The Serpent's Kiss

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The Serpent's Kiss Page 10

by Claire Marta

  “Out now, everyone. VAI!” He ordered, voice booming as he snapped his fingers and pointed at the door. Without a word, everyone obeyed until only he, Candy, and Jasmine remained. “Better?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Jasmine nodded, feeling a tiny bit more comfortable.

  “Bene.” Taking her hand again he helped her climb up. “Now, pretend I am not here.”

  Once more Asier surprised her. Instead of hanging around, he turned and made his way to one of the tables. The Italian then slid onto a seat. A dark skinned vamp rushed up quickly with an armful of papers. He looked a little flustered but did not say a word.

  “I’m just going to show you the basics tonight.” Candy told Jasmine, tearing her attention away. “Get you used to them first.”

  Jasmine nodded mutely not sure what to expect. Candy then preceded to show her the correct way to grip the pole. It wasn’t as easy as Jasmine had first imagined. A few times she slipped while trying to swing around. It was obvious she lacked the skill or strength Candy had. But Jasmine did not give up. With the other woman’s help, she soon learned how to hook her leg around the pole. Candy was patient. She explained that Jasmine needed to master the right techniques so she did not hurt herself or pull any muscles.

  Asier continued to sit at the table. A pile of papers kept him busy reading and signing. Jasmine knew when he watched her though. She could feel the caress of his gaze. It was disconcerting at first until she started to relax. She found herself swaying her hips more when his attention was upon her, dragging her body a little more seductively around the pole.

  Why she did it she wasn’t sure. Maybe she liked the attention. It was a boost to her sagging self-esteem. A tiny jolt to her confidence. The vampire always had a strange effected on her. It was as if she couldn’t help herself. After an hour and a half, Candy announced the lesson done for the evening.

  “How did you know I would like that?” Jasmine asked, as Asier helped her down. She was going to ache tomorrow. Her muscles were already sore in several places.

  “I played with you in Prague remember?” A knowing light of amusement lit his lavender gaze. She had noticed they always seemed to lighten or darken with his moods. “I know you like to be watched. Once you have a taste of something like that, it is hard to deny.”

  “The lessons might be fun...” She conceded, as he showed her back towards his seat. Jasmine slipped into one of the comfy chairs.

  “And when you are comfortable, you can dance here at the club.” The Italian told her as he sat down beside her. He was so close Jasmine could feel the heat from his body. She glanced distractedly at his bare chest, then away again. A waitress appeared with a glass of ice water. Flashing Jasmine a smile, she placed it in front of her before hurrying off.

  “Dance here? No. No way.” Jasmine told him hurriedly. Having lessons was one thing. Dancing in front of an audience was something completely different.

  “Of course you can.” Asier’s tone was smooth and matter of fact. As if he knew he was already going to get his own way. “Dance only. No one will be allowed to touch you.”

  “We’ll see.” Jasmine muttered back, watching the fiercely dark male at her side. He was so fucking sure of himself. So confident. “How much are they going to cost? The lessons.”

  “They are free cara.” Carefully he handed the papers that he had stacked to a hovering minion. “A gift from me.”

  “I can’t let you do that.” Raising the glass of water, Jasmine drank thirstily. After all that activity, she needed it. She now had a healthy new respect for the women who pole danced professionally. Jasmine had found it strangely empowering.

  The room was already filling up again. Candy and the other strippers were back on their designated places, working their bodies around their poles. They looked sexy. Untouchable. It was not seedy or demeaning. Jasmine nibbled on her lower lip. She was actually envious of their body confidence.

  “Si, you can.” A faint smile touched Asier’s full lips as he watched her. “We are going to curb the urges you have to act so recklessly and channel them in other more productive things.”

  Placing the glass back down on the table, she wiped her mouth with the side of her hand. “How do you…”

  “It doesn’t matter how I know bella, but I am well acquainted with such destructiveness.” Asier’s voice was as soft as velvet. With the tip of his finger he gently traced a pattern against her cheek. Jasmine felt the sizzle of his power tingle over her sixth sense like a warm breeze. “I know how it can eat away at you from inside. You’re being rebellious. Trying to find a way to drown out your inner pain. The poison in your head. I can help you do that safely. You don’t really want to hurt yourself. When these dark feelings pass you will realise that, but if you continue like this you will damage yourself permanently.”

  Speechless, Jasmine remained still. Asier seemed to understand her on a much deeper level than she had realised. She knew she had been acting out lately. Letting her anger over Eric make her do things she wouldn’t normally do. This vampire had picked up what was going on in her head so quickly. It frightened her. What else could he see? Jasmine felt a moment of panic. She didn’t want Asier in her head. Her thoughts and feelings were private. The vampire’s finger trailed softly down her cheek to rub teasingly against her lips. It left an odd heated tingle in its wake.

  Clearing her throat, Jasmine edged away from his touch. “I thought you just spanked each other here or something…I don’t really know much about BDSM.” She babbled, wanting to draw the conversation from the inner workings of her mind.

  Asier settled back in his chair. He didn’t seem concerned that she wanted to talk about something else. “No, Jasmine that’s not what we do, although many of my clients do like spanking. We do a lot of different things, many people have different preferences.” He explained, voice filled with patience.

  Jasmine glanced around the room. It was back to its rowdiness. “Like?”

  “Some people like to be tied up, others like sex toys or to play with no pain. Others do enjoy inflicting pain on those who want it. Crave it. Everything is always done with consent, and there is always safety involved. Trust is needed with what we do. You give yourself up to someone else for mutual pleasure. Everyone is required to use a safe word, and just because someone enjoys one form of play doesn’t always mean they will like another.”

  Trust. Jasmine crossed her arms defensively over her chest. That was something she was not sure she could give again. Not after Eric. “I’m not sure any of that is my cup of kink.” She told him, voice distant. “And sex with strangers…”

  Asier was studying her closely again. “When you give up complete control to someone else, all you are permitted to do is feel. What we do is very intense and sensual and can invoke strong feelings in those involved, but it doesn’t mean the playing leads to fucking…although in our case it would every time.”

  Jasmine felt her pulse leap as she became flustered. “I’m not going to play with you Asier.”

  A sly smile spread across his lips. “Bella, I haven’t asked you yet.”

  “You’re the one sending the food aren’t honest.” She asked, wanting to know the truth. The vampire had to be behind it. She did not believe anyone else in her life had that kind of pull with such expensive restaurants.

  Asier released a sigh. “I will not admit a thing if it means you are going to shout at me again. I did not realise your nature was so fiery. It was quite frightening.”

  Jasmine snickered. She was pretty certain Asier was not afraid of anything, especially her. “I won’t I promise.”

  He eyed her sceptically for a moment, and then seemed to satisfy himself that she was telling the truth.

  “Very well piccola. I am responsible for the meals, but you are far too thin and I only had your health in mind. You look much better now than when you first passed through my door.”

  “Thank you.”

  Asier waved away her thanks with a careless
hand. “I am just happy you enjoy them.”

  Jasmine’s attention was drawn down to his state of undress. He looked so comfortable sitting there. “Why the fuck are you always half naked?” She asked, the question coming out in a breathy little rush. Jasmine had noticed several women sitting across from them giving the vampire “fuck me” eyes. They were all lovely. All dressed up looking for a good time.

  Asier though, was ignoring them. He lounged back in his seat with a graceful dominant ease. “The club is my domain and I dress to please myself. I also like the feel of the ground beneath my feet.”

  “You dress very differently than the other vamps I’ve met.” Jasmine murmured, looking away when one of the women shot her a dirty jealous look.

  “I leave it to Eric to gallivant around the globe playing hero and dressing up like a fancy mannequin.” Asier told her dryly. “I deal in secrets, knowledge. My currency is favours, which are far more valuable than money, although I have plenty of that, and I find them much more satisfying.”

  Jasmine’s face shadowed with pain at the mention of the other vampire. She did not want to think about Eric. For the first time in weeks she had not given him a thought. Suddenly, everything felt awkward.

  “I should go.” Before the sentence had barely left her mouth, she found herself cradled on the vampire’s lap. Jasmine went completely stiff in his arms. His heat and masculine scent mixed with cinnamon bombarded her senses.

  “Relax.” Asier murmured.

  His hands skimmed up and down her sides. It was like he was trying to calm her. Make her accustomed to his touch. He had done something similar in Prague. Wiggling, she tried to squirm free.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Eric?” The Italian vampire’s question was gentle.

  Jasmine froze. Did he really want to know? For some reason she found she couldn’t lie. “He had me fired from my job because he thought I was weak.” Jasmine could not keep the pain from her voice. “Then he told me some bullshit about me being his. He tried to take over my life.”

  Asier pressed a soft kiss to the tender spot at the base of her neck. His breath burned a path along her sensitive skin. Surprise trembled through her. It was a strangely intimate gesture. A place on her body that he had only found.

  “You want to be strong, don’t you Jasmine. I can see it in your eyes but you’re not completely sure how to achieve it.” His nose slowly nuzzled the same area his lips had touched. There was a huskiness now thickening his accent. “The pole dancing will strengthen your body. As for everything else, I can teach you.”

  “Teach me?” Surprised, she turned to meet his watchful gaze. The heat of his body was starting to penetrate through her clothing onto her skin. It was starting to relax her.

  “Eric thought you were weak, but you’re not bella. You have a warrior’s heart beating in your chest. With the right teacher you could learn so much more on the art of hand-to-hand combat. There are so many things you and I could share.” Their faces were barely an inch apart. Jasmine could see the dark ring of amethyst within his violet irises.

  “That doesn’t mean I am about to become your pet human.” She warned, finding herself enraptured by his intent stare.

  Asier’s smile was innocently angelic. “Of course not Jasmine.” He assured her.

  Jasmine frowned, still lost in the depths of his unusual eyes. There was something about them that called to her. Tugged at something deep inside. A hunger. A need. It was something she had no control over. As if somehow he had power over her libido.

  “What do you really want Asier, and cut the bullshit.”

  “I want to fuck you raw with my hand wrapped around your neck. Choke you while I make you come. I want to see you struggling with your wrists bound as I work your body with a flogger or my belt.” His accent gave a seductiveness to his voice which was entirely natural. “Pleasure you until you’re delirious with need.”

  Energy rose around the Italian. Jasmine could feel it buzzing just beneath the layers of his skin making her almost swoon with need. She gave a small gasp. The images his whispered words conjured up made her dizzy.

  Asier was not stuck in the past with his beliefs, like many Vampiria. Equality of the sexes was something he readily embraced. Women were far from the weaker sex. He had met many females more than capable of being able to take care of themselves in every way. Now he understood Jasmine’s reluctance. He could also see why she backed away whenever he exerted any command or control. Asier was more than willing to tread carefully for now. He would do whatever it took to have her.

  “Are you going to run away?” Asier asked, watching her intently. He had felt her tense on his lap. Her arousal though was undeniable. The musky scent of it teased his nostrils. He knew she was slipping more and more under his influence. She continued to stare into his eyes, mesmerised by their beauty. Like a little mouse staring into the predatory gaze of a snake.

  “I should...” It was a murmur barely above a whisper.

  “But you won’t.” He countered confidently.

  It had been a long time since someone had resisted him. Asier intended to find every sexual desire Jasmine had. Every secret fantasy. He would whisper terribly sinful things in her ear. Delicious and naught, and oh, so irresistible. She would be so lost in craving sex and the dark pleasure he offered, she would never want to leave.

  Kane suddenly appeared looming in the doorway near the bar. With a nod of his head he caught Asier’s attention. The big Vampiria nudged his chin over his shoulder. It looked like he was needed.

  Lowering his eyelashes, Asier broke the connection with the girl. “I have some business to deal with.” He told her softly, as she blink dazedly. “Why not go have a few drinks at the bar on the dancing side of the club and wait for me. It’s on the house.” Gently, he placed a lingering kiss on her cheek.

  Flustered, Jasmine slipped from his lap. Her cheeks were flushed and she was nibbling on her plump lower lip. Asier had the urge to bite it. Sink his teeth into it until he tasted blood. Instead, he rose to his feet and patted her bottom as he passed. He had plenty of time to entice Jasmine this evening. If all went as he foresaw, she would be in his bed long before dawn painted the sky with its golden kiss. Teasing smile dropping from his mouth, he prowled quickly toward Kane.

  They had heard nothing more from Doctor Dasyurus since the Russians. Ivan would have passed the message on by now. The man had either decided to rethink doing business with them, or was gauging his options. Asier had the feeling it was the latter. Dasyurus did not strike him as someone who backed down. Not in the business he was involved in. After doing some more enquiring, he had learned that the Doctor was almost as ruthless as himself.

  “Detective Cummings is waiting for you in the office.” Kane informed him.

  Asier cocked his head. The bodies in the basement had been disposed of. So why was Mark here? Asier was always careful in his business dealings. Never left any evidence that could be used against him. It came from centuries of practice. Did the detective suspect he had a hand in this new drug? Mark was forward enough to ask.

  Or had his old friend learned Jasmine was visiting his club? That was more plausible. This was a complication he had not foreseen. Perhaps the detective suspected her addiction to a vampire bite? It was not something Asier was willing to admit. It was Jasmine’s secret. He was not about to betray her trust. Not at this critical juncture of their relationship. Not unless he had to.

  The detective was peering out of the window when Asier enter the room. Although he was staring down at the London streets, his expression seemed to be a million miles away. Even dressed casually in faded jeans, a fern green jumper, and a leather jacket, he could not hide the suppressed anger in his body language. His sharp caramel brown eyes were clouded behind his wire rimmed glasses with his thoughts. A stern expression tightened the features of his boyish good looks.

  “Ciao Mark, what can I do for you this evening?” Asier asked pleasantly.

  Without wasting a second Mark cut straight to the chase. “I know Jasmine has visited you several times and I want to know why.”

  So her boss was keeping close tabs on her. Why?

  Asier kept his expression serene. “I see, and why does this concern you?”

  Mark wandered across the room to study the painting of a naked woman lounging on a bed which was hanging on the wall. His shoulders were stiff as he raked a hand through his short chestnut coloured hair. “She’s already been in trouble with one vampire, or should I say Vampiria. If she’s about to repeat the same mistake, I would like to stop it from happening right now.”

  So this was because of Eric’s treatment of the girl. Strangely, it pleased Asier that she had someone to watch out for her. Mark was fully aware of the breed of born vampire’s that lived among the human turned ones. He was one of the chosen few.

  “Hmm – this seems more than just the worry of an employer amico mio.” He pointed out, regarding the detective closely. Did he have feelings for her like Twitch? The mage’s infatuation was more than clear. Was Jasmine’s boss also in love with her?

  Surprise flared in Mark’s eyes behind the glasses perched on the end of his nose. “I’m not about to go into my motives with you.” He snapped in reply. “She’s a good kid, and I don’t want to see her fucking up her life.”

  No. Not love. More of a brotherly concern. Jasmine seemed to provoke an urge to protect from those around her. He did not seem to be the only one affected.

  Padding closer to his desk, Asier pulled out two glasses from a drawer. “We have been friends a very long time Mark. I have kept your secrets just as you have kept some of mine.”

  Placing them on the surface with a clink, he retrieved a bottle of whisky from a nearby bookshelf.


  “There is trust between you and I.” He continued, cutting off the detective before he could start. “An understanding. Trust me with Jasmine.” Unscrewing the cap, he poured a healthy dose of the amber liquid into each waiting glass.


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