by Tiana Grover
The more she spoke, the more I started to hate this bitch. Every law enforcement official in the country would kill to hop on a case that involved a very popular and well-known U.S. Senator involved with supplying guns by the barrel. Especially since he was a black man that wasn’t supposed to make it in Washington. The good old boys were loving his downfall. They were rounding up any and every one he had supplied. I was one of the lucky ones that flew under the radar and my ego wasn’t so big that I thought I did that on my own. Granted I was very low key but I knew that Bree played a big role in me being able to escape jail time. And this was how I repaid her. Even though I owed her no loyalty, a piece of me felt like shit that everything had gone down like this.
I glared at this broad in front of me. I understood her veiled threat loud and clear. I bit the inside of my cheek and wondered how I was dumb enough to get caught up with this bitch and her bullshit. “Tomorrow good for you?” I asked her in between clenched teeth.
“Tomorrow’s perfect,” she replied with a wide smile like she hadn’t just threatened me with my freedom. She turned and walked towards her car. I was so pissed off at both her and myself that I didn’t even sneak a peek at her fat ass as she hopped in her truck and pulled off.
I walked in the house slowly. I was pissed at Maria, pissed at Bree but most of all I was pissed at myself for allowing this to happen. I was always so careful when it came to me sticking my dick in these chicks, even before I got with Sierra. The reason for that was simple: I didn’t want to have a baby out there and I wasn’t with the child’s mother. A lot of that had to do with how I raised. My father was something like a pimp but he had a million other hustles and I never knew my biological mother; she was one of my father’s working girls and was killed when I was a few months old. The woman that raised me, Red, was my father’s bottom bitch. She made sure I never lacked for love but still. I didn’t want any child of mine being raised by anyone else besides me. So I never slipped up. And now that I had a smart, sexy, beautiful woman by my side, I couldn’t afford to slip up
I’d always been so careful with everything I chose to do that I wanted to kick my own ass for allowing this to happen. I sold burners by the barrel and my connect was the best around, U.S. Senator Jeffery Simmons. We’d had a good run for the last ten years. I wasn’t flashy, didn’t spend my money recklessly. I stayed out of the spotlight and two steps ahead of the law, once again thanks to Bree. I can’t even lie; I appreciated the hell out of her. With a mother as an ATF agent, a father as an FBI agent, on top of being married to a judge, she was a gold mine to a nigga like me. She was so connected that she could tell me when the cops or the Feds even murmured the word gun.
All this time I always assumed her husband was the judge. She had never told me she was gay or bisexual so why would I think otherwise? A few months back, when she brought a bad ass Spanish chick to join us in the bed, I thought she just on some freaky shit. I was happy that she was; to have a threesome with a chick like Maria was a dream come true. She gave me some of the best pussy and head I ever had in my life; it was so good that I seriously thought about keeping her around on my team for a while.
Come to find out the judge Bree was married to was Maria, who undoubtedly knew all about all the illegal shit I used to be into. Now she was pregnant… and supposedly by me. There was no way Sierra was going to go for this shit. I planned on keeping it from her too. At least until I found out if the baby was mine. I know I said I wanted to keep things a hundred with us and keep everything on the up and up but fuck all that. Why should I cause unnecessary problems when that could or could not even be my baby?
“Prince!” Sierra yelled as soon as I walked in the door.
I closed my eyes at the sound of Sierra’s voice. Yeah it was her day and I had promised to do it big for her, but I wasn’t in the mood for any of that shit right now. So I didn’t bother to respond. That ain’t stop Sierra though.
“What did that broad want? Who is she? Is she really a judge?”
I frowned as she walked towards me. “Of course she’s a judge babe.” As I said it I felt a like shit, but hey she was a judge so it wasn’t a total lie; she just wasn’t here for the reason we told Sierra.
I slid her Maria’s card. As she read it, I just looked at her. Sierra was already beautiful as it was, but the extra effort she put forth today made her even more so. Her hair was in a bunch of curls that framed her perfect face and even though I could tell she’d gotten her makeup done, she still looked natural to me. My baby was bad, even though she hated it when I referred to her as a bad bitch. She felt that was beneath her and I agreed, but sometimes there wasn’t any other way for me to describe her other than saying my bitch bad. I loved it. I was so proud that she chose to call me her man. As I had that thought, I knew there was no way I could let this “situation” with Maria take her from me.
Sierra finished reading the card and put it down on the coffee table before looking at me. Instantly some of my anxiety started to fade away. There was no escaping Maria and her pregnancy and I knew that. But today was still all about Sierra. My woman. My queen. Just being near her and the sight of her gorgeous face melted a lot of my tension away. I thought of the engagement ring I had waiting for her and smiled. I couldn’t wait to slide it on her finger.
“Prince, you ain’t still running the streets are you?” Sierra asked me with her hand on her hip. “You promised you were legit now but I can’t say that I believe you. Why else would a judge come past here to see you?”
“Just to tie up some loose ends, baby, that’s all.”
“I don’t like her,” she said flatly.
I could only shake my head at that. Sierra ain’t like her already and didn’t even know the real reason she came past. There was no way in the world I was about to tell her that Maria might be pregnant with my baby.
I sighed, more at the mess I found myself in than at Sierra. “She was on my payroll,” I lied before I could stop myself. “She couldn’t say that in front of you. I promised you I was going legit and that’s what I did. Maria just came through to get her last payment. I was tying up loose ends with her, making sure my name wasn’t on anybody’s radar and giving her her money. That’s all.”
Sierra didn’t look convinced. She tilted her head to the side and gave me a skeptical look.
“Baby I promised you I was going legit. I did,” I said honestly. At least that was the truth.
Sierra looked doubtful, but with her hair and makeup all done up for tonight, she still looked sexy as hell to me. I bit my lip and smacked her on the ass. “Now let’s go get ready before I do some freaky shit to you. You standing in front of me looking all good. You know if I get started, we ain’t goin nowhere tonight.”
She laughed and headed upstairs. “Naw we ain’t doin nothing freaky yet. You been saying how you have something big planned for me all week. I wanna see what it is. You gone have to wait until tonight for all that nasty shit Prince.”
“Maybe,” I replied with a smirk. I was already thinking of all the freaky things I could do to her on the way to and from the restaurant.
On my way upstairs, Maria’s business card laying on the coffee table caught my eye. I went back and grabbed it, then slid it in my pocket. She came to bring drama in my life but I didn’t deal with that shit at all. Tomorrow I’ll let her know up front, ain’t nothing up till I get a DNA test on that baby.
Chapter Three
“Couldn’t we please be happily ever after…”
Case “Happily Ever After”
When Prince said he had a surprise for me, I already knew it would be something extra special. I can honestly say that when it comes to me, he didn’t half step. So I knew I was in for a treat.
However, with all that being said, I still wasn’t expecting for him to rent Le Mont out for the night. Le Mont is an exclusive five star restaurant in Mount Washington that overlooked the entire city. Reservations had to be made months in advance to e
ven have dinner there and here Prince, my Prince, had shut it down for the night.
Who does that?
I’ll tell you who, my man does for me. He spoiled the hell out of me and I still wasn’t used to it; but this was over the top. He had really outdone himself this time. I looked up at him with a smile. The ride over here had been awkward to say the least. I still had a bad feeling about that judge that I couldn’t shake, like there was more to her popping up at our house than just picking up her money. I didn’t say anything else about it though. Now that we were here, I slowly felt some of the tension between us fade away. For him to do this for me was definitely something like a big deal.
As the maître d led us to our table, I noticed that the restaurant was pretty dark. “Babe,” I said to Prince as I tugged on his elbow. “Why is it so dark in here?”
All of a sudden the restaurant was flooded with lights and I heard “Surprise!”
I looked around with my hands on my mouth. My mom, dad, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins were all there. I turned to Prince in awe. I couldn’t believe he had done all of this for me. All of the suspicions I’d had nagging me in the back of my head about that judge disappeared immediately.
“Happy Birthday,” Prince said to me with that smile of his I loved so much. He leaned down and kissed me on my cheek.
For a minute, we just stared at each other. The love I had for this man was crazy. A few short months would make it a year that we’d been together. During our time together, we had definitely gone through some ups and downs. The ups had been so great that at times I’d thought I’d been dreaming… but the downs hurt me so bad that I felt like I couldn’t pick myself up and go on. Still at the end of the day, it was all worth it. Every heartache… every tear I’d shed …all the pain I‘d gone through… I’d gladly go through all of that again plus more if being this happy with this man was my guaranteed outcome.
Prince stroked my face as we stared at each other. I ran my fingers over one of his long dreads. Besides the fact that I loved this man to death, the physical attraction I had to him was overwhelming. There wasn’t a man alive that looked better than my Prince in my eyes. He was beautiful to me.
“Break it up already!” my younger sister Kiana yelled. Everyone laughed at her.
I had to laugh too. Ever since we’d walked in, we’d done nothing but stare at each other.
He led me to a table located right by one of the large windows overlooking the river and the skyline. I gave everyone a hug and kiss on the way.
Sitting at our table with us was my mom, dad, my sisters and his cousin Javon. The only person missing from the immediate family table was his mother Red. I wasn’t surprised that she wasn’t there. There was no way in the world she would have ever agreed to come to a party with me as the guest of honor. It would have been nice if we were able to finally get along, but I’d been with Prince for damn near a year and his mother never tried to hide the fact that she didn’t care for me. I never knew the reason why, but after a while I stopped caring and the feeling became mutual. I refused to kiss anyone’s ass, especially when I had no idea of why she didn’t care for me in the first place.
After everyone ate dinner, Prince stood up and tapped his wineglass. “Can I have everyone’s attention please?”
Dressed in all black, from his black Burberry sweater with plaid patches on the shoulder, black slacks and black Burberry loafers with a strip of plaid on the top; his dreads braided back away from his face and spilling down his shoulders, he damn sure had mine. My clit thumped a little and I started to twitch in my seat as I thought about all of the freaky things we were about to get into tonight.
Prince looked at me. “I am so lucky to have you in my life, Honey. You’re beautiful, smart as hell, ambitious. You make me better in every way. Every day I wake up happy as hell that I bumped into your car.”
Everyone laughed, including me. I had met Prince over a fender bender at the gas station. At first I’d been pissed but when I saw him get out of his Denali, his aura both turned me on and intrigued me, pissed and all. Who knew that would always be the way I felt about him later on down the road?
“Naw but seriously, God sent me my rib that day. I didn’t even know I was missing one until you came into my life. Funny how you never feel empty a day in your life until you meet the right person. Then you realize just how empty and meaningless your life was before them.”
A smile stretched across my face a mile wide. He was laying it on real thick. I planned on putting it on him real good tonight, he just didn’t know.
Prince returned my smile, then to my complete and utter surprise, he got down on one knee in front of me and pulled a velvet ring box out of his pocket.
“Oh my God,” I murmured as both my eyes and my mouth opened wide. I placed my hand over my mouth. Tears slid down my face as everyone gasped in surprise.
He opened the ring box and went on, despite the pandemonium going on in the room. People were crowding around our table with their phones out, recording us and taking pictures. No doubt this would end up on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as soon as I gave my answer.
“I never want to feel that empty again, Honey. Having you in my world is the best thing that has ever happened to me. So today I ask you, in front of all of our family friends… Sierra Lucas, my woman, my best friend, love of my life… Baby will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes Prince!” I responded as I grabbed his face. I kissed him over and over again. I loved this man to the moon and back. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him, and it was the best feeling in the world knowing that he felt the same way. He was my equal in every way. Any and every obstacle we faced, we always came out on top and better than ever. God had put me here to be his better half; of that I was sure. He completed me and I completed him; together we were everything, which was why when we were apart, we both felt like nothing. I had never felt like this before and was sure I would never feel like this again. There was no one else for me; he was it.
Prince backed away from me and helped me out of my seat. Then he grabbed a napkin off our table and made a show of wiping his face. Everyone laughed again. I had soaked his face with my tears.
“Look at the inside of your ring babe,” he told me as he held it up.
I peeked inside and saw the words Always My Honey inscribed on the inside. Once again, my tears began to flow. I had all but ruined my makeup and didn’t really care.
He slid the ring on my finger. I looked down at the beautiful platinum heart shaped ring in awe. It had two small diamonds on either side of the main diamond, which was huge. It looked to be at least five carats to me. The size of the diamond didn’t matter though. He could have proposed to me with nothing but a shiny gold band and I would have felt the exact same way. While his boss swag was definitely a turn on, I never counted Prince’s pockets. His money had nothing to do with how I felt about him. His money wasn’t what kept me warm at night or kept a smile on my face during the day. That was all him. There wasn’t a materialistic thing on Earth that could make me feel as good as my man did.
I held my hand up with a wide grin and everyone clapped. I couldn’t stop smiling. All my life I guess you can say I had been something like a hopeless romantic. My parents were high school sweethearts and had been married for almost thirty years, so I had a great example of true love to look up to. They were still happy and very much in love after four kids and all those years together. I wanted the same thing for myself, and even though for a while it seemed like I wouldn’t get it because I continuously ran into liars and cheaters, but I never gave up hope that true love was out there for me somewhere. Now I was glad that I hadn’t let all those disappointments turn me off towards love and make me bitter. I finally had my very own Prince Charming.
As the wait staff brought everyone champagne in for everyone, and all of our guests came up to congratulate me (and get a close up of my ring of course), I noticed one person in particular did not look happy for me. My olde
r sister Trina was still sitting at the table with a frown across her face as wide the grin on mine. When she caught me looking at her, she tried to give me a fake smile but it was too late. I had already caught the hate on her face. I shrugged her off but I would definitely address that at a later date. I was too happy to deal with negativity right now. The man of my dreams had proposed to me in a way that I always would remember, and on my birthday no less, making this the best birthday I had ever had. I fell in love with him even more, if that was possible.
As I looked at the ring on my finger, the happiness that took over me overwhelmed me. I was going to spend the rest of my life with a man that completely adored me. Nothing or no one could come in between us now.
Chapter Four
“Boy you so special, I don’t mind being disrespectful”
Trey Songz ft. Mila J “Disrespectful”
I put the last of Maria’s bags in the foyer by the front door and wiped a stray tear away from my eye. It hurt my heart that it had come to this. I loved my wife dearly. We had weathered the storm together and always came out on top. I had given up so much to be with her. She was everything to me, but as much as she meant to me, there was one person that meant way more.
While I might have loved Maria with every bone in my body, I loved Prince from the depths of my soul. I had never had any misgivings about the type of relationship we had or what we were. As long as I was apart of his world, I was happy.
I had been bisexual for as long as I could remember. I started to deal with women exclusively though after the first time a man broke my heart. The way he would constantly lie to me, cheat on me, plus beat on me, on top of all the mental and emotional abuse he served to me on a daily, turned me off towards men so much that I wanted nothing else to do with them. So I only dated women. Most of them were just something to do. I had my fun with various females but I never took any of them serious and didn’t plan on it until I met Maria. She was the total package: beauty with brains and booty. A triple threat. In her I found a match and my true soul mate… or at least I thought I had until I met Prince.