Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4) Page 25

by Erin Osborne

  My dad nods his head in understanding. Every single guy in the Phantom Bastards knows Rancor is mine after what he did to Sam. She’s my woman, and he dared to put his hands on her knowing she belonged to me. And I know Jose has his reasons for wanting to put Terror to ground, and I don’t blame him one single bit.

  “Alright, the arsenal and ammo are loaded in the van already. You guys head out, and then we’ll be behind you shortly. Get into position and make sure you’re out of sight. I don’t want the van to be spotted either. Hide is as good as the last time,” my dad says before slamming the gavel on the table once more.

  The men leaving first all head out. They don’t stop at the bar to have a drink like normal after church. Instead, they all head to the van and climb in except for Killer. He’ll ride his bike because if any of the fuckers want to escape, he’ll chase them down on his bike.

  Jose, my dad, and I stay in our meeting room. We don’t really talk or anything else as we sit in the room around the table. I’m mentally preparing for the upcoming battle, and I know this is what my dad is more than likely doing right now too. I’m not sure what Jose’s doing; it’s not my problem as he sits in silence, twirling his bracelet around his wrist. That’s honestly the only sound in the room as we all think about what we’re about to do.

  It’s never an easy choice to take out someone, let alone kill an entire club of men. These men are blindly following Terror into drug use, rape, beating up people for no reason, taking from others because Terror doesn’t want to put in the work it takes to run a club. Or to live his life. He wants to coast through on someone else’s dime, and effort put in. That’s not a life; that’s taking advantage and using people for your gain.

  “It’s time,” my dad finally says, pulling us out of our heads.

  The three of us stand up, and we head out of the meeting room. Sam is sitting in the common room with Gwen and Kim. Caleb is sitting on the floor next to her, playing with some motorcycles. She looks up as we enter the room, and I can see her eyes filling with tears already. I want to comfort her, but the most I can do right now is kiss her goodbye.

  “I love you,” she tells me with a watery smile as I approach.

  “I love you too, wife,” I return, a small smile on my face.

  Leaning down over her, I place a kiss on her lips and linger for just a second. I don’t have time for much else before heading out to meet with the Devils bitches. As soon as I break our lips apart, I lean further down and place a soft kiss on her stomach to tell our sons goodbye. Caleb stands up, and I hug him and kiss the top of his head before turning and leaving the clubhouse behind.

  Without turning back, I let the door slam shut behind me and continue making my feet move to my bike. Dad is already on his bike, and Jose is just getting into his car by the time I straddle my bike. I tie the black bandana around my face and put my helmet on. As soon as I’m ready, we start our bikes and leave the clubhouse behind. I still don’t look back because I know if I do, I’ll turn around and pull my wife in my arms so I can give her one more kiss, hold her tight to my body for a minute longer, and hold Caleb close to me.

  Instead, I ride next to my father as he goes from being my dad to being Slim, the President of the Phantom Bastards MC. It’s almost scary how he can go from President of the club who’s ruthless, only looks out for the men and women in the club, and does whatever he can to try to straddle the line of good and evil. When he’s my dad, he’s caring, loving, not ruthless at all, and shows emotions not many people get to see from him. He’s the man who taught me you can have feelings, but also have a ruthlessness to you when it comes to the club.

  Before I can think of much else, we’re pulling up to the meet, and once again, Terror isn’t here. Dad and I park our bikes just off the dirt path and shut the engines off. Jose’s car pulls up behind us, and I know he’s going to sit in there until Terror shows up.

  I try not to glance around to alert anyone to the rest of our guys in different locations surrounding the area. We have at least two snipers here today, and that’s just the men of the Phantom Bastards. I’m not sure how many more snipers are here from Jose’s crew. At this point, I don’t give a shit. The only thing I want right now is for Terror and the bitches to show up so we can take them the fuck out once and for all.

  Finally, I hear the bikes pulling up the dirt road, and the adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. It’s showtime, and my trigger finger is getting twitchy. So, I shove my hands in the pockets of my jeans before I do something stupid as fuck. That’s not going to happen until later. I give it ten minutes before the first shot rings out. Terror isn’t smart enough to keep his mouth shut and let Jose do the talking in the beginning.

  Terror pulls up, and he has all his men with him once again. A smile wants to show on my face, but I think of Rancor putting his hands on my woman, and the urge quickly disappears as I search for him. He’s the last man to get off his bike. I watch as he spits on the ground and searches for me. It’s not like I’m hard to fucking spot with only three of us standing here since Jose has gotten out of his car and joined us.

  “So, this is your contact with the cartel?” Terror asks.

  “Yep,” my dad answers in a clipped tone. “This is Jo . . .”

  “I don’t want to fucking talk to you,” Terror cuts in, pissing my dad off even more as his face turns red.

  Jose doesn’t say a word for a minute, and I know he’s trying to compose himself. There’s a vein jumping not only in his forehead but in his neck as well. This shit is about to jump off, and Terror has no fucking clue. Sucks to be him and the rest of the Devils Rule bitch ass pussies.

  “Jose,” he finally says, holding his hand out for Terror to shake.

  Instead of shaking Jose’s hand, Terror spits on the ground at his feet. Jose quickly raises his hand, and I reach behind me to pull my gun from my back. Gunfire erupts, and I watch as Rancor tries to get to his bike. I fire on him and hit him in the leg. Jose goes for Terror as my dad pulls his gun and starts returning fire.

  I move directly for Rancor; he’s the only one I’m focused on as chaos erupts around me. Rancor is on the ground, and I stand over him. For a minute, everything around me fades as I remember the bruises and cut on the back of Sam’s head when she came back from the store that day, he put his hands on her.

  “Don’t kill me,” Rancor pleads like the bitch he is. “This is all on Terror.”

  Not only is Rancor a bitch, but he’s also a snitch too. I don’t like a man who’s either. This goes to show there’s no loyalty in Devils Rule, and each man is out for himself. This isn’t a fucking club; it’s a band of pussies pretending their badasses because they beat on women to submit to them and steal from real men killing anyone who doesn’t follow their orders. Fuck these assholes and the bikes they rode in on.

  I point my gun at Rancor’s head and pull the trigger. There’s an uneasy feeling in my gut as I turn from the man I just killed, and look for my father. He’s standing next to Jose, and his gun is raised to take out the few remaining assholes we came here to kill. As I go to walk to his side, I see something out of the corner of my eye. Turning in the opposite direction, I go to see what it is.

  Behind a bike is a young man. He can’t be more than seventeen years old. He’s cowering behind the bikes, and I can see the pain and fear in his eyes.

  “Who are you?” I ask, raising my gun in his direction because I still don’t trust him.

  “I-I-I’m Ryan,” he answers, his voice quivering as he stares at the barrel of my gun.

  “Why are you here?” I ask him, not lowering the gun.

  “Terror is my brother and forced me to come with them today,” he tells me.

  “You don’t want to be here?” I question him.

  Ryan shakes his head. The fear in his eyes isn’t from the gunfire or being here— it’s from Terror.

  “Stand up,” I tell him.

  He does as I tell him and stands before me, his eyes never leaving mi
ne. I lift up his shirt and see bruising littering his body. He’s got a black eye, and there’s bruising on his arm too.

  “You a drug user or anythin’?” I ask, going with my gut on him.

  “Never touch the stuff because I see what it’s done to my brother. He’s changed and not for the good,” Ryan answers.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’ll be eighteen in two days,” he tells me.

  “Come with me. And watch your fuckin’ back,” I warn him.

  As we walk up to my dad, Jose is about to lose his shit on Terror, who’s the only one still alive. The gunfire has ceased, and Terror is still looking like he’s the king of the world. This man really has no fucking clue, but he’s about to.

  “What did you find, Playboy?” my dad asks me.

  “This bitches brother. Seems to me Terror likes to hit him,” I say, lifting his shirt to show my dad and Jose the bruises covering his body.

  “I see. Son, you no longer have to worry about this happenin’,” my dad says. “You wanna come home with us?”

  Ryan doesn’t even look at his brother as he nods his head and steps behind me.

  “You dumb fucker. I took you in when I didn’t have to and let you live with me rent-free,” Terror shouts at his brother.

  “Yeah, and he was beaten for probably every bad mood you were in. He’ll learn what a man truly is now. Not a worthless piece of shit like you,” I tell him, cocking my arm back and letting it fly to punch him in the face.

  I land a few more punches before Jose, and my dad pulls me from him. Terror is Jose’s to kill, and I need to remember that.

  “I’m sorry, Jose,” I apologize to the cartel king.

  “I get it,” he responds. “Now, let’s get him taken care of so we can get the fuck outta here.”

  Jose pulls his gun out finally and shoots Terror between the eyes. We all wish we could take our time and torture these fuckers, but we just don’t.

  “Dad, I think we need to get out of here,” I tell him, the feeling in my gut not going away with all these men dead before us.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, looking at me.

  “I don’t know, gut feelin’,” I respond.

  “Get outta here. Go find out what’s going on. Slim, I’ll be in touch. Thank you for the heads up in this,” Jose tells us.

  My dad and I run to our bikes. Ryan waits for us to get on before he looks around. He’s not sure what to do right now, and I can’t honestly say I blame him.

  “What’s wrong, son?” my dad asks.

  “I don’t know what to do now,” Ryan states.

  “Can you ride?” I ask him.

  Ryan nods his head at me but doesn’t say a word. I guess Terror never let him talk. That’s about to change if I have anything to do with it. Hell, if the club has anything to do with it.

  “Pick whatever bike you want, and let’s roll,” I tell him.

  Ryan goes over to get on Terror’s bike. It’s honestly the best one of the bunch. The bike is all matte black with only chrome accents. I watch closely as Ryan gets on it and starts it up after putting a helmet on. Nodding to him, I let my dad roll out first while Ryan and I head out behind him. At least the kid has ridden in some sort of formation before as he rides perfectly by my side.

  The only thing I can think of is Sam right now. Something isn’t right with her, and I know it in my gut. Whatever is going on has to do with her specifically.

  Hang on, I’m coming, baby. I think to myself as we race toward the clubhouse. I don’t even give a shit about the blood spatters on me or anything else. Not right now.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  PLAYBOY AND THE guys have been gone just about an hour when all hell breaks loose at the clubhouse. I’m sitting with Gwen, Kim, and Shy when the first contraction hits. I don’t even say a word to them as I silently breathe through it, hoping it’s just a Braxton hicks contraction.

  “Can someone help me up?” I ask once it’s gone.

  “What’s going on?” Shy asks, standing up with Gwen to help me.

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” I reply.

  The second I stand up, my water breaks, and it lands in a puddle on the floor directly under me. We all look down as one and Shy goes into protective mama bear mode. She’s giving out orders since only the women are here right now.

  “Have you been having contractions?” she asks me once the rest of the women have left to do what she’s ordered them to do.

  “I’ve only felt one. It was right before my water broke, and I thought it was a Braxton Hicks. Shy, it’s too early,” I tell her, fear beginning to fill me as my senses come back.

  “It’s okay, honey. We’re gonna get you to the hospital. Kim is calling Doctor Sanchez now so she can meet us there. Gwen is trying to call Slim and Playboy,” she informs me.

  Caleb comes running up to us with tears in his eyes. He doesn’t understand what’s going on right now, and I go to comfort him as another contraction hits.

  “Mama!” he cries out as I double over in pain.

  “Mommy’s okay,” Shy says, pulling him into her side. “We’re gonna go get her cleaned up and then take her to the hospital.”

  Caleb nods his head, but the tears don’t stop. He follows us as we move toward the bedroom once the contraction has left me. My son doesn’t take his eyes off me until we get inside the door, and it’s time for me to put some dry clothes on.

  “Buddy, can you help me put this in the SUV?” Gwen asks him, pulling my bag out of the closet. “You can help me call Daddy and Papi too.”

  “Yeah,” he says, sniffling as Shy gets me out a dress and clean pair of panties.

  As soon as Gwen and Caleb are gone, she shuts the door and helps me change. It’s takes longer than I’d like to admit because I’m having contractions and we have to keep stopping. This is going a lot quicker than I remember it being with Caleb. All it’s honestly doing is making my fear level spike because I’m early, and it’s going faster. Not to mention Playboy isn’t here and he should be.

  I know he’s taking care of business, and we had no clue I’d go into labor this early. We were told to expect it to happen before I made it to forty weeks since I’m having twins. However, I’m only thirty-five weeks pregnant, and it’s way too soon for me to have our sons. My only concern is for them at this moment, and I don’t want my fear to have a negative impact on them.

  “Sam, calm down, honey,” Shy tells me, helping me up from the bed once my panties are in place.

  Shy has seen more of me than I ever thought she would. But, we’re all women here, and it’s not like she doesn’t have the same parts as I do. I get up with the help of Kim and her, and we head out of the clubhouse.

  “Where did Jennifer go?” I ask, not seeing her around us.

  “She’s staying here with the kids. Caleb is the only one coming with us because I know he won’t stay here with her,” Kim tells me.

  “Okay. Thank you all for everything,” I tell them, getting up in the SUV as another contraction hits me.

  “No thanks needed,” Shy tells me as she closes my door and races around the front of the vehicle. “Did you get a hold of her doctor?”

  “Yes, she’s going to meet us there,” Kim answers.

  I nod my head as Shy pulls out of the clubhouse and leaves. She’s racing through town to get me to the hospital before we end up delivering these babies in the SUV with Caleb here. That’s the last thing I want to do because it will scar my poor son for the rest of his life.

  “Anyone get a hold of Playboy?” I ask as tears start falling down my face.

  “Not yet, honey,” Gwen answers. “I’m still trying, and so isn’t Kim. Caleb’s helping us.”

  Nodding my head, I grab the edge of the seat as another contraction starts. These hurt so damn bad, and that’s something else I don’t remember about having Caleb. I’m sure they hurt just as bad, but I blocked it out. I think every single woman who’s gone through chi
ldbirth blocks the pain out while they’re pregnant again.

  Shy pulls into the hospital, screeching to a halt just outside the emergency room doors. Doctor Sanchez is waiting for me with a wheelchair. She opens my door, and Kim helps her get me into the waiting chair before wheeling me inside. I can hear Caleb screaming for me as he’s still in the SUV with Shy and Gwen so she can park in a spot before coming in. My heart is breaking for him because he’s in pain, and I can’t help him right now.

  “How far apart are the contractions?” Doctor Sanchez asks me.

  “They’re about five minutes apart,” Kim answers for me. “She’s panicking because her husband isn’t here, and it’s too early for the boys to be born.”

  “Sam, I need you to relax for me. We knew it was a possibility the babies would be early. This isn’t as bad as you’re thinking,” Doctor Sanchez tells me. “You got married?”

  I nod my head as another contraction hits. Kim holds my hand and lets me squeeze the shit out of her. She smiles at me and gives me encouraging words until the contraction is finally over with. Doctor Sanchez’s distraction isn’t helping as the contraction hits right after her question.

  When we get to the maternity ward, Doctor Sanchez grabs some nurses and brings them in the room with us. From there, it’s a whirlwind of activity as I’m changed into a gown, put in bed, and the monitor is strapped around me to monitor everything going on.

  Once I’m settled, Gwen, Shy, and Caleb come into the room. Caleb gets up in the bed with me and rests his head on my shoulder and his hand on my belly above the monitor.

  “You okay, mama?” he asks, his eyes still filled with tears.

  “Yes, buddy. Your brothers have decided they want their birthday to be today,” I tell him, trying to make him understand.

  “My brothers are coming?” he asks, excitement replacing his fear.

  “Yes, they are,” I respond to him.

  Caleb leans down over my stomach and is careful not to touch anything.

  “I’m your brother. I want to meet you now,” he says, talking to his brothers still in my stomach. “I love you.”


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