by Al Sweigart
slicing, Multiline Strings with Triple Quotes
split() method, The isX String Methods
startswith() method, The isX String Methods
strip() method, Justifying Text with rjust(), ljust(), and center()
substituting using regular expressions, Case-Insensitive Matching
upper() method, The upper(), lower(), isupper(), and islower() String Methods
strip() method, Justifying Text with rjust(), ljust(), and center()
strptime() function, Converting datetime Objects into Strings, Review of Python’s Time Functions
strs, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types
(see also strings)
Style objects, Setting the Font Style of Cells
SUBJECT search key, Selecting a Folder
sublists, getting with slices, Negative Indexes
sub() method, Case-Insensitive Matching
submitButtonColor variable, Step 1: Figure Out the Steps, Step 3: Start Typing Data
submitButton variable, Step 1: Figure Out the Steps
submit() method, Filling Out and Submitting Forms
subprocess module, Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs, Step 2: Create and Start Threads
subtraction (-) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Multiple Assignment Trick
subtractive color model, Colors and RGBA Values
Sudoku puzzles, What Is Python?
sys.exit() function, Importing Modules
tag_name attribute, Finding Elements on the Page
Tag objects, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML
tags, HTML, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
Task Scheduler, Launching Other Programs from Python
termination, program, Your First Program, Importing Modules
text attribute, Reading Word Documents, Run Attributes
text messaging, Sending Text Messages with Twilio, Sending Text Messages, Project: “Just Text Me” Module
automatic notifications, Project: “Just Text Me” Module
sending messages, Sending Text Messages
Twilio service, Sending Text Messages with Twilio
text() method, Drawing Example
TEXT search key, Selecting a Folder
textsize() method, Drawing Text
third-party modules, installing, Installing Third-Party Modules
Thread() function, Multithreading, Step 1: Modify the Program to Use a Function
threading module, Keeping Time, Scheduling Tasks, and Launching Programs, Multithreading
Thread objects, Multithreading
threads, Multithreading, Multithreading, Passing Arguments to the Thread’s Target Function, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader, Step 2: Create and Start Threads, Step 2: Create and Start Threads
concurrency issues, Passing Arguments to the Thread’s Target Function
join() method, Step 2: Create and Start Threads
multithreading, Multithreading, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader
image downloader, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader
passing arguments to, Multithreading
processes vs., Step 2: Create and Start Threads
tic-tac-toe board, Using Data Structures to Model Real-World Things
timedelta data type, The datetime Module, Review of Python’s Time Functions
timedelta objects, The datetime Module
time module, The time Module, The time.time() Function, The time.sleep() Function, Pausing Until a Specific Date, Review of Python’s Time Functions
overview, Review of Python’s Time Functions
sleep() function, The time.time() Function, Pausing Until a Specific Date
stopwatch project, The time.sleep() Function
time() function, The time Module
TLS encryption, Connecting to an SMTP Server
top-level domains, Step 2: Create a Regex for Email Addresses
TO search key, Performing the Search
total_seconds() method, The datetime Module, Review of Python’s Time Functions
traceback, getting from error, Raising Exceptions
transparency, Computer Image Fundamentals, Copying and Pasting Images onto Other Images
transpose() method, Rotating and Flipping Images
triple quotes ('''), Escape Characters, Managing Complex Regexes
truetype() function, Drawing Text
truth tables, Comparison Operators
“truthy” values, continue Statements
tuple data type, Mutable and Immutable Data Types, The Tuple Data Type
overview, Mutable and Immutable Data Types
tuple() function, The Tuple Data Type
twilio module, Sending Text Messages with Twilio
TwilioRestClient objects, Sending Text Messages
Twilio service, Sending Text Messages with Twilio, Sending Text Messages, Project: “Just Text Me” Module
automatic text messages, Project: “Just Text Me” Module
overview, Sending Text Messages with Twilio
sending text messages, Sending Text Messages
TypeError, Getting Individual Values in a List with Indexes, List-like Types: Strings and Tuples
typewrite() function, Image Recognition, Sending a String from the Keyboard, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions, Project: Automatic Form Filler, Step 3: Start Typing Data, Step 4: Handle Select Lists and Radio Buttons
Ubuntu, Downloading and Installing Python, Launching Other Programs from Python, Launching Other Programs from Python, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron, Opening Files with Default Applications
cron, Launching Other Programs from Python
launching processes from Python, Launching Other Programs from Python
opening files with default applications, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron
Unix philosophy, Opening Files with Default Applications
UNANSWERED search key, Performing the Search
UNDELETED search key, Performing the Search
underline attribute, Run Attributes
underscore (_), Variable Names
UNDRAFT search key, Performing the Search
UNFLAGGED search key, Performing the Search
Unicode encodings, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
Unix epoch, The time Module, The datetime Module, Review of Python’s Time Functions
Unix philosophy, Opening Files with Default Applications
unlink() function, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
UNSEEN search key, Performing the Search
upper() method, The upper(), lower(), isupper(), and islower() String Methods
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), The time Module
ValueError, The Multiple Assignment Trick, Converting datetime Objects into Strings
values, defined, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, Finding Patterns of Text Without Regular Expressions
values() method, Dictionaries vs. Lists
variables, String Concatenation and Replication, String Concatenation and Replication, Assignment Statements, Assignment Statements, Variable Names, Return Values and return Statements, Local and Global Scope, Local and Global Variables with the Same Name, Removing Values from Lists with del Statements, Methods, The Tuple Data Type, Writing to Files
(see also lists)
assignment statements, String Concatenation and Replication
defined, String Concatenation and Replication
global, Local and Global Variables with the Same Name
initializing, Assignment Statements
local, Local and Global Scope
naming, Variable Names
None value and, Return Values and return Statements
overwriting, Assignment Statements
references, The Tuple Data Type
saving with shelve module, Writing to Files
storing as l
ist, Removing Values from Lists with del Statements
Verizon mail, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Retrieving and Deleting Emails with IMAP
volumes, defined, Files and File Paths
W character class, The findall() Method
w character class, The findall() Method
%w directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
walk() function, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module, Launching Other Programs from Python
WARNING level, Using the logging Module
weather data, fetching, Reading JSON with the loads() Function, Reading JSON with the loads() Function, Step 1: Get Location from the Command Line Argument, Step 1: Get Location from the Command Line Argument, Step 2: Download the JSON Data
downloading JSON data, Step 1: Get Location from the Command Line Argument
getting location, Step 1: Get Location from the Command Line Argument
loading JSON data, Step 2: Download the JSON Data
overview, Reading JSON with the loads() Function
webbrowser module, Web Scraping, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron
open() function, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron
opening browser using, Web Scraping
WebDriver objects, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser
WebElement objects, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser
web scraping, Web Scraping, Web Scraping, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, A Quick Refresher, Viewing the Source HTML of a Web Page, Using the Developer Tools to Find HTML Elements, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser, Finding Elements on the Page, Finding Elements on the Page, Filling Out and Submitting Forms, Sending Special Keys
bs4 module, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes
creating object from HTML, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module
finding element with select() method, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML
getting attribute, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes
overview, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module
downloading, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result
files, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
images, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result
pages, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module
and Google maps project, Web Scraping
and Google search project, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes
HTML, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, A Quick Refresher, Viewing the Source HTML of a Web Page, Using the Developer Tools to Find HTML Elements
browser developer tools and, Viewing the Source HTML of a Web Page
finding elements, Using the Developer Tools to Find HTML Elements
learning resources, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
overview, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
viewing page source, A Quick Refresher
overview, Web Scraping
requests module, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module
selenium module clicking buttons, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser, Finding Elements on the Page, Finding Elements on the Page, Filling Out and Submitting Forms, Sending Special Keys
finding elements, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser
following links, Finding Elements on the Page
installing, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic
sending special keystrokes, Filling Out and Submitting Forms
submitting forms, Finding Elements on the Page
using Firefox with, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic
websites, opening from script, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron
while loops, while Loop Statements, Step 1: Import the Module, Step 1: Import the Module
getting and printing mouse coordinates using, Step 1: Import the Module
infinite, Step 1: Import the Module
overview, while Loop Statements
whitespace, removing, Justifying Text with rjust(), ljust(), and center()
wildcard character (.), The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters
Windows OS, What Is Python?, About This Book, Downloading and Installing Python, Files and File Paths, Launching Other Programs from Python, Launching Other Programs from Python, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron, Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation, Installing Third-Party Modules, The pip Tool, Shebang Line
backslash vs. forward slash, Files and File Paths
installing Python, About This Book
installing third-party modules, The pip Tool
launching processes from Python, Launching Other Programs from Python
logging out of automation program, Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation
opening files with default applications, Task Scheduler, launchd, and cron
pip tool on, Installing Third-Party Modules
Python support, What Is Python?
running Python programs on, Shebang Line
starting IDLE, Downloading and Installing Python
Task Scheduler, Launching Other Programs from Python
Word documents, Step 4: Save the Results, Step 4: Save the Results, Word Documents, Reading Word Documents, Getting the Full Text from a .docx File, Styling Paragraph and Run Objects, Run Attributes, Run Attributes, Writing Word Documents, Adding Headings, Adding Headings
adding headings, Writing Word Documents
creating documents with nondefault styles, Styling Paragraph and Run Objects
format overview, Step 4: Save the Results
getting text from, Reading Word Documents
line/page breaks, Adding Headings
pictures in, Adding Headings
python-docx module, Step 4: Save the Results
reading, Word Documents
Run object attributes, Run Attributes
styling paragraphs, Getting the Full Text from a .docx File
writing to file, Run Attributes
Workbook objects, Reading Excel Documents
workbooks, Excel, Working with Excel Spreadsheets, Reading Excel Documents, Ideas for Similar Programs, Creating and Removing Sheets, Creating and Removing Sheets
creating worksheets, Creating and Removing Sheets
deleting worksheets, Creating and Removing Sheets
opening, Reading Excel Documents
saving, Ideas for Similar Programs
Worksheet objects, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
write() method, Reading the Contents of Files
Writer objects, Reading Data from Reader Objects in a for Loop
writerow() method, Writer Objects
XKCD comics, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result, Project: Downloading All XKCD Comics, Step 1: Design the Program, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader, Step 1: Modify the Program to Use a Function, Step 2: Create and Start Threads
downloading project, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result, Step 3: Open W
eb Browsers for Each Result, Project: Downloading All XKCD Comics, Step 1: Design the Program, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic
designing program, Project: Downloading All XKCD Comics
downloading web page, Step 1: Design the Program
overview, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result
saving image, Step 4: Save the Image and Find the Previous Comic
multithreaded downloading project, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader, Step 1: Modify the Program to Use a Function, Step 2: Create and Start Threads
creating and starting threads, Step 1: Modify the Program to Use a Function
using downloadXkcd() function, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader
waiting for threads to end, Step 2: Create and Start Threads
%Y directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
%y directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
Yahoo! Mail, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Retrieving and Deleting Emails with IMAP
zipfile module, Walking a Directory Tree, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module, Extracting from ZIP Files, Extracting from ZIP Files, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
creating ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
extracting ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
and folders, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
overview, Walking a Directory Tree
reading ZIP files, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module
ZipFile objects, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module
ZipInfo objects, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module