Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

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Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Page 31

by Al Sweigart

Ideas for Similar Programs

  Being able to create PDFs from the pages of other PDFs will let you make programs that can do the following:

  Cut out specific pages from PDFs.

  Reorder pages in a PDF.

  Create a PDF from only those pages that have some specific text, identified by extractText().

  Word Documents

  Python can create and modify Word documents, which have the .docx file extension, with the python-docx module. You can install the module by running pip install python-docx. (Appendix A has full details on installing third-party modules.)


  When using pip to first install Python-Docx, be sure to install python-docx, not docx. The installation name docx is for a different module that this book does not cover. However, when you are going to import the python-docx module, you’ll need to run import docx, not import python-docx.

  If you don’t have Word, LibreOffice Writer and OpenOffice Writer are both free alternative applications for Windows, OS X, and Linux that can be used to open .docx files. You can download them from and, respectively. The full documentation for Python-Docx is available at Although there is a version of Word for OS X, this chapter will focus on Word for Windows.

  Compared to plaintext, .docx files have a lot of structure. This structure is represented by three different data types in Python-Docx. At the highest level, a Document object represents the entire document. The Document object contains a list of Paragraph objects for the paragraphs in the document. (A new paragraph begins whenever the user presses ENTER or RETURN while typing in a Word document.) Each of these Paragraph objects contains a list of one or more Run objects. The single-sentence paragraph in Figure 13-4 has four runs.

  Figure 13-4. The Run objects identified in a Paragraph object

  The text in a Word document is more than just a string. It has font, size, color, and other styling information associated with it. A style in Word is a collection of these attributes. A Run object is a contiguous run of text with the same style. A new Run object is needed whenever the text style changes.

  Reading Word Documents

  Let’s experiment with the python-docx module. Download demo.docx from and save the document to the working directory. Then enter the following into the interactive shell:

  >>> import docx ➊ >>> doc = docx.Document('demo.docx') ➋ >>> len(doc.paragraphs) 7 ➌ >>> doc.paragraphs[0].text 'Document Title' ➍ >>> doc.paragraphs[1].text 'A plain paragraph with some bold and some italic' ➎ >>> len(doc.paragraphs[1].runs) 4 ➏ >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[0].text 'A plain paragraph with some ' ➐ >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[1].text 'bold' ➑ >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[2].text ' and some ' ➒ >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[3].text 'italic'

  At ➊, we open a .docx file in Python, call docx.Document(), and pass the filename demo.docx. This will return a Document object, which has a paragraphs attribute that is a list of Paragraph objects. When we call len() on doc.paragraphs, it returns 7, which tells us that there are seven Paragraph objects in this document ➋. Each of these Paragraph objects has a text attribute that contains a string of the text in that paragraph (without the style information). Here, the first text attribute contains 'DocumentTitle' ➌, and the second contains 'A plain paragraph with some bold and some italic' ➍.

  Each Paragraph object also has a runs attribute that is a list of Run objects. Run objects also have a text attribute, containing just the text in that particular run. Let’s look at the text attributes in the second Paragraph object, 'A plain paragraph with some bold and some italic'. Calling len() on this Paragraph object tells us that there are four Run objects ➎. The first run object contains 'A plain paragraph with some ' ➏. Then, the text change to a bold style, so 'bold' starts a new Run object ➐. The text returns to an unbolded style after that, which results in a third Run object, ' and some ' ➑. Finally, the fourth and last Run object contains 'italic' in an italic style ➒.

  With Python-Docx, your Python programs will now be able to read the text from a .docx file and use it just like any other string value.

  Getting the Full Text from a .docx File

  If you care only about the text, not the styling information, in the Word document, you can use the getText() function. It accepts a filename of a .docx file and returns a single string value of its text. Open a new file editor window and enter the following code, saving it as

  #! python3 import docx def getText(filename): doc = docx.Document(filename) fullText = [] for para in doc.paragraphs: fullText.append(para.text) return 'n'.join(fullText)

  The getText() function opens the Word document, loops over all the Paragraph objects in the paragraphs list, and then appends their text to the list in fullText. After the loop, the strings in fullText are joined together with newline characters.

  The program can be imported like any other module. Now if you just need the text from a Word document, you can enter the following:

  >>> import readDocx >>> print(readDocx.getText('demo.docx')) Document Title A plain paragraph with some bold and some italic Heading, level 1 Intense quote first item in unordered list first item in ordered list

  You can also adjust getText() to modify the string before returning it. For example, to indent each paragraph, replace the append() call in with this:

  fullText.append(' ' + para.text)

  To add a double space in between paragraphs, change the join() call code to this:

  return 'nn'.join(fullText)

  As you can see, it takes only a few lines of code to write functions that will read a .docx file and return a string of its content to your liking.

  Styling Paragraph and Run Objects

  In Word for Windows, you can see the styles by pressing CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-S to display the Styles pane, which looks like Figure 13-5. On OS X, you can view the Styles pane by clicking the View▸Styles menu item.

  Figure 13-5. Display the Styles pane by pressing CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-S on Windows.

  Word and other word processors use styles to keep the visual presentation of similar types of text consistent and easy to change. For example, perhaps you want to set body paragraphs in 11-point, Times New Roman, left-justified, ragged-right text. You can create a style with these settings and assign it to all body paragraphs. Then, if you later want to change the presentation of all body paragraphs in the document, you can just change the style, and all those paragraphs will be automatically updated.

  For Word documents, there are three types of styles: Paragraph styles can be applied to Paragraph objects, character styles can be applied to Run objects, and linked styles can be applied to both kinds of objects. You can give both Paragraph and Run objects styles by setting their style attribute to a string. This string should be the name of a style. If style is set to None, then there will be no style associated with the Paragraph or Run object.

  The string values for the default Word styles are as follows:



































  When setting the s
tyle attribute, do not use spaces in the style name. For example, while the style name may be Subtle Emphasis, you should set the style attribute to the string value 'SubtleEmphasis' instead of 'Subtle Emphasis'. Including spaces will cause Word to misread the style name and not apply it.

  When using a linked style for a Run object, you will need to add 'Char' to the end of its name. For example, to set the Quote linked style for a Paragraph object, you would use = 'Quote', but for a Run object, you would use = 'QuoteChar'.

  In the current version of Python-Docx (0.7.4), the only styles that can be used are the default Word styles and the styles in the opened .docx. New styles cannot be created—though this may change in future versions of Python-Docx.

  Creating Word Documents with Nondefault Styles

  If you want to create Word documents that use styles beyond the default ones, you will need to open Word to a blank Word document and create the styles yourself by clicking the New Style button at the bottom of the Styles pane (Figure 13-6 shows this on Windows).

  This will open the Create New Style from Formatting dialog, where you can enter the new style. Then, go back into the interactive shell and open this blank Word document with docx.Document(), using it as the base for your Word document. The name you gave this style will now be available to use with Python-Docx.

  Figure 13-6. The New Style button (left) and the Create New Style from Formatting dialog (right)

  Run Attributes

  Runs can be further styled using text attributes. Each attribute can be set to one of three values: True (the attribute is always enabled, no matter what other styles are applied to the run), False (the attribute is always disabled), or None (defaults to whatever the run’s style is set to).

  Table 13-1 lists the text attributes that can be set on Run objects.

  Table 13-1. Run Object text Attributes




  The text appears in bold.


  The text appears in italic.


  The text is underlined.


  The text appears with strikethrough.


  The text appears with double strikethrough.


  The text appears in capital letters.


  The text appears in capital letters, with lowercase letters two points smaller.


  The text appears with a shadow.


  The text appears outlined rather than solid.


  The text is written right-to-left.


  The text appears pressed into the page.


  The text appears raised off the page in relief.

  For example, to change the styles of demo.docx, enter the following into the interactive shell:

  >>> doc = docx.Document('demo.docx') >>> doc.paragraphs[0].text 'Document Title' >>> doc.paragraphs[0].style 'Title' >>> doc.paragraphs[0].style = 'Normal' >>> doc.paragraphs[1].text 'A plain paragraph with some bold and some italic' >>> (doc.paragraphs[1].runs[0].text, doc.paragraphs[1].runs[1].text, doc. paragraphs[1].runs[2].text, doc.paragraphs[1].runs[3].text) ('A plain paragraph with some ', 'bold', ' and some ', 'italic') >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[0].style = 'QuoteChar' >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[1].underline = True >>> doc.paragraphs[1].runs[3].underline = True >>>'restyled.docx')

  Here, we use the text and style attributes to easily see what’s in the paragraphs in our document. We can see that it’s simple to divide a paragraph into runs and access each run individiaully. So we get the first, second, and fourth runs in the second paragraph, style each run, and save the results to a new document.

  The words Document Title at the top of restyled.docx will have the Normal style instead of the Title style, the Run object for the text A plain paragraph with some will have the QuoteChar style, and the two Run objects for the words bold and italic will have their underline attributes set to True. Figure 13-7 shows how the styles of paragraphs and runs look in restyled.docx.

  Figure 13-7. The restyled.docx file

  You can find more complete documentation on Python-Docx’s use of styles at

  Writing Word Documents

  Enter the following into the interactive shell:

  >>> import docx >>> doc = docx.Document() >>> doc.add_paragraph('Hello world!') >>>'helloworld.docx')

  To create your own .docx file, call docx.Document() to return a new, blank Word Document object. The add_paragraph() document method adds a new paragraph of text to the document and returns a reference to the Paragraph object that was added. When you’re done adding text, pass a filename string to the save() document method to save the Document object to a file.

  This will create a file named helloworld.docx in the current working directory that, when opened, looks like Figure 13-8.

  Figure 13-8. The Word document created using add_paragraph('Hello world!')

  You can add paragraphs by calling the add_paragraph() method again with the new paragraph’s text. Or to add text to the end of an existing paragraph, you can call the paragraph’s add_run() method and pass it a string. Enter the following into the interactive shell:

  >>> import docx >>> doc = docx.Document() >>> doc.add_paragraph('Hello world!') >>> paraObj1 = doc.add_paragraph('This is a second paragraph.') >>> paraObj2 = doc.add_paragraph('This is a yet another paragraph.') >>> paraObj1.add_run(' This text is being added to the second paragraph.') >>>'multipleParagraphs.docx')

  The resulting document will look like Figure 13-9. Note that the text This text is being added to the second paragraph. was added to the Paragraph object in paraObj1, which was the second paragraph added to doc. The add_paragraph() and add_run() functions return paragraph and Run objects, respectively, to save you the trouble of extracting them as a separate step.

  Keep in mind that as of Python-Docx version 0.5.3, new Paragraph objects can be added only to the end of the document, and new Run objects can be added only to the end of a Paragraph object.

  The save() method can be called again to save the additional changes you’ve made.

  Figure 13-9. The document with multiple Paragraph and Run objects added

  Both add_paragraph() and add_run() accept an optional second argument that is a string of the Paragraph or Run object’s style. For example:

  >>> doc.add_paragraph('Hello world!', 'Title')

  This line adds a paragraph with the text Hello world! in the Title style.

  Adding Headings

  Calling add_heading() adds a paragraph with one of the heading styles. Enter the following into the interactive shell:

  >>> doc = docx.Document() >>> doc.add_heading('Header 0', 0) >>> doc.add_heading('Header 1', 1) >>> doc.add_heading('Header 2', 2) >>> doc.add_heading('Header 3', 3) >>> doc.add_heading('Header 4', 4) >>>'headings.docx')

  The arguments to add_heading() are a string of the heading text and an integer from 0 to 4. The integer 0 makes the heading the Title style, which is used for the top of the document. Integers 1 to 4 are for various heading levels, with 1 being the main heading and 4 the lowest subheading. The add_heading() function returns a Paragraph object to save you the step of extracting it from the Document object as a separate step.

  The resulting headings.docx file will look like Figure 13-10.

  Figure 13-10. The headings.docx document with headings 0 to 4

  Adding Line and Page Breaks
br />   To add a line break (rather than starting a whole new paragraph), you can call the add_break() method on the Run object you want to have the break appear after. If you want to add a page break instead, you need to pass the value docx.text.WD_BREAK.PAGE as a lone argument to add_break(), as is done in the middle of the following example:

  >>> doc = docx.Document() >>> doc.add_paragraph('This is on the first page!') ➊ >>> doc.paragraphs[0].runs[0].add_break(docx.text.WD_BREAK.PAGE) >>> doc.add_paragraph('This is on the second page!') >>>'twoPage.docx')

  This creates a two-page Word document with This is on the first page! on the first page and This is on the second page! on the second. Even though there was still plenty of space on the first page after the text This is on the first page!, we forced the next paragraph to begin on a new page by inserting a page break after the first run of the first paragraph ➊.

  Adding Pictures


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