded. “It’s going to take a while for the drugs to get out of your system.”

  She reached for the ties at the front of her hospital gown and fumbled. “What did he give me?”

  “Something to knock you out so you wouldn’t struggle. Some long name I can’t pronounce.”

  “I remember the injection now. I don’t remember the blood draw.”

  “That was undoubtedly the plan.” Ivan set his hands on hers. “Let me help you, baby. Please. Give me this. Years were shaved off my life again today. That’s twice in four days.”

  She nodded and dropped her hands to let him do his thing.

  He quickly untied the gown, lowered it over her shoulders, and pulled a fresh shirt over her head. There didn’t appear to be a bra. Not that she wanted to put one on anyway.

  When that was done, he helped ease her to standing. She was still wearing her panties from that morning. At least she wasn’t naked from the waist down. Even though Ivan had seen her naked plenty of times, she found the environment almost more than she could take.

  He kneeled in front of her, and she lifted first one leg and then the other to let him get her loose pants on. He eased them carefully over the bandage on her thigh. In seconds, she was back to sitting on the bed while he helped her with tennis shoes an
d socks. He was careful not to touch her bandaged ankles more than necessary. There was also a jacket. It would be cold outside.

  And then he surprised her when he produced a brush and held a hair band with two fingers.


  She had to fight back tears as she lifted her arms to brush her hair and found them too shaky and sore.

  Ivan wrapped a hand around hers over the brush and eased it from her fingers. Without a word, he angled her to one side, gently brushed out her tangled long hair, and then gathered it at the back of her head to secure it with the band. “That okay?”

  She had her teeth locked on her lower lip, a tear sliding down her cheek at how incredibly awesome he was being.

  God she loved him.

  She flinched as the words flooded her mind. It wasn’t the first time, but the urgency to say them filled her to overflowing. Lately she’d been forced to realize she shouldn’t take a single minute for granted. She suddenly needed to tell him how she felt.

  She grabbed both his biceps, faced him, still sitting on the bed, and met his gaze. The tear that had escaped kept flowing.

  He frowned. “You okay?”

  “I love you.”

  He hesitated a second. “Alena?”

  “I love you,” she said louder.

  “I love you too, babe.” He hauled her into his arms and held her tight.

  She winced as she gripped the back of his shirt, bringing her attention to the abrasions on her wrists.

  The door opened a fraction. “Can I come in?” someone said.

  “Yes.” Ivan released her to turn around.

  A nurse smiled at them. “Just need you to sign these discharge papers, and then you can be on your way.”

  With shaky fingers, Alena signed two pages without glancing at them and gave the pen back to the nurse.

  “Ordinarily I’d roll you out of here in a wheelchair, but the agent outside wants you to leave through the parking garage standing on your own feet.”

  Alena nodded. That made sense. Taylor was protecting her from being seen.

  The nurse opened the door again and let Taylor and Mikhail back in.

  Alena wanted to leave the hospital more than anything in the world, but as Taylor laid out the game plan for Ivan, Alena leaned into his side, wondering how she was going to have the strength to walk very far.


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