Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4) Page 20

by Erin Osborne

  This brings tears to my eyes as I realize I’ve never had a best friend before. I consider all the ol’ ladies of the club my friend and I do hang out with Gwen the most, but I never thought to call her my best friend. I’m thinking it’s because I’ve never had one so I don’t know how to choose one. But, if I had to choose one right now, I’d have to say Gwen is my best friend.

  For the next few hours, Gwen and I sit and talk. We laugh, she cries, and I listen to everything she has to say. I don’t get any more work done, but that’s okay. Our minds both turn to the men and what they’re doing at the clubhouse; we all know they’re there with someone else. I don’t let us go down that path, though, because if they wanted us to know what they were doing, they’d have told us.

  We prepare dinner together, and I call Maddie to bring Caleb home so he can eat with Gwen and me. She brings him home and we eat dinner before Gwen puts on a movie for us to watch. When Playboy eventually comes home, freshly showered and clothed, he sits with us as we enjoy our night.

  Gwen eventually goes home when Fox comes to get her. She hugs me tight and promises me she’ll think about what we talked about today. I sit on the couch until Playboy takes me upstairs for bed. He proceeds to show me the rest of the night, exactly how he feels about me. He shows me just how much love he feels for me as he worships my body. The perfect end to the perfect day.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  TODAY IS THE day the club made a hard as hell decision. One we never dreamed we’d have to make. We need to keep our women and children safe. So, we decided in church to send them home with Tank and Maddie. It’s the only way to keep them out of harm’s way and ensure they’re here with us after the dust has settled and we can go on about our business without the threat of Devils Rule taking them from us.

  Grim and the Wild Kings are fully on board with them going there and making sure they’re safe until we’re done with these asshats. He even told us he’d send in some help if we need it. So, we’re keeping them on standby for now. We won’t know what direction to turn in until we know what this pathetic excuse for a club wants. It’s more than just our territory and businesses; that we’re sure of.

  Now, I have to tell Sam she’s going to be heading out with my sister and brother-in-law when they head home in an hour or so. It’s not much time, but enough for everyone to pack some bags and say their goodbyes. Even the house bunnies are going with them because they’re under our protection as much as the ol’ ladies and children are. We don’t want anything happening to them either.

  Walking into the house, I hear music coming from the living room, but I don’t see Sam or Caleb anywhere. I know Tank and Maddie are at the clubhouse because their things are already packed and loaded in their SUV. They’re going to hang out there until everyone else is ready to go. So, now my dad, Fox, Wood and Boy Scout, and I are preparing our families to head to Clifton Falls.

  “Sam, where you at, baby?” I holler out.

  There’s no answer and now I’m starting to worry. Caleb isn’t coming out from anywhere, either. And I know for a fact he’s not at the clubhouse since I just left there. Where the fuck are they?

  My heart is racing in my chest as panic and fear grip me. I frantically search downstairs for my family and they aren’t there. The laptop Sam’s been using is out on the couch and the screen saver is flashing across the screen. So, she was doing work not too long ago.

  I run through the house and the last room I come to, our bedroom, the door is shut. As I open the door, my heart stops in my chest. Sam and Caleb are in bed, completely passed out. They’re snuggled up together and I don’t want to disturb them. Unfortunately, we’re on a time crunch and they need to get on the road soon if they’re going to get to Clifton Falls before dark. And if we’re going to go down and question the asshole in the basement.

  We’ve been leaving him alone. I’ve gone down a few times and busted him up a little bit. Just giving him a taste of what’s about to happen to him. The only reason we haven’t gone full board yet is that we’ve been trying to figure out how to keep the women and kids safe and take out the rest of the club. Now that we have it figured out and they’ll be leaving soon, we can get the answers we need.

  “Sam. Sam, wake up,” I whisper so I don’t disturb Caleb just yet.

  “Huh? Playboy?” she asks, her eyes barely open and her voice laced with sleep.

  “Yeah, baby. Need you to get up so we can talk,” I tell her.

  “What’s going on? Are you okay?” she asks her first thought never on herself.

  “I’m okay, baby. I need you to get up and pack some bags for Caleb and you,” I tell her.

  “Why? We’re not going anywhere,” she tells me.

  “Yeah, you are. All the women and kids are goin’ to Clifton Falls with Tank and Maddie. You’re gonna stay with the club until we can get this mess taken care of,” I tell her as she fully wakes up.

  “Why? I don’t want to leave you. We have doctor’s appointments and other things to do for the babies,” she tries to argue.

  “We’ll still do all that, sweetheart. Right now, we need to eliminate the threat against us and have you guys out of the way, so we’re not worried about you,” I assure her.

  “Fine. How long are we leaving for?” she asks, holding out her hands so I can help her up.

  “I don’t know yet. But, you’ll have Shy, Kim, Gwen, Jennifer, and the kids there with you. Not to mention the ol’ ladies and kids from Clifton Falls,” I say. “The time will fly by quicker than you think.”

  “You trying to convince me of that, or yourself?” she asks, heading into the closet.

  I follow her in and pull down two suitcases for her to use. She grabs her dresses, some leggings and extra-large shirts she’s been wearing. Next, she gets in the drawers and grabs some bras and panties to take with her. Sam won’t worry about footwear because they only thing she’s been wearing lately are her sandals. She can just slip them on and off and says they let her feet breathe. I don’t give a shit what she wears on her feet as long as she’s comfortable and not in any added pain.

  Once she’s done shoving her clothes in the suitcase, we head to Caleb’s room so she can pack for him. She grabs him several short outfits, tee-shirts, jeans, his underwear and socks with his sandals and sneakers. Then she grabs some of his toys to take with them and packs a bag of things to do while they’re in the SUV so he’s occupied and the ride there.

  “Are you sure we have to go?” she asks me once more as I grab the suitcase from her.

  “Yeah, baby. If there were any other way, we’d have thought of it in church. We can’t see another way out,” I tell her.

  “Okay. I’m going to miss you so much,” she tells me, tears filling her eyes as she wraps her arms around my waist and leaning her head on my chest.

  “I’m gonna miss you too, baby. I don’t want you to go, but I can’t be worryin’ if somethin’ else is gonna happen to you, Caleb, our babies, or any other woman and child here. These men don’t know the meanin’ of fightin’ a real man,” I say to her, holding her close for just a little while.

  “I know. I trust you and the club will do what’s best and handle the situation the best way possible,” she answers, putting her full trust in me and the brothers in my club.

  “It’ll be over with before you know it. I’m gonna go wake Caleb up so we can head down to the clubhouse. Tank and my sister are waitin’ for you all there,” I tell her, not wanting to let go of her.

  Walking into our room, I pick Caleb up from the bed. If we can keep him awake until we’re at the clubhouse, I’d rather do it. The only reason we really have to wake him up is to go to the bathroom so they’re not stopping every few minutes for all the kids to use the bathroom. There’s going to be five kids going from our club plus my three nephews and niece. Plus, there’s all the kids left at the clubhouse in Clifton Falls. I don’t envy the Wild Kings men for the time being.

  “Daddy?” Ca
leb questions once I pick him up.

  For a minute, I’m stunned speechless. Caleb has never called me daddy before. Not that I don’t feel as if I am his father, because as far as anyone is concerned I am. I’ll always be his father.

  “Yeah, buddy,” I answer him finally.

  “Where we going?” his sleepy little voice asks.

  “You, mommy, and the rest of the kids and women are goin’ on a trip. You’ll be with Chance, Shawn, and Brax for longer,” I respond.

  “Really?” he asks, waking all the way up.

  “Yeah, buddy.”

  “You coming, too?” he asks.

  “Not this time,” I say.

  Caleb struggles to get out of my arms and I set him on the floor. Once I know he’s steady on his feet, I let him go and step over to Sam. He’s looking up at us with wonder and excitement in his eyes.

  “Mama, we going on a trip!” he says excitedly.

  “Yes, we are,” she says.

  “Let’s head to the clubhouse,” I tell them, picking the suitcases up and heading downstairs in front of Sam and Caleb.

  “He called you Daddy, didn’t he?” Sam asks once we get downstairs.

  “Yeah. Why do you ask?”

  “The smile hasn’t left your face since you came out of the room with him,” she answers as I feel the smile on my face get bigger. “Caleb, get your other sandals on so we can go.”

  Caleb sits down and puts his sandals on because he doesn’t want to be delayed in getting to his cousins and friends. The sooner he’s ready to go, the sooner he can be with them. Sam grabs the laptop, cord, her phone, phone cord, purse, and sunglasses while Caleb’s putting them on. I hand her over the laptop case and she puts it inside to protect it on the ride there.

  “You got everythin’?” I ask her before we head outside.

  “Yeah, I think so,” she answers with sadness in her voice.

  The three of us head outside and load up the car to make the short trip to the clubhouse. Once I have the suitcases and bags in, Caleb’s fastened in, and Sam’s in the car, we head down and I park close to the front door right next to Shy’s SUV. That’s where Sam and Caleb will be riding anyway.

  As soon as Caleb is unfastened, he gets out of the car and runs to the door of the clubhouse. It’s already sitting open and he rushes right inside. I help Sam from the car as one of the Prospects comes out the door to load their bags in one of the SUVs. After telling him to put in Shy’s SUV, I lead her inside and sit her down at a table.

  “I’ll be right back, baby,” I tell her, heading over to my dad for a minute.

  Talking to dad about when they’re leaving, I find out we have a little bit of time still. Gwen isn’t happy and doesn’t want to leave Benton Falls. So, Fox and Kim have to talk her into leaving with the ol’ ladies. This means I get to take Sam up to my room.

  “We got Caleb,” Maddie tells me, a knowing smile on her face.

  Once we’re in my room, I kick the door shut behind us and lock it. Sam is already stripping out of her clothes as I shrug out of my cut and hang it on the back of the door. It takes me seconds to strip out of my own clothes and join my woman on our bed.

  “This is gonna be fast, baby. I’m sorry I can’t take my time with you before you leave,” I tell her honestly.

  “I know. I just want you,” she says, looking up at me with love shining from her eyes.

  I lean down and kiss her. Sam opens her mouth for me and our tongues tangle. I reach up to find her nipple and pinch and pull it between my fingers. She moans into my mouth and arches slightly up into me, her belly getting in between us. I roll us to the side so she’s more comfortable.

  Breaking the kiss, I kiss a path from the corner of her mouth to her chest. Stopping only to suck gently on her neck. Taking a nipple in my mouth, I suck and bite down on it just enough to cause her a little pain with her pleasure. Sam likes it that way and I try to accommodate her as much as possible given her pregnancy.

  “Griffin, we don’t have time for this,” she tells me, reminding me we have to make this quick.

  “I know, baby.”

  I pick her leg up and bring it over my hip. Reaching between us, I check to make sure she’s ready for me and my girl definitely is. Gripping my cock in hand, I line myself up with her opening and slide inside. This is definitely where I want to be buried every second of every day.

  Without hesitation, I slide in and out of her tight, wet pussy. I have to hold myself back from slamming into her the way I want to because there’s no way I’m doing anything to hurt her or the babies. No rough sex, I keep telling myself.

  I also know Sam won’t be able to get off if there’s not a little bit of rough in there. So, I increase my speed just a little and run a hand down Sam’s body. Once I get to her clit, I rub it before pinching in with just enough force to give her the bite of pain she needs. Even if she’s not ready to fly over the edge yet.

  Curving my body around Sam’s belly where our sons lay nestled safe and sound, I kiss her. Sam deepens the kiss this time as I open my mouth to her and let her control our kiss. When she finally breaks free, her hands are tangled in my hair and I pinch her clit once again.

  “Griffin!” she yells out, her orgasm sneaks up on her.

  Sam’s body goes taut and she continues to moan out as wave after wave crashes over her. Three more thrusts into her body and I’m following her over the edge.

  “Sam!” I roar out and continue sliding in and out of her body to prolong our mutual releases.

  When I finally stop sliding in and out of her body, I remain firmly in place, surrounded by her wet heat still.

  “I love you so much, Griffin,” she tells me when our breathing slows down, a tear sliding down her face. “I’m going to miss you more than you know.”

  “I love you too, baby. I’m goin’ to miss you too. It’s not that I want you to leave, I need you to leave so I can make sure you’re safe and protected until we get this taken care of,” I tell her, placing a soft kiss against her lips.

  I finally slide out of her and walk to the bathroom. Once I’m cleaned up, I wet a washcloth with warm water and make my way back out to clean Sam up. It’s not long before I’m helping her out of bed so she can get dressed again for us to make our way back out to the common room where I see everyone waiting for us. Catcalls and whistles erupt as Sam turns multiple shades of red and buries her head in my chest.

  “Knock it off,” I tell them. “Everythin’ ready to go?”

  “Yep. Just waitin’ on you two,” my dad answers.

  “I’m ready to go now,” Sam responds, her voice small and just above a whisper.

  Everyone leaving, gets up, and walks out to the SUVs waiting in the parking lot for them.

  “Mama, can I ride with Tank?” Caleb asks as I go to lift him up in the SUV.

  “I don’t know, honey. I think you should ride with me,” Sam answers.

  “Sam, it’s really no problem. We were thinkin’ Caleb could ride with us and Zoey can ride with you guys and help keep an eye on Rayven while you’re drivin’,” Tank answers.

  “Well, I guess if it’s okay with you guys, he can. Here, take this bag so he things to do. Caleb tends not to like long car rides,” Sam answers, handing Tank the bag she packed earlier.

  “Alright. Let us know if you have to pull over and stop for a bit,” he returns, heading off to his SUV.

  “Okay, baby. I’ll see you soon. Call me when you get there and we’ll talk as often as possible,” I tell Sam, leaning in to get a kiss.

  “I love you,” she tells me.

  “Love you, too,” I respond, closing her safely in the SUV.

  We all stand outside and watch as the SUVs pull away from the clubhouse. This isn’t the norm for our club and it feels as if my heart is leaving, making my world go black. Now, it’s time for business.

  With the women and kids away from the clubhouse, the officers of the club and I make our way down to the basement where our friend is stayin
g. I’m the first one in the room and the smells assault me to the point, I pull my bandana from my back pocket to cover my nose and mouth. As I said, he’s been down here for a day or two.

  “You ready to talk?” I growl out toward the asshole strung up from the rafters in the ceiling.

  “Fuck. You,” he grits out, spitting at my feet.

  “You’re not my fuckin’ type. So, I’m gonna ask you one more time; are you ready to talk?” I ask again, stepping up and landing a punch to his ribs, digging my knuckles in just a little bit deeper.

  “I ain’t telling you shit,” he grits out as his eyes water.

  “Killer, why don’t you bring me a knife. You know the one I like to use,” I say, never once taking my eyes off the man in front of me.

  I watch as Hades watches Killer’s every move. He saunters over to the stand loaded down with our ‘tools’ of the trade. Killer picks up the largest knife on the table and runs the blade against his own skin. Hades can see how sharp the damn thing is and his eyes bug out slightly.

  I place the blade against his chest and dig the tip of the blade in slightly. Once I know I have his attention, I look into his eyes and see his fear for the first time. When I start sliding the blade down his chest, directly in the middle, he screams out.

  “No one’s gonna hear you down here,” I tell him, acting as if people are still upstairs.

  He won’t ever know the ol’ ladies and kids were sent away. Not that he’ll be leaving here alive. Hades will meet his maker sooner rather than later.

  “I’ll. Talk,” he finally says as I get to his belly button.

  “What are you guys doin’ here?” I ask him, pulling the blade from his skin but letting it hover over him.

  “We want your territory,” he answers me after a minute, regret and hatred filling his eyes.

  “Why?” Slim asks, not my dad right now.

  “Because you’ve got everything settled and set up already,” Hades answers.

  “So, your club doesn’t have a single real man in it to put in the time and effort it takes to start your own club in a new territory? You’re a bunch of fuckin’ pussies?” I ask him.


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