The Serpent's Kiss

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The Serpent's Kiss Page 20

by Claire Marta

  He bit gently on her earlobe. The twinge of pain made Jasmine whimper.

  Fingers caressing, she touched the firm inked flesh of his torso. Skin so warm it enveloped her in its heat. Jasmine ghosted her fingertips over the green scales of his tattooed snake. Proceeding upwards, she toyed with his silvery nipple ring. It was hard and cold. Asier paused under the contact allowing her to explore. He was watching her with a glittering amethyst stare. For a moment he seemed content to rein in his carnal hunger.

  Jasmine’s fingers grazed the edge of his smooth jaw. Nuzzling her palm he licked the centre with his warm, wet tongue. Continuing a path downwards, he ran it along her wrist all the way to lick the healed burn scars on her forearm. A dull sting blistered the area making Jasmine squeak. Instead of stopping at the sound, he lapped at it again sending sparks up her arm.

  “You were so brave that night.” He murmured between nips and kisses. “I will give you everything you deserve Jasmine. Everything Eric could not.”

  What she wanted was action, not words. With a growl Jasmine bit down on his shoulder. She wanted to draw blood. Hot flesh met her tongue. The taste of the vampire’s skin was just as tempting as the rest of him.

  Asier chuckled. “You like to bite too, hmm bella? I think you have a wild side you keep hidden. One I am going to enjoy bringing out.”

  Biting down on her shoulder he held her still. She couldn’t feel his fangs. But he bit hard enough to keep her in place without breaking her skin. In one long smooth movement he thrust himself into her. Jasmine gave a high throaty groan. Her inner muscles quivered as he filled her. Asier grunted. A sound of male satisfaction. Wrapping her legs around his hips, Jasmine held him close.

  Asier’s tongue lapped the area he had marked, soothing the bruising he left. “Now you are finally mine bella, and tonight I will show you just how much.”

  Pulling out he slammed back into her. Hard. Jasmine took the impact of his thrusts with a mixed cry of pain and pleasure. The harder he took her, the more it fed the fire of her hunger.

  She couldn’t tear her gaze away from the image of them in the mirror above. The way his arse clenched with each pump of his hips as he brutally fucked her. Suddenly he was pulling her up. Jasmine found herself straddling his lap. With ease, he lifted her. His cock slid back into her so fast it made her squeal. Using his hips, Asier thrust up into her again and again. One large hand caressed up to settle around her throat. Once there he squeezed gently. Jasmine’s pupils dilated even further with excitement. It felt unsafe. But she knew deep down he was not going to hurt her. Not in a bad way.

  “I will make you orgasm so many times that nothing else will exist but the pleasure cresting through every part of your body.” Asier told her passionately before he took her mouth with a hard swift kiss.

  Jasmine kissed him back just as demanding. Just as savouring. Fingernails clawing at his shoulders, she battled for supremacy. It was an angry, primitive coupling. Driving every thought from her head, Jasmine gave herself up to the moment.

  Asier’s movements were ruthless. He hammered into her until every stroke became painful ecstasy. Jasmine pushed herself down to meet him. She could feel it. Inner muscles beginning to spasm, Jasmine knew she was close. Her sheath clenched around the rigid length of his shaft. The vampire must have felt it too.

  “Scream my name Jasmine. I want to hear you say it.”

  His accented words so thickened with lust were enough to send her over. An orgasm ripped through Jasmine. Head spinning out of control with bliss, her toes curled and she screamed his name.

  Before Jasmine had time to recover, she found herself on all fours on the bed. She still shook with the force of her release. Asier thrust back into her forcefully from behind tearing a hoarse cry from her throat. He was hot and deep. Every last nerve ending trembled within.

  “Your orgasms belong to me. Your pleasure is mine to give.” He muttered heatedly, punctuating the words with the slap of his hips against her arse.

  Jasmine bucked as another climax hit. Asier was still pumping his hips against her. Then a savage roar left his lips. It was animalistic. He shuddered his release, letting it fill her.

  The moment his bruising grip released her hips, Jasmine collapsed to lie on her side. She was speechless. Every part of her was a combination of pleasure and pain. It was like nothing she had experienced before. Asier curled his body around hers, pulling her closer. Chest heaving, he was just as effected. Fingertips began to brush up and down Jasmine’s side caressingly. She quaked at the touch.

  The feel of flesh growing thick and rigid against her bottom made her gasp. Sliding his hand down between her thighs the Master Vampire cupped her mound possessively. Jasmine tried to squeeze her legs shut as her pussy fluttered in reaction. Startled, she turned her head. An intense purple gaze collided with her own.

  “I want you sore tomorrow, Jasmine. So every time you move you remember who’s been inside your body, pleasuring you all night long.” Asier’s voice was soft, and brimming with promise.

  The woman was singing to her. A sweet lullaby. Jasmine did not want to sleep though. Darkness was creeping in all around them. Blotting out the light of candles lit to keep them safe. She shivered, clutching her teddy to her chest. The woman rocked her gently, her tender lips kissing her little forehead as she whispered everything would be alright.

  Then suddenly Jasmine was alone again. The room was in solid blackness aside from the gap beneath the closed wooden door. Someone was screaming. A shadow fell across the little beam of light and she knew they would find her too…

  Jasmine awoke finding herself cradled against Asier’s body. It was strangely comforting. She felt soft, warm, and safe. These dreams were starting to scare her. They left her unsettled and shaken. Why now was she having them? Could they be memories?

  Jasmine remembered nothing apart from the Hunters who had adopted her at the age of two. Before that her life was a blank. Maybe going to Avalon with Twitch had triggered something in her head? Whatever it was, she was not sure if she wanted to know.

  Turning, she gazed at Asier’s sleeping face. The vampire looked serene as he slumbered. Like a beautiful dark angel. Here lay danger. Only a complete idiot would let herself feel safe in a vampire’s arms again. Jasmine was not an idiot. There was no way she needed a repeat of what had happened with Eric.

  Carefully as she could she slithered out from under his arm. She winced as she tip-toed to the bathroom. They had screwed like animals. So many times she had lost count. He had fucked her sore, just as promised. Even now it felt like he was still inside her. Possessing her.

  Pushing the door quietly closed behind her, Jasmine crossed the large spacious en suite bathroom. It was tiled with aquatic mosaics. Every scene had a naked couple frolicking in water with some different kind of sea creature.

  The vampire definitely liked his comforts. In one corner was a sunken bath that looked like it could hold a football team. Bottles of bubble bath and expensive scented oil sat on a shelf around it with a collection of candles.

  The shower was just as big. Sliding open the frosted glass door Jasmine stepped inside. She ached all over. Dark bruises marked her wrists and thighs. Asier hadn’t been gentle. Yet she had still found it crazily arousing. Jasmine was not sure though if it had all been to do with his powers. Had what she felt been an illusion? What he wanted her to feel?

  Then again, she had only had Eric as a lover. Even then they had only been together a handful of times. Did she really know anything about her sexual desires? Being with Asier had definitely been an eye opener.

  Reaching up, she twisted the knobs against the wall. With a splutter the water burst into life pummelling her naked body with its welcoming heat. Jasmine stood beneath the spray. It was scorching, but she didn’t care. She still couldn’t believe she had slept with Asier. What the hell had she been thinking?

  Closing her eyes, Jasmine sighed. She had succumbed to his influence. Let him take over her body. Her life was
already fucked up because of one vampire. Now she had just had sex with another. It had been a moment of weakness. Worse, she needed Asier for his bite. Would he now be expecting sex all the time? Defeated, she rested her forehead against the misty tiles.

  Why did she keep doing this to herself? Sleeping with the wrong guy. Yet it had been good to vent her buried anger with the rough sex. Her bitterness at Eric’s treatment. It was like the rush of adrenaline she now always looked for. Those little thrills like a drug. Yet guilt at being with the Italian still plagued her. He was awakening things inside her that might be better left alone.

  “I can hear you thinking, cara.” Asier drawled from the other side of the frosted glass door. Opening one eye, Jasmine peered at his dark silhouette. He stood right outside.

  A moment later he had it open. With a confident grace, he slipped inside the sanctuary of the misty cubicle. He stood before her in all his naked glory. So beautiful it was almost too much to bear.

  “Asier...” Jasmine murmured warily. She couldn’t believe they were completely nude and sharing a shower. Last night she had been too wrapped up in lust to be embarrassed. This morning was another matter. Jasmine could feel her cheeks reddening. Hunching her shoulders she crossed her arms over her chest as her thighs pressed together. There was nowhere to hide. The vamp was blocking the only way out.

  Stepping forward he backed her against the wall. Jasmine felt her pulse leap with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The cold tiles greeted her back, wet from the steam of the shower. Tipping his chin up, the Italian closed his eyes and basked in the spray of the hot cascading water. Within seconds it had plastered his hair to his head and chest. He was so close she could feel the heat from his body. They stood facing each other, inches apart.

  “Jasmine, I do not expect anything from you.” Asier’s thick eyelashes fluttered open, revealing the gleam of his lavender gaze. “If you want me for my body or my bite I am happy to offer you both.”

  “You don’t expect me to be yours now?” She asked, finally getting her tongue to work. It was hard to think when he was so near. So naked. And...Jasmine’s attention dipped down and then back up...very aroused.

  When she met his scrutiny again he was smirking. That smirk. It was going to bloody kill her. Hot steamy water was still pummelling down on them. Cocooning them in the intimate confinements.

  Bracing his arms on the wall on either side of her head, he leaned in until their lips were almost touching. “I am not like Eric, cara.” Asier rubbed the tip of his nose against hers affectionately. “You want some fun. We can have that together. Why are you over thinking this so much?”

  “I’m so fucking confused.” Jasmine dropped her forehead against his chest. This gave him the opportunity to draw her into his embrace. Every delicious wet inch of him was slick against her front. His cheek rested against the top of her head as the caress of his fingers stroked over her wet slippery skin.

  “You still love him. It will take time to heal a broken heart.” The vampire murmured knowingly. “But it will pass in time.”

  “He betrayed me. I hate him but it still hurts so much.”

  “Eric did what he did believing it would keep you safe.” Asier pointed out.

  A hand trailed down Jasmine’s stomach leaving goosebumps in its wake. Two fingers then slipped between her thighs.

  “He did it to protect you, but that’s not what you need.” Asier confided as his fingers began to pleasure her. “Showing you how to take care of yourself is much more worthwhile.”

  Jasmine moaned. Her hips gyrated against his intimate touch. The sudden rush of blood to other areas made her giddy.

  “Hmm – Bella you don’t have to leave just yet do you?”

  Shaking her head she was unable to answer. The brush of his thumb against her clit was driving her mad. Asier’s two digits were now pumping in and out of her.

  “I can make you forget him Jasmine.” The vampire assured as his tongue swiped some water droplets from the juncture where her neck met her shoulder. “You don’t need drugs or potions. I will willingly fuck Eric out of your heart and mind. It will be something we will both enjoy very, very much.”

  Panting lightly, she rested the back of her head against the tiles. His clever fingers continued to tease her. Screwing her eyes shut Jasmine focused on the building sensations. She hoped to god he was not going to tease her. Not this morning. Not now. If he did it would kill her.

  “Are you sore?” Asier whispered. His lips brushed the corner of her mouth.

  Unable to speak, she nodded.

  “I will be gentle with you this time then.” Hands taking hold of her buttocks he lifted her up with care. Jasmine wrapped her legs willingly around his waist. The tip of his cock pressed against her entrance. Rolling his hips up, he pushed into her deep.

  “Fuck.” Jasmine gasped as her muscles protested. Clinging to his shoulders her fingernails bit into his firm flesh.

  “Don’t close your eyes.” Asier growled as he began to thrust into her gently. “I want to see how you feel having me inside you.” His gaze was fierce. Those violet eyes of his, burning with passion, never wavering from her own.

  It was slow tender the way he took her. It was in complete contrast to the times before. The whole time he kept eye contact. It was strangely intimate. Something far different than when he was rough. When Jasmine finally came it was sweet and long.

  Asier rubbed the tip of his nose against her own again. “Brava. Good girl. I love watching you come. You have such a greedy pussy.”

  “Uh hmm.” Jasmine managed to mumble incoherently. Still trying to catch her breath, she loosened her legs around his hips.

  But the Italian’s grip on her buttocks tightened painfully. “We’re not done yet.” He whispered against her mouth. “I want to see you fall apart one more time before I let you go.”

  The smell of cooking bacon permeated the air and led Jasmine into the kitchen. Asier was in front of the stove wearing a pair of grey pyjama bottoms that hugged his tight ass. He was topless again. Every perfectly defined muscle in his back on display for her to see. At this angle, the reverse of his ouroboros tattoo was also on show. The green scales rippled with his movements.

  His damp ebony hair was tied up in a bun. He looked sexy as hell. And completely at ease in a domestic environment. Jasmine was still coming down from the dizzying heights of the multiple orgasms he had given her in the shower. The vamp was insatiable. After he had fucked her several more times he had soaped her down and washed her hair. Jasmine had been barely able to think straight. In the end he helped her from the bathroom as she had been almost limp from all the mind-shattering pleasure. Her jeans and long armed top, clean and pressed, had been waiting for her. She still couldn’t believe that she had slept with the Master Vampire of London. It seemed too unreal.

  “Vieni. I have made you breakfast.” He said in greeting without turning around. It was obvious he must have heard her entrance with his sensitive hearing.

  “I don’t really eat breakfast. I’m not very hungry.” Jasmine responded awkwardly. It was one of the meals she always skipped. She was lucky if she even had lunch. Usually it took Mark or Gemma shoving food in her face to get her to remember. An appetite was something she had never really had. Not even as a child.

  Stepping into the kitchen, she took a seat on a stool at the immaculate breakfast bar. The room looked just how it had the first time she had seen it. Obsessively clean and spanking new, as if it was never used.

  “I refuse to allow you to leave without some kind of sustenance.” Asier informed her firmly as he continued to cook. “We also have an agreement. So you will eat.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes. She knew better than to argue with him. This Italian could be just as stubborn as she was sometimes. Turning he surveyed her for a moment. The lust darkening his lavender gaze was hard to miss. Heat sizzled between them. Asier’s sexy power curled around Jasmine’s senses.

  A throb pulsed between her legs.
She was still sore and the sensation was an echo of the pleasure pain she had experienced at his hands. Biting on the plumpness of her lower lip, she held in a moan. Asier chuckled. From his expression he knew exactly how she was feeling. Without a word, he sauntered across the room and placed a plate in front of her.

  With wide wary eyes, Jasmine took in the amount of food he had piled onto it. Toast, bacon, eggs and sausage all waited temptingly for her to tuck into.

  “I can’t eat all this.” She protested.

  Asier’s smirk became a grin. “Eat what you can, cara. I only wish to make sure you have fuel for the day.” With a flourish, he pushed some cutlery across the surface of the spotless breakfast bar.

  Picking up a fork Jasmine speared a piece of bacon. After a few bites she was soon shovelling food into her mouth.

  The vampire watched her with amusement. “No not very hungry at all.” He mocked softly. Padding to the large white fridge, he opened it and pulled out a plastic bag of blood. Jasmine had seen them before. Blood banks supplied them to vampire clients for a fee. Most vamps liked the stuff fresh, but that still did not stop them stocking up for an emergency feed.

  Jasmine shot him a sheepish grin. “Normally I’m not.”

  “You must have worked up an appetite with all the fucking last night.” He replied pouring some of the thick dark red liquid into a cup. A moment later he placed it into the microwave. It did not take long to ping.

  Jasmine guessed he liked it room temperature. Why though was he drinking bagged blood? A small frown marred her brow. He hadn’t bitten her at all last night...well not with his fangs.

  Turning, his attention settled on her expression. “You asked for sex bella.” Asier answered, as if he had read her thoughts. “Don’t ever doubt that I want my fangs inside you as much as my dick.” He propped his hip against the kitchen cabinet as he spoke. “And I enjoyed licking you off my fingers this morning almost as much as your moans when I teased you with my tongue in the shower.”


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